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#76 Lightwulf



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Posted 29 June 2015 - 06:39 PM

Thanks for your comments, pixcalibur! :)  And yes, you are right about the music:


  • Music - It's from a Super NES game called "Final Fantasy Mystic Quest".  It's supposed to be an easier RPG than the other Final Fantasy games, for those first getting into gaming to have an easier time.  Anyway, the music is from the final level, "Doom Castle".


Now, to the episode:


"Use the Eye of Truth"

  • The room you went to wasn't the "next room" he was talking about.  He was talking about the "next room" to the right, the one that you had just come from!
  • In the room just north of the room with the stairs you came down, use the Lens to find the hint that the Moblin was talking about.  FYI, when you find the secret block and use the item, a passage to the north will open up.


  • Dude, it's useless to run!!!  He can hit you from behind, dealing more damage quickly.
  • To beat him, what I do is approach the battle methodically.
    1. Use the hammer to remove his defenses.  (I think you did that, but then you started to run.)
    2. Position yourself on the screen so that you can move at 90 degrees from his direction.  In other words, if he's coming horizontally (which is preferred because there's more room on the screen that direction), make sure you're standing where you can move north or south if you need to do some quick dodging.
    3. Attack!!! What I've done is time my sword swings so that I block his beam with my shield and then slash him to knock him back.  I can normally repeat this tactic until he's dead, though sometimes the timing between his beam and my sword gets so close that he hits me while I'm slashing. In that case, as long as you've followed #2, you can move and quickly regroup if the timing is that close.
    4. If you need a breather, use the hookshot to stun him.  Or, you can do what pixcalibur advised and use the fire boomerang to stun him (plus deal damage at the same time).  Now, if you so choose, you can beat him cheaply by stunning him, stabbing twice, stunning, stabbing twice, etc., until he's dead.  That way, you won't get hit at all as long as you keep him stunned.  (I'm not sure which is stronger, because I haven't researched the fire boomerang's attack power, but I believe the magic sword deals more damage than the fire boomerang.  If you use the fire boomerang, it might take longer if you only use it and not your sword.)


  • New jam? Great to hear it!  (See my/pixcalibur's comments above regarding it.)  I'm glad you like it!  I like it a lot, too.  A lot of FF:MQ's music tracks are pretty catchy.

Flooded Maze:

  • Sorry if it's a little hard to tell where everything is. I made the water transparent so you can see that, when the water wasn't there, there actually was a maze-like walking path.  The reason is that, once I make a 2.50 version, I'll be able to use screen state carryovers so that you can shut off/drain the water to change the path you have to take.  It's too hard/time consuming to do that in version 2.10.
  • You just can't swim through the traps and spiky barriers.  Buuuut, the raft can go over certain spiky barriers, as you saw.
  • I think you initially forgot that you can control the direction of your raft!  You got it, though.  Good job figuring that out!  (BTW, I didn't mean to deceive you with the overhang; it has to be there.)
  • I also think you might've forgotten how, in the Lighthouse, you could light torches with your fire boomerang!


I gotta' go.  I'll post more later.  (I'm at 12:46.)

#77 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 29 June 2015 - 06:56 PM

I gotta' go.  I'll post more later.  (I'm at 12:46.)


I've recorded a significant amount in advance, so there's not really any need, unless you'd like to give me any tips on how to beat Mr. FloorCobra McBossRush.

#78 pixcalibur



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Posted 29 June 2015 - 09:35 PM

No real strategies here.  Know how to smoke out dodongos with 2 bombs to get bomb refills.  Also helps to get better gear if you can find it.  More hearts certainly helps as well.


And Lightwulf, did you read my PM to you on some of the rooms in level 9?

#79 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 29 June 2015 - 10:04 PM

Know how to smoke out dodongos with 2 bombs to get bomb refills.

I didn't know this was a thing. I always just thought that bombs were in the drop set for dodongos. How does it work exactly?

#80 pixcalibur



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Posted 29 June 2015 - 11:43 PM

I didn't know this was a thing. I always just thought that bombs were in the drop set for dodongos. How does it work exactly?

you can do this with one bomb, but requires a bit of luck.  Safer way is after you get the first bomb in, quickly lay a second bomb on the same spot.  That bomb should explode and stun the dodongo.  You can then use your sword to defeat it for free bombs to get net gain.

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#81 Lightwulf



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Posted 30 June 2015 - 03:03 PM

@pixcalibur: I did get your PM, but late last night; I just haven't had enough time to respond to it yet. :sorry:  I already started redesigning the spiky-floor room. :)


@GrantGreif:  I finally finished the episode.  If you're at the snake boss now, you've done a great job getting there!  I can't wait to see it.


