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Things We've Learned From Zelda

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#1 SpacemanDan


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Posted 26 May 2008 - 05:18 PM

I was just searching around when I came across a humorous list known as "Things we've learned from RPGs." Long story short, it was a list of RPG cliches, and how they apply to life. For example, (Since I lack the ability to explain things very well.) one I saw was "Whenever a huge, unavoidable catastrophe is about to occur and you only have one chance to stop it, don't fret if you screw up. You'll most likely get to try again."

So, why not do one for Zelda? I'll start.
- Chickens are out to get you.
- You will be rendered invelnerable to fire, able to breathe under water, and resist damage, simply by wearing a different coloured tunic.
- If you are ever in possesion of something powerful, like a peice of the triforce, don't expect it to do any more than allow you into the final dungeon.

EDIT: GAH! I ment to put this in general entertainment! If a mod could move this, I would appreciate it. Sorry about that!

Edited by blaman, 26 May 2008 - 05:19 PM.

#2 sigtau



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Posted 26 May 2008 - 05:20 PM

This topic showed up months ago, we've all seen the list, but I haven't made my own yet...

Hrm, from Zelda?

-Bombs, twenty rupees.
-New silver arrows, 200 rupees.
-Kicking some giant pig's ass and getting to screw with some girl of royalty you don't even know? Priceless.

#3 SpacemanDan


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Posted 26 May 2008 - 05:25 PM

This was already made? Crap... >_< Didn't see it before. Sorry about that.

#4 sigtau



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Posted 26 May 2008 - 05:25 PM

It's OK, it's still freakin' hilarious to make these up though.

#5 Eurysilas



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Posted 26 May 2008 - 09:01 PM

Moved to Message Board Games.

#6 Russ


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Posted 27 May 2008 - 10:09 AM

Hm, things we have learned from Zelda:

Bombs were invented when people still used swords.
The ocarina is the only instrument that's magic.
You can get hit hundreds of times as long as you have plenty of glass hearts.

#7 SpacemanDan


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Posted 27 May 2008 - 10:27 AM

Things we've learned from Zelda:

- Selling bombs to children is 100% okay as long as they have something to carry it all.
- If you fall into a pit, never fear, you'll be brought back up to the top with no extra charge! (Except a segment of a heart)
- It's no surprise that Zelda is for ever getting kidnapped, the princess's guards can't even keep a little kid out.

#8 Blue Link 2007

Blue Link 2007


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Posted 27 May 2008 - 02:02 PM

Pulling out a magic sword has the power to separate you into four copies, each with different color clothes.

To have old ladies talk to you, you have to show them a letter.

Sapphire is not a good stone. If you have one, you will have to marry a freaky fish thingy.

When you reach adulthood, you can no longer carry sticks, use slingshots, throw boomerangs, or plant seeds ever again.

By playing a song backwards, you can slow time down to 1/3 it's speed.

If you want lamp oil, ropes, and bombs, you must have enough rupees.

#9 CastChaos



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 04:29 PM

-If you have a powerful mage enemy, don't fear! He will just send some weak thugs at you. (MC)
-Shop sellers appreciate you only if you buy half of the shops wares. (WW)
-Shop sellers never thought about a customer wanting to buy more than one thing at once. (LoZ)
-Falling from a tall mountain is completely safe, but you can break your leg by stepping on a mini slime. (ALttP)
-Some gaps are bottomless, even though there's another floor below them. (ALttP)
-If you cut a giant fairy to pieces, it will turn into millions of flying bunnies. (MM)
-No matter how short attention span you have, Zelda games never start to bore you. (All)

#10 Fuzzy



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Posted 28 May 2008 - 09:35 AM

Not to wander too deep into the woods.

#11 CastChaos



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Posted 28 May 2008 - 11:05 AM

-Super strong birds petrify upon their death, but can be revived with music.
-If people don't like you face, you get masks as present at every occassion.
-If you don't keep historians at your castle, you soon develop conflicting timeline theories.

#12 AaronJer



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Posted 30 May 2008 - 05:34 AM

-A hero doesn't need to talk or think, only cut.
-Owls never shut up.
-Everything contains money. Absolutely everything.

Edited by AaronJer, 30 May 2008 - 05:35 AM.

#13 CastChaos



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Posted 30 May 2008 - 06:50 AM

-Ghosts and undeads have beating hearts.
-Being boss entitles you to rot in a small room til eternity or until a hero pokes you to death.
-Magnifying glasses in fact don't make things bigger, rather reveal invisible things.

#14 Russ


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Posted 30 May 2008 - 09:50 AM

Two little kids can pass a ball back and forth for eternity.
If you break pots in people's house, it's okay to steal whatever you find under them.

#15 CastChaos



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Posted 30 May 2008 - 05:10 PM

-There's people living in air-proof cave rooms.
-If a mage attacks, armies can have a rest because the king assigns a little kid for the battle.

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