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Official ZC Open Assets Competition


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#1 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 23 December 2017 - 05:01 AM

For everyone seeking something new to do, or those of you who want your name immortally engraved on ZC, this is a chance for you to accomplish either goal.

The Official ZC Open Assets Contests are a series of events, intended to generate complete assets packages for ZC/ZQuest, that do not infringe on the copyrighted IP of any entity.

The First Phase of events, is the generation of the following assets, individually:

  • Graphics (Tiles, Combos)
  • Sound Effects (WAV formata)
  • MIDIs
  • Chiptunes (NES, SNES, and GB formats)

These events are intended to generate open assets for us to use, in the future distribution of ZC, and in the development of fully open quests that will be distributed in the future. The open quest development is the second phase of this event, which we will conduct when the first phase is satisfactorily completed.

Participants may enter individually, or in teams (collaboration, or otherwise), groups, or sets of whatever sort best suits your productivity. Please indicate when entering, if you wish to be recognised individually, or as a team; if as a team, you may select a Team Name.

Please also indicate to us the amount of time that you (or your team) feels is appropriate toward completing your entry.

Each section will be its own contest, and will be judged by an internal panel.

Entries for assets should ideally use 2.53.0 in order to create them, but you may begin using 2.50.2 until 2.53.0 is out of beta.

The first stage of the contest is grouped in three sections:



1.    These must be WHOLLY ORIGINAL graphical assets, or assets ripped from public-domain sources, or art licensed under the CCL3 license for commercial redistribution. Absolutely no assets from other commercial products.


Acceptable and compatible licenses are:



ZLib license

2.    Any assets from sources other than the submitting entity must give appropriate references so that we can verify them. If they originate from an external site, then the submission MUST include a URL to the original work.

3.    We have a direct license to the Koten tileset by DragonDePlatino, and thus, you are free to use it as a base; however, all references to Link, Zelda, and the most iconic franchise game objects, must be reworked into original concepts.

4.    This includes bosses, some enemies, some items, and the like. While output may resemble Zelda-Universe objects, the similarity should not be glaring.

5.    Graphical assets MUST be submitted in QST format.




1.    These must be WHOLLY ORIGINAL audio assets, or assets ripped from public-domain sources, such as freesound.org; or sounds licensed under the CCL3 license for commercial redistribution.  Absolutely no assets from other commercial products.


Acceptable and compatible licenses are:



ZLib license

2.    Any assets from sources other than the submitting entity must give appropriate references so that we can verify them. If they originate from an external site, then the submission MUST include a URL to the original work.

3.    No submissions for music will be accepted in MP3/OGG format. They MUST be MIDI or chiptune, and filed in the appropriate category.

4.    Sound effects MUST be in WAV format.


Contest PHASE I

Section 1.
Unique Graphics

When submitting graphics, you must adhere to one of three specific styles as a uniform whole.

  • NES 4-colour
  • SNES 16-colour
  • Gameboy

Each of these is its own category  and entries from each category will be individually judged only against other entries for that category. Tilesets should be uniform to one of these styles.

Section 2.

MIDI submissions should fall into one of these categories:

  • Overworld MIDI (themed, or not themed for a specific type of area).
  • Level MIDI (themed, or not themed for a specific type of area).
  • Title Screen
  • Credits Screen
  • Boss Music or Event Music
  • Uncategorised -- This leaves the decision on how to use the music, up to the panel of judges.

In general, most composers know how to create something to fit a particular mood, or theme. Thus, it is best if you specify your intent, or the application for which you intend the music to be used by selecting a category above, but this is not mandatory.

Please indicate if your MIDI is intended to provoke a specific theme, or mood.

If your MIDI is specifically targeted at a platform-style (NES, SNES, GB), you should indicate that, too.

Section 3.

This follows the same rules and guidelines as MIDIs, except that these must be in NSF, GBS (Gameboy), or SPC (Super Famicom/SNES) format. Further, the creator is wholly responsible for ensuring that the music file plays properly in ZC. (We will not adjust it for you.)

In this category, the chiptune format will directly relate it to a style. NSFs will be paired with 4-colour packages; SPCs will be paired with 16-colour packages; and GBSs will be paired with Gameboy-styled packages.

While it is not mandatory to provide a matching MIDI for your chiptunes, it is strongly advised, and appreciated.

Section 4.

