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Twilight Princess Remake?

twilight princess remake hd wii u majoras mask wind waker ocarina

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#1 Shosci


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 06:47 PM

After the announcement of Majora's Mask 3D, I realize how much remakes are being made very closely together with the 3D Zelda games. Ocarina of Time 3D was interesting and was to test out the capabilities of an N64 title on the 3DS. Majora's Mask falls in the same situation where if Ocarina of Time can do it, so could Majora's Mask. Wind Waker HD was always an odd one. Did we really need a remake on a game that still looks great today? Granted, I do love the tweaks Nintendo made for that game, then I also realized that it was Wind Waker's 10th Anniversary while Majora's Mask 3D is coming out on its 15th Anniversary.


So...is it possible? I have other details mentioned in this following video explaining more to that and Twilight Princess has many reasons why it would get a remake. 




I absolutely love Twilight Princess, but out of the first four 3D Zelda titles, it does not get much love because of the graphics and because it wasn't too different. I can not defend that argument because it was actually the first Zelda game I played, therefore, I had nothing to compare it to. What do you guys think of an HD Remake of Twilight Princess?


#2 Legen Dary

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 06:55 PM

There's not going to be a remake of TP.


And that's good. I think that game was bad.

#3 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 07:09 PM

Possible? It's always possible. A better question would be, would it be economically viable to rerelease that particular game? Right now, without having looked at any numbers or anything like that, I would think that there's probably a market for it. That doesn't really mean much with Nintendo though. I liked Twilight Princess a whole lot, and I think that a lot of people are a little quick to dismiss it, seeing as it is more or less a superior Ocarina of Time. And it really is similar in a lot of ways, I'd even argue that it would have had to have started out as a full on re-imagining of the original game, but either way it's impossible to deny that the game is a spiritual successor in every way. And it's not worse than OoT, if you compare the two games today, Twilight Princess is the superior title. At least objectively. Either way, I'm getting away from the point.


Let's have a look at the numbers. Hmm. This is actually a little interesting. Let me put it this way: before I had a look at the numbers, if you'd have asked me, I would have told you I don't think we're going to see a remake of Twilight Princess any time soon. We will see it eventually, but I thought that might be years and years away. But if we look at Wind Waker's world-wide sales according to VGchartz.com, it has sold about 4.60 million units. If I've understood things correctly, that's units sold to distributors, and not necessarily units purchased by consumers, but it gives us an indication of how well Wind Waker did.


Now, Twilight Princess released on both Game Cube and the Wii. On the GCN, it sold 1.59 million units. Not amazing. The Wii version sold 6.99 million units, which is pretty neat. Combined, Twilight Princess has shipped 8.58 million units, which is double that of Wind Waker. If Nintendo was an american company, we would be playing Twilight Princess HD right now, but Nintendo is decidedly not an american company. They're very... well, they don't always go with the option that screams 'the numbers says you should go with this, it would be good for everyone'. We will see though. Twilight Princess does not have the critical acclaim that Wind Waker does, so it's possible they're just not interested in this.


TL;DR: If they're smart, they're at least thinking about it. We probably won't see anything like that until they've given us a proper new Zelda game though.

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#4 HavoX


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 07:14 PM

I doubt it will happen for the next... I dunno, eight years, maybe?

#5 Air Luigi

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 07:36 PM

And it really is similar in a lot of ways, I'd even argue that it would have had to have started out as a full on re-imagining of the original game, but either way it's impossible to deny that the game is a spiritual successor in every way. And it's not worse than OoT, if you compare the two games today, Twilight Princess is the superior title. At least objectively. Either way, I'm getting away from the point.





OOT has better characters and npcs, better story, better music, better writing, better dungeons, better overworld, you have way more freedom, way more secrets and so on... the pace in TP is slower as hell, and you are stuck a lot of times in the Twilight Realm with the mandatory wolf parts. The most shocking part is that some enemies like the keeses have a worst IA in TP, which is technically weird in a superior system xD In my opinion, it's one of the most disappointing games in the story of Nintendo and a forgettable experience. It's not a bad game technically, but it doesn't have Zelda caliber and it's simply uninspired. The absence of Yoshiaki Koizumi in the staff really shows off.


The only part that worth the game was Snowpeak.

Edited by Air Luigi, 07 November 2014 - 07:41 PM.

#6 Dawnlight


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 07:49 PM

I would rather see a Twilight Princess "Master Quest" a bit more. Or at least bump up the difficulty. Twilight Princess was the easiest entry in the Zelda series imo. You can blame it on Nintendo's desire to appeal to the casual market.

Edited by Dawnlight, 07 November 2014 - 07:49 PM.

#7 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 08:03 PM


OOT has better characters and npcs, better story, better music, better writing, better dungeons, better overworld, you have way more freedom, way more secrets and so on... the pace in TP is slower as hell, and you are stuck a lot of times in the Twilight Realm with the mandatory wolf parts. The most shocking part is that some enemies like the keeses have a worst IA in TP, which is technically weird in a superior system xD In my opinion, it's one of the most disappointing games in the story of Nintendo and a forgettable experience. It's not a bad game technically, but it doesn't have Zelda caliber and it's simply uninspired. The absence of Yoshiaki Koizumi in the staff really shows off.


