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ZScript for ZQuest

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#16 James24



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Posted 25 March 2021 - 01:48 AM

Ghost is a perfect example of why ZC needs modules.  Ghosted enemies never saw widespread use for the simple reason that setting the whole thing up was just too complicated and too time-consuming for the average user or beginner user to figure out.  So much so that Moosh and Avataro had to write the newbie boss script because scripted bosses were simply not being made by most quest-makers.  Even that doesn't see much use because its so hard to setup.


Ghost and Liberation of Hyrule have been available since 2012.  Liberation of Hyrule has ~500 downloads and Ghost has ~350.  Even my most hated LoH quest has more downloads than the Mona Lisa of scripting.  At least with Liberation of Hyrule you can actually start playing the game.  With Ghost you're pretty much dead at the setup.  I wish 2.55 all the best in its attempts to streamline scripting.  I'll leave you with the setup instructions for ghost and you see what the problem is for players who are new and know nothing about scripting:



AutoGhost setup

First of all, extract ghost.zh and the ghost_zh folder from the zip file.

  • Windows or Linux: These should go in the same folder as ZC itself.
  • Mac: Right-click the ZQuest application and select Show Package Contents. The files should go in Contents/Resources. To be sure you're in the right place, look for std.zh and string.zh.

If you want to use ghost.zh in multiple quests with different settings, you can make copies of the file with a different filename or in a different folder. You only need to copy the file ghost.zh itself.

General setup

This part only needs done once per quest.

Blank tiles and combo

First, you'll need to set aside a 4x4 block of tiles to leave blank.

Set up a combo that uses the top-left tile of that block and has its type and flag both set to (None). Remember the tile and combo numbers for later.

You should also modify the MISC: Spawn sprite in Quest > Graphics > Sprites > Weapons/Misc. It needs to have the animation speed and number of frames set; 3 frames at a speed of 5 will best match the built-in enemies.


You'll have to set some constants in ghost.zh. Open it in a text editor. Use a basic one, like Notepad; more advanced word processors sometimes modify punctuation marks, which can make scripts unusable.

The constants look similar to this:

const int CONSTANT_NAME = ###; // And sometimes there's a note here

The ### part is what you need to change. Be careful to leave the semicolon in place.

If you're making multiple quests at once that use different settings, you should use a different copy of ghost.zh for each one. You only need to copy ghost.zh itself, not the ghost_zh folder.

Loading the scripts

In ZQuest, go to Quest > Scripts > Compile ZScript... > Edit. These three lines need to appear once each. Enter any line that isn't already there.

import "std.zh"
import "string.zh"
import "ghost.zh"

This assumes that all these files are in the default location. If you put ghost.zh in a different folder, you'll have to specify that, for instance:

import "MyQuest\Scripts\ghost.zh"

Close the window, save the changes, and click Compile. In the Global tab, load GhostZHActiveScript into the Active script slot. If you want to use clocks, in the Item tab, load GhostZHClockScript into any slot.

If your quest uses clocks, set the clock's pickup script to GhostZHClockScript and set D0 to the same number as the clock's duration.

Individual enemies Importing the script

First, the script needs to be imported. In the script buffer, add another line to import the file. For instance:

import "GoriyaLttP.z"

Some scripts might require that you import additional files, but don't include any file more than once. Compile and load the FFC script into a slot.

Exactly what needs done varies from one enemy to the next, but a few things are common. Many scripted enemies need at least one combo set up, but some use the invisible one. Every enemy needs its type (usually Other), HP, damage, tile, and CSet set. The enemy must also have a script and combo set. There are a few different ways of doing this, described below.

Many enemies require more than one combo. In these cases, assume that all combos must be consecutive in the list and the enemy's combo set to the first one unless the instructions say otherwise. Also, some scripts require that multiple enemies be set up. Unless instructed otherwise, you only need to place the primary enemy on the screen.

Some enemies use the invisible combo (GH_INVISIBLE_COMBO). In these cases, you can set the combo to -1. A few enemies also specify -2, another special value.

Setting the script and combo


Misc. attributes 11 and 12 are used to identify the enemy as scripted and set up an FFC to run the script. Attribute 11 indicates which combo the enemy should use, and attribute 12 determines what script it runs. If either of these is 0, the enemy will not be recognized as scripted and will not function. If attribute 12 is set to -1, the script name will be read from the enemy's name as described below.


