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Worst Zelda Classic quest you have played (Besides Mario Quest)

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#31 Moosh


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Posted 20 May 2017 - 02:04 AM

The absolute worst quests for me will be those where the questmaker didn't put their full effort into it. Troll quests and the sort. At least with other bad quests you can say they tried. You typically have to learn by making something bad before you can make something good. Just take a look at Link's Quest for the Hookshot. It's an atrocious mess of experimental ideas, most of which didn't work out at all, but it was all a learning experience.


And now...



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#32 Matthew


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Posted 20 May 2017 - 07:37 AM

I'm really not sure if I like the idea of this thread. It's hardly positive and could be very disheartening to quest makers who find their quest on here. I think a better topic would be one discussing what makes a quest subpar and how to avoid those design traps. :shrug:
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#33 Zagut


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Posted 20 May 2017 - 09:15 AM

I'm really not sure if I like the idea of this thread. It's hardly positive and could be very disheartening to quest makers who find their quest on here.


Sorry this was not my intention at all when i created this thread.

I didn't intend this topic to be public shaming or anything.

But i think it all depends on how a person describes what they didn't like about the game.

Again, this is just a personal opinion on things.

For example:

Some user says: OMG THIS QUEST SUCKS

That post could possibly be upsetting to the creator of the game.

But if a user describes their feelings of the quest in a non offensive way, or a way they know won't offend the creator, i don't think it's that much of a problem.

Once more, this is all just personal opinion, i'm not trying to start any problems in the community with this topic, or this particular post.

I'm just showing my own opinion on the matter.

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#34 Norzan



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Posted 20 May 2017 - 10:57 AM

Hero of Dreams, but I'm being serious. Cause it is waaaay overrated. It's like "omg the oot of zc" but not nearly as good. Yeah that's why I don't usually engage in threads like this, but whatever.

Something being the OoT of something is something extremely negative to me. I wouldn't say Hero of Dreams is that bad.

Edited by Norzan, 20 May 2017 - 01:15 PM.

#35 Architect Abdiel

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Posted 20 May 2017 - 01:19 PM

The Sanctuary Tree. It feels completely unfinished.
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#36 Old-Skool


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Posted 20 May 2017 - 04:40 PM

I have been thinking about posting here before but decided not to. Looking at this thread again I kind of feel like sharing my two cents never the less.
Somehow I have a bad feeling about this thread. On the one hand I agree that a bad quest really is a bad quest and should be rated as such. On the other hand I am thinking about how people identify with their work and hence this thread has an implicit ranking of the worst quest makers. If somebody was to throw the name of my quest in here (hypothetically that is, I never finished any of my quest projects) I think I would be disheartened. I don't see the appeal of the discussion.

In agreement. If I recall, this kind of thread was made once or twice before and had been locked for similar reasons
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#37 SkyLizardGirl


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Posted 20 May 2017 - 06:32 PM

I'm really not sure if I like the idea of this thread. It's hardly positive and could be very disheartening to quest makers who find their quest on here. I think a better topic would be one discussing what makes a quest subpar and how to avoid those design traps. :shrug:


A topic being;    "The Best - fun yet Overlooked ZClassic Quests Topic*  - should be an idea.


We should make a topic abouts this. In fact i think i will:  (Oh waits, one topic already does exist.')   :(

Edited by SkyLizardGirl, 20 May 2017 - 06:36 PM.

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#38 Anthus



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Posted 20 May 2017 - 10:36 PM

I was just kind of being dumb cause threads like this are pointless. I haven't truly played a bad quest. I'm very selective.
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#39 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 20 May 2017 - 11:30 PM

I am going to follow Moosh and instead of naming a particular quest, I'll just name just generally a few pet peeves of mine that makes me not like certain quests. 


So ya, lazy joke troll quests are not my cup of tea. 


