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2.55- How to Make Mutliple Chests/Lockblocks Per Screen

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#1 ywkls



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Posted 04 March 2024 - 04:52 PM

This is intended as part of a series of tutorials on how to set up some of the various features which people might use in 2.55.
I will include screenshots as much as I can.
This tutorial is on how to set up multiple independently triggered chests or lock blocks on one screen.
Here's the minimum combos you will need:
  1. A closed chest/locked block.
  2. An open chest/unlocked block.

For convenience, place these two combos next to each other.

This is the setup for number one.

First, lets use the combo setup wizard.

Under state; click on the box for "Ex State."

This can be a value between 0-31.


This section is for chests only.

Under the tab "Content" , set the value of Variable Content or Specific Item to something other than "Screen Catchall".


On the main editor menu, select "Quest", "Options", "Compat." and on Page 2 make sure that the box "Old Chest Collision" isn't checked.

Finally, make the chest's internal flag number 10 "Armos/Chest->Item".


For a second chest/locked block, use a different Ex State  than the others.


That's it! Any chests or lock blocks or copycats that share this Ex State will be opened at the same time.

You can place up to 32 of these per screen using different EX States with each, 


Addendum: How to Make Specific Triggers Sets Off Specific Secrets


This setup is nearly identical to the one above.

This time use a combo type of none,

Under Triggers, Weapons; set up something that triggers this combo.

This is the only difference in the setup.

Edited by ywkls, 04 March 2024 - 06:35 PM.

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#2 coolgamer012345



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  • Location:Indiana, USA

Posted 11 March 2024 - 12:17 AM

Hey Ywkls, something that might help with the tutorials is adding images to help find things in the GUI. Sometimes even with worded labels, it's still clunky trying to find where a button is without a picture. As well, for the other tutorials (not this one) it is a lot easier to read them if they're just one post (i.e. just edit your tutorial, no need to make an addendum post).

  • Taco Chopper, ywkls and Yuuki like this

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