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2.55_win_Alpha47 Help

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#16 Bagu



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Posted 30 December 2019 - 12:27 PM

Thanks so much



#17 Bagu



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Posted 30 December 2019 - 02:02 PM

I hate to say it, but now a new Problem.
Seems to be a scripting Problem, this time.
The intem bundle script isn't working.

I tried to compile the script again but it failed
(the script was accepted in Alpha 39, just a few minutes before - everxthing was working fine)
There seem to be problems with other lines of my script.

My globals and most scripts are runnig fine (the wolfie script seems to react weired, Speed and framerate of the wolfNpc are much faster.

I tried to post my whole script (cause I don't now whast's the error and how to fix it)
...but it was too long

#18 Timelord


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Posted 30 December 2019 - 03:44 PM

I hate to say it, but now a new Problem.
Seems to be a scripting Problem, this time.
The intem bundle script isn't working.
I tried to compile the script again but it failed
(the script was accepted in Alpha 39, just a few minutes before - everxthing was working fine)
There seem to be problems with other lines of my script.

My globals and most scripts are runnig fine (the wolfie script seems to react weired, Speed and framerate of the wolfNpc are much faster.

I tried to post my whole script (cause I don't now whast's the error and how to fix it)
...but it was too long

Did you drop those files over Alpha 39, and not over Alpha 47? The minimum version to upgrade to Alpha 48, is Alpha 47, possibly 46. 39->48 is not going to work.

#19 Timelord


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Posted 30 December 2019 - 04:26 PM

Compile, then copy and paste allegro.log to pastebin.com

You are probably trying to use an outdated <std> header with a much newer build.
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#20 Bagu



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Posted 30 December 2019 - 05:56 PM

I guess you're right.
..my script is about 5600 lines, by now.
btw, your modified "StealItem" Script (with sfx Attributes) works fine.

:love:  :love:  :love: 


Gonna do how you told me, and load my allegro.log at pastebin.com

I also loaded your Chest Mingame FFC Script, 



#21 Bagu



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Posted 30 December 2019 - 06:30 PM

Posted my current script
...dind't use allegro.log cause  I didn't know if it's relevant which Version I use (39 or 47)

to compile and log and I'm a Little afraid, everytime compiling fails…
Always have the fear to cause fatal errors.



I can use allegro log if nessesary, but I don't know if it works, when compiling fails.
…or otherwise I have to use Alpha 39 to do this.

Hope it works this way.

The complete script is up.

Thanks for your help and your Patience, one more time.


#22 Bagu



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Posted 30 December 2019 - 06:55 PM

The qst.file was originally started in ZQuest 2.50.

Later I opened the qst in 2.55
First time I loaded scripts was in Alpha 39.

I just opened the existing file with the current version.
All new Features seemed to work perfectly (tried warp sound attributes for example.)

I only noticed during test run, that the itembundle didn't work.
I loaded the existing script (used for my current Alpha 39 qst.file) in the latest Version 47 and tried to compile, expecting error report, but hoping it's something "small", that I can fix on my own.

But there also seem to be problems with the header.
And the ItemBundle was reported, too (as expected).

Edited by Bagu, 30 December 2019 - 07:02 PM.

#23 Emily


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Posted 30 December 2019 - 07:30 PM

Firstly, he asked for your allegro.log after compiling, because that would tell him what the errors were.

Secondly, why the HELL are you including std_constants and std_functions directly? You should NEVER do this- doing 'import "std.zh"' does this FOR YOU.


Thirdly, you likely merged an older alpha with the current one, causing one particular issue; in a recent alpha, std.zh was removed from the root folder, and now resides in '/include/'. If you merged an old alpha with a newer one, you now have 2 std.zh files, and ZQ will use the OUTDATED one. Delete 'std.zh' from the root directory of ZC, as it should not be there any more.

Actually wait, you just copied std.zh into your script file. WHY???? THAT'S WHAT IMPORTING IS FOR!

And you copied ffscript.zh too?


