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[RP] SimBattle Combat Time!

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#1 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 15 July 2008 - 08:34 PM

QUOTE(Schwa(with some edits by me))
OOC: Okay guys. This is a SimBattle challenge, to however posts here first.
Now, here are the rules of SB...

SB is a style of forum roleplaying where two (usually two, sometimes more) users take characters they've designed and battle each-other with them. Everything's COMPLETELY described in words, and the key is to be descriptive as if writing a book. Essentially it's almost just like writing a book, or at least one part of said book, except that it's actually two people contributing to the same book, and at the same time you're trying to beat the other guy... though the point of SB isn't a whole lot about winning the battle; what's more important is A) having fun, and B) the creativity and plot aspect. (A lot of the time, characters who fight will develop certain relationships with each-other... My characters would battle my online friends' characters and become friends or rivals with them for example, for future fights. One of my female characters ended up in love with another guy's male characters. It can be pretty complicated sometimes if you let it be, and you know how I am with being creative, so yeah.)

This is how a battle generally goes. The first player posts how his character comes to be in the arena he's in... The post also has to describe the arena. The arena can be ANYTHING you want... Grassy field, forest, the city, or something a little more out of the box, like some ancient ruins, the inside of a clock tower, a dimensional space-time rift, series of big stone platforms floating miles above the ground, or anything else. ANYTHING. Don't forget about weather, it counts as part of the battlefield too. Weather can be creative as well... Doesn't have to be rain, or snow, a windstorm... Could be that the air is super-saturated with mana, or the battlefield is a volcano and there's an earthquake every few minutes, or something extreme like that. Of course the basics are just as important...

By the way, when you start a thread, you can either make a specific challenge to someone in particular, or an "Open Battle" where the first person to reply there is your opponent. This thread falls in the Open Battle category, meaning whoever replies first is my opponent.

Anyway, the post explains what your character is doing in that area, how he/she got there, etc. The second poster posts how his character meets the first character, or comes to that arena, etc. The next few posts generally are the two characters interacting in whatever way, and after that, one of them throws the first attack, and battle starts. (The "interaction" phase is sometimes very short and sometimes it lasts a while. It completely depends on the scenario in question. Sometimes it turns out to be a friendly spar, sometimes the two characters are really trying to end each-other's lives. But I try to make sure that nobody actually dies in any SB fights I take part in, and if they do, it's NEVER by my hand. Ever.)

From here on, the two players take turns explaining how their character attacks the other character, and deals with their opponent's incoming attacks and actions. The battle continues until one or both characters can/will no longer fight. Again, this varies. Sometimes one guy pounds the other into submission the old fashioned way, sometimes they both are too tired and decide to have a truce, sometimes one guy's winning but decides to give up because he admires his opponent, sometimes one guy actually saves the other guy from something (like his own attack, or a hazard that's part of the battlefield, etc.)... Again, possibilities really are endless. After the battle has ended, each poster takes a few turns to resolve the encounter and go their separate ways, or at least otherwise explained what happened to his/her character after the fight.

With me so far? Okay, now, the battle has some special rules. The main rule defines SB combat as what it is: You are NOT allowed to decide whether your attacks hit. The OTHER GUY does. However, the two players can't just avoid or block all the attacks they're targeted with and be invincible. Each player has to be realistic, and in a realistic fight against evenly matched opponents, both sides are generally taking hits. Give yourself some weakness. It might sound strange, but it makes the sport fun.

Another rule is "No Godmodding". And Godmodding is when you make your character all-powerful, or at least super-powerful with little to no weakness. One guy was fighting another guy once and his first attack was to summon Sephiroth who blasted the opponent into dust with one blast. That is serious Godmodding. One guy pulled a meteor down from space which hit the planet and sent it into an Ice Age. That is serious Godmodding. You get the general idea. It's fine to have super-strong attacks, but the thing to keep in mind is "High-level attacks need a drawback". The drawback can be something simple like it requires the user to charge up energy for a few turns (your post + the foe's post = one "turn"), or it causes the user some recoil damage, or it has a low accuracy... You could go with something a little more extreme as well. One guy fired a double shockwave at me that was hard to dodge and would deal amazing damage, but he couldn't use any special attacks after that for 5 turns, as an example. Some of my characters' attacks can only be used once per battle, as another example, or only when they're at low health. Some super-attacks require immense concentration and can be interrupted easily. You can be creative with your drawbacks.

