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?Epona Script?

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#31 Joe123



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Posted 09 January 2008 - 10:45 AM

Can you explain that a bit better?

I don't really get what you mean.

EDIT: Are you suggesting that I:
Don't use the 32x32 sprites for top-down screens, and instead rotate the 16x32 sprites by 90degrees, and use them to walk left and right with?

Cause that looks awful...

And this script really isn't intended for sideview I'm afraid.

Edited by Joe123, 09 January 2008 - 10:54 AM.

#32 Russ


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Posted 09 January 2008 - 11:08 AM

Awesome Joe. You are amazing. Simply amazing.

#33 Joe123



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Posted 09 January 2008 - 11:29 AM

Why thankyou.
Tis turning out a bit better than I expected actually, I was planning on just posting the LTM one (the first one) and leaving it at that, but now it's something completely different.

Has anyone else actaully tried using it yet?

I mean, it works quite nicely running around a load of blank screens, and I've tried it out up against a few obstacles, but it's a bit doctored as to where I've tried it, I think it'll turn out to not work so well if someone actually tried to implement it into a quest.

At the moment, Link is at the top of the ffc.
I'm thinking it might be nice to have him at the bottom, but add 16 to his Z coordinate.
This could fix a few errors with me having to make Epona appear at Link's feet at the top of screens (otherwise he jumps onto the next screen), might (hopefully?) make him invulnerable to enemies and should (I think) mean that combotypes don't apply (it looks ridiculous when you go over a shallow water combo at the moment).
This would, however, require quite a bit of changing to the script, and I'm not sure whether ZScript is happy to just have you set Link's Z nowadays, after _L_ changed how jumping works.

Does anyone know if this is feasable?

EDIT: Come to think of it, this would solve Twilight_Knight's problem about him wanting Link on Epona to not be affected by warp combos also, and it would allow for him to be able to be affected if you checked the 'Jumping Link is affected by warp combos' screen flag also.

So To Do:
*Jumps (I wonder how I could do this. Perhaps when Epona hits a certain combotype (or flag) then she automatically jumps up one combo and across 4?)
*Link is Invicible whilst on Epona (So hopefully I can sort this out with Link->Z = 16;)
*OoT style whipping system (someday perhaps)

EDIT2: Oooh wow, it even works with Diagonal Movement turned on.
Obviously Epona doesn't move diagonally, but I thought it'd be very buggy and it's not icon_smile.gif

Edited by Joe123, 09 January 2008 - 11:55 AM.

#34 Lune



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Posted 09 January 2008 - 12:05 PM

Ooh, this looks amazing! I still can't seem to get on zquest, but this is something really big! Thanks for making this and expanding it beyond what you intended. Sorry I haven't tried it yet. icon_frown.gif

#35 Joe123



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Posted 09 January 2008 - 12:44 PM

You can't get on?
Why not?

And that's ok.
No need to apologise that you're not using it either, I don't expect everyone to =P

#36 Twilight Knight

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Posted 09 January 2008 - 01:36 PM

QUOTE(Joe123 @ Jan 8 2008, 10:39 PM)  

Well, that would be possible in theory, but it would involve checking all warps around Link every frame to see if he's on them and Epona, then changing them to non-warp combos, and sorting their coordinates and combo-types via lots of integers.

Without arrays, that's not a fun plan of action.

Why do you need that anyway?

Because I don't want epona to be able to get into caves, I want Link to get his lazy butt off the horse and do it himself.

BTW, this is turning out great.

#37 Joe123



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Posted 09 January 2008 - 02:07 PM

Yeah that's fine, you just have to put flag 98 on the door of the cave, then Epona can't go there.

#38 Twilight Knight

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Posted 09 January 2008 - 02:48 PM

Ok then, Epona is totally suited for my quest.

Will you put a user-friendly guide in it? I don't understand the whole scripting thing in Zelda Classic.
I know some decent actionscripts with Flash, but ZC makes it to complicated.

#39 Joe123



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Posted 09 January 2008 - 03:23 PM

Why yes, yes of course I will.

