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The Official Keyboard Shortcuts Thread:

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#1 ShadowTiger


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Posted 01 March 2005 - 11:11 AM

I think this particular thread is a long time coming, myself. Basically, you post useful keyboard shortcuts. icon_smile.gif Be sure to define very specifically what they are for. Here's my own brief compilation. I hope you find these useful. icon_smile.gif

First of all, don't forget to list abbreviations.
Ctrl: - The "Control" Key, in the lower left corner or lower right corner, in the case of the lower right, to the left of the standard arrow keys.

+ - Not intended to hit the actual plus key, but to hold down said keys simultaneously, without letting go of any during the exercise.

OMG-SPACER!!!! YOU WIN! Windows (95 - XP):

Ctrl + C - Performs a "Copy" operation: The highlighted text will be stored to an internal "clipboard" for later recall with the following feature: (See next on the list.)

Ctrl + V - Performs a "Paste" operation: Any form of compatible* information will be pasted to the location of the document's cursor, not necessarily your mouse's cursor.

Ctrl + X - Performs a "Cut" operation: Similar to the Copy feature, but with one major difference. The highlighted text will disappear. Use this feature to move one bit of text from another, removing the original copy.

Ctrl + A - All text and/or images in the task currently in "focus" will be highlighted. Try pressing Ctrl + A now, and see what happens. Then while typing something in a postbit, try pressing Ctrl + A then. Then do a Ctrl + C to copy it. If you lose the information somehow, you can press Ctrl + V to paste it back. Ctrl + A is simply the faster means of copying virtually everythiing in what you're working on. Use the Ctrl +A ---> Ctrl + C combination often whilst posting. It'll save you a heap of trouble. icon_smile.gif

Ctrl + Z - The "Undo" feature in many tasks. It will revert what you're working on either exactly one stage, or several similar stages back. It's similar to a rewind button. If you make a mistake, or accidentally delete what you're working on, hit Ctrl + Z before you do anything else. It just may save what you were working on. icon_wink.gif Including posts you're typing if you haven't done the Ctrl + A ---> Ctrl + C combination.

WINDOWS + M - Minimize all tasks which can be minimized. Handy for getting to your desktop quickly without having to find and click the tiny " _ " button in the lower right corner of each window.

WINDOWS + E - Opens Windows Explorer, a very handy file manager. Smart Computer users use this often to manage their files.

Alt + Tab - Switch Open Applications - And if you hold in Alt and keep pressing tab, you can quickly switch between applications without having to stop at any one of them.

Quick Rename - Go to a file (Find an unimportant file using Windows Explorer.) and left-click on it once, then do it again. This isn't a double click, where you tap the button in quick succession. It is a single left click, followed by another. There is approximately a single second between clicks. Wait another second, and the text will be in "rename" mode. Don't forget to leave in the proper file extension, unless you're changing it. icon_wink.gif

* - By "Compatible," I mean that you cannot paste words from a word document into an image you're editing, or vice versa, etc.

OMG-SPACER!!!! YOU WIN! Most Windows Internet Browsers:

F5 - Refresh the page. The page is updated to its most recent date. For example, if you are browsing a forum and someone is posting while you are reading it, you can refresh the page via F5 to see if that person has posted anything or not before you begin posting.

Ctrl + F5 - Performs a full refresh. Virtually everything on the page is reloaded to its most recent state. This is most useful when people change their avatars, but you cannot detect it because the image appears the same.

F6 - Highlight the Current URL. Try it now, and see what it does.

#2 Espilan



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Posted 01 March 2005 - 12:08 PM

I've got more commands here.

Note: The symbol ">" will be used as "and then", so you do not hold the previous key, you instead press the buttons in sequence. As an example, "Windows > L > L", then would mean press (and release) the Windows key, and then press L twice.

F1 - Usually brings up a help window.

F2 - In applications such as Windows Explorer, also jumps into doing a quick rename (mentioned in BH4's above post). Other applications have other uses (Opera does Go To Page, for example).

F3 - In most applications, brings up a Find window, or does the Find Next function if Find was already used.

F4 - Doesn't appear to normally have a function. But in Internet Explorer, it activates the dropdown list of addresses showing recently-entered URLs.

Ctrl + F4 - Closes the currently-active window in the active application. If your browser uses tabs and you press it now, say goodbye to this thread's window.

Alt + F4 - Closes the active application in its entirety. If you press this on the desktop and not an actual window, it's as if you went to the Start Menu->Shut Down in 95/98. I do not know if it will trigger Turn Off Computer or Log Off in XP.

Ctrl + Esc - Opens the Start Menu, as if you pressed the Windows key alone.

Windows + R - Brings up the Run window.