Misc. attributes 11 and 12 are not used. The script and combo will be always be read from the enemy's name. The combo can be omitted, in which case it will default to GH_INVISIBLE_COMBO.

When reading a script from the enemy's name, whether because misc. attribute 12 is -1 or __GH_ALWAYS_USE_NAME is enabled, the script name must go in the enemy's name immediately following the character @. The script name must appear exactly as shown after it is compiled, including capitalization.

For example, using the Armos_LttP script, these names will work:

  • Armos (LttP) @Armos_LttP
  • Armos (L1, @Armos_LttP)

These names will not work:

  • Armos @armos_lttp
    • Incorrect capitalization
  • Armos @ Armos_LttP
    • Space after @

When using __GH_ALWAYS_USE_NAME, the combo number is read in the same way. The order does not matter. Spaces or other characters between the two are not required, but they're allowed as long as they wouldn't be mistaken for part of the name or number.

Using the Goriya_LttP script with combo 5888, these names will work:

  • Goriya (LttP) (@Goriya_LttP, @5888)
  • Goriya (LttP) @5888@Goriya_LttP

These will not work:

  • Goriya (LttP) @Goriya_LttP_@5888
    • _ looks like part of the script name
  • Goriya (LttP) @ 5888 @ Goriya_LttP
    • Space after @ is not allowed



#17 Moosh


    Tiny Little Questmaker

  • ZC Developers

Posted 25 March 2021 - 05:07 AM

It's a lot of mental heavy lifting to write a boss. That'll probably never change. The setup phase has been more or less obsoleted by npcscript now, with a lot of the jank ghost had to do to run now being natively supported by actual features. 


Also ghost has been pre-packaged with 2.53 for some time now so the database page mainly exists for...good question. People who want to back port it to 2.50 I suppose?

#18 Timelord


    The Timelord

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  • Location:Prydon Academy

Posted 25 March 2021 - 07:33 AM


Ghost is a perfect example of why ZC needs modules.  Ghosted enemies never saw widespread use for the simple reason that setting the whole thing up was just too complicated and too time-consuming for the average user or beginner user to figure out.  So much so that Moosh and Avataro had to write the newbie boss script because scripted bosses were simply not being made by most quest-makers.  Even that doesn't see much use because its so hard to setup.


Ghost and Liberation of Hyrule have been available since 2012.  Liberation of Hyrule has ~500 downloads and Ghost has ~350.  Even my most hated LoH quest has more downloads than the Mona Lisa of scripting.  At least with Liberation of Hyrule you can actually start playing the game.  With Ghost you're pretty much dead at the setup.  I wish 2.55 all the best in its attempts to streamline scripting.  I'll leave you with the setup instructions for ghost and you see what the problem is for players who are new and know nothing about scripting:



AutoGhost setup

First of all, extract ghost.zh and the ghost_zh folder from the zip file.

  • Windows or Linux: These should go in the same folder as ZC itself.
  • Mac: Right-click the ZQuest application and select Show Package Contents. The files should go in Contents/Resources. To be sure you're in the right place, look for std.zh and string.zh.

If you want to use ghost.zh in multiple quests with different settings, you can make copies of the file with a different filename or in a different folder. You only need to copy the file ghost.zh itself.

General setup

This part only needs done once per quest.

Blank tiles and combo

First, you'll need to set aside a 4x4 block of tiles to leave blank.

Set up a combo that uses the top-left tile of that block and has its type and flag both set to (None). Remember the tile and combo numbers for later.

You should also modify the MISC: Spawn sprite in Quest > Graphics > Sprites > Weapons/Misc. It needs to have the animation speed and number of frames set; 3 frames at a speed of 5 will best match the built-in enemies.


You'll have to set some constants in ghost.zh. Open it in a text editor. Use a basic one, like Notepad; more advanced word processors sometimes modify punctuation marks, which can make scripts unusable.

The constants look similar to this:

const int CONSTANT_NAME = ###; // And sometimes there's a note here

The ### part is what you need to change. Be careful to leave the semicolon in place.

If you're making multiple quests at once that use different settings, you should use a different copy of ghost.zh for each one. You only need to copy ghost.zh itself, not the ghost_zh folder.