Just on a side-note, for a quest to be suitable to have this in, you're going to have to:
A) have a large amount of overworld field area (so excluding forests, lakes, mountains etc. really, unless you manage to make them very open too),
and B) have lots of screens with large open spaces in them, because Epona can't fit through gaps of less then 2 combos, and 3 combos at least is generally preferable.

What tileset are you using by the way?

It'd be good if someone could draw some DoR Link tiles that would fit with that horse that I posted in the image a few posts ago.

I might do it perhaps, if I can be bothered.

#40 Twilight Knight

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Posted 09 January 2008 - 04:00 PM

1. I will have some great fields, which allows the player to get hunt some monsters, so epona could be there too. I'll also have some deserts, and deserts are very bold you know.
2. Areas like forests and city will have the epona item disabled.
3. I'm using DoR.
4. I'm not that good in tilemaking, so don't ask me to do it. icon_razz.gif

#41 Russ


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Posted 09 January 2008 - 04:23 PM

Joe, why don't you make a demo for this script? Just to show everyone how neat it is. And another thing. I wanted to include the ability to use the sword and arrows on the horse (like in TP). However, it looks sort of wierd for Link to just be sitting there and suddenly a sword swings by him. Would it be possible to take out the Link FFC and just use LTMs to make it look like Link's riding a horse? Oh, and another thing. Almost everyone is using DoR now that the new version is out. You should make horse riding tiles for DoR Link.

#42 Joe123



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Posted 09 January 2008 - 04:29 PM

Oooh yes, a desert would be perfect for it.
Hrm. You have to set an ffc on every single screen that you want Epona to be disabled on at the moment, I'll have a look through and see if I can make it more simple to disable her.
Yah, I wasn't asking you to don't worry =P

Yes, that's what I was planning to do.
Need to re-download CamStudio though, I wiped my hard drive.
I was planning on keeping the ffc there, and adding a small script to the sword/arrows, so that the tiles on the horse change to attacking ones. If I use the LTM, the Link sprite won't stay quite in sync with the Epona sprite.

And I quote:
QUOTE(Joe123 @ Jan 9 2008, 08:23 PM)  
It'd be good if someone could draw some DoR Link tiles that would fit with that horse that I posted in the image a few posts ago.

I might do it perhaps, if I can be bothered.


EDIT: With just a few 'if(Link->Action == LA_ATTACKING) lnk->Data = lcmb+8;'s thrown around, I've managed that quite nicely.

The best part is, because the script controls movement completely, Link doesn't stop at all to swing the sword.

Edited by Joe123, 09 January 2008 - 05:50 PM.

#43 ZebraStallion


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Posted 09 January 2008 - 06:17 PM

Umm... I'm having trouble ripping. I don't actually know how. I took the horse that Joe recolored, and I pressed grab, loaaded them in, and pressed palatte. The horse changed to the right color, but I put them into the tile editor and I can't figure out how to do the rest...

#44 Russ


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Posted 09 January 2008 - 06:39 PM

QUOTE(ZebraStallion @ Jan 9 2008, 03:17 PM)  

Umm... I'm having trouble ripping. I don't actually know how. I took the horse that Joe recolored, and I pressed grab, loaaded them in, and pressed palatte. The horse changed to the right color, but I put them into the tile editor and I can't figure out how to do the rest...

When you are grabbing the tile, instead of pressing palette, press the "R" button on the keyboard. The palette button just shows you what the picture lookes like in the right palette. The "R" button tells Zquest to attempt to recolor it. You may need to do some minor color changes (do to the different amount of browns in PTUX and DoR) but "R" should do most of it for you.

#45 Joe123



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Posted 09 January 2008 - 06:43 PM

If you're ripping to DoR, that Epona should fit into CSet 5 exactly.
Crop out the combo bit on the right hand side, and then put it in CSet 5, and don't press R or P, and it should rip it fine.

Should do anyway, I never have much luck with this.

Anyway, as of now, I'm recolouring it into it's original palette, and replacing DoR's CSet 5 with that palette.
I never liked CSet 5 anyway.

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