Windows > R - Same as above.

Windows > U > Enter - Begin the Shut Down sequence. (95/98)

Windows > L > Enter - Log off. (95/98)

Windows > L > L - Log off. (XP)

Quick Note for Ctrl+F5: In Opera, this command will refresh all pages that you have within the application and not simply the active one. I do not know about Firefox, as my computer refuses to run it.

Edited by Espilan, 01 March 2005 - 03:27 PM.

#3 Stungun


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Posted 01 March 2005 - 03:17 PM

ALT + ENTER: Call a PROPERTIES window.
CTRL + ALT + DEL: The famous End Task Dialog Box. From here, you may click on a program's name and close it by hitting ENTER, or use CTRL + ALT + DEL again to restart the computer.
ALT + SPACE: Open the same menu you get by clicking on the icon in the upper-left-corner of the window. Includes commands like CLOSE and SIZE.
CTRL + F6: In applicati0ons with sub-windows that can be closed with CTRL + F4 (and probably tabbed browsers), will switch to the next one.
DELETE: While BACKSPACE deletes the character before the cursor, DELETE deletes the character after the cursor. If something's selected, pressing DELETE will also erase it.

Works for win98SE, other versions I'm unsure of:
SHIFT + TAB: Jump between the desktop and the taskbar if you're on one of them.
WINDOWS + F: Open the FIND dialog box.
WINDOWS + D: SHOW DESKTOP minimizes all windows. If they already are minimized they will be restored.

Most applications:
CTRL + F: Open the FIND dialog box.
CTRL + O: Open the OPEN dialog box. In some applications, it's CTRL + L.
CTRL + S: Saves the document. If it hasn't been saved before it will open the SAVE AS dialog box.
CTRL + P: Print.
CTRL + N: Start a new document.

CTRL + I: Invert the colors of the selection. If nothing is selected, the ENTIRE IMAGE is inverted.
F4: Reverses the effect of an UNDO.
CTRL + F: VIEW BITMAP. An easy way to see what it looks like full-sized. Press any key to exit this mode.

Internet Explorer (might work for other browsers):
CTRL + F4: Jumps to the ADDRESS BAR, and shows the menu of recently-used URLs.
F11: Go fullscreen.
ESC: Same as clicking the STOP button.
CTRL + N: Opens a new IE window. The window will be a copy of your current URL.
ALT + HOME: Go to your home page.
ALT + LEFT (arrow key): Same as clicking the Back button.
ALT + RIGHT (arrow key): Same as clicking the Forward button.
CTRL + I: Opens your favorites.
CTRL+Scrollwhee UP/DOWNl: Change the text size.

ALT + 3: View file information on the currently-selected song. You can edit the tags for some as well.
L: Opens a file.
ALT + L: Opens the Media Library.
CTRL + L: Opens a URL.
SHIFT + L: Opens a FOLDER. Geeze, Winamp has a lot of OPEN commands >_>
X: Play
V: Stop
B: Next song in playlist
Z: Previous song in playlist
CTRL + T: Toggle whether the timer shows Time Elapsed or Time Remaining of the current song.

CTRL + E: View file information on the currently-selected song. You can edit the tags for some as well.
Insert: Opens a file or URL.
SHIFT + Insert: Opens a folder.
Delete: Remove selected songs from the playlist.
SHIFT + Delete: Remove all but the selected songs from the playlist.
Y: Play
R: Stop
E: Next song in playlist
W: Previous song in playlist

Edited by Stungun, 13 July 2005 - 01:07 PM.

#4 Espilan



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Posted 01 March 2005 - 03:41 PM

ALT + Enter (in an MS-DOS Comand Prompt) - Switch between a windowed and full-screen prompt. If you use this while running various DOS-based applications (which includes ZC on my computer), though, you might make your monitor act funny.

ALT + Esc - Appears to switch from one active application to another without bothering to let you choose the next one like ALT+Tab would. It cycles through them in an apparently predetermined order.

If you have an application that allows you to create/edit menus of any sort (mIRC popup scripts, AIM's away message menu, etc), use the ampersand & before a given letter or number to make that specific letter or number a shortcut key to activate that selection when the menu is open.

Also, there may be instances where you are allowed to create your own keyboard ("Ctrl+", "Alt+", etc) shortcuts to execute specific functions at specific times. If I remember correctly, MS Word permits this, and you can even do this with your desktop shortcuts (Right Click>Properties>Program>Shortcut Key).

Edited by Espilan, 01 March 2005 - 03:42 PM.

