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Quest Project Forums - Some Changes

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#16 Taco Chopper

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Posted 11 May 2008 - 01:59 AM

QUOTE(Linkus @ May 11 2008, 09:16 AM) View Post

I propose reorganizing the QPFs into a smaller number; 9 is too many to have. I recommend condensing to 5 or 6, and really up the value on these things. As for selecting a QPF host, those who show no tendency to leave their spot/leave the site along with high ZC experience in several fields are of course the most qualified. Otherwise, it would just be a "better luck next time" for those who are denied of their proposal.

Good idea. Now that me and Evile are resigning, don't let anyone get a spot for a while. Then when someone else leaves, merge one QPF with another. Repeat process until there's 6, or even better, 4 or 5 QPFs left. That way, they can be worth a lot more than they are at the moment.

#17 Evile



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Posted 11 May 2008 - 02:57 AM

I have an even better idea. Make only 1 QPF and only have like 2 spots, that way you have to be really ****in special to get a spot in there.

Edited by Evile, 11 May 2008 - 02:57 AM.

#18 Sephiroth


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Posted 11 May 2008 - 09:44 AM

QUOTE(Linkus @ May 10 2008, 06:46 PM) View Post

Hmm. Indeed the QPFs are in a state of chaos right now (Actually, I think the whole site is in a state of chaos right now).

I propose reorganizing the QPFs into a smaller number; 9 is too many to have. I recommend condensing to 5 or 6, and really up the value on these things. As for selecting a QPF host, those who show no tendency to leave their spot/leave the site along with high ZC experience in several fields are of course the most qualified. Otherwise, it would just be a "better luck next time" for those who are denied of their proposal.

Stuff like this is currently still undergoing discussion, as we do have plans to clean this area up somewhat, but we are still deciding how we are going to do that.

#19 Twilight Knight

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Posted 11 May 2008 - 03:24 PM

QUOTE(Taco Chopper @ May 11 2008, 08:59 AM) View Post

Good idea. Now that me and Evile are resigning, don't let anyone get a spot for a while. Then when someone else leaves, merge one QPF with another. Repeat process until there's 6, or even better, 4 or 5 QPFs left. That way, they can be worth a lot more than they are at the moment.

What?! No way, I need a QPF spot and that way I would be disabled from getting one! Just that you're leaving doesn't means nobody needs a QPF anymore. icon_frown.gif

This technique is quite good, but then only applied when there are no really QPF needing members. Reducing amount of QPF's can be good for just 1 or maybe 2, but especially not more, than there is to little space for members. 4 members per QPF is also a little Chaotic. Maybe another forum, Quest Project Forum 1 and 2, so they are divided in two, that decreases the amount of "over-the-head-seen" topics... And I won't matter much in hosting difference, since it consists out of the same sub-forums.
I think a fine plan for solving chaotric QPF's.

Then for the QPF spot getting: Staff should do that, or even better a specialised staff member. To make this fair, there should be a few things which the Staff membes need to look at: The request and reason of the member who wants to become QPF member, second the works of the member, then look at date of join on PZC, then to recommendations of PZC members. So that if Member 1 and Member 2 have both a good reason/request to sign in, the staff looks at the works(quest mostly) and realize Member 1 has a better quest and is seemingly working hard on it, while Member 2 is unexperienced and places random tiles on the screen, makes his dungeon 5 key=>lock screens big etc. That way, Staff can take a fair and exact decision, and member 2 has to wait a while for a new chance, while member 1 is now QPF member.

Fair system, I would say.

#20 Majora


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Posted 11 May 2008 - 04:48 PM

Hehe, I'm probably the only one to not leave my QPF w00t.

Well, isn't the current system (or was it at some point) for people to apply, then the candidates made public (assuming people applied via PM to QPF leaders), and then voted in by the masses? IMO that would be best.

#21 Russ


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Posted 11 May 2008 - 04:49 PM

Well, I think the members of the QPF should at least haver some say in who gets in. After all, they have to share a QPF with the new member.

#22 Shoelace


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Posted 12 May 2008 - 02:12 PM

I think this is a really good idea. Also, when I was around that is actually how it worked. We applied in the Opening forum, and I got a PM from the Site Staff that I got my spot in the Quest Forum, that is how it was. So I think it is a good idea. icon_razz.gif

#23 CastChaos



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 02:42 PM

QUOTE(Shoelace @ May 12 2008, 09:12 PM) View Post

I think this is a really good idea. Also, when I was around that is actually how it worked. We applied in the Opening forum, and I got a PM from the Site Staff that I got my spot in the Quest Forum, that is how it was. So I think it is a good idea. icon_razz.gif

You say it because you already have a QPF, but I have empathy towards those whos don't have.

That what you described is "opening a new QPF" ad its existence didn't prohibit you from accepting Skateboarder to your already existing QPF, then Nuvo, then deliberately inviting me without me asking. You just betray your past actions with your new words.

