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Kirby's Adventure Tileset

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#1 AgentLym


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Posted 20 June 2008 - 08:40 AM

DOWNLOAD THIS HERE: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63293598/KirbyAdventureTileset.qst



Nintendo - making Kirby
ZC Developers - making Zelda Classic
Drshnaps - capturing the tiles I'm using
People of Spriter's Resource - also capturing the tiles I'm using
Me (Agent_Lym) - having the idea/ripping/editing/etc... for NES Kirby set
Joe123 - scripting (a lot of scripting)
blaman - ripping (a lot of ripping)
Zemious - custom tiles
Everybody Else - keeping me going


** I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this kinda stuff... If it needs to be moved, feel free. Sorry if it's not right. icon_heh.gif **

Well, as my topic title suggests, I'm currently working on a KA tileset! (Is anyone else working on one? icon_razz.gif )

And, I got to thinking, "Man! The old NES cartridges can hold a boatload of tiles!". And, I really want to finish this, but I don't think I could rip all those tiles by myself. icon_razz.gif

Now, before you start sending me in your tiles and such, I NEED to know if anyone else has already started a tileset like this, because I don't want to steal their idea or ruin all their work up to now.

Also, I need to know if anyone even wants to help me! icon_razz.gif

AND, I really want to have a few guidelines (for the palette layout, already grabbed tiles, etc...)

Now, this should go by pretty smoothly if more than just me is making this. I've already finish all of Vegetable Valley, and about half of Ice Cream Islands, so... Not too many more tiles to go. icon_heh.gif

Please respond if you wanna help! Thanks!


--Previous Edit: Edited by AgentLym, 31 May 2009 - 07:56 PM.--

Edited by AgentLym, 01 November 2015 - 01:37 AM.

#2 AgentLym


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Posted 20 June 2008 - 09:46 PM

Hm... no one wants to help with the greatest tileset ever, eh? Time to bring out some spoilers! (hopefully, they're not to big images icon_razz.gif )

IPB Image
IPB Image
IPB Image
IPB Image
IPB Image

I know, I know. They are pretty amazing. Unfortunately, most of Kirby's movements will have to be scripted, but that'll come with the tileset, so don't worry. icon_heh.gif

Well, what ya'll think? I know that GBA style or even SNES style might look better to some, but I am personally a very large fan of KA graphics. I tried doing them in 8-bit mode, but that was a little complicated. So I switched over to the easier to create/work with/rip 4-bit mode instead. You guys can rip the palettes from these, if you want. They'll give you the layout for the palettes.

And, I'm assuming no one else is doing this since NO ONE has replied yet. (I'm surprised icon_razz.gif )

Well, hopefully these will wet your famished Kirby-large appetites, so please reply!



Alot of that post is sarcastic, so... yeah. But I still want some replies. Even replies saying, "I hate Kirby". icon_heh.gif

Edited by AgentLym, 20 June 2008 - 09:47 PM.

#3 Feenicks


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Posted 20 June 2008 - 10:30 PM

They look really good and cool (although Kirby's Adventure mostly did look good and cool). I'm guessing the background/foreground thing is done with layering, right?
How far are you into this?

#4 Schwa


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 12:07 AM

Amazing! This is an entirely Sidescrolling-based tileset? Woot.

Scripting Kirby's flying ability might be kind of hard though, let alone his Copy ability.

Although... Now that I think about it, I wonder how GB Link would look in this tileset... icon_ohmy.gif

#5 Joe123



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 03:59 AM

Awh man =(
I'd love to help with this so much.

Especially after playing Kirby 64 last week on virtual console, it has to be the cutest game ever.

Writing a float script wouldn't be so hard, and if someone could get a bit of a vacuum script going, then an enemy copy type thing might not be so difficult either.
I don't know how you'd do the vacuum though.

I'd really like to help, but I have other things to do =(
Maybe when I've finished helping Zemious, I'll help you write some scripts.