#5 ShadowTiger


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Posted 14 March 2005 - 10:33 AM

Oh, additionally, on some PC's, (Specifically network PC's, such as the ones at school.) the Windows > L > Enter - Log off. (95/98) and Windows > L > L - Log off. (XP) commands will place your screen at a "locked" condition, in which your account has been locked until you reset the password. It's quite useful for getting up and going to the restroom or something, assuming you have someone to watch your stuff that you trust. icon_razz.gif

#6 /M/



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Posted 14 March 2005 - 11:59 AM

Theres one you missed. Hit the "HOME" Key to go to the Internet.

#7 ShadowTiger


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Posted 11 April 2005 - 09:10 AM

QUOTE(DragonBoy @ Mar 14 2005, 12:59 PM)
Theres one you missed. Hit the "HOME" Key to go to the Internet.

.. Er .. You may wish to clarify that, DB. icon_razz.gif I can't figure out where to hit home from. I hit "HOME" here, I did it out of focus of the window, and I did it on the desktop. Where should we hit home from?

Also, I found another one. You probably know this, but since I don't know what you know and what you don't, I'll say it anyway.

Ctrl + Keypad_Plus enlarges all the text on your browser window, minus the interface, (I.e. file, edit, view, etc.) while Ctrl + Keypad_Minus will shrink it down. Try it now. icon_smile.gif

EDIT: That trick only seems to work in Mozilla.

#8 Takuya


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Posted 11 April 2005 - 10:44 AM

hehe, ctrl-alt-Function # = switch to a console, then alt-Function # to switch between consoles.

ctrl-alt-backspace = quit X windows

Super + click = move window, (unless it's Hyper click) .. (The Windows key is usually super/hyper) and ... double click hold both = middle click..

#9 lasersquirrel


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Posted 08 May 2005 - 02:51 AM

All the PCs at my school use either windows 2000 pro, or windows XP pro. On either of those, you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete> L > Enter, to logoff, and Ctrl+Alt+Delete>Enter or Ctrl+Alt+Delete>K to lock the screen.

Takuya, are you talking about Linux? (you mentioned consoles, and X windows.) I know a few Linux shortcuts.
Alt+Tab,Alt+F4, and probably a few others work just the same as they do in windows.
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow keys: switch between workspaces
Well... so I didn't know as many as I thought. icon_heh.gif I was probably just thinking of all the ones that work in both Linux and windows.

In windows, and in Linux too, I think:
While selecting file icons, clicking on one file, then holding shift and clicking on another file, selects that file, and everything from that to the first one selected. Also, holding Ctrl while clicking an icon, will add it to the group of selected icons, or remove it, if it was already selected. This is really helpful when you want to do something to a bunch of files at once.

#10 Rocksfan13


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Posted 14 April 2006 - 09:38 AM

Shift + Delete = Deletes files off the PC without sending them to the recycle bin. Forced permanent deletion.
Shift + Right Click = Gives the option to Run As a different user, such as an admin.

Edited by rocksfan13, 14 April 2006 - 09:40 AM.

#11 Golden Chocobo

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Posted 17 May 2006 - 06:20 PM

Here's some that I find to be useful, but I don't see on here...

Ctrl + B = Use bolded text. Use Ctrl + B again to undo it.

Ctrl + U = Use underlined text. Use Ctrl + U again to undo it.

Ctrl + I = Use Italicized text. Use Ctrl + I again to undo it.

Ctrl + Y = Redo a previous action

For me, these work for most things. Like MWord, for example. It also works on xanga, but it doesn't seem to work on pureZC...

#12 Snarwin


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 09:15 PM

Ctrl + Shift + Esc = Ctrl + Alt + Delete for one hand.

Ctrl + Keypad_Plus enlarges all the text on your browser window, minus the interface, (I.e. file, edit, view, etc.) while Ctrl + Keypad_Minus will shrink it down.
Ctrl + Mouswheel Scroll does the same thing.

#13 yodabryan



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 03:59 PM

shift 5 times in a row brings up the sticky keys menu. there is another way but i cant remember.

#14 alfinchkid



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Posted 09 February 2007 - 09:26 PM

Ctrl+Esc will minimise Full-screen tasks like PC games or ZCFullscreen.

Shift+Tab will reverse what just "Tab" does (goes backward)

Insert will turn on the OVR function that replaces what is in front of the cursor as you type

Using SHIFT with CAPS on makes the letters lowercase

When typing, to get a letter with dots or an accent use Ctrl+(What you want, : for dots and ' for accent)+letter (Only works in word processors)

#15 Nicholas Steel

Nicholas Steel

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Posted 26 October 2007 - 08:18 AM

ctrl + C lets you copy most standard windowsXP error dialog boxes. thus allowing you to paste the contents into Notepad or similar with ctrl + V.

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