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This Winter To Be Legendary In The Absolute Worst Way Imaginable

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#16 )-( Marchland Malady )-(

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 12:12 PM

The Zamboey Winds are back and are blowing at a fierce 20-30 MPH constantly. Looks like every single day will be windy this winter.


Congratulations, the title of this topic has just be proven correct:
This will be one nasty swirling nightmare.

Edited by Nolornbon, 31 December 2013 - 12:12 PM.

#17 SpikeReynolds


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Posted 04 January 2014 - 03:08 AM

You guys are cute. It's 15 F today here, and that's the warmest it's been all week. It was 15 fucking below during my lunch break last night.

#18 Shane



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Posted 04 January 2014 - 06:04 AM

You guys are cute. It's 15 F today here, and that's the warmest it's been all week. It was 15 fucking below during my lunch break last night.

Cute. It's 100 F here. ;)

#19 Jared



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Posted 04 January 2014 - 06:06 AM

It's been ranging from like 10 degrees F to -8 degrees F here. Crazy, man.

#20 SpacemanDan


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Posted 04 January 2014 - 07:33 AM

The past two days were pretty crazy. It was anywhere between -30c to -42c , with winds making it something feel like -50c. ._. Thankfully I wasn't out much in it, though I do feel bad for anyone who had to be out in it for any length of time. ._. Definitely the coldest I remember it being in a long while. Thankfully, it shot right back up to -7c today.

#21 LTTP



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Posted 04 January 2014 - 12:49 PM

The past two days were pretty crazy. It was anywhere between -30c to -42c , with winds making it something feel like -50c. ._. Thankfully I wasn't out much in it, though I do feel bad for anyone who had to be out in it for any length of time. ._. Definitely the coldest I remember it being in a long while. Thankfully, it shot right back up to -7c today.

ya same here, really cold and lots of snow.
YAY Canadian weather.

#22 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 04 January 2014 - 12:58 PM

Today I went to buy groceries in a t-shirt.


I live in Norway.


Nuff said.

#23 Ventus



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Posted 04 January 2014 - 01:10 PM

So far for me this winter is brutal... Hoping the water pipes in my house don't freeze and blow. becuase its really fun climbing under the house with water all over the place and its like -10 tempertures.

#24 Rambly


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Posted 04 January 2014 - 01:10 PM

An unusually cold Arctic air mass will move into the region on the
heels of this weekend's winter storm. Snow pack to our north will
allow this air mass to maintain much colder temperatures than
would normally be possible. Temperatures are forecast to fall
below zero Sunday night... bottoming out around 15 degrees below
zero across northeast Missouri and west central Illinois. Further
south lows are expected between 3 and 10 degrees below zero. This
very cold air combined with northwest wind of 10 to 15 mph with
gusts up to 25 mph will produce dangerous wind chill readings
ranging from -15 across southeast Missouri to -30 in northeast
Missouri and west central Illinois. Wind chill values this low can
cause frost bite in less than 30 minutes. These dangerous conditions
will persist all day Monday and Monday night. Wind chill values
are expected to rise above dangerous levels Tuesday morning.

Oof.  That mayyyyy end up being the coldest I can remember it being here.


It's not terribly unpleasant here right now, though.  40F's not bad.

#25 ShadowTiger


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Posted 04 January 2014 - 01:10 PM

It won't get above freezing for a month over here in New York. I drove to work in the driving snow (no pun intended) for the first time yesterday morning. My car got stuck four times. Much fun was had by all. Didn't meet any polar bears but penguins are always adorable.

#26 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 04 January 2014 - 01:12 PM

We've been experiencing rolling blackouts here. It always makes one concerned when te demand for power exceeds the amount that's available.

I woke up to a nasty surprise last night when I discovered the back door blew open and the kitchen looked like winter itself.

It won't get above freezing for a month over here in New York. I drove to work in the driving snow (no pun intended) for the first time yesterday morning. My car got stuck four times. Much fun was had by all. Didn't meet any polar bears but penguins are always adorable.

Oh! Somebody needs their winter tires. :P

#27 )-( Marchland Malady )-(

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Posted 04 January 2014 - 01:35 PM

Well, I guess we all know now why the the final dungeons in Darkmatt's quests are ice dungeons.


When seeing this winter go by, the following two songs come to mind:
http://youtu.be/BVdB5TCOM08-Giant's Cry (La-Mulana)
http://youtu.be/X5tgXXr2-Wg-Palace (ActRaiser 2)
I think they portray the misery and toughness of this winter quite well.

#28 Eddy



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Posted 04 January 2014 - 02:08 PM

The coldest it's been over here is like 3-5C during the winter. Honestly, it has never been below 0 in quite a while over here.

#29 )-( Marchland Malady )-(

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Posted 05 January 2014 - 08:39 AM

Winter Storm Ion will be coming soon, and it will smite North America with extreme cold. Below is a link to find out more about this storm:
http://www.weather.c...in … d-20140103


Europe has been seeing some powerful storms as well.


It cannot be more clear that both aspects of Hell are licking this planet's surface. It is as cold as the arctic in the north, but in the south it is like an inferno. Australia is currently facing a heat wave so terrible and so nightmarish that the song in the YouTube video below best describes it:

#30 strike


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 09:46 AM

I think a Nuclear Winter would be a little worse. :P


It's way colder than usual were I live too.


How does global warming explain weather like this? I've never been very good at understanding climatology.



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