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Screenshot of the Week 340

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#76 Nocturne


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 02:20 PM

QUOTE(Ornlu @ Oct 9 2011, 06:11 PM) View Post

Even though there are some a lot of perspective issues, I think I could ignore them considering how fun this area looks. 7/10

This is barely even a screen. Most people don't want to look at a black background and some sprites. Also, your Triforce is all wrong, but I think you already knew that. Furthermore, this screen does nothing to demonstrate your actually skill. 0/10

I think it's cool that you ripped a MLP sprite into ZC, but I never did like chocolate rain. Plus, I'm not too fond of the other sprites. 4/10

Very nice, it has a dark and soothing atmosphere, but with an edge. My only complaint is how physically impossible the water/cliff transitions are. icon_razz.gif 8/10

Not bad, not bad at all. I really like this tileset. My advice is to add more stuff, but not detail. Put some more trees here and there, that ought to make it feel less empty. 6.5/10

No. Dude, grow up. Even if I was gay I would still take issue with this. The screen itself isn't badly designed, but the overall image is not needed. Should I make a ZC shot of a guy spooging all over a girl? No, I shouldn't. That's just vulgar, and no better or worse than yours. (Also, doesn't this shot pretty much violate rule #2 of the forums?) 0/10

Very nice screen. No complaints, it even won my vote. One question though: what's with the shopkeepers under the ice? 9/10

The graphics do clash a bit, but I still like what your doing with this. If you could totally transfer over to the new style though, that would be awesome. 7.5/10

This screen is amazing. I swear, you nearly got my vote. I have no complaints whatsoever. 9/10

Oh my god, you made a SotW worthy dungeon shot! This one too almost won my vote. I don't really like how you did the border, but apart from that it's great. 8.5/10

Now you're just trolling. 0/10

theres no such thing as a true sideways tileset except for the metroid stuff

#77 Twilight Knight

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Posted 10 October 2011 - 03:36 PM

QUOTE(Avataro @ Oct 10 2011, 08:07 PM) View Post

I love the caption idea, from CastChaos and Twilight Knight!

Hehe, I'm glad you like my little nifty plan.

#78 Neppy


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 04:20 PM

This is actually very ridiculous guys. I think for now, commenting should be unavailable in the SotW forum. Arguing about stupid crap... come on...

#79 Radien



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Posted 10 October 2011 - 07:12 PM

This is kind of a mess; I don't know what's going on here. icon_unsettled.gif Either you're mixing sideview and overhead perspectives (which is a no-no), or Link can walk on lava and this is simply and reeeally weird room.

Those diagonal LTTP water tiles don't look right at all against the non-diagonal mountain corners. You should change that because everything else about this screen looks pretty good. icon_smile.gif

I think you might be going for the "naturalist" look on this screen, but BS isn't very good at that. When you scatter things that way, it just looks randomly placed, rather than like a natural landscape formed by nature. This screen would probably look a lot better in DoR, but even still, I wonder why you have such a weird layout of natural features. Why does sand cut through this area? Why is there a patch of grass in the center? Why have those bushes grown there rather than closer to the grass, where more vegetation seems to survive?...
The mountains look good, though.

Those white things -- what are they, lakes? Pits? Not sure -- seem pretty randomly placed, but otherwise, 'salright, I suppose.

I'm a sucker for GBC winter tiles. I have always liked that snow. You haven't done anything fantastically new here, but you are definitely making solid screens. I like. icon_smile.gif

I believe that the simpler the tileset, the worse it looks to scatter things randomly. Specifically, I am talking about the terrain tiles. I think you should group them more intentionally.

I'm not crazy about some of the tiles in this tileset, but looked at from a distance it DOES exhibit a more natural feel... as well as you can with NES limitations, of course. Keep at it. icon_smile.gif

I like this screen, except for two problems...
1. It only serves to show off the (admittedly nice) mountain tiles. Besides mountains and grass, all you have are palm trees and a tiny bit of water.
2. The palette is so dark and high-contrast that it is not the best choice for a screenshot entry. In the game, it may look PERFECTLY good. But on a white page, in an image the size of a graham cracker square, it's pretty hard to see.
That's enough to lose my vote, but don't take it too personally; it seems like you're doing very well with your quest. That's just the difference between a good quest and a good screenshot.