#6 CastChaos



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 05:11 AM

These screens look official Kirby quality... like snapshots taken from the game... Kirby is a so wonderful legendary game, it's really needed to have a Kirby tileset. I'm not into sidescrolling in ZC, but this makes me remember the NES, so...

#7 AgentLym


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 08:43 AM

Yes! I knew screenies would work!

They look really good and cool (although Kirby's Adventure mostly did look good and cool). I'm guessing the background/foreground thing is done with layering, right?
How far are you into this?

Yes, the background is done by layering. All the screens I've done (including the ones seen here) have been done with 2 layers or less. Kirby tiles are actually pretty easy to work with, except for those tiles used in the 3rd screen shot. (the wall patterns and such)

I'm almost through with Vegetable Valley and IceCream Islands. (worlds one and two, for not-Kirby fans around icon_razz.gif )

All that's left is.... Butter Building, Grape Garden, Yogurt Yard, etc... Basically everything that isn't in the first two levels. (excluding the level select 'world between the levels' place. I haven't gotten around to those, yet. )

Cool thing is, though, that a lot of Kirby tiles just use different c-sets to get the colors they want. So, once I was done ripping VV, I had about half of the tiles from IC Islands already ripped. I just had to make a different palette so they'd look right. icon_wink.gif

Amazing! This is an entirely Sidescrolling-based tileset? Woot.

Scripting Kirby's flying ability might be kind of hard though, let alone his Copy ability.

Although... Now that I think about it, I wonder how GB Link would look in this tileset... icon_ohmy.gif

Yep. This set will (probably) be totally side-scrolling. It's very easy to get tiles from the game, so if anyone needs side-scroller tiles for a LoZ game, it wouldn't be too hard to get it from here.

Yeah... I was hoping maybe Joe123 or Gleeok or Beefster might wanna make some scripts for Kirby? Maybe some enemies also. icon_razz.gif

I was wondering what GB Link would look like also... He wouldn't look too bad, I don't think. I think there should be some cave-ish type levels coming up that would fit right in the LoZ style.

Awh man =(
I'd love to help with this so much.

Especially after playing Kirby 64 last week on virtual console, it has to be the cutest game ever.

Writing a float script wouldn't be so hard, and if someone could get a bit of a vacuum script going, then an enemy copy type thing might not be so difficult either.
I don't know how you'd do the vacuum though.

I'd really like to help, but I have other things to do =(
Maybe when I've finished helping Zemious, I'll help you write some scripts.

Cool! When you done helping Zemious, I'll be waiting! For the scripts, I was thinking that make a separate little script for every ability you want Kirby to be able to obtain. Then, assign the respective ability to every enemy. (so, make a script for fire-type, ice-type, spark-type enemies, etc... then for the Penguin guys, assign the ice-type script to them, etc...

These screens look official Kirby quality... like snapshots taken from the game... Kirby is a so wonderful legendary game, it's really needed to have a Kirby tileset. I'm not into sidescrolling in ZC, but this makes me remember the NES, so...

Thanks! I really tried to get the exact colors for the tiles but, MS Paint is not very good with that... So I basically eye-balled all the colors up close, then tried them out. If they looked good, I left them. If they looked too soft or contrastish, I fixed them. But, once you get most of the colors from the first few levels, you can usually just copy the palette and just change a few colors to get the right palette. Very easy to do.

In fact, the whole thing is pretty easy to do. icon_razz.gif Just a little tedious with the ripping and all. I don't need just one person to help with everything, by the way. If someone just wants to help with one level, that's cool! (I get the levels HERE. I've finished all the VV and IC Isle ones, so if anyone wants to get GG, YY, OO, or RR, go on ahead. I'll probably be finishing up BB by myself. No need for someone else to rip tiles I've already ripped! icon_razz.gif )

Well, go ahead and rip a level! You've seen alot of the tiles I've already ripped from my screenies up there, but I have more. I have quite a few 'fluffing' cloud tiles, and I have all the ocean and water tiles from the first two levels.