Okay, so that's not how headers work. You do NOT copy the code that is in them into your script file. Ever ever ever ever. That is like, #1 biggest no-no.

You import/include them.

#include "std.zh"
#include "ffcscript.zh"

Those 2 lines? That tells ZQ to load those files, and all the code in them. You don't copy the code, you just do that, and nothing else. Period. Not doing so, will likely cause you MAJOR issues, in a LOT of places.

This goes for not just ZC included headers, but database scripts too, like MooshPit and such.

#24 Bagu



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Posted 30 December 2019 - 07:44 PM

This is a learning by doing of a non scripter....
When I tried 2.55 first time, I saw that there are included scripts, when I start a new quest.
Of course, they were not available in my Quest file, created in 2.50.

I looked through the script/inculde/header files (included in the download zip of that 2.55 version)
There I found a lot of those scripts, I had seen when starting a new file.

I didn't want to ask for every little thing (guess I'm already föooding this forum a bit too much)
I tried to add things on my own, sometimes it worked sometimes it failed.
(everytime made a backup of my qst.before trying something new)

I was very proud that I even understood how to combine global functions.
But can you help me fixing this script pleeeeaaase?
...to arrange and organize it right way, so that compiling will work in 47, without loosing functions?

I know I'm a Bannana Brain :tard: , but I was so happy I the got most things working.

Please excuse me ...adsking for help after making that stuff

…(but in Alpha 39 everything is still running fine. Don't know why this is possible) 

Edited by Bagu, 30 December 2019 - 07:48 PM.

#25 Emily


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Posted 30 December 2019 - 09:53 PM

This is a learning by doing of a non scripter....
When I tried 2.55 first time, I saw that there are included scripts, when I start a new quest.
Of course, they were not available in my Quest file, created in 2.50.

I looked through the script/inculde/header files (included in the download zip of that 2.55 version)
There I found a lot of those scripts, I had seen when starting a new file.

I didn't want to ask for every little thing (guess I'm already föooding this forum a bit too much)
I tried to add things on my own, sometimes it worked sometimes it failed.
(everytime made a backup of my qst.before trying something new)

I was very proud that I even understood how to combine global functions.
But can you help me fixing this script pleeeeaaase?
...to arrange and organize it right way, so that compiling will work in 47, without loosing functions?

I know I'm a Bannana Brain :tard: , but I was so happy I the got most things working.

Please excuse me ...adsking for help after making that stuff

…(but in Alpha 39 everything is still running fine. Don't know why this is possible) 

You need to remove everything that is from a header file, and `#include` or `import` those files. This is such a tangled mess that beyond telling you to do that I haven't a clue. If you are going to use scripts from a file, you don't do anything but import the file; that grabs all the code in it. And, it makes it so you can swap the files for updated ones easily; which is REQUIRED for std.zh, or you may encounter errors when updating to new alphas.


'#include' is recommended over 'import', for the record.

#26 Bagu



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Posted 30 December 2019 - 11:10 PM

compiling worked now (unless it's still a mess)
I tried to remove those headers, but if I do compiling Fails, telling "FLOAT" has not been declared.

The compliling works, but I get warning reports (in Alpha 47)


this is the latest log (when compiling worked - but there are warnings

(constants in line 34 too long - but 34 is an empty line)


Everything is working fine, in except of one thing...
My Wolf NPC is moving much to fast, no ignoring all changes in Speed and framerate

Edited by Bagu, 30 December 2019 - 11:11 PM.

#27 Timelord


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Posted 30 December 2019 - 11:18 PM

I'd advise starting with a new download of A47, so that your includes paths (include, headers, scripts) are all using current files.

Then, drop the .exe patches over that.

As to the scripts... System headers should not be part of your buffer unless you want to bake them into a final quest for a very-specific reason.

I'm too fatigued to sort this one now. Perhaps after I sleep. It'd be useful to have the .qst file so that I can put together an environment for it, then I can ZIP it for you and put it on a server, and you can simply clone it to your local system. You seem to have baked a lot of stuff that was intended to be upgradable into this one file, which will certainly lead to complications, later.

