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Screenshot of the Week 339

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Poll: ! (74 member(s) have cast votes)


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#1 Mitchfork


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:00 PM


It's a long story.

Ceci n'est pas Magritte.

Let me in, the voice cried softly, from outside the wooden door.
Scattered remnants of the ship could be seen in the distance,
Blood stained the icy wall of the shore.


As link looks at the looming tower he thinks (how will I conquer this tower Piercing the heavens)

Emptiness... is a very bad feeling. icon_frown.gif

I was worried there wouldn't be any real gameplay shots. icon_deformed.gif

I like donuts and trolling. Oh and sodomy too.

Her iz my screne from my new quests "links in water land world". Im defntately gona finish thiss quest so everon shuld be exited

I think I got DoR's complicated palettes understood. Now to figure out those mountains.


The real joke here is where that stupid switch is.

Ebola Zaire
[3:52:31 PM] Alison: i got killed by a gun
[3:52:35 PM] Alison: called The Elements of Harmony
[3:52:36 PM] Alison: i quit

Edited by Neptune, 20 August 2017 - 10:26 PM.
Fixed image links

#2 Moosh


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:05 PM

Well I got thoroughly pwned. Sure are a lot of artistic joke shots here. I like Twilight_Knight's the best. icon_wink.gif

Also I didn't NULLED this time. Fight the power brah.

Edited by Pokemonmaster64, 02 October 2011 - 04:11 PM.

#3 Dawnlight


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:09 PM

I voted for Ebola Zaire.

#4 Ventus



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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:14 PM

Man this week is crazy icon_freak.gif
I voted BB89 Cuz his was the cleanest Screen icon_lol.gif

#5 Moosh


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:17 PM

IPB Image
Here's the alternate form of my screen BTW. I decided to use the one without the tree layer because it looked too professional. Also, fun fact: I only used CSets 7 and 8 in my shot. I got the idea from Moo2wo's entry in SotW 337.

#6 William



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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:20 PM

I nulled, since I'm in it, but had I not entered I definitely would've went with Pokemonmaster. It looks like a beautiful alternate version of aaa2's screens (only the colors are slightly better and so is the design).

#7 Rover


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:25 PM


I voted for William because he told me to.

#8 William



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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:27 PM

QUOTE(Rover @ Oct 2 2011, 04:25 PM) View Post

I voted for William because he told me to.

^This is the post that will pierce the heavens.

#9 Moosh


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:38 PM

Time to actually do the whole rating thing I suppose...

Brilliant! Just one change I'd recommend: Add a shadow on the rocks under where the floating castle just out over them. I can grammar good. 9/10 *VETOED, I MEAN VOTED*

This is a good classic screen. It just wasn't the best of the bunch. No complaints though. 8/10

Five points from Griffindor for reusing jokes! 5/10

I'm certain there's a hidden meaning behind this, but knowing you chances are there isn't. It's cool, but it's just...wut. MISSINGNO./10

The clash! The clash! This is an OK shot I guess, but is that a NES koopa? I suppose it's the tileset's fault, not yours...7/10

I'm sure I would have voted for this screen if I could freaking see! I'm not going to vote on a screen I can't see properly. It wouldn't be fair.

This is every other screen in any given one of my quests. It's an interesting idea, but do we really need two completely empty screens in a row to win? 5/10

Just your average GB shot. Not as interesting as some of the otehrs. icon_shrug.gif 6/10

This is a nice screen, but once again, it kinda reuses Rover's gag from last week. I'm sure it has a deep meaning about ethnic diversity or something though. 7/10

I like your parody of mock up screenshots, but that's about all I like here. icon_shrug.gif 3/10


OH SWEET JESUS MY EYES! I really want to deny the effort you put into this and give it a 0, but I feel that wouldn't be fair. 6/10 Nice (although disturbing) sprites, but that's about it.

The screen is OK, but the palette is less than OK IMHO. 7/10

Ebola Zaire
This is a beautiful use of the GB set. It was between this and TK's shot and I went with TK's pretty floating castle.

#10 Radien



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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:44 PM

Twilight Knight:

I'm glad you entered a shot that is similar to last time so I could have a chance to vote for it again. This isn't as good as the last screenshot, but still good enough to earn my vote. I really like what you've done with the palette, and those mountains look really good, though I'm not sure whether or not they've been edited. The only think I'd change is the castle jutting out over the water. I realize there are no "ocean against castle" tiles available for those castle tiles, but it looks a little weird as-is.


This looks a little... cluttered. You've got bits and patches of different terrains everywhere on the screen, and the mountains are so narrow they don't feel like muontains, even in Classic. I think your landform placement should be a little more... umm... "deliberate."

Crappy joke shots


Nice job showcasing your tileset; I like it. However, this particular screenshot doesn't have much going on. And where's Mario going? Is he climbing the side of that mountain? Or jumping?...


Rain is always iffy. It tends to obscure the screenshot, and doesn't look as good in screenshot because the viewer doesn't get the chance to let their eyes adjust to the rain animation. Otherwise, this shot is decent for Classic.


Yep, someone did as I predicted and submitted an empty screen. But you've still got a subscreen, so it's not as empty as ZQuest COULD make it. icon_wink.gif


Hey, this is a really nice Gameboy screen. I very nearly voted for it. I've been playing Link's Awakening lately so I'm growing fonder of Gameboy Zelda graphics. I ended up voting for TK's this time, but great job. There deserve to be good GBC quests out there.