Alright! If you wanna help, go on ahead! I'll be crediting you, so don't worry. icon_razz.gif

Thanks! icon_kawaii.gif


Btw, the palette layout I have is this:

Transparent (pink) */* Black */* White */* Three main colors ( like a dark green, light green, and a whitish-green for the main ground [see first screenshot] ) */* Three secondary colors ( like a dark orange, a light orange, and a whitish-orange for the background structures [see first screenshot] ) */* Three colors for the water ( usually a kinda dark blue, a lightish blue, then a whitish-blue [see second screenshot] ) */* Then for the last 4 colors, I just use as extra. They are just used for ease of ripping, so as not to waste another c-set and such. Use whatever you fancy there. icon_smile.gif

And that's the palette layout. I can recolor if necessary. icon_razz.gif I won't attack you if your colors are wrong. Thanks for ripping the tiles anyways!

Also, about ripping tiles, after you select a picture you are grabbing tiles from, just press 'S' until the 'step' thing is set to 1. Then, you can select any tile you want from the picture. Just make sure you got it right. A lot of Kirby tiles are down or sideways 8 pixels. I usually just grab like a corner tile or something just to get myself straight on the 16x16 mark. Then, just press sideways, up, or down to select the tile you want. (the screen'll move in 16 pixel increments.)

Hope that helps!

Edited by AgentLym, 21 June 2008 - 08:53 AM.

#8 Joe123



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 09:04 AM

QUOTE(AgentLym @ Jun 21 2008, 02:43 PM)  
Cool! When you done helping Zemious, I'll be waiting! For the scripts, I was thinking that make a separate little script for every ability you want Kirby to be able to obtain. Then, assign the respective ability to every enemy. (so, make a script for fire-type, ice-type, spark-type enemies, etc... then for the Penguin guys, assign the ice-type script to them, etc...

Well, the way I'd do it would be to have the suck script, and then when the enemy is right where Link is (well, that part might get a bit messy, cause you wouldn't want the enemy damaging Link if it was being sucked in), check for its ID number.
If its ID number correlates to a fire-type enemy, then make the B button change from being 'suck' to being 'flame attack' or whatever.
The best part is, that it wouldn't require any items at all; it'd all be completely scripted.
'A' would always be jump, and 'B' would always be attack.
No fiddling around un-equipping powers.

'tis merely speculation at this point, however.

#9 AgentLym


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 09:30 AM


That could work. Although, is it possible to have an enemy not hurt Link? It probably is, but is it also possible to make Link not 'bounce' off of the enemy when the enemy touches him?

Also, for more complicated scripts for, like, cutter and such, I guess we really don't need them. I'd be happy if we only got fire, ice (which will basically use the same script), spark, freeze, and sword to work.

Burning ability might pose... well, maybe not. I'll probably start trying to script a floating, swimming, and falling script soon.

Should I make a new topic in Scripting Discussion?

#10 Joe123



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 10:12 AM

int HitWidth

* The width of the sprite's hitbox, or collision rectangle.

int HitHeight

* The height of the sprite's hitbox, or collision rectangle.

It should be possible to reduce the NPC's hitbox to 0,0 and still have it remain on the screen.
In which case, it could be placed on top of Link without affecting him.

Why should cutter be more complicated?
Fire, Ice, Spark, Cutter, Bomb, Rock and Spike would be the 7 powers that I associate most with Kirby personally.
Kirby 64's helped with that though; obviously.

Why should you need a falling script?
Sideview Gravity should sort that out.
A floating script would probably be only a small(ish) modification of my sidescrolling jump script.

Swimming would definately be interesting.
Can you use water combos and the flippers in a sideview screen?
I must say I've never tried.

Musn't forget 'A+Down -> Slide Attack'.

Edited by Joe123, 21 June 2008 - 10:14 AM.

