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[RP] Schwa Vs. Russ

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#1 Schwa


    Enjoy the Moment more. This strengthens Imagination.

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 07:33 PM

Private challenge to Russ and only Russ. Don't worry, you'll all get your turn against me if you want it, but my rule is I only run one RP thread at a time as to prevent crowding the forum.

Standard SB rules. I presume you've read them all before, seeing as how you posted them in your own SB challenge thread. Use any character you want. Don't use a HP or MP meter if you can help it. Good luck, and let's see some creativity and awesomesauce. icon_slycool.gif

By the way, this character does not have a profile, although it is written down on my hard drive. ^_^

"I'm sorry, sir, the bank is empty today."

"...Kupo?" Yinns blinked. "Then what's that big open vault doing behind you with money and metal in it?"

"UH... Err, it's reserved for someone, sir."

"Reserved, eh? For who?"

"That info is confidential."

The little furry man smirked. "So you won't let me withdraw any money or metal."

"No, sir, we will not."

"So I guess your wife is going without an anniversary present, kupo."

"...!!!" The man behind the counter stares down at him, alarmed. "W-what are you talking about?"

"Ohhh, nothing. I heard some employees over there talking about how sad Jeremy's wife will be that he hasn't got his wife a present in time, and well..." He points to the man's name tag. 'Jeremy'.

"...What business is it of yours?"

Yinns walks over to the fireplace.

"Wh... What are you doing!?"

With a pair of long pliers in his hand, he carefully grabs one of the coals from the fireplace, and brings them to a table nearby, setting down some protective plates and supplies he pulled out of his big blue jean coat.

Jeremey watches Yinns curiously as he works for almost 10 minutes, with a tiny hammer, a small torch, and various chemicals.

Finally Yinns comes back up to Jeremy, in his hand two large diamond earrings. Jeremy's eyes widen.

"...Just a moment. How much metal and money do you need to withdraw?"

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The town is now in the distance, as Yinns sets his pack down by a trimmed hedge and rests. It's hot out today, but even with fur all over his body, he's not hot. His vest keeps him conditioned. Though the extra metal in his backpack is kinda heavy; even though it's light material, it adds up.

"Kupo... Just a couple miles to go and I'm home."

At about 4 feet tall, Yinns wears a blue jean coat with matching pants and hat, is covered in light grey fur from head to toe, on his back is a pair of small, yellow bat-like wings, and a wire antenna comes from his head with a large fluffy yellow ball on the end, dangling there. Yinns is a Moogle, 20 years old in human years, 34 in Moogle years.

It's amazing what kind of stuff he has hidden under his coat and even his hat.

Yinns visually scans the area. He's only walked through here occasionally. The hedges at the top of this hill are part of a large natural park that goes from the edge of town a few miles out. It's the middle of summer and this heat is crazy, and there's lots of bugs, but it's nice too in many ways.

Yinns closes his eyes, sitting on the ground.
"I wish I could take my coat off, kupo. But whatever."

#2 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 07:46 PM

Little does Yinns know he is not alone in these hills. When he bribed the bank operator, he though the bank was empty. But it was far from empty. There was a small boy, about 14, wearing a crooked baseball cap and a striped shirt watching him.

"It's just not right," Ness thought to himself. "How can the people here be so completely corrupt?" As Ness walked away from the bank he hit the police call button that was on the wall by the entrance and attached a small note explaining what had happened there moments ago. The was a grunt coming from the back room.

"Don't worry Jeremy, the police will be here soon enough to take you away".

As Ness walked out through the large bank doors, he noticed the figure he had seen earlier walking away in the distance. "He's not getting away from me" Ness thought.

When Ness ascended the hill, he saw the strange creature sitting on the ground in front of him.

"Excuse me sir, but I believe that you have violated the law by bribing a corrupt bank employee and withdrawing currency that does not belong to you."

