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The Official PZC "Lounge" Interaction Thread Engine #1

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#1 ShadowTiger


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 06:31 AM

This is the first official Pure Zelda Classic Lounge thread. It's a place to talk about the very most basic and non-specific thoughts that you're having right now. It's so general that the topic has no topic. Just let it flow free.

As a starting off topic:

How do you prefer your hair?

Personally, I prefer it short. I have this issue with having hair touch my ears. I'm supersensitive to skin contact, and hair alone can trigger that "heebeegeebee" sensation, whether plural or singular. Had to get an "emergency haircut" on Wednesday to fix it. icon_razz.gif

#2 CastChaos



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 06:38 AM

I like my hair with 2 spoon of cream short. Even though I don't make any actions against longer hair, it's just that sometimes my mother grabs me and cuts it off. :thumbup:

But I should draw maps instead of chat here at World's End.

#3 Koopa


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 06:43 AM

I keep it short myself - takes less time to wash/dry and is cooler in summer. We seem to have a heatwave coming on us soon, so I might get it cut again soon.

Short or long, outside you're most likely to see me wearing a hat. If it's sunny, it keeps you from getting sunburnt and stops the sun shining in your eye. If it's raining, it keeps your head dry.

#4 Rambly


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 06:51 AM

Medium-length. Whatever that is.

Too short and it looks ugly, too long and it gets in the way and I look like a hippie. Somewhere in between. By the way, I could probably use a haircut right about now...

Lounge threads are cool.

#5 CastChaos



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 06:55 AM

So if I ever go to Switzerland, and see somebody without a hat/cap, I know that the person isn't Koopa. I'm the exact reverse, I hate hats. It's uncomfortable to have something on the head (the fewer clothes on body, the better) and there come a lot of problems, like it blown down by wind, head itches and all... I wear it only at very cold winters and at vacation in hotter countries, like Greece.

#6 ShadowTiger


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 07:02 AM

I'm the same as Koopa; I definitely love having a hat. (In fact, if you're Orthodox Jewish, you have to have something on your head in public.)

The visor on the hat is also quite useful for a number of things. It can close cabinet doors when you're done with them after your hands are full, and you can stab people in the neck with them just by falling forward if they're taller than you are. icon_blah.gif

#7 CastChaos



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 07:25 AM

Ah, how "in the box" I am. I should see what I can do with MY hats. I can already think of one use: they increase DEF.

#8 Koopa


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 11:04 AM

/me takes his hat off to Shadowtiger and CastChaos, and bows.

Another useful feature of a hat is that, in a crowd, your friends can instantly recognize you. At least over here.

I'm the exact reverse, I hate hats.

From your current avatar, I wouldn't have guessed. icon_smile.gif

#9 Alestance


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 12:04 PM

I had a top hat, I think it was part of a costume, as there used to be black "hair" hanging from it, but the wig part of the hat was removed by mad dad.

In any case, the hat went to one of my friends, Haley, she seemed to like it, hehe. It was too big for her small head though.

#10 Nathaniel



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 12:06 PM

The only hat I ever wear is in the winter to keep my head warm. Outside of that, it is a full head of hair, usually neither too short nor too long. It gets kind of wavy and messes up easily though.

#11 CastChaos



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Posted 21 June 2008 - 12:15 PM

QUOTE(Koopa @ Jun 21 2008, 06:04 PM) View Post


From your current avatar, I wouldn't have guessed. icon_smile.gif

Logic, fail is your name. People are more complicated than my homies would expect. (cool)

#12 Ben


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 12:16 PM

I don't like having long hair. It gets altogether too warm up there and makes me feel overheated. I'd wear a hat if I had one that wasn't ridiculous, though. But I'd feel a little weird wearing it around the house, and I get yelled at if I try to wear one elsewhere. I have like a fisherman's hat with little images of fish and fishing poles and hooks on it. It's pretty awesome when taken out of context in an informal atmosphere, but like ... wearing it to church or a job interview = not a terribly great idea.

Oh. Ben. You need a sunglasses milkshake. That "Shades for a Buck" joke has been soooooooo overused by Sunoco that it's not even funny. Wait. Was it ever funny? Are gas stations funny? I don't think so. I'm using formatted text, thereby making me the victor. I am also highly caffeinated right now so I'm not exactly sure what I'm even saying. Woohoo! WaMu.™

#13 Alestance


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 12:24 PM

I hate being hot. Thats a fact. I think its hot outside when its above 60 degrees. I don't like it any hotter than 70, but I'd perfer it to be between 50 and 60. It feels nice, and not too cold.

I also hate having to sleep in an attic, it gets so hot during the summer. Hotter inside than out, and its very uncomfortable. Especially when you're as big as me and absorb the heat of the room.

Meh, I like my hair between short and medium length, I just had it cut last week.

#14 Rambly


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 12:28 PM

QUOTE(Noir @ Jun 21 2008, 12:16 PM) View Post

Oh. Ben. You need a sunglasses milkshake. That "Shades for a Buck" joke has been soooooooo overused by Sunoco that it's not even funny. Wait. Was it ever funny? Are gas stations funny? I don't think so. I'm using formatted text, thereby making me the victor. I am also highly caffeinated right now so I'm not exactly sure what I'm even saying. Woohoo! WaMu.™

I wish I were caffeinated so that I could reply to this without sounding forced. icon_frown.gif

I think I'll make myself a sunglasses milkshake though. Somebody get me a blender!


QUOTE(Alestance @ Jun 21 2008, 12:24 PM) View Post

I hate being hot. Thats a fact. I think its hot outside when its above 60 degrees. I don't like it any hotter than 70, but I'd perfer it to be between 50 and 60. It feels nice, and not too cold.

I think I've met the only person on PureZC who hates heat even more than I do.

Oh and I look incredibly dorky in hats. I just thought I'd throw that in. For whatever reason.

#15 Alestance


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 12:33 PM

I look dorky in hats too, which is precisely why I wear em. icon_biggrin.gif

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