Hmmm... on the one hand, this specific useage of DoR's LTTP tiles is a bit chaotic. On the other hand, to a certain extent that seems intentional, and often that's okay. I'd just be careful about the place where that platform overlaps the little gutter. It's hard for the eye to tell what's going on in that part. You might do better to have a rectangular platform, and shrink both the gutter and platform so they don't hug the edges so closely. Just a couple of ideas.

...I voted for William. icon_smile.gif

#80 The Satellite

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Posted 12 October 2011 - 05:23 PM

I feel the posting shutdown has lasted long enough. Probably longer than it should have. But posting has been reenabled; however, you've all had your warnings. Keep it on-topic, without petty little fights, or we'll be doling out individual punishments next time. Thank you and enjoy posting again.

#81 Koh


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Posted 12 October 2011 - 05:29 PM

Thanks TS; been meaning to respond to this:
QUOTE(Radien @ Oct 10 2011, 08:12 PM) View Post

Those diagonal LTTP water tiles don't look right at all against the non-diagonal mountain corners. You should change that because everything else about this screen looks pretty good. icon_smile.gif

Thanks, and I do realize the diagonal LTTP Water is a fail versus these mountains. I'dve probably figured something out if I wasn't so darn lazy at the time xD.

#82 Moosh


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Posted 12 October 2011 - 07:38 PM

Time to do the thing.
This is kinda hard to rate because honestly, by most standards it's pretty bad, but it breaks the mold and without knowing where those tiles come from (honestly who wouldn't though) I probably wouldn't notice it. The screen itself looks pretty fun to play. 8/10

I can triforce. Unfortunately gratuitous suckupery doesn't excuse the lack of actual effort. My joke shot actually took some time to design because I actually put thought into where to place things instead of just slapping a meme on it and calling it a day. 1/10

Another screen, but I can at least see SOME level of effort here in ripping in Pinkie. Now if only you could have gone with a better design I may have voted for it...6/10

Decent screen, but the sprites kinda pop out from the background. Perhaps that was your intention though...Can't say I really like the subscreen. It brings back nightmarish memories of Freedom's quests. 7/10

But where's Selher-you know what. NO. I'm not doing this. I know it annoys him, so I'm not gonna mention it. This is a very nice BS shot IMO. Might have voted for it had I not decided to be a dick (pun intended) this week. 9/10

Watch out man!!! icon_cool.gif notsosubliminal/10

A decent GB shot. Not your best work, but decent. I think there's a perspective error where the frozen lake meets the mountain. 6.5/10

What have you done to Classic, suddenly it looks GOODERER!!! 9.5/10

The sprites pop out just like Koh's screen, but it feels less artistic in this scenario. Not too fond of the subscreen. The screen itself looks pretty pointless. Please tell me there's going to be an item on this screen. icon_unsettled.gif 6.5/10

Good old CastChaos making neat dungeons as usual. I've kinda become less into your quests lately, but I still admire your dungeon design. Once again, that subscreen is glaring at me... 8/10

This is where you get the triforce in OoT. 10^-999/57^6

#83 Lightwulf



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Posted 12 October 2011 - 09:34 PM

Wow. I hadn't checked SotW yet this week until today, so I guess I missed all the action. Blocked, huh? Well at least it's no longer blocked now. (I don't know if I want to read all the previous posts!)

Anyway, I voted for Yoshidude.
Feenicks' shot was nice, too; I just wasn't sure if the chest tile really fit with the classic tileset.

(Oh, for the "chocolate rain" shot, I just thought I'd mention that I have made a MLP sprite that's 16x16 if you're interested.)

#84 Zelfore



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Posted 13 October 2011 - 03:25 AM

First Thoughts: MY EYES! THEY BURN! Get it? *wink wink* *nudge* icon_naughty.gif
Personal Opinion: It's actually pretty hard to say anything else but 'messy'. It looks like less thought was put into the matters of design, and more into the puzzle or relevance of the room in general. Now obviously it does look like a fun room in an even more fun dungeon, but no matter how interesting a dungeon is, it can be very off putting if no thought went into design.
I'd recommend not to use so many individual blocks, try going for an almost plated feel and give them a more snakelike connection; this would boost it by atleast 1½ points. Since it's side-scoller, you should also add a flatter feel to everything, like the hammer-in should look connected to the floor instead of the background/wall.
Overall Rating: 3/10 for cool puzzle room.