Loading the scripts

In ZQuest, go to Quest > Scripts > Compile ZScript... > Edit. These three lines need to appear once each. Enter any line that isn't already there.

import "std.zh"
import "string.zh"
import "ghost.zh"

This assumes that all these files are in the default location. If you put ghost.zh in a different folder, you'll have to specify that, for instance:

import "MyQuest\Scripts\ghost.zh"

Close the window, save the changes, and click Compile. In the Global tab, load GhostZHActiveScript into the Active script slot. If you want to use clocks, in the Item tab, load GhostZHClockScript into any slot.

If your quest uses clocks, set the clock's pickup script to GhostZHClockScript and set D0 to the same number as the clock's duration.

Individual enemies Importing the script

First, the script needs to be imported. In the script buffer, add another line to import the file. For instance:

import "GoriyaLttP.z"

Some scripts might require that you import additional files, but don't include any file more than once. Compile and load the FFC script into a slot.

Exactly what needs done varies from one enemy to the next, but a few things are common. Many scripted enemies need at least one combo set up, but some use the invisible one. Every enemy needs its type (usually Other), HP, damage, tile, and CSet set. The enemy must also have a script and combo set. There are a few different ways of doing this, described below.

Many enemies require more than one combo. In these cases, assume that all combos must be consecutive in the list and the enemy's combo set to the first one unless the instructions say otherwise. Also, some scripts require that multiple enemies be set up. Unless instructed otherwise, you only need to place the primary enemy on the screen.

Some enemies use the invisible combo (GH_INVISIBLE_COMBO). In these cases, you can set the combo to -1. A few enemies also specify -2, another special value.

Setting the script and combo


Misc. attributes 11 and 12 are used to identify the enemy as scripted and set up an FFC to run the script. Attribute 11 indicates which combo the enemy should use, and attribute 12 determines what script it runs. If either of these is 0, the enemy will not be recognized as scripted and will not function. If attribute 12 is set to -1, the script name will be read from the enemy's name as described below.


Misc. attributes 11 and 12 are not used. The script and combo will be always be read from the enemy's name. The combo can be omitted, in which case it will default to GH_INVISIBLE_COMBO.

When reading a script from the enemy's name, whether because misc. attribute 12 is -1 or __GH_ALWAYS_USE_NAME is enabled, the script name must go in the enemy's name immediately following the character @. The script name must appear exactly as shown after it is compiled, including capitalization.

For example, using the Armos_LttP script, these names will work:

  • Armos (LttP) @Armos_LttP
  • Armos (L1, @Armos_LttP)

These names will not work:

  • Armos @armos_lttp
    • Incorrect capitalization
  • Armos @ Armos_LttP
    • Space after @

When using __GH_ALWAYS_USE_NAME, the combo number is read in the same way. The order does not matter. Spaces or other characters between the two are not required, but they're allowed as long as they wouldn't be mistaken for part of the name or number.

Using the Goriya_LttP script with combo 5888, these names will work:

  • Goriya (LttP) (@Goriya_LttP, @5888)
  • Goriya (LttP) @5888@Goriya_LttP

These will not work:

  • Goriya (LttP) @Goriya_LttP_@5888
    • _ looks like part of the script name
  • Goriya (LttP) @ 5888 @ Goriya_LttP
    • Space after @ is not allowed






None of this is applicable to <ghost3>. It does not at all work in the way that ghost v.1 and v.2 did--namely a huge engine that hacks ffcs and drawing commands, as hijacks on npc sprites. It is a portable set of ASM that relies on nothing specific, and is all established and set up with one .zcombo file, or embedded in tilesets. The actual scripts are specifically engineered to be portable between quests with almost no work from the end user, other than appending the files to their quest. 


It is in fact, specifically designed so that the person writing the script can make it into an easy to load module in the enemy editor. In the end, you will be able to right clock an enemy, and load a full enemy package, scripts and all, as a one step process. This will likely eventually also occur for the item editor and some other stuff. 


The end user need never read the end product, nor have any comprehension of how it works, or how to set it up. The plan all along (since early 2017) is that you will be able to add quest objects such as completely custom (scripted or not scripted) enemies with right-click, then load file. A fair amount of this leg-work is done. At present, you must load the files individually (.znpc, .zasm, .ztile) and do a small amount of assignment; but once we have all of the rest done and tested, it canbe a one click process. 


The trickiest bit is finding empty script slots (npc and epwn) for automatically setting scripts to those slots, adusting the enemy values to those instead of the .znpc values; and then finding an empty tile block for the tile section of the npc package data, insert the tiles into that instead of overwriting their original locations, and adjusting the npc OriginalTile ID to match. These can be done, but they are yet to be a priority as there aren't enough people making content for this that makes it a priority. 


