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Hurricane Katrina

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#1 Top Kirby

Top Kirby


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 02:53 PM

Ladies and gents, there is a new BIG bad Hurricane on the block that puts Andrew and Camille to utter shame. Hurricane Katrina is a SUPER strong Catagory 5 Hurricane with winds up to 175 MPH and it's heading towards Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.

It's said to make landfall sometime tommorow and it's gonna cause CATASTROPHIC damage.
My prayers go out to everyone who is currently evacuating or going through this tough time.

#2 Tatsudoshi



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Posted 28 August 2005 - 03:06 PM

I have a friend who lives in Louisiana, several cities west of New Orleans, which is being evacuated. I can only pray that she'll be okay. She doesn't seem too concerned about it, but I can't help myself but worry. icon_confused.gif

Of course, living in northen states all my life, I've never been in a hurricane before. We've only had some on the effects such as rain and wind.

#3 Takuya


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 04:15 PM

I had Katrina when it first started, it was so lame. It wasn't even a hurricane. It's kinda scary to see how strong it got.

#4 Exate



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Posted 28 August 2005 - 04:19 PM

I forgot the past hurricane... but it was the one that originated (I believe) from Texas and came over here to California. Lord... craziest rain we've had in about 12 years!

Hurricanes have been going crazy lately this year... Is Mother Nature trying to kill off more people? icon_neutral.gif

#5 hitmon600



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Posted 28 August 2005 - 04:25 PM

Did it categorize as a Level 5 when it went over the Gulf of Mexico? Because I remember that when it went through Florida it was just a Category 1. Usually the Gulf of Mexico significantly weakens hurricanes, but I guess that wasn't the case this time.

I wish all of you down in the Southeast the very best.

#6 LinktheMaster


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 04:34 PM

The more hurricanes this year is a combination of several elements. Global Warming has a little to do with it, but the main factor is a system in the Atlantic that's making the waters warmer. I can't offer specifics, of course, as I don't study weather. All I know all the right elements for increased amount of hurricanes are active this year, so yeah, that's why there's more. icon_wink.gif

#7 Aaron


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 04:50 PM

God looked at sinful New Orleans and was all like:

"Girls showing their titties for beads??? AH HELL NAW!!!"


Those poor people who lost their homes... icon_worried.gif.

#8 Hunter P Brown

Hunter P Brown


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 05:06 PM

I live in NE Texas, which is near Louisiana. I'm a little bit on the worried side myself, cause I don't know where this hurricane will be going. I just hope and pray to God that it doesn't come to my neck of the woods.

To those who live in those states...God be with you, and hope you survive.

#9 Top Kirby

Top Kirby


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 05:46 PM

I'm also saying a prayer for all those people that can't make it out of Louisiana and are staying at the shelters and the Superdome down there. ;-;

God, I really REALLY pray my friends managed to get far away enough from this monster.

#10 Jaivaz


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 05:52 PM

"Some areas of New Orleans city range from 1 to 20 feet (0.3 to 6 m) below sea level, and rain-water must be pumped out as fast as it falls to prevent flooding. The city's protective levees only reach 14 feet (4 m) (levee maps). At landfall most of the city is expected to be heavily flooded due to the storm surge, expected to exceed 25 feet. In addition, the eye is forecasted to pass to the east of the city. Should that occur, the wind will back into the north as the storm passes, forcing large volumes of water from Lake Pontchartrain into the city.

Since they are located inside the levee, it is very possible that the pumps which are depended upon to remove water from that area will be submerged and could fail, turning New Orleans into a lake until the systems can be restored [4].

Therefore, Mayor C. Ray Nagin has ordered the first ever mandatory evacuation of the city (calling Katrina "the storm the city has long feared") and established several "refuges of last resort" for citizens who cannot leave the city, including the massive Louisiana Superdome. However, since the elevation of the Superdome is about 3 feet above sea level, the forecasted storm surge could possibly cause flooding on that site.

President Bush declared a state of emergency in Louisiana two days before the hurricane made landfall [5]."
More information at http://en.wikipedia....rricane_Katrina

Yeah, Louisiana is about to get pwned.

#11 Kite


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 07:16 PM

The tropical depression form will probably hit Kentucky and flood it again. That happened twice last year. icon_sweat.gif

I'm glad my brother just got the category 1 hurricane, though. Florida was pounded last year with very little time between each hurricane. icon_confused.gif

Finally, to all those who live in the areas where the category 5 is going to hit, I hope that you get out of it safely.

#12 Top Kirby

Top Kirby


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 07:23 PM

Hurricane Katrina has weakened a tiny bit from 175 MPH to 160 MPH. Not too much of a difference sadly as it's still moving towards Louisiana and Mississippi as a deadly monster sized Hurricane. ;-;

#13 Daniel


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 07:29 PM

QUOTE(Hunter P Brown)
I live in NE Texas, which is near Louisiana. I'm a little bit on the worried side myself, cause I don't know where this hurricane will be going.

I live in SE but more between NE and SE like right in the middle and a hurricane hasn't been here in over 100 years since my family first got this land so I'm not worried but I guess another one is bound to come soon. icon_shrug.gif

Yeah, Louisiana is about to get pwned.

Nice way to put it there, I bet people in its path feel much better now. icon_lol.gif icon_naughty.gif

Meh, I don't think it is anything to make a big deal about, the world has to many humans anyway some of us need to go.

(Fixed formatting. Took me awhile myself to realize that IPB likes the [/ quote] to be on a new line. ~Happyman)

Edited by Happyman, 28 August 2005 - 08:33 PM.

#14 Nathaniel



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Posted 28 August 2005 - 07:55 PM

Hurricane Katrina has been all over the news. If this ends up worse than Hurricane Andrew, just imagine how disastrous it will be! I feel bad for anyone who can't afford to leave New Orleans or the general area of the hurricane, and for those who can leave, losing a home is still on their minds. Mother nature is one mad scientist you can't argue with. All we can do is hope for the best, and for those who can afford to make a small sacrifice, provide aid to those who are forced to make much greater sacrifices.

#15 Top Kirby

Top Kirby


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 08:55 PM

Dr. Steve Lyons on the Weather Channel says the pressure system that's forcing the Hurricane north could sheer some of the bands apart and weaken Katrina a bit more so it could get downgraded to a strong Cat 4. (Perhaps instead of 160 MPH it could be knocked down to 155-150 MPH) This is a possiblity but there's no guarentee it will happen.

Either which way, come tommorow Louisiana and Mississippi may never be the same again. ;-;

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