Submit sound effects with a label of the intended action that they represent, and the intended target (NES-style, SNES-style, GB-style) package set.
By submitting assets, you agree that the ZC Development team, Armageddon Games, and anyone distributing ZC, or any derivative made from the open-source code files, may use these assets without restriction, and may make derivatives thereof. You may choose to append the Creative Commons v3 license, or a license compatible with GPL v3; however no license that prohibits redistribution or modification (including prohibitions of commercial use) will be accepted.

PHASE II will entail the creation of quests using the winning, compiled assets. The general outline of the questmaking phase will follow, however, it will not, and it can not begin, until we have sufficient entries from PHASE I.

Thus, this event will run until we have enough material to proceed; and at that time, we will post a moratorium / deadline on further entries.


PHASE II : General Outline
Assets Packages, Quests

This is the meat of the contest. Once we have winners in the categories above,
we will assemble these as three assets packages (8-bit, 16-bit, Gameboy) and put forward quest contests.

If, where, and when possible, we would like to ensure that assets in the 4-colour tileset, cross seamlessly into the 16-colour tileset, so that it is possible to convert a quest from 4-colour to 16-colour in the middle of a design cycle, with minimal effort.

Quests made using these assets may not mix styles. (e.g., If the tileset is 4-colour, all assets used must be 4-colour. )

Quests developed under this phase must use only the open assets assembled from Phase 1, however, scripted elements will be permitted; or encouraged; in the Phase II entries.

Scripts used in the entries should be tasteful, and designed to enhance ZC in a way that is appropriate to the mood and theme of the entry, and its 'target platform'. You may use any script that is available for redistribution. All scripts used in your entry must be provided with the entry, and permission granted for redistribution with, or without modification.

In general, there should be a quest contest per category, which will allow many styles to be used.

Each entry will be singular, with the goal of a 1st.qst and 2nd.qst being selected from among all entries. Entrants may  submit dual-entries, meant to be 1st/2nd.

General question to participants:
Should that be a requirement, or should we just allow two different quests to be 1st/2nd per category?

Entries for the quests should ideally use 2.54.0, or whatever the latest stable version of ZC is, at the time of the contest.

The output of these contests will be unlocked quests, so that users may inspect any element thereof. They will be distributed both with the main ZC packages in the future as base templates/modules, and included with the ZC source code, which is distributed under GLP v3.

By submitting quests, you agree that the ZC Development team, Armageddon Games, and anyone distributing ZC, or any derivative made from the open-source code files, may use these assets without restriction, and may make derivatives thereof. You may choose to append the Creative Commons v3 license, or a license compatible with GPL v3; however no license that prohibits redistribution or modification (including prohibitions of commercial use) will be accepted.


Acceptable and compatible licenses are:



ZLib license

Please follow the AGN thread, too, if you are interested.

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#2 Cukeman


    "Tra la la, look for Sahasrahla. ... ... ..."

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Posted 23 December 2017 - 05:34 AM

So for graphics, this is basically a reskin? But one that is more than 50% different? Like (bad example) a wheeled clay pidgeon shooter instead of an Octorok.

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#3 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 23 December 2017 - 08:15 AM

So for graphics, this is basically a reskin? But one that is more than 50% different? Like (bad example) a wheeled clay pidgeon shooter instead of an Octorok.

Essentially, yes. Enemies that are clearly derived from the Zelda universe need reskins.
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#4 klop422


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Posted 23 December 2017 - 05:38 PM

Good choice making this a competition - incentivises more entries.

I'll see if I can complete/clean up my soundtrack that I sent you.

Does it matter if there are more tracks in the file than you suggest here? Also, I assume it's ok if I send in an entire .NSF file?

Edited by klop422, 23 December 2017 - 05:39 PM.

#5 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 23 December 2017 - 09:30 PM

Good choice making this a competition - incentivises more entries.
I'll see if I can complete/clean up my soundtrack that I sent you.
Does it matter if there are more tracks in the file than you suggest here? Also, I assume it's ok if I send in an entire .NSF file?

More tracks are welcome. If any of them have an intended theme, please indicate ut.

Bonus points if you can supply the NSF with equivalent MIDIs. ;)

#6 Anthus


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Posted 23 December 2017 - 10:10 PM

I'd like to make some player sprites. Female ones in particular, since there are like none. I've made walking animations for one, but they are not exactly the best, and the colors may not be what you are looking for. There are also no tiles for swimming, attacking, or anything else really.

#7 klop422


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 04:50 PM

Oh, MIDIs shouldn't be an issue once I have the tracks done and ready.