The only part that worth the game was Snowpeak.

I outlined the problem with your post. I'm not talking your opinion, I specifically said objectively to avoid that. Twilight Princess is an objectively better game, in terms of its mechanics, its solid controls, everything is just tighter. This isn't strange, it's a newer game. I'm not saying that the has to be the best out of the two, but if we compare the two games side by side, I would argue that Twilight Princess is the stronger title, simply because it works better. And again, you can't really fault Ocarina of Time for that, it was made years before, on a different platform, in a different time. Game development has learned and evolved since then, but that doesn't mean you and I have to prefer things as they are now. It's a bit of a silly argument, I will admit, but my point was that TP gets a lot of flak from people who claim to love Ocarina of Time. I find that puzzling, because the games are so incredibly similar in every way. One is just more modern than the other. 


So yeah, it's cool that you like Ocarina of Time better. That's your opinion. I wasn't talking about your opinion. :P

#8 Air Luigi

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 08:21 PM

I outlined the problem with your post. I'm not talking your opinion, I specifically said objectively to avoid that. Twilight Princess is an objectively better game, in terms of its mechanics, its solid controls, everything is just tighter. This isn't strange, it's a newer game. I'm not saying that the has to be the best out of the two, but if we compare the two games side by side, I would argue that Twilight Princess is the stronger title, simply because it works better. And again, you can't really fault Ocarina of Time for that, it was made years before, on a different platform, in a different time. Game development has learned and evolved since then, but that doesn't mean you and I have to prefer things as they are now. It's a bit of a silly argument, I will admit, but my point was that TP gets a lot of flak from people who claim to love Ocarina of Time. I find that puzzling, because the games are so incredibly similar in every way. One is just more modern than the other. 


So yeah, it's cool that you like Ocarina of Time better. That's your opinion. I wasn't talking about your opinion. :P



The surface is similar, the depth is totally different... But if you have time some day, try to compare the same locations, like Kakariko or the market, to see how dead are in TP... TP lacks vital elements like the gossip stones or the ocarina also... it's obvious that you only can see the surface (aka graphics, controls, same locations...), so it will be a waste of time discussing it, I agree.


But don't say "objectively", because that simply isn't truth.

#9 Rambly


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 08:35 PM

There's not going to be a remake of TP.


And that's good. I think that game was bad.

wouldn't it deserve a remake more if it sucked idk they could address everything that was bad about it


i thought TP had good dungeons but almost everything that happened outside the dungeons was completely forgettable and the pacing was awful (sloooooooow start), and the wolf sections sucked.  the latter two things i think are easy enough to improve in a remake.  the former i'm not so sure.


as far as whether WW deserved a remake: from a pure fidelity standpoint, i wouldn't say the original wind waker looks AMAZING today.  okay stylistically, yes absolutely 100% it looks good goddamned beautiful.  and its cel shadey style means it dated a lot better than a lot of its contemporaries.  even with that in mind, a lotta the textures are jagged and kinda crappy and it's really noticeable when playing on a decent TV.  plus wind waker had a lot of flaws people tended to complain about that i think were addressed in the HD version (i wouldn't know, i haven't played it) like sailing being slow etc.  i think a remake made sense.



hmm... you have to consider that TP Wii's sales were possibly inflated a little bit... it was a launch title Wii game and the Wii's library was pretty sparse at the time, and people possibly got it just to have something to play.  it isn't necessarily a gauge of enthusiasm or how well it'd do today, i don't think.  but it's also possible that TP was going to do well over here anyway, and people just picked the Wii version over the GC version because it came out first and they figured it was the better version.


hmm... eh.  on second thought, i'm not sure Twilight Princess would have shipped twice what Wind Waker did if its popularity was entirely attributed to people being eager to fill their Wii libraries... i dunno.


also, to respond to a later post of yours... i don't think it's fair to say the game a whole is "objectively" better because the definition of "better" is going to vary from person-to-person; it's such a subjective word.  you can say the mechanics objectively let you perform certain actions better, and that's true.  you can say that it's objectively higher-fidelity.  but to say it's objectively "better" is too broad of a statement, i think.


you seem puzzled that people think Twilight Princess is better than Ocarina because they're so similar and TP came later, but maybe that's part of why?  like... maybe they see Twilight Princess as an inferior, less-inspired clone.  i'm not saying i agree with that (i prefer TP), but it might help explain why soooome people didn't like TP as much...


disclaimer: i don't know what i'm talking about ever in any context

Edited by Rambly, 07 November 2014 - 08:37 PM.

#10 HylianGlaceon



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 08:44 PM

As much as I like TP, we really need to move on to new games instead of revisiting the same games we've already played years ago.


Will it happen? Probably not until next gen I'd say. But who knows.

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#11 Ben


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 08:49 PM

A remake of the game to make it actually worth playing and have replayability would be nice, but for the life of me I cannot think of any ways to make that happen other than scrapping the whole thing.