Crappy joke shots


This screen is a little busy. I would at least simplify the floor tiles. Gah. Those stupid LTTP floor borders. Why are they always everywhere? Half of the ones you've got are excessive, and the other half are still unnecessary.
Anyway, where is the switch you're talking about? I'm not sure whether we're supposed to know where it is from the screenshot.

Ebola Zaire:

Nice, solid GBC screen. I see some new trees, hmm. icon_smile.gif

#11 Moosh


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 04:56 PM

QUOTE(Radien @ Oct 2 2011, 03:44 PM) View Post

icon_sweat.gif Gah... Now you're just trolling me...

I feel hurt that I put all that effort into my screen (it could have been a whole screen of armos, mind you) and you dismiss it as a "crappy joke shot". I realize I promised you that I would never again rape your tileset with terrible palette choices, but you must realize that when the inspiration hits you, you can't very well deny it and go back to your business!

#12 Russ


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 05:17 PM

Mother of God. This is insane. The number of shots, even if so many of them are joke shots, is just incredibly. Now I'll try to judge them all.

Twilight Knight: I love the effect you have with the layered mountains, and how you managed to pull off having the castle cross over them with the illusion of height change. Very nice.

Furion: It's a very nice classic shot, although the colors blend together a bit too much and make it hard to see what's going on.

Sheik: LSD ahoy!

Alison: If Sheik's shot is LSD, yours is crack cocaine. What I can see actually looks like a pretty good shot, it's just mirrored and scrunched up.

ChunkeM0nkey: I like it. A lot. Very nice stuff going on here in terms of screen design.

Ventus: I have no complaints. You've got the feel of the scene just right.

Blackbishop: Indeed, it is empty.

Adem: God bless you for going out of your way to get a real screen in here. I love the simplicity of it. Very nice.

William: Joke shot or not, there's an actual decent screen here, so that puts it above all the other joke shots that don't even deserve my consideration.

Shane: Okay I admit, I laughed. But no vote for you. Sorry.

Pokemonmaster: Going off my earlier drug analogies, you have mastered the art of shrooms. Go forth and trip, brother. But you actually do have a decent layout going on there.

Robin: It's like an army. In their underwear. With their faces driven in with maces.

Tri: It's everything a dungeon shot should be, and then some.

Ebola: I love it. Especially the effect with the river flowing under the mountain. My only complaint is the bottom right makes the perspective a bit confusing for a few moments.

And now I actually have to chose who to vote for. In the end, it came down to Adem, Tri, and Ebola. And in the end, after five minutes of thought, Tri wins my vote.

#13 Twilight Knight

Twilight Knight

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Posted 02 October 2011 - 05:36 PM

Link sprites are overrated.

QUOTE(Pokemonmaster64 @ Oct 2 2011, 11:38 PM) View Post

Brilliant! Just one change I'd recommend: Add a shadow on the rocks under where the floating castle just out over them. I can grammar good. 9/10 *VETOED, I MEAN VOTED*

Good suggestion! And thanks for the comment.

QUOTE(Radien @ Oct 2 2011, 11:44 PM) View Post

Twilight Knight:

I'm glad you entered a shot that is similar to last time so I could have a chance to vote for it again. This isn't as good as the last screenshot, but still good enough to earn my vote. I really like what you've done with the palette, and those mountains look really good, though I'm not sure whether or not they've been edited. The only think I'd change is the castle jutting out over the water. I realize there are no "ocean against castle" tiles available for those castle tiles, but it looks a little weird as-is.

That's also a good suggestion and thanks for the comment as well. I intended to release a screenshot of an area I haven't shown publicly yet (good joke opportunity here!). Sadly this place doesn't have that much screenshot occasions and I thought this was one of the better screens to show (the others are mostly houses and castle walls, I prefer functional towns, and not the flashy pretty ones).

QUOTE(Russ @ Oct 3 2011, 12:17 AM) View Post

Twilight Knight: I love the effect you have with the layered mountains, and how you managed to pull off having the castle cross over them with the illusion of height change. Very nice.

Thanks for the comment!

Now these three comments already made my day, regardless whether I get beaten by some joke shots or not.

#14 Aslion


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 06:01 PM

QUOTE(Radien @ Oct 2 2011, 04:44 PM) View Post


And here you even went to the trouble of distorting the image and including your desktop. Sigh.

Thanks for calling my screen "crappy" and including such good criticism. You are my favorite member.

Twilight Knight
That castle makes absolutely no sense to me. It looks like it's just uncomfortably dangling off of the mountain. The screen isn't anything special either, and those trees on the mountain really clash with the style. 2

No complaints, but it's not that incredible or anything. 4

Obvious inspiration from Rover. Far too structured for my tastes. 3

hey is that Joanna Newsom i like her shes cool 6

I don't know. That sure is the Mario tileset. ?

Reminds me of PoRC. I hate that game. Your screen has a lot of repetition going on, and it's really hard to see. 2

no it isnt you failed miserably 1

The lack of transition for the water, as well as the empty mountaintops are unsettling to me. IT's not bad, but the lower half needs work. 3

"ASS" wow Your Edgy XDD 1

It's too random to be serious, too structured to be unserious. 1

You're just a guy who makes a screen in the wrong palette, wooooow, that sure makes you unique. 2

I love the palette and the Jesuses. That mirrored effect you have going on is cool too. Love your caption as well. 5

Solid dungeon screen. 5

Ebola Zaire
That's cool. Nice caption and dmap title. We need to finish this quest sometime~ 6

I voted for myself because I wanted to break as much sotw etiquette as possible.

Edited by Alison, 02 October 2011 - 06:27 PM.

#15 Xenix


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 06:10 PM

Voted for Dawnlight! Amazing screen! nuff said

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