Godmodding can also include using a lot of actions in one turn. You should try to keep it to one major action or attack and one form of defense per turn. So, like, I fire a needle barrage at you on my turn... You run towards me while zipping in and out of the needles, then leap into the air and deliver a heavily powered spin-kick, on your turn... Then on my turn I attempt to block the attack with my arms, getting knocked back, and retalliate with a straight punch followed by a left hook... That's how it works. (Of course there is always exceptions. Someone once made a character who's "gimmick" was that he could use two special attacks per turn, but was weak in defense and could be sent flying easier.

No controlling the foe's character. This is a big one. It ties into not deciding whether your attacks hit. You should NOT say "Kent slashes Rachael with his sword diagonally, knocking her to the ground, surprised. It does medium damage." You SHOULD say instead, "Kent attacks Rachael by slashing diagonally at her with his sword. If it hits, it does medium damage." (To simplify, "Slashing her" is bad, "Slashing AT her" is good. See the difference?)

There are two kinds of attacks that should NEVER be used. Healing is one. Teleportation is the other. Teleporting makes it too easy and cheap to dodge attacks. Healing makes the fight either take forever or be totally unfair, depending on whether or not the opponent can also heal. I had a character once that could heal, but he never used it until after the battle was officially over. Then he always healed his opponent, to show his honor.

Last rule. Your character doesn't NEED to have a Profile. That Profile thing is completely optional.

That about does it.

This is basically like the thread Schwa created, with two twists. Before the game starts, I need an opponent. The next person to reply is my opponent.

The second twist is that your character doesn't have to be a creation of your own. It can be a real life person, or a character from a video game, or anything (I think you all can guess my choice. icon_wink.gif.

So, who wants to fight me? Reply!

#2 Surreal Canine

Surreal Canine

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Posted 15 July 2008 - 08:44 PM

OOC: I know I'm already playing a match with Schwa and Alestance, but I'd gladly be your opponent.

It's yet another boring day in the new SimBattle arena in Hyrule Town. It seems totally untouched, partially because it was up until now.
A teenage boy walks into the arena. Judging from his clothing and hairstyle, it's pretty easy to guess that he's a Prince Zuko fan.

Boy: I wonder what Cheden's up to. I haven't seen him in a while.

He looks up.

Boy: Why does it have to be so hot in the summer? And you can't even see a cloud for miles. Oh well. All the more help for me when I get into a fight.

He draws his sword, takes a water bottle out of his backpack, and waits for an opponent.

#3 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 15 July 2008 - 10:06 PM

Suddenly, a small explosion flashes before the boys eyes. A boy, covered in charcoal ash, appears.

He looks around for a second, and exclaims, "Why is it I can never get that teleporting done correctly?"

As he shakes off the ash, it becomes evident that he is only fourteen. He wears a red and blue striped shirt, jean shorts, and a slightly crooked baseball cap.

He looks around, and notices the other boy. He asks, "Excuse me, where is this place?"

#4 Surreal Canine

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Posted 16 July 2008 - 01:56 PM

The boy is surprised by the visitor's sudden appearance.
"This place? This is the SimBattle arena in Hyrule Town, Hyrule. I'm guessing you're new around here. I'm Cocol. Nice to meet you."
He offers to shake the younger kid's hand.

#5 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 16 July 2008 - 02:10 PM

"Hi, I'm Ness. Nice to meet you."

As Ness reaches to shake Cocol's hands, a quick flash of energy goes through his hand, unnoticed by Cocol. If Cocol shakes Ness's hand, he'll be in for one shocking surprise...