I completely agree on a modular method of appending scripted assets, or any assets, for that matter. I spent a lot of time adding functions to append data in modular manners, or selective ways; but again, this has nothing to do with adding scripting to the editor. 


I think that there is a fair amount of confusion in this thread, with regard to what exists, what is planned, and what you want here. 


Also, if you want to start a fund, to hire other people to do things, feel free. LMK when you hit five integer digits and you might have enough to accomplish a complex goal. This is not meant as sarcasm. You seem to misunderstand how much time is required for implementation and how much is expended on raw resources in that process, as well. We rely on open source development contributions for a reason. To pay outright for the feature set of ZC 2.55 would require a six-figure integer budget. Literally thousands of hours go into this, on an annual basis, plus expenses. I typically pay for basic contributor expenses out of pocket, and two other people pay monthly for services that we utilise. Making ZC is not cheap, neither in terms of man hours, nor in general expenses. 


Asking me to devote more​ to this than I already do is frankly silly, and shows a complete lack of comprehension on just how much I already devote to it annually. If this concept interests you so much, you are welcome to work on the software and contribute the features that you want. Short of that, politely asking for something, rather than demanding and expecting us to deliver is the best policy. I never reject ideas outright unless they are truly absurd or fall entirely out of the scope of the specification. 


hell, I implemented a feature specifically to use ZC on old CRTs so that it looks like running games on a NES, because someone asked; and while this is a niche feature, it was easy to add and I did it within a few hours of seeing the request. The more complex the request. the more time it requires, or the less likely I feel confident about being able to finish it in this version, the less probably it is that I will try to implement it. I'm quite frankly a realist who values planning, and thoughtful/prudent decision making. 

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#19 James24



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Posted 26 March 2021 - 02:43 AM

Just so we're clear on this Zoria.  I have no interest in this modules suggestion.  Whether this happens or not, it doesn't really affect me.  Its just an idea that I came up with and I thought I would share it with you, for free.  But as it currently stands, I'm more than happy with the final 2.53 and it does everything I need it to do.  I don't really see any reason why ZC needs 2.55+.  The uncomfortable truth is that I've looked at the alphas you've released and there's no real substantial difference between them and what I see in 2.53 so far as playing quests and making quests are concerned.  Maybe there are good features that I missed but if I missed them then they probably aren't very important.


I just look at the current state of quest completion in recent history and its not too healthy.  I look at the 6th quest contest and I see how many pulled out and how many actually completed.  It all tells a story.  And I am just trying to point out to you the underlying reasons why this is occurring.  You look at the 5th quest contest and you think to yourself - why is it that so many people completed their quests there and not in the 6th?  Reasons:  In the 5th, everyone loves NES Zelda and NES Zelda is easy and cheap to make.  A nice quest within a month or so without any fuss, any scripting and few hassles.  In the 6th quest contest, no one loves NES Zelda and making modern Zelda quests is just too hard, too expensive, too complicated, too time-consuming.  So people just quit.  I am simply trying to suggest to you a way to fix this problem.


You're 100% correct that this kind of thing would take a mammoth amount of resources - something I already stated in my OP.  How are you going to raise those kinds of resources?  Is there an individual or individuals out there who have the deep pockets needed to pay for something like this?  If there aren't then the sorry truth is that ZC continued development simply isn't economically feasible and not something that is commercially viable and all work on it should stop.  ZC has served its purpose of making NES quests for a generation of players who loved them and it should be remembered that way.


How are you going to pitch ZC to get those people to part with tons of their hard-earned money?  Only two ways I can see for this to happen.  First, in return for their investment, the ZC fanbase is going to make them a continual stream of beautiful quests that are perfectly in-line with their tastes and playing preferences.  That will work.  Second, the ZC fanbase is willing to collectively pay for such a project.  Everything someone uses a module they pay a small fee and this all adds up.  At the end, the investor makes a healthy profit.  That will work too - but I can't see it happening given the Nintendo copyright issues and the game not being on steam and all.


Just trying to help you Zoria, I don't mean to ruffle your feathers and all.

#20 Shane



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  • Location:South Australia

Posted 26 March 2021 - 03:02 AM

The uncomfortable truth is that I've looked at the alphas you've released and there's no real substantial difference between them and what I see in 2.53 so far as playing quests and making quests are concerned.  Maybe there are good features that I missed but if I missed them then they probably aren't very important.

