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100 Rooms of Wisdom

Rating: 4.14/5 (7 ratings)

Quest Club 10 - 100 Rooms of Wisdom I and II

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#1 Haylee


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Posted 01 June 2024 - 03:46 PM

100 Rooms of Wisdom I and II by Alucard648 and SkyFlare (For the sequel)




This one's a double feature, due to the low quest length! This is also our first community request, as per the new guidelines of how we are handling the quest club. This request was by Jambu!


Hello I would like to suggest 100 Rooms of Wisdom I and II cause who doesn't like puzzles!


These 2 seem like pretty neat little romps. If anybody feels like playing a pure puzzle quest, these seem like a fun candidate!

  • Moonlight and Alucard648 like this

#2 Moonlight


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Posted 01 June 2024 - 09:06 PM

...Admittedly not quite as interested in this one due to the apparent prevalence of "just do math" in both quests. Hope other people enjoy it if they give it a try, though!

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#3 Jambu



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Posted 01 June 2024 - 10:01 PM

I finished the first one and made it about half way through the second. They are okay.

If you enjoy doing math every 5 rooms.


But I agree with Jenny here. Math isn't fun.


The puzzle mechanics are to die for Im especially fond chess puzzles. This quest uses a ton of scripts (Most Alucard wrote I believe)
They are really good and run smoothly. But the math elements do take away from the enjoyment a bit. Most the time I just google the answers for the math problems.
All and all i give it points for a being something different. There is an audience for these kind of games. (Which I am a Part Of actually)... And seeing all these puzzles in ZQuest Classic really makes me smile... so 4/5 for such an interesting quest that is a bit different from everything else I've played so far (which is not a lot).

Edited by Jambu, 01 June 2024 - 10:17 PM.

  • Mani Kanina, Alucard648 and Matthew like this

#4 Mani Kanina

Mani Kanina


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Posted 03 June 2024 - 03:20 PM

I took the first one for a spin quite some time ago, it just wasn't for me.

I don't mind puzzle games, some flavours of those I enjoy quite a lot but it just wasn't here for this one. I'm not even sure if it's an issue with the puzzles as much as it's an issue with the structure of the game. You kinda just need to do them all in linear order from start to finish. Idk. Probably not bad? But it wasn't for me.

#5 SofaKing



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Posted 05 June 2024 - 09:28 AM

Went through about the first 30 rooms last night.  Agree with everything, some clever stuff, but also math and some things I just needed to look up (I had no idea the number of pixels on an NES screen for example).  I don't like having to pause and go look something up on the internet to finish a game.  But I'll probably press on a bit more as there are some very cool ideas here.  

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