#6 Surreal Canine

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Posted 16 July 2008 - 05:15 PM

Cocol shakes Ness's hand and gets shocked.
Cocol: Ow. ... What? Did you do that? Heh. Good one.
Cocol takes a drink from his water bottle.
Cocol: You kind of remind me of this Pikachu I know. He was always pulling tricks like that. And he always loved to fight.
He pauses a moment.
Cocol: Say... Would you like to be my opponent? I've been looking for a fight.

If Ness accepts, he gets the first move. If not, Cocol does.

#7 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 16 July 2008 - 05:34 PM

Ness looks at his watch.
"Well, I still have four hours before I have to be at Twoson, so sure, I'll fight you."

Ness stats:
HP: 500
PP: 450

(For those of you who hacen't played EarthBound, PP is a measure of PK Power)

"Hey, I'll let you have the first move. Come at me!"

#8 Surreal Canine

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Posted 17 July 2008 - 02:27 PM

Cocol: I'd rather not, you might try to zap me again!
Cocol runs to his backpack, takes out some shuriken, and throws two at Ness. He puts the rest in his pocket and watches for Ness's move.

Cocol's HP: 250/250
Cocol's FP(Flower Points, used for special attacks): 200/200
Cocol has 8 shuriken in his pocket.

Edited by Silly Cat 2, 17 July 2008 - 02:28 PM.

#9 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 18 July 2008 - 03:12 PM

Ness suddenly throws his hands forward and a yo-yo fling out towards Cocol. If it hits, it does 10 damage.

#10 Surreal Canine

Surreal Canine

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Posted 19 July 2008 - 11:12 AM

Cocol catches the yo-yo and starts swinging him around from the string. He then lets go, attempting to fling Ness into the wall.
Cocol thinks to himself, "His only hope is to wall kick... Wait. That string was awfully light. Was he even holding on?"

Cocol's HP: 250/250
Cocol's FP: 200/200
Cocol has 8 shuriken in his pocket.

OOC: Did Cocol's shuriken toss hit Ness or not? It's kind of unclear.

#11 Russ


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Posted 19 July 2008 - 01:17 PM

Ness kicks off the wall, thus avoiding damage. However, he then face plants into the ground, taking ten damage.

HP: 490
PP: 450

Ness suddenly yelled "PK Thunder! Cocol then noticed a storm cloud brewing above his head. If lightning strikes, 20 damage.

OOC: What is shuriken?

#12 Surreal Canine

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 11:59 AM

Cocol attempts to catch it and redirect it, but he fails and takes 20 damage. He is paralyzd for this turn.

Cocol's HP: 230/250
Cocol's FP: 200/200
Cocol has 8 shuriken in his pocket.

OOC: Shuriken are those metal stars that ninjas throw.

#13 Russ


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Posted 20 July 2008 - 01:03 PM

Ness, seeing that Cocol is stunned for a moment, takes advantage of the situation. Ness yells "PK Magnet!" Suddenly, a blue orb appeared around him, and one of the shuriken from Cocol's pockets flies towards Ness. Ness grabs it, and throws is at Cocol. If it hits, 15 damage.

#14 Surreal Canine

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 04:03 PM

Cocol watches as the shuriken goes whizzing over his head.
Cocol: You have really bad aim. Maybe you should drop the Casey Bat? icon_xd.gif
He gets up and launches three fireballs at Ness with his Firebending.

Cocol's HP: 230/250
Cocol's FP: 185/200
Cocol has 7 shuriken in his pocket.

#15 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 12:43 AM

Ness is completely caught off guard b the fire bending. He try to conjure up a PSI Magnet, but fails to do so in time, and is struck by two of them. He manages to dodge the third, but still take 30 damage.

HP: 460
PP: 440

Ness said "You know, they always say fight fire with fire. Lets test that out. PK Fire!" A small bolt of energy flew form Ness's hands towards Cocol. If it hits, it will burst into a column of flames, taking 20 damage.

Cocol: You have really bad aim. Maybe you should drop the Casey Bat? icon_xd.gif
OOC: That was pretty funny! But I never actually used that dumb item know as the Casey Bat. icon_smile.gif

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