To fix the truncation issue, in the menus, navigate to:

ZScript >>> Compiler Settings >>> [tab]Quest-Specific Options
Enable 'True MAX_INT sizing'.

I will need to adjust those files before releasing Alpha 48, to use a rule check in a ternary expression during the assign. I'll likely be moving all of the min/max values into limits.zh in the process.

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#28 Emily


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Posted 30 December 2019 - 11:21 PM

compiling worked now (unless it's still a mess)
I tried to remove those headers, but if I do compiling Fails, telling "FLOAT" has not been declared.

The compliling works, but I get warning reports (in Alpha 47)


this is the latest log (when compiling worked - but there are warnings

(constants in line 34 too long - but 34 is an empty line)


Everything is working fine, in except of one thing...
My Wolf NPC is moving much to fast, no ignoring all changes in Speed and framerate

Nothing there says float isn't declared, I see a number of functions not being declared though. If you have a function that was from another file, and you remove it, you need to import the file that you got it from; if you miss any you will get errors.


Also, note that when it says 'line 34', it says 'include/std_zh/limits.zh Line 34'. So, line 34 of the file 'limits.zh' is where the error is.

The warnings in `limits.zh` appear to be an error on our end, though, so feel free to ignore those; that's for us to fix.

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#29 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 07:09 AM

Atm the only Problem that stills, is the "BS Dodongo Wolf" which is much to fast, no matter what I chang in framerate and step speed.

The report "float is not declared" only appears when I remove the (deplaced) headers

So, when this is not causing further errors, it "only" needs to fix wolfies Speed and everything is working, like Always wished.
(it already does in 39, but the new Features in 47 look to great to use them not.) 

Sorry for late reply
...felt asleep

Edited by Bagu, 31 December 2019 - 07:08 AM.

#30 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 09:47 AM

Here's a dropbox link where you can find my Testquest.



If you try it, don't care for the german screen texts.
The short introducion level is very simple, if you just follow the only way you can go.
feed cows, collect wood, bring it down the river.
You'll get the sword and a cane of byrna based fairy during this "tutorial level".

I still need a scripted subscreen with a function that fixes the A Button for at Sword types (or specific positions an disables the B Button fot these types/positions)
Cause in the end, four swords shall be available but now double Sword (on A and B) should be possible.
The Mastersword (my whole story tells a a lot about "the Master") + three golden swords of the godesses.
One is very simple (Farore's Sword, which is enabled the beam until last heart).
Din's Sword, which uses the flare sword item script

(still hope to extend this item script sometime  - just a crazy Dream - but it would be great if this sword melee could break shields and use "quake hammer" instead of "hurricane spin attack".)
The last on (Nayru's Sword) should be enabled to make all invisible enemies (not those, which require lens of truth) visible and use hurricane spin without magic Costs.

Everything else is working fine (in 39).
Physics are working

(pitfalls, flowing water, slashable Combo sfx, cliff/waterfall jumping, day and night Change _ while I still Need a good solution for warp return depending on const dayLength or current used Day/Night Dmap - cause the cave/itemroom warp ffc script sets down to the lowest warp "A" and causes errors when used for different warp tiles in the same screen.)
Last time I tried around with the non sidwiew ladder script.
The ffc script didn't do anything, while im very sure the it used correct Settings (Combo number etc, like für mooshs GBCliffs).
The global script failed in compiling

In 47 the last Errors are the "high Speed wolfie" :omg:  :eyeitus:  and the warnings I get because the wrong used headers.

Most Maps are still under cunstrction.
Level 1 is completely playable, 2 was also but I started rearranging when I learned how to trigger push block for another Rooms shutters.
So it Ends up at a Super Bomb Trigger (S. Bomb was formaly required to complete thispart of the Level) but that was just an Plan B because I didn't know how to trigger next Rooms by blocks.

My tilesets a bit bit messy, but hey … I know where everything is, when I Need it  :nerd: 
Chaos is my second name.


Edited by Bagu, 31 December 2019 - 10:06 AM.

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