I'm gonna post the script, when I added a little spice, like a constant Spawn SFX, different Armos Combo Types, triggered by distance (Link->ComboBlock), Comboflag under Link, ScreenD values, and other circumstances ...and declared by the ComboType of the Armos Combos or ComboFI below the combo. (so no different scripts are required)
A Check Line, if Screen->Flag "DungeonBoss" is = true
...and if it's "true", delay enemy spawn, Start a constant "Battle Prelure MIDI", loop the Spawn SFX while shaking screen, use a special spawn sprite (also assigned by constants), and spawn the enemy ...and, as soon as it's visible, play a ScreenMessage (wich could be constant or assigned by a certain Screen->D value etc), Start a (constant) Battle MIDI, exchange the Combo Block (and then, quit, so the Battle can start)
Edited by Bagu, 13 December 2021 - 03:10 PM.