But also more specifically, and something I am guilty for is people's tendency to think humans are mind readers. Some people do not take reaction time into account when they want to make challenge. Others just bloody expects you to magically know some random danger or annoyance will occur.


Stuff like "invisible warp mazes", "random Death Knights you're nowhere near prepared for", or "just general sudden death traps you do not expect".


Keep this shit in horror games please. lol I like my horror, but I kinda expect that kind of shit design in those games. At least horror games still kinda try to give you clues, some fan games just expects you to know exactly what the quest author is thinking at all times.

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#40 Shane



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Posted 21 May 2017 - 12:40 AM

Instead of giving an obvious answer by just calling out one of the lowest rated quests and calling it a day(day), I'm going to do something similar to NJF and list out bad habits some quests I didn't enjoy as much did:

  • Ditching out "less is more" mentality. What's wrong with building a dungeon that introduces a concept, makes them more complex and challenging as the dungeon progresses and wrapping it up before it outstays its welcome? I feel a lot of quests pad out their dungeons to make it seem "epic" when really it just loses its fun factor. That isn't to say there aren't amazing big dungeons (some good examples would be from LI, IoR, Forbidden City and potentially future quests) but I feel a lot of people simply don't "get" what makes a good big dungeon in turn it kind of makes things tedious. And with dungeons being a big aspect of ZC quests, this is a critical factor you don't want to screw up lest you make the experience unenjoyable. There's nothing wrong with making small to medium sized fun dungeons.
  • Something similar to what NJF has stated: Author not factoring in how the players will interpret puzzles and gameplay. When designing a quest you should really account how others would react to design decisions, this can be easier if you got people to beta test your quest and especially let them screenshare or stay close in touch and not through passive means such as forum PMs. One room needing a shortcut can really make a difference to the experience of a dungeon. Changing the idea from burning a rock to burning a tree will save time and will build a sense of trust between the player and quest. You don't want them paranoid that this random tree has some obscure secret combo when it really doesn't.

    In ways I was guilty of this. Mainly when some trivial things. Watching streams helped my determine where to make gameplay more forgiving and where to add shortcuts.
  • "I added powerful enemies and insane puzzles you have to do over every time. That means it's a challenge!"-mentality. A challenge is determined by ability and strength, not luck. You want to design your challenges around the ability to learn from them and feel actually accomplished after, not to give the player as many game overs as they can and make them do everything over for a honest mistake. This is a huge misconception when it comes to challenge and for me it worsens the experience of a quest, a lot. ZC isn't really suited for perfectly designed challenges outside scripting (but maybe I'm assuming this because I haven't really seen a perfect challenge quest (to me at least) before).

Well those are some things that can make my quest playing experiences less enjoyable. I can't say I have a "worst" quest, we're all just amateurs just wanting to have some fun at the end of the day. :)

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#41 The Satellite

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Posted 21 May 2017 - 01:08 AM


I see right through your attempt at subtlety. Joel, he's calling you out. :glare:

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#42 Timelord


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Posted 21 May 2017 - 12:35 PM

We also must factor in, that quests we might find truly awful, we don't bother with loading to play.

Many of the highly-rated quests are quite luck-based, particularly with some enemy placement, or boss mechanics. The rest of the game can help balance out these frustrating rough spots, but some quests aren't worth the KB of drive space to retain, and others are clearly awful both in concept, and execution.

I typically have no interest in either very short quests, or non-story-diven quests; and therefore I tend to factor storytelling into my verdict, over many other elements. The basic NES style quest no longer has any appeal to me, and I have both seen, and played enough of those to be able to tell which are 'gouging me eyes out, terrible' fairly quickly.

Quests that rely on engine glitches as a puzzle mechanic, or to fight enmies fall to the top of my kusoge list; as do quests with artificial difficulty: Quests that fill a room with shooters, mirrorrobes, and triggers that shift when hit with any projectile, and earn that dreaded 'four black stars'.