#3 Schwa


    Enjoy the Moment more. This strengthens Imagination.

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 12:11 AM

Yinns's eyes open, and shift to look at the young man. "Geez. I hate people like this," he thinks.

"Hey, kid," the Moogle calmly tells him, without getting up, "Don't get into people's business when you have no idea what the kupo is going on. M'kay?"

His tone is firm and a little hostile, but not threatening. More than anything, Yinns looks experienced beyond his years, as if he's dealt with a great deal of trials and overcome them all. The Moogle's voice matches this feeling.

#4 Russ


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Posted 24 July 2008 - 12:14 AM

"I'd love not to. But it's my job. If you want to get rid of me, give me a few good reasons why you bribed Jeremy and stole from that bank."

#5 Schwa


    Enjoy the Moment more. This strengthens Imagination.

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 01:19 AM

Yinns sighs. These things always happen...

"Fine, kupo. I'll tell you. First, there was no stealing going on of any kind, which you'd know if you took your "job" with any ounce of seriousness. Any metal and money I took out had been deposited in my account at another bank instead. Second, kupo... Ah what the hell, I shouldn't be talking to you."

He half-leaps to his feet, slipping his backpack on once again. He stands in front of the nosy kid. "I'm only saying this once. Move out of my way, kid." His tone is powerful, but not angry.

#6 Russ


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Posted 24 July 2008 - 06:37 PM

"And what if I refuse to move? Whether the money was yours or not, you still bribed a bank employee, which, last time I checked, was a criminal felony. If you want to leave, you'll have to go through me."

#7 Schwa


    Enjoy the Moment more. This strengthens Imagination.

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Posted 25 July 2008 - 02:51 AM

"Jade Knuckles," he says quietly to himself.

Suddenly, there are two loud locking sounds as green diamond spikes suddenly slide over Yinns's hands from under his coat sleeves, outfitting him with dangerous sharp knuckles.

"Son, let me tell you somethin', kupo. I served in the Air Force for 3 years. I won a national award for 200-bogey-shot-down. I was shot down myself twice, both times behind enemy lines. I was held prisoner once and escaped intact. I've seen some close friends die doing what they loved, God rest their souls. Last chance, kid. I want you to get out of my way. PLEASE. If I have to kill you I won't enjoy it, kupo."

#8 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 25 July 2008 - 01:25 PM

" As courageous as your deeds sound, if you should choose to kill a small boy on such little provocation, you obviously have something to hide. I'm guessing you have quite a few tricks up your sleeves. Let me assure you, I do too. Do not let my seize deceive you."

#9 Schwa


    Enjoy the Moment more. This strengthens Imagination.

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Posted 25 July 2008 - 02:01 PM

Yinns's eyebrows shoot up when he hears the kid say this...

"Aha, I should've guessed. You have some kind of special powers, don't you, kupo? Now that I think about it, you've probably saved lots of people from a great evil... How could I kill someone like that?

"Even so, we air force veterans have a reputation to keep. If we're pushed, we push back, kupo. And you pushed me, kid, so, death or not, one of us is gonna end up with the shnit beat outta him. But you get to strike first... I feel generous today."

His pose changes to a more relaxed, defending-like pose, ready for anything. "C'mon, kid, let's see your grit!"

#10 Russ


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Posted 25 July 2008 - 02:46 PM

"Okay, fine with me." There was a bright Ness starts running around in a circle. He gets faster and faster, going at insane speeds. Then, suddenly, he's behind Yinn. He pulls out a baseball bat and attempts to bring it down on Yinn.

#11 Schwa


    Enjoy the Moment more. This strengthens Imagination.

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Posted 25 July 2008 - 10:34 PM

Yinns closes his eyes, waiting...

Then, as Ness warp-jumps behind him and swings, he whirls around and *tries* to sidestep-duck out of the way. But he takes the attack on the shoulder.

