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Should I start doing ZC Let's Plays

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#1 GamingNomad


    formerly KenMeister

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 01:27 PM

Well, just recently, a guy had requested for me to do an LP of his ZC demo. Since it was small, I decided to accept the offer. However, the weird thing is, I've never done a Zelda Classic quest let's play before, so the request seemed a bit out of nowhere, and made me wonder why he chose me out of all people to LP it. So, once I finished recording, I had a thought, how many of you guys would be willing to see me LP Zelda Classic quests, and do reviews on them? I'm a fan of Teamudf's ZC LPs, he seemed like a good inspiration, and I had the thought of doing one, but always had second thoughts oppossed to doing so. So, tell me what your guys' thoughts are. Should I give it a try, or just stick with what I'm already doing?

#2 Moosh


    Tiny Little Questmaker

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 01:34 PM

I'd say go ahead and give it a try. We can always use more ZC LPers.

#3 ShadowTiger


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 02:18 PM

It'd have to be a completed quest, right? Because nobody ever has done a Let's Play of Sabotage Dragoon, partly because it's an old quest file, isn't nearly complete, yet is completely and incredibly awesome to the core. Dreams of Yesterday has only had one attempt at a Let's Play, and is becoming quite epic, but fascinating to watch, with the quest file being constantly updated for new content and gameplay fixes. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a daunting put-off, despite the incredible grandeur of the quest's scope. ... Heh, I have to stop advertising for this. It's too much as it is.

Whatever it is you pick, I hope you have a blast! icon_kawaii.gif

#4 Matthew Bluefox

Matthew Bluefox


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 07:09 PM

Dreams of Yesterday is now being LPed, I think, butt so far, even though I have received good ratings so far of my four Zelda Deluxe quests, nobuddy has made a cumplete LP of any of the four quests. Dashie from AGN was at Level 6 when he stopped, and Eppy was at Level 7 (both first quest) when the bonus level was added and then he "rage-quitted" after encountering a room with Windrobes and Wallmasters (which are now a lot easier enemies in that water room to not get stuck multiple times).

A lot has changed since the first release of ZD (Zelda Deluxe) and I'd luv to see a cumplete LP sumday. So, if you'd like to start an LP of a cumplete quest, Kenmeister, feel free to try mine, I'd be honored. icon_smile.gif

#5 Tree


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 08:12 PM

Go right ahead.

#6 GamingNomad


    formerly KenMeister

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 12:15 AM

Just keep in mind that if I do plan to do this though.....It would probably take awhile for me to get to doing this since I have LP projects of my own I'm working on currently. Golden Sun definitely wore me out with how long that lasted. x.x

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