I'm not going to touch the rest of this thread (really that all comes down to what Zoria wants to do with ZC and people's requests). I just want to point out as a 2.55 user for over a year and a half, I don't think that's an "uncomfortable truth". Everyone I talked to with 2.55 are over the moon with how many more cool features there are, so Zoria's doing a good job with ZC either way and I think you're underselling the differences here.

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#21 Timelord


    The Timelord

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  • Location:Prydon Academy

Posted 26 March 2021 - 06:38 AM

Just so we're clear on this Zoria.  I have no interest in this modules suggestion.  Whether this happens or not, it doesn't really affect me.  Its just an idea that I came up with and I thought I would share it with you, for free.  But as it currently stands, I'm more than happy with the final 2.53 and it does everything I need it to do.  I don't really see any reason why ZC needs 2.55+.  The uncomfortable truth is that I've looked at the alphas you've released and there's no real substantial difference between them and what I see in 2.53 so far as playing quests and making quests are concerned.  Maybe there are good features that I missed but if I missed them then they probably aren't very important.


I just look at the current state of quest completion in recent history and its not too healthy.  I look at the 6th quest contest and I see how many pulled out and how many actually completed.  It all tells a story.  And I am just trying to point out to you the underlying reasons why this is occurring.  You look at the 5th quest contest and you think to yourself - why is it that so many people completed their quests there and not in the 6th?  Reasons:  In the 5th, everyone loves NES Zelda and NES Zelda is easy and cheap to make.  A nice quest within a month or so without any fuss, any scripting and few hassles.  In the 6th quest contest, no one loves NES Zelda and making modern Zelda quests is just too hard, too expensive, too complicated, too time-consuming.  So people just quit.  I am simply trying to suggest to you a way to fix this problem.


You're 100% correct that this kind of thing would take a mammoth amount of resources - something I already stated in my OP.  How are you going to raise those kinds of resources?  Is there an individual or individuals out there who have the deep pockets needed to pay for something like this?  If there aren't then the sorry truth is that ZC continued development simply isn't economically feasible and not something that is commercially viable and all work on it should stop.  ZC has served its purpose of making NES quests for a generation of players who loved them and it should be remembered that way.


How are you going to pitch ZC to get those people to part with tons of their hard-earned money?  Only two ways I can see for this to happen.  First, in return for their investment, the ZC fanbase is going to make them a continual stream of beautiful quests that are perfectly in-line with their tastes and playing preferences.  That will work.  Second, the ZC fanbase is willing to collectively pay for such a project.  Everything someone uses a module they pay a small fee and this all adds up.  At the end, the investor makes a healthy profit.  That will work too - but I can't see it happening given the Nintendo copyright issues and the game not being on steam and all.


Just trying to help you Zoria, I don't mean to ruffle your feathers and all.




No feathers ruffled, but I do advise looking at what 2.55 does on your own, without bias, and without prejudice. (I do not know to what extent you have use it.)


I will say that if you have not used a recent build, then you likely have no idea what has been improve or updated, or what it means, long-term. Even my silly BotW 3 quest is a demo of features built into the ending. It has no scripts other than the into scroll and difficulty menu.


Effectively, every quest that I published, finished or not, shows off what 2.55 can do that prior versions could not. You may want to try out stuff like Arkanoid, BotW3, and Dragon Quest Alpha.  


Other questmakers have both praised, and cursed that a lot of what needed scripts in the oast is simply now in the engine, and have adopted and adapted to it, further simplifying their projects in that process. 


I suspect that you are overlooking a lot, but perhaps the new content does not interest you. Certainly, only a little bit of it affects making NES quests, but one of my plans is to make NES emulation better up to the point where NES drops and some glitches work in ZC for speedrunners. 


I am always open to suggestions, and am willing to consider feature requests; but I also have a primary responsibility to the userbase as a whole. I realise that the new content is not well-documented, but that will be cured, in time. In general, my goal is not only to expand the base editor capabilities, but also the scripting capabilities and make it a far more general 8-bit/(limited) 16-bit 2D game design engine. 


I do not particularly hate anything that you suggested, but a lot of of it is stuff that I had already considered and slated: We have three categories of planned features:

  • Blue: Will be included in the next version.
  • Pink: Might be included, might not.
  • Red: On hold for the future. 


