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[RP] Vs. Chaos Elddan.

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#16 Russ


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Posted 25 July 2008 - 05:14 PM

OOC: Now Alestance goes, then me and Silly Cat 2 go, right?

#17 Alestance


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Posted 25 July 2008 - 07:08 PM

You would be correct, yes, the previous posts don't count unless you want them too for the next turn.

Elddan laughs maniacally. "Jufer? Tehi meha!? HAH!" He mocks, "FIERN JUINICA!"

The gemstones, embedded in his body fade from their respected colors to black, then, they start to glow a bright orange. Suddenly flames erupt from them, like miniature volcanos. Suddenly, as Elddan lands upon the ground, his body erupts into fire. He now has assumed a humanoid form of fire.


"This? All of it? HAH!" ... "Volcano Stance!"

Fire Form(Fire/Soul): 3 turns left
Light: 13

#18 Russ


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 12:12 AM

Ness stares at the flaming mass before him, thinking carefully. Then, he comes upon a realization. "John, hold back on attacking him! Don't use any fire based attacks! Lucas, try freezing him!" Simultaneously, both boys yell "PK Freeze!", and two massive ice crystals hurdle through the air towards Elddan.

#19 Surreal Canine

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Posted 26 July 2008 - 07:18 AM

OOC: So, I'm guessing this means my last post doesn't count?

John: I wish your girlfriend was here, Ness! She could just pray and this would be over quickly!

John moves hands in a circle. Electricity gathers at his fingertips. He then touches his fingers toghether and points at the two ice crystals. A lightning bolt jumps from his hands to the two ice crystals, charging them up with 20,000 volts of electricity.

James is still meditating.

19 turns left until James can lightbend.

OOC: Starting tomorrow, I'm gonna be gone for a whole week. During that time, I want Russ to keep track of the James counter. I'll arrange one of John's turns so nobody has to worry about him for a while. OK?

#20 Feenicks


    still the harpy guy

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Posted 26 July 2008 - 11:02 AM

OOC: Where is this battle taking place again? You didn't seem to tell us, and it would be useful to know for my next turn.

Phonix reaches into his bag and pulls out a greenish sphere. He slots it into a compartment his dual-bladed sword and presses a combination of buttons on the weapon, simultaneously transforming it into a boomerang and giving the blade a sickly green glow. Pheonix throws the blade a Elddan, hoping the blade manages to return intact...

Meteor charge level - 3/4

Shield energy - 1/1

#21 Alestance


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 12:24 PM

Ouch, yea, the setting is in a shrine not to far underground. I'm guessing your next attack would be a meteor falling upon me, correct? If so, then the chance of it breaking through is very likely.

Elddan runs blindly at Ness, his body is so hot that the ice crystals don't manage freeze him, The boomerang comes right for Elddan. All 3 projectiles land their hits, but Elddan is still fast approaching Ness!

He swings at Ness hard! If he manages to land the hit, Ness is knocked back, and burned slightly.

Edited by Alestance, 26 July 2008 - 12:28 PM.

#22 Surreal Canine

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Posted 26 July 2008 - 12:35 PM

James is still meditating.

John reaches into his brother's item bag and takes out a large, glowing crystal.
John: Good thing we have a Smash Ball!

He tries to smash the Smash Ball against the ground, but it just cracks a little and starts flying around. Seeing Elddan's attack, he runs behind Ness and prepares to catch him if the attack hits...

But the attack also hits John! He is sent flying across the room and hits his head on the wall. He'll be unconscious for a few turns.

OOC: John is unconscious for a few turns, during which time I won't post. Russ, keep the James counter going while I'm gone.

18 turns left until James can lightbend.

Edited by Silly Cat 2, 26 July 2008 - 05:41 PM.

#23 Russ


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 04:57 PM

Ness is knocked backwards by Elddan. He notices John is unconscious. But, remembering John words to him, he gets an idea. "Lucas, teleport to Twoson and bring Paula here! We can try to use here praying to speed up James's lightbending!" Lucas quickly darts towards an empty space and disappears.

Then, Ness notices the smash ball. "If I can just get to that smash ball, I should be able to hold Elddan off for a little while. PK Thunder!" A small bolt of electricity appears in the air, which Ness starts controlling. "If I can just get this to shatter that smash orb, we're set"

OOC: Since the PK Thunder is technically an attack, I'll let Alestance decide if it hits the smash orb

#24 Feenicks


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 08:53 PM

Pheonix holds out his staff towards the roof of the shrine, and yells "METEOR!!"Almost immediately, the roof of the shrine is ripped open and 4 massive rocks hurtle towards the center of the room, in the general area of Elddan. If any of them collide with Elddan, they will do moderate to heavy damage.

