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#1 Radien



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Posted 13 June 2017 - 09:21 AM

Hello there... Um.... Remember me? Name's Radien... Dance of Remembrance tileset, New BS, buncha loose tiles.

Also dropped in at least a year ago saying I wanted to return to ZC. Had a really good reason for my absence — got married, moved out, got a full-time job — but didn't stick around.

Lately I've been chatting with Reflectionist, who hit me up for some quest advice and feedback, and it has really got me missing this place. On top of getting Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, and... ohhh... some oddball Zelda mountainclimbing game, it was too much to keep away from PureZC.

How've you all been? :) I trust you're still as busy creating Zelda quests as ever. The General Discussion forum has been dormant since January, but the ZC subforums seem alive and well. I know when I first began creating Zelda quests, before I even found PureZC, I didn't even let the lack of a forum stop me when I first began, so I'm sure nostalgia will fuel this fandom for awhile.

To tell the truth, I've been a bit ashamed about coming back. I guess you could say I had (yet another) good reason for my absence, but I felt really bad for making promises I couldn't keep.

You see, the replacement computer I was planning on using to return to questmaking was a Frankenstein of a PC, that just got less and less reliable until it was unusable. And my wife's only PC was a work-from-home computer for a job she has quit.

Right now I don't have any way of creating quests, and doing tile work on a smartphone is just ridiculous. But I miss you guys, and I'd like to be back and active here while I figure out a replacement computer.

I see my tiles and at least the remnants of my tileset are still being used, and that makes me happy. ^_^

So how are all of you? What old faces are still here? Any new faces who give a crap about me?... How about any awesome projects I should hear about?

Oh, also, anyone play that new Zelda game? “Breathe on the Wind,” or something like that? I hear it's decently okay. ;)

Edited by Radien, 13 June 2017 - 09:26 AM.

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#2 Matthew


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 09:29 AM

Woah, welcome back Raiden! I don't think you were around when I joined the site, but I remember seeing your tilesets and stuff when I first became active. Your work had been very influential here and it's good to know you're still around. :)

Edited by ( ͡° _ʖ ͡°), 13 June 2017 - 09:30 AM.

#3 Eddy



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Posted 13 June 2017 - 10:10 AM

Welcome back man! I do remember that thread you posted a year ago :P


Sucks to hear about the computer problems though, but it's nice to see you back here again. As always, if you ever do get back into the quest making business, I'll definitely be looking out for them. As for completed quest projects... I'd probably recommend taking a look at Link & Zelda: Panoply of Calatia, Rite of the Storm, Yuurei (+ the Randomiser) and Legend of Pokemon Warrior. Those 4 are pretty neat quests IMO.

#4 Anthus



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Posted 13 June 2017 - 10:23 AM

Good to hear from you again, and it sounds like you've had an eventful year. Congrats on getting married, that must be exciting. :)

#5 Haylee


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 10:30 AM

The radian of a square is a welcome back post.

Welcome back, you probably don't remember me since I change my username so often. Lol

#6 Binx


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 10:39 AM

Holy shit, Radien's back! You probably don't remember me. I think we might have spoken once... Maybe... Possibly... Probably not. Anywho, welcome back!

#7 Saffith


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 11:22 AM

Oh, hi.

I see my tiles and at least the remnants of my tileset are still being used, and that makes me happy. ^_^

Speaking of which, would it be okay with you if I made a tileset including a bunch of stuff from DoR? And other stuff you've done? It'll probably never get finished, really, but I've been working on one. I was just wondering if I'd be able to contact you to ask.

How about any awesome projects I should hear about?

Um... I made this. That's something, I guess. Been working on getting the scripts to a presentable state lately.

#8 Moosh


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 12:39 PM

Now there's a name I haven't seen in some time...Glad to see you've been doing well.



To tell the truth, I've been a bit ashamed about coming back. I guess you could say I had (yet another) good reason for my absence, but I felt really bad for making promises I couldn't keep.

There's nothing to worry about there. This community is practically built upon unkept promises. :P So many good quests have come and gone. Some still aren't technically dead, just reaching record levels of procrastination. I've technically been "working" on Quest for Canada for like 5 years now. Ha!



How about any awesome projects I should hear about?

Gonna echo what Eddy said and recommend Panoply of Calatia, Rite of the Storm, and Yuurei. There've been some great quests coming out lately that are original works unrelated to Zelda.



Oh, also, anyone play that new Zelda game? “Breathe on the Wind,” or something like that? I hear it's decently okay. ;)

Man, that game consumed my life for weeks. I came in fully expecting to hate it and was blown away...by the Breath...of the Wild. That wasn't funny. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to seeing how it influences future ZC projects. Making nonlinear game design cool again.