We rely on people dedicating their time to make these things work. There are a number of things that I permitted just to keep people who are willing to commit their time, to be happy, that I would otherwise have never done meself as I have prudence issues with them, To me, it is more crucial to make contributors and developers happy, than to satisfy my personal, imperial standards. 


All of this said, I will give this thread 48 hours for more practical replies. If no-one else has something to add, I will allow it in that time. After then (after second Shabbat for Pesach), I will likely lock it as it has been ruffling other feathers an seems to be going off in tangents. It is well-enough to know what you want out of a future version, and to try ti wirk it into the specification without endless debates. 

I'm not going to touch the rest of this thread (really that all comes down to what Zoria wants to do with ZC and people's requests). I just want to point out as a 2.55 user for over a year and a half, I don't think that's an "uncomfortable truth". Everyone I talked to with 2.55 are over the moon with how many more cool features there are, so Zoria's doing a good job with ZC either way and I think you're underselling the differences here.


Thank you. We all do our part, and I do not take credit for the work of others. if you want to know who added N feature, it is all documented. 

  • Rambly and Shane like this

#22 Evan20000


    P͏҉ę͟w͜� ̢͝!

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Posted 26 March 2021 - 07:43 AM

It's a lot of mental heavy lifting to write a boss. That'll probably never change.

No thoughts.
Head empty.
Ghost is a sandbox.
Script them all!
I am death rainbow man.
410,757,864,530 empty healthbars

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#23 Mani Kanina

Mani Kanina


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Posted 26 March 2021 - 07:58 AM

Hey james, ZC is open source, you should fork it! Then you can implement all these amazing ideas you're having into the engine yourself! Who is the better person to bring these ideas to reality but the one and true savoir of ZC itself James24?

#24 Rambly


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Posted 26 March 2021 - 08:12 AM

How are you going to pitch ZC to get those people to part with tons of their hard-earned money?  Only two ways I can see for this to happen.  First, in return for their investment, the ZC fanbase is going to make them a continual stream of beautiful quests that are perfectly in-line with their tastes and playing preferences.  That will work.  Second, the ZC fanbase is willing to collectively pay for such a project.  Everything someone uses a module they pay a small fee and this all adds up.  At the end, the investor makes a healthy profit.  That will work too - but I can't see it happening given the Nintendo copyright issues and the game not being on steam and all.

Not a lot of people know this, and I try not to be too public about it given that I don't want to draw too much attention to what I do in real life, but I actually have some ties to a major game studio.  I did some pitching and a few people seemed legitimately interested, so I'm pleased to announce that Bethesda Softworks has purchased Zelda Classic: http;//www.sanfransentinel.com/bethesda-buys-hobbyist-fangame-engine-for-466mn.html

Edited by Rambly, 26 March 2021 - 08:17 AM.

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#25 Mitchfork


    no fun. not ever.

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Posted 26 March 2021 - 09:15 AM


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#26 James24



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Posted 28 March 2021 - 08:53 AM

The quests that you published are somewhat unusual because they're not standard NES quests - not even remotely Zelda quests and its hard to get people's attention if that's happening.  What needs to happen is a standard Zelda quest that shows off what 2.55 is capable of that is clearly better than 2.53.  So you might be right, I overlook features because they aren't of any interest to me.


So lets dream a little here huh?  Lets say that, hypothetically, James24 is a multi-millionaire in real life.  He has about $3 million sitting his share portfolio that's happily earning him a healthy $200k per year without having to work at all.  His house and car are fully paid off and he has lots and lots of spare disposable income at his fingertips.  He looks at his favourite game engine and sees that the current state of it isn't too healthy.  People haven't been completing a lot of quests lately and the 6th quest contest didn't do so well.  There's this fabulous project that looks oh so nice that could possibly save it on the horizon.  Problem is that its too expensive for a "normal" person to pay for.


So James, out of the goodness of his heart decides to drop $50k for it - a small drop in his big ocean.  After about 6 months, Zoria finishes the work and now no one wants to convert their code to a module.  So he forks out another $50k and the best scripters here get all worked up and convert their massively complicated code into usable modules for the whole fanbase to use.  The project works wonders and within a few months heaps of new quests are made and lots of people flock to ZC.


From a distance James smiles.  But then he opens the quests that were made with his expensive modules project.  Lo and behold they are all type A quests.  He does not enjoy a single one of them because they are all like Hero of Dreams, Isle of Rebirth on the easiest difficulty setting, Lost Isle, the 6th quest by Mani a little while back and the crucible quest demo.  None of which are of any interest to him and he has no enjoyment playing.  But apparently a lot of other people here do.  What a waste of money and given the ZC community such a wonderful tool, he has no say over quest creation.


