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Chapters of Enova! 0_0

chapters of enova analysis thoughts hero dreams shoelace video trailer

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#1 Shosci


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Posted 27 October 2014 - 04:48 PM

Hey guys, 


So Shoelace just announced his new quest and prequel to the Hero of Dreams, "Chapter of Enova." The video itself was fantastic, imitating the Zelda Wii U announcement back in E3 2014. I could not contain myself when I first looked at the quest, I ended up making an analysis video on what the game might be all about and what it has to offer (it's more of a GameXplain parody if anything else). So what do you guys think about the quest? Is there anything else that might truly connect with the Hero of Dreams or new gameplay mechanics that have been "leaked :toast:?" Let me know until the next time, before a new Inside Chapters gets released.


Here is the analysis video. Enjoy.




Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: chapters, of, enova, analysis, thoughts, hero, dreams, shoelace, video, trailer

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