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Kim Jong Il is dead

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#1 Fabbrizio



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Posted 19 December 2011 - 08:46 AM


I know this is a terrible thing to say about another human being, but...this pleases me.

Edited by DavidReinold, 19 December 2011 - 08:46 AM.

#2 Old-Skool


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 09:53 AM

Warning: this does not end problems with North Korea or any tensions between it and other countries including our own.

thank you

#3 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 10:07 AM

QUOTE(King Aquamentus @ Dec 19 2011, 03:53 PM) View Post
Warning: this does not end problems with North Korea or any tensions between it and other countries including our own.

thank you
No, if anything it makes them worse.

His son is hardly any better, and heck, they say he's more willing to go to war than his father ever was. This guy's gonna do some crazy s***, mark my words. It's coming.

#4 Adem



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Posted 19 December 2011 - 10:13 AM

Every time someone posts a topic about somebody dying, I find myself having to give the same speech. I think I'll save myself some time and just post the gist;

No human has the right to decide whether a human should die. There may be people who "do not deserve to live," but that doesn't mean they deserve to die. The death of someone will not solve problems, or bring back lost loved ones. Though, I guess King Aquamentus covered that last point in his post.

Death is a sad thing no matter who the victim. There's always somebody who is hurt, no matter how terrible the person. It's not fair to celebrate such sadness.

#5 Taco Chopper

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 10:21 AM

He's dead, sure, but does that mean North Korea are any more stable? As Robin's pointed out before me, his son/successor is much more mental than he ever was, which means we may yet have a nuclear war yet... regardless, I don't necessarily feel sad about his passing but nor am I happy either. It's more a case of "well then..."

(however that didn't stop me from making Team America jokes all day until I got Cold as Ice by Foreigner stuck in my head)

and this too

I understand the crying and all if they worshipped him as an idol (in my opinion I'm unsure why you would but each to their own I guess) but isn't this a little bit too dramatic?

#6 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 11:06 AM

QUOTE(Taco Chopper @ Dec 19 2011, 04:21 PM) View Post
He's dead, sure, but does that mean North Korea are any more stable? As Robin's pointed out before me, his son/successor is much more mental than he ever was, which means we may yet have a nuclear war yet... regardless, I don't necessarily feel sad about his passing but nor am I happy either. It's more a case of "well then..."

(however that didn't stop me from making Team America jokes all day until I got Cold as Ice by Foreigner stuck in my head)

and this too

I understand the crying and all if they worshipped him as an idol (in my opinion I'm unsure why you would but each to their own I guess) but isn't this a little bit too dramatic?
They literally thought he was a god. No, seriously.

I have no remorse for this man, he was an evil jackass who lied and brainwashed an entire country. The only thing I feel bad about is that his son is probably even worse.

#7 Sheik



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Posted 19 December 2011 - 11:13 AM

Kim Jong Il =/= Northkorea's politics.
Kim Jong Il = Representative figure of Northkorea's politics.
Kim Jong Il dead =/= Nothkorea's politics dead.

Edit: This video is really interesting looking at it from the perspective of social psychology.

Edited by Yoshimi, 19 December 2011 - 11:45 AM.

#8 Warrior_of_Death


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 11:55 AM


#9 Nathaniel



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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:24 PM

Good riddance, but at this point: Different person, same regime.

#10 Moosh


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:49 PM

Maybe his son will have a change of heart and not follow in his father's footsteps?

#11 Rambly


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:50 PM

Or as The Who put it, "meet the new boss; same as the old boss." icon_slycool.gif

I'd post a YouTube link to the song here, but I dunno if it's against the rules on copyrighted material. If I remember correctly, there's an agreement where The Who's publisher gets royalties from people uploading the song to YouTube, which implies that they're okay with that, but I'm not 100% sure. I'm gonna err on the side of caution.

Death is a sad thing no matter who the victim. There's always somebody who is hurt, no matter how terrible the person. It's not fair to celebrate such sadness.

I don't hate King Jong Il as a human being, and I wouldn't dare celebrate his death. I completely agree that death is an awful thing, and I feel bad for the people who were close to him that might've been affected by the void he's left in their lives, the same way I would about anyone else who had died. But I hated his policies and actions. I hated the misery and suffering he's inflicted on other people. And I am very much celebrating the fact that he's unable to hurt anyone anymore--yes, the circumstances are awful, and I suppose I would rather he had a change of heart and atoned for everything he did. I would also rather live in a perfect world if I could help it. icon_unsettled.gif

Actually, come to think of it, my feelings on this situation are actually pretty similar to my feelings when Osama bin Laden died--I even felt bad for some of Osama's relatives, particularly the ones that seemed to be genuinely okay people.

2019 UPDATE BY SOMEONE WHO'S ACTUALLY STUDIED POLITICS NOW AND CARES ABOUT THINGS, JUST SO NO ONE THINKS I'M A FUCKING IDIOT OR TAKES THIS FAUX-HUMANIST GARBAGE SERIOUSLY: today, i'm glad he's dead and i feel no pity or sympathy for him; he was a violent sociopath who contorted an ideology to suit his own gain and who weaponized the state against the poor people he was supposed to be helping and caused untold amounts of misery and death. i feel the same way about osama bin laden. fuck them both, piss on their graves, piss on hitler's grave and face and shit on him too. if hitler's brain is still in one of those jars i hope it's filled with piss fluid instead of anything regular. ronald reagan and margaret thatcher and bush sr. deserve the ol' mighty piss treatment too. when kim jong il's son dies i hope there's a mass piss line at his grave full of liberated north koreans ready to piss on his corpse. celebrating the death of evil people kicks ass. g'bye


Edited by Rambly, 11 May 2019 - 12:01 PM.

#12 SnarkyCrow


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 01:05 PM

And yet again people would blow things out of proportions or make a meme out of this.

There has been so many things happening the past few months.

I don't really care to celebrate, but I do pity his people as they shed tears for their loss. But hopefully the new one in charge would never follow his father's foot steps and actually change policies in north korea to help the people. Then again I'm hoping a little too much on that.

#13 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 01:23 PM

QUOTE(Sketcher-kid @ Dec 19 2011, 07:05 PM) View Post
And yet again people would blow things out of proportions or make a meme out of this.

There has been so many things happening the past few months.

I don't really care to celebrate, but I do pity his people as they shed tears for their loss. But hopefully the new one in charge would never follow his father's foot steps and actually change policies in north korea to help the people. Then again I'm hoping a little too much on that.
Problem is that he will, and he will probably even make his own footsteps to follow. I've said it before and I'll say it again: North Korea will end up in some sort of armed conflict with the rest of the world. The fact that they have China at their back is very scary, not to mention their nuclear weapons.

The country will not win any wars, but they might drag a lot of people down with them. It's the only country I consider insane enough to throw nukes our way (not exactly into Norway, but you know what I mean). I'm not one for going into a country with armed forces, like they did in Iraq, but this is the only place on Earth where that action is nothing but absolutely necessary. I cannot wait until the day North Korea is not rules by maniacs that literally brainwash its people into thinking their leader is an actual deity (and I'm not kidding, they really do think their leaders are gods).

#14 The Satellite

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 04:44 PM


Guess that means Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage won the rap battle.

#15 Guest_Rain (Guest)

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 07:34 PM

One word that expresses my whole feelings and attitude about this whole situation of him dead....


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