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4 puzzles script requests

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#1 Sans


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Posted 04 October 2022 - 08:29 PM

hey guys. I would like to ask a script request. This time i think i'll try this out on 2.55 as i'm started to getting along with the version.
In fact i have 3 or 4 requests and both of them is puzzle themes. 

The first one is the Floor Puzzle. This one is very simple: There's 4 symboles and there's floors that have the same symboles as well. There's servial rules in that puzzle. The first one is that the player have to memories the order of which floors the player have to step on (and it'll continues until the puzzle is solved.) If the player steps on the wrong symboles, or if he steps on the same symbole he steps before, the floors combos will change into a pit combo type, and the player will falls regardless if the player can jump. The player can solve the puzzle in 2 ways. Either there's no puzzle trigger, and the player reach the other side of the puzzle floors (similar to the color path puzzle but except the player won't have to step on every single floors), or the player can solve the puzzle only if the player has triggered every (weapons) triggers flags. If the player leaves the room before them, or if the player fails the puzzle, the puzzle resets.
The example video is there from Blossom Tales 2.
(Skip to 0:26 and watch).

The second one is another floor puzzle but the player have to step on every tiles this time. First, the player have to steps on a green tiles to start the puzzle. Another 'player' will appears on the other side of the puzzle (regardless if it's left, or right. And for that a scripted combo will be needed for this one.). The player will have to steps on every tiles, while guiding the fake player along to the blue point. Hookshots, or teleport items won't move the fake player so the player will be able to finish even a complicated looking puzzle. The player cannot steps out of the bounds as the fake player will disappears, but can steps on the steps floor without making the fake player disappears. This puzzle comes with the teleporter item that basically remplaces Roc's Feather item in certain situations that would help for certain complicated puzzles.
The example video is there
(Skip to 2:48:05 to see how the puzzle works.)

The third one is the color pillar puzzle. This one is a little bit more complicated to say clearly. Basically, the player can see pillars that have 1, 2, and 3 dots and there's a maximum of 2 lines for specific directions. The color pillar stays gray until the dots are on (in that case, the pillar will become green), and the lines will helps on doing so. But if the player does the puzzle wrongly, the color will become red. (If the maximum dots to activate is crossed.for example.) Normally the pillar reset to 0 dots after 3 hits, or 1 or 2 if the maximum's dots is crossed 1 or 2 times depended. The puzzle is solved if every pillar is green.
(Skip to 3:36:33 on the same video to see the example It will be much more easier to understand.) 

The final one is another floor tiles but this one is very special. You have to steps on floors in order to solve the puzzle but there's a trick: You have to first steps on a specific tile, and then you have to activate every special tiles. There's 2 types of tiles like this: The first one is a blue cross tiles. The player cannot moves on other directions then horizontal (if the player steps on it from the right, or left), or vertical (if the player cames from down, or up.), and the second one is the red cross tiles, but this time the player have to change directions in order to activate it (The player cannot moves on horizontal, or vertical directions on this one.) Once the tiles are activated, the player have to steps on the started specific tile the same way the player started the puzzle: This one will immediately solve the puzzle. there's no need to steps on every single tiles. If the player steps on the wrong tiles, or steps on an already steps tiles, the puzzle reset itself so the player will have to start over from the specific tiles. A steps tiles will have a directions line that will appears on it.
(Skip to 3:42:58 on the same video to see how the puzzle works.)

Phew. I think that's all. There's no need to have every single scripts of them but i think only one of them will do. 

#2 Alucard648



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Posted 05 October 2022 - 02:18 AM

For the 1st puzzle (go for God`s steps), you could set up looping Step-Next(All) combo sequence, build the pit/floor using combos from that sequence on layer 0, then cover it, using layer 1.

Other videos don`t work properly.

Edited by Alucard648, 05 October 2022 - 02:28 AM.

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