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#1 ZCnewbie



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Posted 11 July 2010 - 06:09 PM

As you can tell from my username, I am new to zquest. I use zquest 2.10. I am havin trouble importing, so i could use some help. I'm trying to import a tileset. It's called the 'Adventure tileset' if that helps.Please Help! icon_cool.gif IPB Image

#2 Yapollo


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Posted 11 July 2010 - 07:25 PM

Welcome to PureZC, now for the issue at present. The Adventure tileset is relatively easy to import. So far you have probably downloaded the .zip file from PureZC. You also have probably extracted the files. You have a .qst file now. This is a quest without a password, which simply means you can open the file in ZQuest. Open ZQuest, select File => Open and select Adventure.qst. The file should now be open in ZQuest, the tileset is all set and ready to go. Now simply go to File => Export => Graphic Pack. Now save the .zgp (which is a graphic pack file) under some name. Now, open a new quest and go to File => Import => Graphic Pack; find your .zgp file and select OK. Voila, your quest now has the Adventure Tileset. I hope this covers everything, the Adventure.qst file should have examples to help you with the tileset, and the tileset itself is fairly easy to use. Good luck with your quest.

#3 ZCnewbie



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Posted 12 July 2010 - 04:20 PM

Ill try it. Thanks for your nice welcome!

Can you reply with a step by step walktrough of it? I can't do it right. icon_cry.gif

Also, I have trouble doing that many steps in a short time because i mix up steps frequently. So, please post it in an order like this:
1:Export the file as a ZGP, and so on! Thanks!

Oh yeah, and please answer this:Do you do the same with loose tiles?
Also,(and finally) I dont know how to export as a ZGP file.

Edited by ZCnewbie, 12 July 2010 - 04:57 PM.

#4 Yapollo


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Posted 12 July 2010 - 09:08 PM

Oh, sorry for the lack of organization.

Here we go:

1) Download the .zip file from PureZC

2) Extract the files (don't worry, they are entirelydevoid of virus/malware), and place the files in an easy to reach folder. I would recommend putting the files right in your ZC 2.10 folder (which is most likely under Program Files).

3) Open ZQuest (NOT ZELDA CLASSIC) 2.10 or higher.

4) In ZQuest, go to File => Open. Now you must find Adventure.qst, which was one of the files you extracted. It should be right in the ZQuest menu provided that you fullfill step 2 entirely. Otherwise, find that file!....and then open it, regardless of its location.

5) Adventure.qst is the entire Adventure tileset along with examples that show you how to build screens. As Adventure.qst has everything all set up for you, you must export its Graphic Pack (which is a collection of any tileset's palettes, tiles, combos and sprites).

6) Go to File => Export => Graphic Pack to properly export the tileset into any folder of your choice (and again I recommend that you put it right in ZC 2.10's folder). Save the file under any name you wish (though Adventure works just fine). The file being saved is a graphic pack file (i.e. a .zgp file). Whenever you export a graphic pack, it will ALWAYS be a .zgp file, the system saves it as such automatically (so when naming the file, don't type .zgp after the file name).

7) You have the tileset! Now to put the tileset into your quest you must import the graphic pack.

7b) Open your quest (or start a new quest if you have not started a quest yet)

7c) Go to File => Import => Graphic Pack. Once in the menu, find the graphic pack file that you previous saved (and if you followed my earlier recommendation, it should be Adventure.zgp in the 2.10 folder).

icon_cool.gif Voila! The complete Adventure tileset is in your quest. Save your quest and enjoy.

That takes care of that....now for tiles.

With loose tiles NEVER, NEVER, NEVER import loose tiles with the above process it WILL mess up your tiles.

When you wish to include loose tiles in your quest use the following process.

1) Make sure the loose tiles you extracted are in a folder of which you know both the name and location.

2) Now go to Quest => Graphics => Tiles.

3) Find a blank tile page (use Page up and Page down to scroll through the tile pages with speed and ease (hey! that rhymed[/badly placed joke])

4) When on an empty tile page, right-click on the first empty tile.

5) The right click menu offers an option entitled "Grab." Select it.

6) Now load the file with the loose tiles.

7) Now you must do the long and tedious process of importing palettes and setting sprites/combos. But that is both in the help file, and on the forums, but if you have trouble with either, check back in.

That should cover all of your questions.

#5 ZCnewbie



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Posted 13 July 2010 - 08:13 PM

Thank you very much. I'll try!

icon_frown.gif Still no luck. When i try to open it, I cant find it! ARGH!

I switched to version 1.92 183 beta.

QUOTE( @ Jul 13 2010, 05:04 PM)  

Thank you very much. I'll try!

icon_frown.gif Still no luck. When i try to open it, I cant find it! ARGH!

I switched to version 1.92 183 beta.

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