First Thoughts: Building blocks fail!
Personal Opinion: A screen sure to leave the fans wanting more. This almost poster-like image tells you the tales end, without the need of words or flashy graphics. Less certainly equals more in the closing of such a truly epic adventure, and you can feel as the curtains close, you'll think- "What happens next?"
Overall Rating: Take this amazing 'Joke Tag' in honor of your great accomplishment.

First Thoughts: Chocolate rain! Should disappear with Pinkie's spongy mane.
Personal Opinion: I feel like I'm missing something. I don't understand why it's raining in a cave, or why Pinkie's mouth isn't open to enjoy the sweet chocolate; along with the fact that her mane isn't drenched. The screen lack realism and isn't in character to the pink pony. Try again, and this time hold to the characters eccentric personality.
Overall Rating: Here's a 'Joke Tag' for the awesome after-party!

First Thoughts: Dark cliffs. Mysterious water. Purple shell thingy (yes, I know it's a whirlpool). Everything I could want in a quest!
Personal Opinion: Everything feels sorta...cute. I mean the fact that everything has a sorta squishy shading to it; the borders and ladder look like rubber, the trees and bushes look fluffy, and Link looks like one-of the cutest plushies ever! Don't misunderstand, I love the style, but I'm not sure how well it mixes with the dark feeling it could have.
Now ignoring the obvious water/cliff relation and the unfitting octorocks, the water is beautiful; had this been a beach scene it would've easily gotten my vote, almost giving off an underwater feel. Now other than the fact that there's two doors on screen, I think that's everything.
Overall Rating: 6/10, for everything being so cute. (Except the octorocks, they look like paper cut-outs!)

First Thoughts: Fancy. Fancy. Water. Fancy.
Personal Opinion: The overall design of the screen is great, but as it has been been mentioned, it's unnatural. It lacks actual adventure setting, it's a screen that you'd stop for a second and admire the scenery. If this is what you were going for then you definitely succeed, but in terms of a quest it's rather distracting.
I also find it odd how the land is more decorated than the sea; sure it has a couple fish, but I mean with rocks and shells. It just doesn't have a natural beauty. Less leafs and plants near/in the sand, and more life in/near the water.
Overall Rating: Take this 6.5/10 for picturing natures man-made beauty.

First Thoughts: Pickled gherkin juice screenshot... What? You were all thinking the same thing.
Personal Opinion: It's a decent screen that requires the use of the ladder. The rock structure seems rather odd however, random puddles all over the mountain side, along with the top-left bushes so close to it. Now it's obviously a more functional than fashionable screen, this is perfectly fine, it's just to ordinary to be considered a possible winner for the week.
Overall Rating: Just take your 4.5/10, feel free to minus a point if you laughed at my review. icon_sweat.gif

First Thoughts: I see what you did there. icon_wink.gif
Personal Opinion:I actually love this shot, it's very well decorated and patterned, even the placement of the monsters/Link are fantastic. Only one thing put me off, the mountains. The way they're placed along with the ice just doesn't fit, either the ice is along a slope, or the mountains are just big walls. Regardless of which it is, it's not normal, and if it's the second option then the cave wouldn't work. Other than this minor confusion, fantastic screen!
Overall Rating: Chill down with this cool 8.5/10, oops, it's already frozen from how cool (Wait, I already used that pun) the screenshot was.

First Thoughts: Super amazing awesome classic- Is that chest not 8-bit?
Personal Opinion: It kinda feels like an illusion, if you simply removed the stream running to the left with mountain, it'd be a pretty basic shot. Other than adding a couple 4-square bushes, this screen is perfect! Well, accept for the chest, though I'm sure you plan of fixing that (If it's even a quest) later. I love the water, the mountains, even the bushes and grass, I don't really have any complaints. Job well done!
Overall Rating: Take the treasured 9/10 and my Vote, you earned them.