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#9 Russ


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Posted 13 June 2017 - 01:50 PM

Oh hi Radien, perfect timing. I was wondering if you could explain to me how floating ice is supposed to work with snowy palettes in DoR 2.0 if I'm-

Er, what I meant to say was welcome back. It's been ages since I've seen you around. Don't worry unkept promises or anything; like Moosh said, that's just a thing that happens.

As far as projects go, Eddy and Moosh hit the big quests worth checking out. As far as tilesets, no idea what you know or don't, but you might be interested in the Frankenstein tileset that Demonlink constructed out of DoR, for obvious reasons. :P

#10 Sheik



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Posted 13 June 2017 - 04:13 PM

Welcome back Radien! I too am thinking about getting back into the swing of things, considering working on a quest project again and all. So, um... let's twist again?

#11 The Satellite

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Posted 13 June 2017 - 04:32 PM

Hi. You don't feel that distant to me, considering you and I are the only two people who still use Miitomo, so I feel weird not having much to say. Good to see you on PureZC again, at least. :P

#12 Radien



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Posted 13 June 2017 - 04:58 PM

Okay! To start off...

Hi there, um... Potum?... (I don't really want to copy/paste “( ͡° _ʖ ͡°)” in every post. :P )

I guess I missed you before since you have been around more than a year. Thanks for the welcome back! It's spelled “Radien.” ;) And yeah, I'm still alive and kickin'.


Thanks! Um... The thing is, I can't really “check out” quests in the sense of playing completed quests until I find a computer solution, so I was mostly just inviting people to talk about and maybe link to their own quest project threads if they so please.

Since, you know, for now my best use is to be a mentor and helper.


Thanks!! How've you been dude?? :)

Yes, getting married has been exciting you could say, though it certainly trades in old problems for new problems. Or to be more positive, challenges.


Thank you! Well, um... You could... TELL me your old name... Then I might know who you are, eh? :P


From your avatar I want to say you're... ShadowTiger, is that right?.. Hi. :)

Yeah, sure, go ahead with that project. I kinda wish people would be able to use DoR as-is rather than as a legacy tileset, but I never released it optimized for version 2+, so I understand why people have done that. I do wonder whether the palettes and/or the palette structure have made it into other tilesets...


Hi! Ha, are you joking about the floating ice tiles? Because I'll totally talk about that if you want. :P

Hmm. I might just make an AMA thread or something.


Haha, okay Obi-wan. Nice to see you. :) Reflectionist has mentioned your scripting.

Aww, don't be so pessimistic... The thing about questmaking is that ZC enables teams of 1 to make their own games. On top of that, it's 100% a hobby for most, since it's difficult to cross it over with school projects and doubly so for work.

And on top of that, creative block can stop things dead in their tracks. When everything is laid on one person like that, if anything at all gets in the way, it makes it difficult to continue. So don't feel bad about “unkept promises.” Heck, do you know how many unreleased Zelda games Nintendo has cancelled, many of which we never heard anything about?... ;)

(I guess from here on
this is to everybody)

...So! On a positive note, yes, Breath of the Wild!

One thing that I find incredibly interesting is that in many ways, BotW shadows Dance of Remembrance in its game structure. DoR is designed so that you have a certain amount of freedom with dungeon order, and the end result is to collect memories that tell the story, in or out of order.

Kinda remarkable, eh? And a bit encouraging, too... although now everyone will think I just copied Breath of the Wild. :P But it was just a coincidence.

Also, I didn't intend to have nearly as much nonlinearity as BotW; DoR will give you a set number of choices of somewhere to go to at each of several points in the game, though it won't advertise which paths have opened up explicitly.

I know, saying “will have” sounds optimistic. But my life has been one hell of a rollercoaster for the past 7 years, and yet I met the love of my life in that time and possibly found the career I'm going to stick with for the rest of my life.


Oh yeah, guys, I'm a preschool teacher now, with Head Start. Who'da thought? :)

Edited by Radien, 14 June 2017 - 12:30 AM.

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#13 Avaro



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Posted 13 June 2017 - 05:11 PM

ShadowTiger is still ShadowTiger. Saffith is a former developer of ZC. :)


Also, welcome back!

#14 Shane



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Posted 13 June 2017 - 05:58 PM

Welcome back, it's good to see you again! A lot of amazing quests are in the works and some are even released. I released a quest earlier this year and I've been making plans for something else. And yeah, your tileset is still such a staple within the community and has been used by many talented people as of recent in places like Screenshot of the Week. You might also bump into a project or two using your tileset!


But yeah, good to see you again! :)

#15 Sheik



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Posted 13 June 2017 - 06:08 PM


One thing that I find incredibly interesting is that in many ways, BotW shadows Dance of Remembrance in its game structure. DoR is designed so that you have a certain amount of freedom with dungeon order, and the end result is to collect memories that tell the story, in or out of order.

You make a good point. Also, does that mean that you are still comitted to the DoR quest project? The way you talk about it sounds like you are planning to get back to work on it. It's a great project so more power to you!

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