#11 AgentLym


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 11:32 AM

Well, determining Cutter's range and speed, then making it return across the screen just seemed more complicated than regular Fire and Ice abilities. I wonder if bomb could be done? Bomb was left out of KA, but it is one of my favorite abilities. So is Throw and Backdrop abilities. (I don't know if those last 2 were found in K64) Also, I imagine Freeze ability to be pretty easily done with just a circle placed around Kirby that freezes enemies and turns them into ice-blocks. I could probably make that one.

And the Falling script might be prefered because, if you've played the 2D Kirby games, after you fall from a certain height, Kirby starts falling upside-down. And if he hits an enemy, he damages it. And if he hits the floor while upside-down, he bounces back up. I've always loved that about Kirby games. But I don't know if we're gonna need that, considering there isn't Z3 sidescrolling yet. icon_razz.gif

I haven't tried side-view water either. *Tries*

Nope. If you make the water solid, Link just walks on it. If you make it not-solid, Link falls into it and can't move. If you make it not-solid and check the 'Link drowns in walkable water' rule, Link falls in it, can't move up, but can still move side to side.

So, yeah, I think we need a water script. Probably one where Kirby sinks at a steady rate in the water and can't swim if he is 'floating' (has air in his mouth) but sinks quickly if he has something in his mouth. (besides air)

A little complicated, so I wouldn't mind if big Kirby sinks at the same rate as little Kirby, and I also wouldn't mind if they didn't sink at all. Just so long as they're able to move and such.

Oh yeah! Can't forget about the slide tackle thing! icon_razz.gif

Edited by AgentLym, 21 June 2008 - 11:32 AM.

#12 SpacemanDan


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 11:47 AM

I was actually thinking of doing a KA set myself, but you beat me to it. icon_biggrin.gif Well, I wouldn't mind helping out at all. Actually, I insist I help. If you choose to declince, then let's just say it won't be nice... icon_twisted.gif J/k.

Serriously, those shots are really nice, and I would actually like to help out if you want. icon_biggrin.gif

#13 AgentLym


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 12:17 PM

Sure! I'd love to have some help! You can start ripping anything besides Butter Building, IceCream Isles, and Vegetable Valley. (I've already done those icon_razz.gif )

Just go to spriters-resource.com and get the captures from there. You can read my previous posts to get the gist of the palette layout and such.

Thanks! *adds to credits list*

Edited by AgentLym, 21 June 2008 - 12:21 PM.

#14 AgentLym


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Posted 27 June 2008 - 10:26 AM

Well, time to update, in case you guys were wondering! Things have been going kinda slowly, probably because of the Rotating Tower and Aurora stuff. Also, my cousin has been over for the past several days, so I couldn't work on my computer as much as I wanted to, but....

Here ya go!

IPB Image <-- A castle?!
IPB Image <-- Aurora actually animates! Well! That was a surprisingly a lot of work. icon_razz.gif
IPB Image <-- Dark Room (without using the dark room rule icon_razz.gif )
IPB Image <-- Same room with the lights on!
IPB Image <-- Perty!
IPB Image <-- Up and up and up the Butter Building we go!
IPB Image <-- I don't know why, but I really like this room...
IPB Image <-- This actually rotates also! Plus, the tileset comes with non-rotating tiles!
IPB Image <-- Colorful!

Well, those have been sitting in my game for a while, until I finally finished the Aurora screen! Plus, a bunch more tiles exist, so don't everyone come and 'steal' me and blaman's tiles! Thanks!


I'm also still open to any scripts for this tileset, if anyone feels like doing them!


Also, I'll be going away for all next week, so you probably won't see too much progress as I won't be able to use my computer at all where I'm going. (no, it's not jail. icon_heh.gif )


Blaman has been helping me a lot with these tiles, so credit him also!

#15 SpacemanDan


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Posted 27 June 2008 - 10:54 AM

I was JUST about to post here! Lol! icon_biggrin.gif
Those screenies look really really good! Nice use of the aurora boerialis (sp?) tiles.

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