I didn't really like the original. I played it, enjoyed it some, but not enough to justify a remake.

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#12 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 09:20 PM

Rambly: That's a good point about the inflation. That probably did have an effect, though it's hard to say how much.


As for the wording of 'better', I agree. When I say that something is objectively better, I do it with the assumption that people understand the context, but you are right, there are probably better ways of wording it.


The surface is similar, the depth is totally different... But if you have time some day, try to compare the same locations, like Kakariko or the market, to see how dead are in TP... TP lacks vital elements like the gossip stones or the ocarina also... it's obvious that you only can see the surface (aka graphics, controls, same locations...), so it will be a waste of time discussing it, I agree.


But don't say "objectively", because that simply isn't truth.

I fail to see how you think you would know that my personal, subjective opinion is based on the objective factors I mentioned in my post (protip: it isn't). I mean, just like most people on this board I have a special place in my heart for Ocarina of Time, and I'm not saying I think Twilight Princess is the superior Zelda experience. It sounds like to me that you're getting defensive, as if your personal opinion was somehow damaged or reduced because I said I thought the game has some very specific elements that are 'better', or more advanced if you will, when compared to Ocarina of Time.


I don't want to reduce this topic to a debate about the two games, and it's pointless, because you've misunderstood me from the start. I'm not saying Twilight Princess is better than Ocarina of Time, and I did not say anything to indicate that I only see 'the surface', as you so nicely put it (that was sarcasm, by the way). If there's anything that's obvious here, it is that you misunderstood a statement, somehow it offended you and now you don't know how to come up with a good reason as to why you'd bring your own opinion into a discussion about something that has absolutely nothing to do with opinions, and instead of just quitting you decided to give me some lame shit about how I only care about graphics or whatever. Bollocks. 


And even now, after all that, I'm going to take you a little bit seriously. Because I agree, Kakariko is lifeless, Twilight Princess might not have gossip stones (though I fail to see how that matters), its story might be a little bit tired now, especially considering we got more or less the same thing in Ocarina of Time. Ocarina of Time is a milestone in gaming, it was truly a revolution. All I have tried to say here, is that Twilight Princess has the benefit of being a game made years after, on a more powerful system. It's got tighter controls, higher quality sound effects and music, and you can't argue that. Not when we're talking about objective facts. You can argue that you prefer the older controls, you might personally enjoy the compositions of the soundtrack from Ocarina of Time more than that of Twilight Princess despite their lower sound quality, but that's just not what I was talking about. Yet you're arguing with me as if I said that Twilight Princess is a subjectively better game. I know you know I didn't say that, because you specifically outlined the word 'objective' in my post when you replied.


Now, you can either try to understand what I'm trying to explain to you, or you can keep reducing your posts to silly little comebacks directed at me by saying something like 'you only care about the graphics boohoo'. That's fine, if you do that I won't bother to respond any further. Just know that I don't think you and I really disagree as much as you think.

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#13 Air Luigi

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 09:55 PM


I think you explained with bad words your point in your first reply.... or maybe it's me and my english still sucks, I don't know. But for me your first reply sounds like TP was better because it just runs in a more advance system and you don't care about any more. Obviously, every game improves technically in every generation, but that doesn't imply nothing. You can have the best controls and graphics and the result can be a bland game anyway. If I was wrong, sorry then. It's clear now, anyway.


BTW, TP doesn't need gossip stones because the game hasn't nothing to tell... that's the difference.

Edited by Air Luigi, 07 November 2014 - 09:56 PM.

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#14 David


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 10:00 PM

Okay, guys, this argument you two (Robin and Air Luigi) are having is completely against the point of this thread, which is to discuss whether or not a Twilight Princess remake is possible. At this point, the argument is derailing the thread and everyone would rather enjoy discussing whether or not a remake is possible than read you two essentially bicker at each other. It's getting annoying at this point, so I suggest that you bring the debate to a different place. This thread is not the place for it and I'd like to see some more posts related to a possible Twilight Princess remake.


Edit: Looking back at this post I can see how I probably shouldn't have made it. I'm sorry for anyone who may have felt criticized and also to the staff team. :)

Edited by DaviAwesome, 08 November 2014 - 06:41 PM.

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#15 Air Luigi

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 10:17 PM

Okay, guys, this argument you two (Robin and Air Luigi) are having is completely against the point of this thread, which is to discuss whether or not a Twilight Princess remake is possible. At this point, the argument is derailing the thread and everyone would rather enjoy discussing whether or not a remake is possible than read you two essentially bicker at each other. It's getting annoying at this point, so I suggest that you bring the debate to a different place. This thread is not the place for it and I'd like to see some more posts related to a possible Twilight Princess remake.



I don't think so... if this is a thread about a TP remake, it's expected to have comments about the original game... it's the game to remake xD

But don't worry, I think we are finished before you replied :P Bagel summed perfectly why a TP remake would be pointless with a few words. It's impossible to improve the game without scrapping the entire game. I can't agree more.

Edited by Air Luigi, 07 November 2014 - 10:19 PM.

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