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Randomizer Super Version


Beta Testing the Randomizer

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#31 pixcalibur



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Posted 03 June 2014 - 10:00 PM

There's a hidden dungeon in the dark overworld that I believe is in the shape of a stalfos

#32 Wolfman2000



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 06:33 AM

......okay, definitely did NOT run into that.

#33 Ryunaker



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Posted 12 June 2014 - 12:12 PM

Just a bit of a humorous incident...the raft...was item #152 for me.  I still haven't found the flippers.  I was beginning to get a little...nervous.

#34 pixcalibur



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Posted 12 June 2014 - 12:23 PM

I got my raft in 1-7, which was odd for me.  Flippers can be anywhere.  As long you have something to cross water, then you're ok.  Feather is great if you can find that early, as that makes the raft obsolete.

#35 Ben


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 02:35 PM

Downloaded beta 2. This is excellent. I've felt that the original Modernized version (sometimes called the Modernizer) is the best thing to happen to ZC ever, but this might even surpass it. Right now I'm doing a run where I have the ball and chain; it's a little glitchy on the bottom or top of the screen, but it's amazingly useful.

#36 samcambolt270



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Posted 14 June 2014 - 07:28 PM

I found a strange item that I have never seen before. It is like a green circle with an off center circle thing that spins. It was in a shop in the dark world for 250 rupees. Does anyone know what this is or what it does?

#37 pixcalibur



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Posted 14 June 2014 - 08:33 PM

I found a strange item that I have never seen before. It is like a green circle with an off center circle thing that spins. It was in a shop in the dark world for 250 rupees. Does anyone know what this is or what it does?

Basically it will tell you how many items there are in each overworld and dungeon

#38 kurt91


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Posted 15 June 2014 - 03:42 AM

Finally getting around to trying one of the randomizers. My starting weapon: Hookshot. I'm not sure if I should be happy with this or not...


EDIT: Never mind. Seems this thing does better damage than I remember. I could have sworn this was only good for stunning.


EDIT II: Why am I getting nothing but ranged weapons? I've got the Hookshot, Boomerang, Heart Wand, and a Rupee-draining diagonal double shot.

Edited by kurt91, 15 June 2014 - 04:08 AM.

#39 Matthew Bluefox

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Posted 24 June 2014 - 07:36 AM

Sorry, butt I couldn't find any link to the most updated Beta version. Could purrhaps someone post and update the link in the first post of this thread? That would be meowsome. :)

#40 Ryunaker



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Posted 01 July 2014 - 03:12 PM

I believe the link is actually on the main page for the super randomizer, the 'demo' link.  Unless there has been an update since Demo 2.

#41 aelie



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Posted 06 July 2014 - 06:37 PM

if i had one request it would be some way to get a specific random seed, I.E. so 2 or more people could play the same random set of items (racing?)

#42 Matthew Bluefox

Matthew Bluefox


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Posted 07 July 2014 - 06:41 AM

I got quite far in the new super randomizer. I haven't done a few of the 9's and the Zelda dungeon yet, butt all other dungeons, both secret dungeons and the battle arena. A jub well dun I have to say. :) Lovely new items, the heartwand is special. :D

#43 HeroOfFire



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:45 PM

Thanks for all the feedback. Between the comments here and my own playtesting, I've fixed any issue that came up and balanced a few of the custom weapons. I've submitted the quest to the database; it should be up in the near future. 


The only significant changes were shuffling a few items around in the non-randomized mode and making Lanmolas and Moldorms immune to Arrows and Sword beams to minimize the impact of an engine bug with piercing weapons. Everything else was just fixing some combo errors here and there. An update for the Modern version has been submitted as well that includes most of these fixes, including a rare item spawning bug fixed while making this quest.


At this point, where can I go from here? I'm running out of item ids and places to put anything in the original overworlds. Perhaps a sequel of sorts that takes place in a different overworld? Maybe someday, we'll find out...

#44 pixcalibur



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 12:13 AM

Well, whenever this gets onto the database, I'll probably test it a bit to get my route in place before LP'ing it.

#45 coldcandor



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Posted 10 August 2014 - 05:26 PM

Hey there!  I recent found this randomizer through a "race" on MetroidMST's youtube channel.  I have to say, this has been a TON of fun!  I have been having a HELL of a time finding any info on it, though.  Heck, it took 2 weeks before I even found this thread...  Anyway, I have to say playing this game 100% blind added some interesting challenges.  I now have a notebook with every dungeon mapped out, pages of written down clues, and an attempt at an inventory screen legend.  I'm still completely stumped as to what some of this stuff does, though:


red/grey boots?  I *think* the brown boots protect from dungeon spikes, but can't confirm

gauntlet (just for Lost overworld teleporters?)

Pretty much all the scrolls (I know one gives spin attack, but no idea which)

Skull ring?

Spikey ring?

Ring with the plus?

Exclamation point ring?

I think one of these rings gives protection from the bubbles, but no idea which.  I also think one might give protection from Like-Likes?

Medicine scroll?  (I know once you have it you can buy potions, but they fill the other slot, the one with the reusable medicine)

"upgraded" stepladder?


It's also really hard to tell how much damage something does.  Is damage variable?  Things like Bombs and the gold crystal sometimes kill things in 1 hit, sometimes 3...  Maybe enemies have random HP?  I've had blue knights that take 2 hits and some that take 4 with the magic sword.


Despite all that, I was able to find 199/200 items (WTF?  Every chest icon is Golden...) and with a spoiler about the Lost Overworld entrance 3/4 items there.  I'm excited to restart now that I have dungeon maps and play around with "I wonder if I can do this part early..." type stuff.  But first I want to really finish it...


Oh, fun extra note...  I got the Magic Key as the boss reward from my 5th level 9 dungeon (that's the 5th one I did, not "Lv 9 5th") as item #197, rofl!

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