According to the new policy, if I was alone in a QPF and wanted to invite for example Twilight_Knight, staff would go bureochratic and say I want to invite him only for being my friend... but I know for a fact that it's not because of that because while staff sees only his CQD thread, I saw some things that others can't even imagine.

Here's my bag of $.

#24 Schwa


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Posted 12 May 2008 - 02:45 PM

I guess it's not a bad idea... But as someone said, QPF owners should at least get to help the staff decide the new winners.

Also, Twilight_Knight is being annoying. Having a QPF is not all it's cracked up to be; you don't need to be freaking out just because you might not get one.

#25 CastChaos



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 03:01 PM

QUOTE(Schwa @ May 12 2008, 09:45 PM) View Post

I guess it's not a bad idea... But as someone said, QPF owners should at least get to help the staff decide the new winners.

Also, Twilight_Knight is being annoying. Having a QPF is not all it's cracked up to be; you don't need to be freaking out just because you might not get one.

Untrue. Having a QPF is almost the only way to have a first project or "first serious project" be recognized. It's very important. You need to make some good quests or one mega quest with almost no help if you don't have a QPF. I know how it was without one and know how it is with one. Plus thought this QPF, no QPF thing through even before this thread, and even before QPFs got bagatellized by these many leaves and rejoins.

#26 Ricky of Kokiri

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 04:02 PM

QUOTE(CastChaos @ May 12 2008, 12:42 PM) View Post

According to the new policy, if I was alone in a QPF and wanted to invite for example Twilight_Knight, staff would go bureochratic and say I want to invite him only for being my friend... but I know for a fact that it's not because of that because while staff sees only his CQD thread, I saw some things that others can't even imagine.

In which case, Twilight_Knight could show them the stuff he's shown you.

The staff isn't going to deny him simply because he's your friend. They'll look at what he has to offer and weigh it against what other potentials have to offer, and make a judgment based on that.

The staff is simply trying to make the QPFs more valuable, and those spots be used more effectively. Personally, I currently don't want (or deserve) a QPF.

#27 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 01:54 PM

I like this idea more and more... really, people that doesen't have one yet will feel MUCH more rewarded when they do get one...
I kinda wish it was like that when I was getting one...
So I hope you guys decide that this is a good idea... cause it really is in my opinion!

#28 Nathaniel



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Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:26 PM

The staff isn't going to deny him simply because he's your friend. They'll look at what he has to offer and weigh it against what other potentials have to offer, and make a judgment based on that.

The staff is simply trying to make the QPFs more valuable, and those spots be used more effectively.

This is exactly our intention behind this. We want to make them more valuable and more attractive. It seems to have been less the case lately with the larger number of people having them and the greater number of comings and goings. Also, when one leaves this may not dictate when someone new enters. We might simply arbitrarily decide when it is time to bring in someone new. While the number of people leaving will probably be greater than the number of people coming into the QPFs, we would make sure that such actions are as fair as possible, and try not to make the hiatus times too long. I would never remove someone who is actually working on one or more projects. For new entries, I am considering that screenshots alone will not be enough. Perhaps presenting more information about a project you are working on is on order, without giving away any spoilers. What is the plan for the quest? What are you trying to achieve? Is there any preliminary story that you can reveal? Basically, the entire package you have to offer for at least one project. Also, at least one project that shows a little progress (more than 10%) is more likely to follow through to the end than something that is simply an idea or something only being played around with. Bascially, in the long run, we hope to have more people who will follow through with their projects than simply starting a ton of projects that are all quit on quickly. If a project takes years, that is fine. In fact, it can be fantastic, as it assures longevity. Just look at Dance of Remembrance and the making of Hero of Dreams during its time. QPFs are great for projects like that. Of course not all projects have to be that way. But if someone only starts stuff without getting far on anything, that is probably not a best candidate. Those who have made a name for themselves in CQD through their work have a better chance of having one in the future, basically.

#29 Lemon



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Posted 13 May 2008 - 08:15 PM

I'd love to know what you guys are talking about in the staff forum right now :eyeroll:. It's a pity we only get to see the results of it if that.

The only reason people are dropping out is because when everyone left theirs (as did I) there weren't any real amazing people to grab them. For some reason, most people feel obliged to give their "slot" to someone else, and I think in there lies the problem. Instead of leaving it to site staff, just put two Zc-educated Mods to look over them, and instead of having designated "slots" just have people come and go.

If someone wants it, and have an amazing new game/tileset/music planned, let them have their own subforum. If they want to share it with someone, let them. If they have no more use for their forum, than delete it.

The QPF has been **** for the longest time to be honest. 4 years ago, it was amazing, jumping between Relic, Raiden, Ian, and others quests, it was inspiring. Now, because of the obligation to keep them full, we've filled them with, for lack of a better term, newbs.

The idea of the entire site staff deciding seems kinda silly and unnecessary.

Edited by Lemon, 13 May 2008 - 08:16 PM.

#30 ShadowTiger


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 08:23 PM

Yeah; what was wrong with the auditions idea?

Oh yeah, it just hit me. Eliticism.

Combat eliticism.

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