Edited by klop422, 24 December 2017 - 05:23 PM.

#8 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 24 December 2017 - 05:02 PM

I'd like to make some player sprites. Female ones in particular, since there are like none. I've made walking animations for one, but they are not exactly the best, and the colors may not be what you are looking for. There are also no tiles for swimming, attacking, or anything else really.

Your best option in this regard--if you intend to submit loose tiles--is to base them on Koten, as that is a relatively usable resource that needs reskins of player tiles, and other sprites; plus some supplemental material.

When we have other main GFX bases available, submitting them for those would also be equally wise:

Submitting loose tiles in a hodgepodge of styles will not accomplish much. If a small selection of tiles match the style of a major asset, then they can be incorporated, or merged; but if they do not, then they will likely not be considered.

Further, if you submit partial sprite tiles, and no-one completes them, then they may not be considered as a usable entry.

I would like to see player sprites in a variety of forms, but they should respect the ZQ sprites. Special jumping animations are not mandatory, but all typical actions should be present for an set of player sprites to be usable. (Clarification: Jumping sprites do not need a spin flourish.)

I encourage people who wish to design only a few graphical aspects, to work as a team toward creating a single, more robust set of assets with a unified style and palette structure.

Also, while not specifically a deal-breaker, 8-bit tiles should be avoided whenever possible, and are only acceptible for SNES (16-colour) sets.

Note that a Super Gameboy style is valid, should you want to work on GB style assets. (The SGB supports SNES sprites, with GB backgrounds; among other odd mixtures of 4-colour and 16-colour graphics.)
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#9 Geoffrey


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 07:26 PM

As you already know, I am interested, and will probably start some preliminary work as soon as I get a new computer, but I'm curious about one thing: why won't licences that prohibit commercial use be accepted?

#10 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 24 December 2017 - 10:33 PM

As you already know, I am interested, and will probably start some preliminary work as soon as I get a new computer, but I'm curious about one thing: why won't licences that prohibit commercial use be accepted?


The license for ZC itself permits commercial use. The point of these is to include a set of assets with a matching license, to include with the open-source code.  That's a hard-line issue with no flexibility.


This is why Koten is already our base asset of choice, as its license expressly permits commercial re-distribution and modification.


I think that the only licenses that are probably usable here, are CC-BY-SA-4.0 , GPL3/LGPL3, and the ZLib license, as all three of these are legally compatible with the license under which ZC is distributed (GPL v3)..


That we do not have these open assets, is precisely why someone cannot go to the GutHub repo, download the source, compile, and use the output.  This further stymies our ability to attract more people to the project; and to produce future versions that don't hang under Sword of Damocles (NCL/NOE/NOA) due to infringing content.

#11 Gleeok


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 03:46 AM

Just to clarify a bit about the licensing gobbledygook (I know nobody wants to deal with this stuff):

Any existing public domain, free to use, free to sell, permissive use, non-infringing, blah blah, graphics/sounds are completely fine to use. Just keep a record of where you downloaded it from and we'll sort it out for you later.
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#12 klop422


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 07:28 PM

Can I just ask - you don't have any issue if I publish the stuff I make for this anywhere else? I know it's open assets and stuff, but I know that people can get a bit possessive at times and I'm thinking of this as a sort of commission, so I just want to check.

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#13 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 26 December 2017 - 10:13 AM

Can I just ask - you don't have any issue if I publish the stuff I make for this anywhere else? I know it's open assets and stuff, but I know that people can get a bit possessive at times and I'm thinking of this as a sort of commission, so I just want to check.


No problems with that, at all.


Making them open and simultaneously wanting control over their use would be at crossed interests.

#14 Cukeman


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 05:57 PM

large image


I would really enjoy working on a tileset in the parchment-and-ink LotR style (see image).


The only drawback here is that the the palettes would be extremely specific to this theme and would be difficult for someone to use as a base to build their own full color graphics.

Edited by Cukeman, 07 January 2018 - 05:57 PM.

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#15 Anthus


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 06:11 PM

It seems to me like making graphics in gray scale (or more of a sepia in this case) would be a good call. You can have 4 shades for 8-bit style, and more for 16-bit styles. This shading based coloring could be translated to color quite easily, I'd think. At least for simple 4 color graphics. Using this method with anything higher might be more trouble than it's worth.


I recall someone working on a "drawn" style tileset a while ago, but I don't remember. I think it may have been Trudatman?

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