First Thoughts: Those monsters stand out in such a darkened place; but they DO match the flowers.
Personal Opinion: The screenshot looks like it takes place around sunrise and affecting the lighting alot, almost seeming strange. It's very nice in terms of placement and colors, but the monsters just don't seem to fit with the pokemon tiles from the looks of it. It is a very comfortable screen, but just seems rather strange overall.
Overall Rating: Giving you a 7.5/10 for the below screen.

First Thoughts: I'm sorry but, it's just so hard to look away from the platform.
Personal Opinion: Everything is just so confusing. The "rubble" looks too deliberate, the rimming is the perfect example of this, it's always triangularly cut and cut all the way through, that's not natural! The pit isn't wide enough and looks crowded, matching the tight-squeeze you have to take to get on the platform. Maybe if you moved everything (wall, pit, platform) up one, and widened the pit to the left then it wouldn't look so crowded. Also, the staircase moves to the right, I'd switch that personally.
Overall Rating: Gifting you a 5.5/10 for the above screen.

First Thoughts: I always felt Zelda games needed more dead flowers and crimson foliage.
Personal Opinion: This masterpiece shows the nostalgia of when games were not dependent on graphics, or even understanding! A hit and miss upon every tile you cross is the only way to decipher your fate. It also holds a large resemblance to snake, and its simplicity while maintaining gameplay. Truly a genius entry.
Or someone just decided to paint randomly across the screen, but isn't that how all masterpieces are born?
Overall Rating: Yfgfygfkg 'Joke Tag', 4 sgvshbdhhhgd.

My second SotW mass review has been made!
I hope to see as many entries next week, the more fodder you supply, the more I'll shoot down. (Not in the negative way, more like the friendly fire sorta way. =P)
Seeya next week!

Edited by Zelfore, 13 October 2011 - 03:39 AM.

#85 King Harkinian

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 05:55 AM

Ponies... WHY PONIES!! ^_^

I liked most of the shots this week, and I accidentally voted for the wrong person, because I didn't scroll down enough to see the even better shots toward the bottom of the list.

#86 Cukeman


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Posted 13 October 2011 - 02:26 PM

Nocturne: I voted for this because I like the graphics. I can't tell what is going on though. icon_sorry.gif

Shane: Good for a lol.

Fireblast124: Funny thing is, this actually feels like part of a game. Totally the style of dialogue
you find from random NPCs.

William: Very nice, except for the lack of transition from cliff to ground, which makes the perspective wrong.
You are telling us that the ground above the door is higher, but there is no change in elevation from the
ground under the door to the ground above the door. You might want to continue the wall around the southern
rim of the ice, and add some stairs to get on to the ice.

Feenicks: This is a great attempt at improving the classic tileset icon_smile.gif

CastChaos: In general, I like it, but the stairs on the bottom right are REALLY close to the wall,
and I'm not sure what the gray tiles on the wall are for.

Rover: woot

#87 Jared



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Posted 13 October 2011 - 09:21 PM

Ignoring joke shots.

IPB Image
I like the main concept. But, the tiles are used completely wrong. 5/10

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My vote went here. It's just so beautiful. The water is messed up ,though. fix that. icon_smile.gif 9/10

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I like it, but some things are randomly placed, as said before. 8/10

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I don't know if I should vote of not O.o

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Loving it, William. I love your Winter GB screens. 9/10

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I also love this. Link, however sticks out like a sore thumb. So do the chest and the Octoroks. 7/10

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Can't say no. Brotacular. 9/10

IPB Image
Read above. Except, the borders are a little to shapen. 7/10

Edited by Jared, 13 October 2011 - 09:21 PM.

#88 Neppy


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Posted 16 October 2011 - 01:31 PM

Nocturne - 2 votes = 3.77%
Shane - 2 votes = 3.77%
Fireblast124 - 3 votes = 5.66%
Koh - 3 votes = 5.66%
Yoshidude - 7 votes = 13.21%
Pokemonmaster64 - 2 votes = 3.77%
William - 10 votes = 18.87%
Feenicks - 13 votes = 24.53%
Twilight_Knight - 4 votes = 7.55%
CastChaos - 6 votes = 11.32%
Rover - 1 vote = 1.89%

Total Votes: 53

This week's winner is Feenicks! Congrats to you! icon_biggrin.gif Great work!

IPB Image
I can't think of something to put here.

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