This only makes sense if an individual or individuals who have type A tastes collectively fund ZC development.  Sooner or later the ZC community will have to face this reality if it is to save the current state the game is in.

#27 Mitchfork


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Posted 28 March 2021 - 09:57 AM

James for 50k I will make Crucible Crest ball-bustingly hard. Every Octorock will shoot Fire Gleeoks, every Fire Gleeok will shoot Batrobes. I will make permanent bubbles for every button on the keyboard. Sorry James, no Start today. Every time you die a future random chest in the game gets deleted (oops, no Hookshot, better find some OOB exploits). Hell, I'd even consider 4-way movement.

Let's make it happen, I have PayPal and could install Venmo for 500 more (I really hate registering new accounts - I guess you could say I cater to my own tastes first with my online payment options). I would also accept a bank check if you could drop it off at my house. I still haven't had the vaccine so it would have to be contactless - I could order some Steak-Out and we could eat on the porch together though. It's way better than you think it would be for delivery steak.
  • Rambly, The Satellite, Mani Kanina and 2 others like this

#28 Evan20000


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Posted 28 March 2021 - 10:22 AM

James for 50k I will make Crucible Crest ball-bustingly hard. Every Octorock will shoot Fire Gleeoks, every Fire Gleeok will shoot Batrobes. I will make permanent bubbles for every button on the keyboard. Sorry James, no Start today. Every time you die a future random chest in the game gets deleted (oops, no Hookshot, better find some OOB exploits). Hell, I'd even consider 4-way movement.

Let's make it happen, I have PayPal and could install Venmo for 500 more (I really hate registering new accounts - I guess you could say I cater to my own tastes first with my online payment options). I would also accept a bank check if you could drop it off at my house. I still haven't had the vaccine so it would have to be contactless - I could order some Steak-Out and we could eat on the porch together though. It's way better than you think it would be for delivery steak.

Fire Gleeok is little bitch-tier due to being cheesed by Block All combos and Mirror Shield.

Bring the Patra 3s to up your Type B game.

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#29 Rambly


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Posted 28 March 2021 - 10:41 AM

Hell, I'd even consider 4-way movement.

Too far.  Too goddamn far.

  • Anthus, Mitchfork and Moosh like this

#30 Professor Bedwetter

Professor Bedwetter

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Posted 28 March 2021 - 11:49 AM

The quests that you published are somewhat unusual because they're not standard NES quests - not even remotely Zelda quests and its hard to get people's attention if that's happening. What needs to happen is a standard Zelda quest that shows off what 2.55 is capable of that is clearly better than 2.53. So you might be right, I overlook features because they aren't of any interest to me.

So lets dream a little here huh? Lets say that, hypothetically, James24 is a multi-millionaire in real life. He has about $3 million sitting his share portfolio that's happily earning him a healthy $200k per year without having to work at all. His house and car are fully paid off and he has lots and lots of spare disposable income at his fingertips. He looks at his favourite game engine and sees that the current state of it isn't too healthy. People haven't been completing a lot of quests lately and the 6th quest contest didn't do so well. There's this fabulous project that looks oh so nice that could possibly save it on the horizon. Problem is that its too expensive for a "normal" person to pay for.

So James, out of the goodness of his heart decides to drop $50k for it - a small drop in his big ocean. After about 6 months, Zoria finishes the work and now no one wants to convert their code to a module. So he forks out another $50k and the best scripters here get all worked up and convert their massively complicated code into usable modules for the whole fanbase to use. The project works wonders and within a few months heaps of new quests are made and lots of people flock to ZC.

From a distance James smiles. But then he opens the quests that were made with his expensive modules project. Lo and behold they are all type A quests. He does not enjoy a single one of them because they are all like Hero of Dreams, Isle of Rebirth on the easiest difficulty setting, Lost Isle, the 6th quest by Mani a little while back and the crucible quest demo. None of which are of any interest to him and he has no enjoyment playing. But apparently a lot of other people here do. What a waste of money and given the ZC community such a wonderful tool, he has no say over quest creation.

This only makes sense if an individual or individuals who have type A tastes collectively fund ZC development. Sooner or later the ZC community will have to face this reality if it is to save the current state the game is in.
  • Rambly and Mitchfork like this

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