OOC: These meteors deal splash damage to anyone who is unlucky to be caught in the general vicinity of them. Also, there is no roof now, so someone could use that to their advantage.

Pheonix grabs his DualBlade and converts it back into a normal blade.

The Shield has dissipated by this time.

#25 Alestance


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 09:54 PM

Elddan watches as the bolt of Electricity floats around and moves closer to the smash ball. He looks ready to pounce upon it, then the ceiling crumbles.

Elddan looks up and sees the meteors fall. "Keha?" He questions. He jumps out of the way and manages to dodge two but gets hit by one, while the other lands somewhere close. After a few moments, he lifts up the hot mass that collided with him, and then throws it at the Smash Ball floating around. If he manages to hit the smash ball, the PK Thunder move hit the meteor. If he misses Ness gets his special.

Fire Form(Fire/Soul): 1 turns left
Light: 11

Edited by Alestance, 27 July 2008 - 09:57 PM.

#26 Russ


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 11:04 PM

The meteor was headed straight for the smash ball, but at the last second, the smash ball curved away suddenly. The PK Thunder hit it, and a mysterious aura surrounded Ness. "Okay, since you liked the first meteor shower so much, let's see how you like the second. PK... STARSTORM!" The sky darkened as hundreds of meteors began to rain down into the arena. "That should get him!"

17 turns left until James can lightbend

#27 Alestance


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Posted 29 July 2008 - 03:18 AM

OOC: I assume Ness's psychic abilities translate Elddan's new tongue, so I'm just going to put Elddan's speech in plain English. Its hard being consistent in nonsense icon_razz.gif .

Elddan's fire form wears off, and he looks up to the sky to sees the meteors fall quickly from space down to the shrine. There is still time left for an attack. He then smirks, and since its plain to see it, this means he knows something. "This is an impressive attack!" He echos. "How would you like to taste it upon your own flesh!?" He holds his hands outward in opposite directions, and on either side, two spiraling vertexes forms. "One eats, as in Space, the other gusts, as in wind! Do you think I bluff? Your meteor shower would make a fine addition to my own strength!"

OOC:No, this wasn't an attack, nor dodge, I just felt the need to insert some commentary, and provide some insight to what I plan to do next. Also, Phoenix, its your turn.

Edited by Alestance, 29 July 2008 - 03:19 AM.

#28 Feenicks


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Posted 29 July 2008 - 10:41 AM

OOC: Don't you mean Vortexes, not vertexes? Anyways...

Pheonix slots in a whitish-gray orb into his staff. He utters a syllable. Air starts to whip around the tip of the staff, making the dust on the floor of the shrine whip around the staff as well. He slots in a yellow orb into his DualBlade and throws it at Elddan (in it's normal form, not its boomerang one), dealing moderate electric damage if it hits.

Aera - 1/2

#29 Alestance


    Saint Alestance - Eliminator of the ZGP format

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Posted 29 July 2008 - 10:47 AM

OOC: yes vortexes. heh.

Elddan gets ready to launch his attack, not paying attention to Phoenix. He gets hit, launched back, and now he is right where Ness wants him. The rest of the ceiling is reduced to rubble as many of the meteors land their mark, and Elddan takes a high amount of damage.

When the dust clears, Elddan is lying on the ground, aura no longer visible and the chaos stones on his body have all faded to black. Is he dead? And what precisely happened to him anyway? What was the monster Ness, Lucas, John, James, and Phoenix fighting? What happened to it? and Why are the Chaos Stones, seemingly unlimited sources of power, drained?

OOC: Not the epilogue yet icon_razz.gif

Edited by Alestance, 29 July 2008 - 10:55 AM.

#30 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 29 July 2008 - 12:04 PM

Ness stares at Elddan for a few second. "Pheonix, something isn't right here, I know it. He's not dead, he's just trying to trick us. Get ready to get back on the offensive quickly.

At that moment, Lucas warps back in, along with Paula. "Paula," Ness says, "see that Pikachu over there. I need you to pray that his attack works quicker".

OOC: I'm not sure if speeding up the lightbend counter would be considered godmodding, but I'm doing it anyways

As Paula, prayed, a miraculous light enveloped James, reducing the amount of time needed for him to lightbend.

10 turns left until James can lightbend

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