Without so much as flinching, he counterattacks by aiming his left knuckles at Ness and clenching his fist. On that cue, the knuckles shoot off his hand lightning fast, attached by a coil-- they hook left and reach back to the right, aimed at Ness's jaw for a brutal ranged right-hook. Immediately after, the knuckles on his other hand shoot straight forward toward Ness's torso for a ranged straight-punch.

He then steps back and whispers.
"Scan Loop."

Computer Tech - ScanLoop.EXE

A green lens slides out from under Yinns cap, covering his right eye and flashing with lines of data as the supercomputer in Yinns's vest begins to repeatedly analyze Ness's movement patterns and power level...

#12 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 26 July 2008 - 12:09 AM

Ness sees the left knuckles fly off and quickly hops into the air to dodge them. But as he lands, the right knuckles hit him in the torso, sending him flying backwards.

"Wow, not bad. I'll say this: you caught me off-guard. But I won't let that happen again." Then, Ness notices the small lens in front of Yinn's eye. He throws his arm forward and a yo-yo hurdling towards Yinn's lens comes out.

"Okay" Ness thinks, "If that breaks it, he won't be able to predict my moves."

#13 Schwa


    Enjoy the Moment more. This strengthens Imagination.

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Posted 27 July 2008 - 12:11 AM

OOC: Huh? What the heck! I was SURE I responded to this thread, but the post I wrote wasn't there! God dangit! Ah well, sorry for the late response.

I forgot to mention something I should have... Whenever Yinns uses the Coil Knuckles, they retract back after reaching their max distance or hitting something. Sorry for forgetting.

Yinns aims his right hand at the oncoming yoyo and fires the knuckles again to intercept it. The knuckles collide with the yoyo, and there's a loud crack as both weapons bounce off each-other, Yinns's knuckles returning back to his hand and locking into place.

Data flashes over the lens again as the computer studies Ness's attack. Yinns's attack power and accuracy increase a bit.

He then holds the palms of his knuckles outward.
"Oil Slick."

Computer Tech - Oilslick.EXE

FSSSSH. Black jets of shiny onyx substance shoot out of tiny invisible nozzles on the jade knuckles as Yinns slowly walks backwards. Within 6 seconds, the whole ground seperating Ness and Yinns is covered in thick crude oil. It's very slippery and very VERY flammable... and should the oil be lit aflame, the flames will last many turns and be very dangerous.

Yinns chuckles.
"Haha, you're gutsy, kupo! So now we've struck oil. What are you gonna do now, kid?"

#14 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 27 July 2008 - 04:49 PM

"Oil huh. This works out to my advantage." Ness quickly jumps backwards, out of the way of the oil. He then leaps into the air, yelling "PK Fire!" A small bolt of energy emerges from his hands and flies towards to fire. As Ness lands safely out of range, the oil explodes, engulfing the area in flames. Ness watches from afar, thinking "hopefully that got him".

#15 Schwa


    Enjoy the Moment more. This strengthens Imagination.

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Posted 27 July 2008 - 10:43 PM

As Yinns figures out what Ness is about to do, he steps back. The ground before him goes up in flames, which reach high into the air.

"Hm. The kid's impatient. He ought to have waited until I was actually IN the oil," Yinns says quietly to himself. "Look for target."

The scanner lens over his eye looks through the flames, targeting Ness on the other side. Data flashes on the screen to confirm the lock-on.

"Here ya go, kupo."

Yinns aims his knuckle-equipped fists straight ahead, and... FSSEEEOW. Both knuckles break off and fire, this time not on a coil; they're rocket-powered projectiles. They both fly ahead real fast through the flames, aimed right at Ness from the other side, and can strike him from 40 feet away, but they don't home in. If they hit him, reach their distance limit or are deflected, they fly backwards and re-attach to Yinns's hands.

The catch: Yinns doesn't move while firing the Rocket Knuckles. But it's almost impossible to see him with the naked eye through these thick flames.

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