Very few questmakers consider that, knowing how to solve their own puzzles, or what-haveyou, and knowing where all the key items ar located, means that it is very difficult to judge how a typical player will discover the same solutions.

When a quest relies on hitting every possible trigger with every item, burning every bush in the game and bombing every possible spot; uses absurd triggers, and the like, most people will hate it.

Obtuse puzzles, maze paths (for any reason, but in particular, when the solution is not somewhere logical), irrational or illogical puzzles and enemy mechanics; wandering around defenceless finding basic equipment; use of MOYL, or door repair spots, reliance on enemy-performed actions to solve puzzles, and other annoyances, simply do not win the day.

Edited by ZoriaRPG, 21 May 2017 - 12:42 PM.

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#43 Orithan


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Posted 21 May 2017 - 06:10 PM

Worst completed quest I've actually played would most definitely be Tropicana Island. That quest, with it being completely filled with one-tile-wide corridors, every screen crammed with whatever "details" the author could find, unnecessary damage combos all over the place, filled with bugs, ect, was an absolute trainwreck and I am not sure how anyone could bring themselves to test such a monstrosity - It is nigh unplayable and nobody should endure it.


Anyways, here are a bunch of things that turn me away from quests; most of which have appeared in quests in one way or another:
- Everything I mentioned Tropicana Island did above

- The world being filled with overpowered enemies that kill you in one or two hits at the start for no reason

- Random Instant Death Traps

- Killgating. Instakilling the player for simply attempting to go out of sequence is a horrible way to enforce linearity, especially if it is done out of the blue with no warning.

- Puzzles with exceptionally obtuse solutions. If they are required in a quest and this is done in multiple places, I am not going to put up with it anymore.

- Luck-based difficulty. I have a little more tolerance for that, but that can be a gamebreaker if victory is decided purely on luck like in Liberation of Hyrule.

- Long iteration times, particularly in regards to bosses. If I am to fight a hard boss to progress, give me a way to access it immediately after dying to it. Don't make me have to go through a tough dungeon every single time unless the design of the boss specifically calls for it.

- Unmarked secrets that are required to progress.

- Mandatory collectathon hunts that span the whole overworld and can not be started before the point where they become mandatory. Even worse if some of the macguffins are hidden behind some obtuse or asinine obstacles


Also, going off experience; threads like this are a bad idea. While they have a honest premise, in my experience on other forums too many people jump on threads like this to fuel the hate for quests that are of points of contention instead of talking about the games that are truly the worst. I know Anthus wasn't being serious about his HoD comment but he proves my point, that people use threads like this to fan the flames of hate for games or quests that are of contention instead of the worst, perfectly.

Edited by Orithan, 21 May 2017 - 07:12 PM.

#44 CimFighter



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Posted 21 May 2017 - 07:13 PM

Like I said, I don't think it would be in my best interest to say someone had the worst quest ever) But to each their own

Edited by CimFighter, 21 May 2017 - 07:14 PM.

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#45 Shane



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Posted 21 May 2017 - 09:32 PM

Like I said, I don't think it would be in my best interest to say someone had the worst quest ever) But to each their own

While I do agree with the (keyword: general) notion that this thread isn't within best interest I do think this is a healthy conversation. You don't have to participant (if anything acknowledging this thread as a bad idea but proceed to take part in listing the worst quest you played is far worse) but I don't see this thread going anywhere chaotic. I feel people are jumping at shadows prematurely and grasping at straws for examples as to where this thread is going wrong... So wait until it actually happens. No, I'm not saying you're wrong in saying this thread might of been made in poor taste but the worst case scenario hasn't happened yet and probably never will given we get the hints at this point. :P


I myself personally don't want to list of a worst quest mainly because I don't have one but also because I don't want to discourage anyone as I most certainly would be discouraged if someone placed my quest here. I instead opted for something more vague by calling out what I feel can drag a quest down based on my own personal experiences.

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