---Continuation of Previous Post---



  • "Amulet? We don't need no stinkin' amulet!" - Yeah, it's true; the amulet isn't required.  It just makes it a whole lot easier when you can see your enemies.  (I'll let you in on a not-so-secret secret, though:  I was able to beat this quest without the amulet!  If you can do it, too, you're pretty good!)
    ... But... but... you completely missed the part in the Lighthouse where you go down two floors and up a floor!  :gonk: *sniff*  Oh, well...  I guess you don't have to get all the secrets if you don't want to... [/whimpering]
  • Follow pixcalibur's advice for defeating Dodongos.  I didn't know that trick before I started playing ZC, so I can understand how hard it must seem without it!

What's To Come:

  • Well, knowing that you've made it to the snake boss, you're in the right direction!  Here's some advice for the Snake Boss:
    • You don't need to beat any enemies if the snake's tongue is showing.  If he opens his mouth, head straight for his tongue!!!  The tongue is its weakness.  Ignore the Dodongos/whatever enemy is in the room if the tongue is showing.
    • Do what pixcalibur said.  You actually stunned Dodongos in the last episode and didn't realize it; if a Dodongo stops after a bomb goes off, try slashing it.  It's 100% bomb item drop if you defeat it that way.
    • Be prepared to fight a few Mirror-robes before the snake boss dies!  Since you downloaded the latest version, that battle is much easier from the first version, FYI.
  • Lightwulf's House - Yep, that's right!  You can meet me and pay some rupees to learn the most secretest secrets in the quest!  My house is located south of the exit in the Underworld that you come out of after beating the snake boss and reaching the end of the cave.
  • Make sure you visit my house to find out where to find Ganon (unless you can find it on your own).

Good luck! :)  

#82 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 30 June 2015 - 04:58 PM

Episode 37 - Finale?




Who knew Ganon was such a coward.

#83 Lightwulf



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Posted 30 June 2015 - 06:07 PM

"Do I need the boots???":

  • Sorry, but yes, you do.  Of course, when I made this room, I didn't count on a brave type with no concern for his/her amount of hearts to just walk through it after getting hit like that.  pixcalibur advised I fix that room to keep players like you from pulling these kind of "tricks" in rooms such as this, so I'm in the middle of fixing that right now.  The boots are supposed to be required along the route to the Magic Key.

Boss Key:

  • Dang, it seemed beating that mini-boss went better than expected!  Great job! :D  Good thing you didn't use the red potion; you just might need it later.
  • BTW, that "red thing" you spoke of is actually a red arrow on the ground that is pointing north.  It's just a hint that the wall to the north is bombable.
  • Whew, for a minute there, I forgot I put that pushable block there!  I thought you'd have to save & quit to get outta' there, like you would've if I hadn't updated the quest file.  You can thank pixcalibur for that; I'm sure it was him that suggested it.
  • You shouldn't have went down those stairs!  You went that whole path backwards!  If you'd have kept going north, you would've found the big chest a lot quicker.
  • BTW, that room with the Like-Likes and the boss-lock block, that block is just there to block a shortcut.


  • Nope, you read it right.  You have to have the Master Sword to get farther in that corridor.
  • That boss lock block that you can't reach, that's reachable after you have the Master Sword and Din's Fire.  It's just a shortcut, BTW.

Master Key:

  • There's no real place in level 9 that you need to use it.  It's an optional item.
  • The place to use it is hidden behind a grave in the White Woods. ;)

I'll post more when I finish watching the episode.  I gotta' get home (I'm at school).  (I'm at 20:28.)

#84 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 30 June 2015 - 08:03 PM

"Do I need the boots???":

  • Sorry, but yes, you do.


Would you like to put money on that?

#85 Lightwulf



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Posted 30 June 2015 - 09:18 PM

You didn't let me finish!  I couldn't get on to finish the episode until a few minutes ago.  Now I can't edit my first post!  (Well, I guess I could, but people would probably miss my edit because they're looking for the latest post.)



Would you like to put money on that?

Yeah, 50 rupees! :tard:


Seriously, though, I originally typed some other text in that same paragraph; after I saw you sneak by the spike pit, I modified all my sentences in that paragraph except that one.  That was my response when you first asked the question.


Also, that will be my response after I upload the next update.  It will not be so easy!  :snide:


Level 9 Finale:

  • Great job figuring out the last few rooms of level 9! :D  (Not the only rooms, though; you'll have to come back after you get the Magic Book, Din's Fire, and the Master Sword.)
  • Your title was aptly named. ;)  Everyone will have to wait for the next episode to see what happened next!  :slycool:

Hopefully I've given you enough clues for what to do in my post-before-last (under the section entitled "What's To Come").  Good luck! :)

#86 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 05 July 2015 - 06:18 PM

Episode 38 - A Terrible Fate




Snakes... Why did it have to be snakes?

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#87 pixcalibur



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Posted 05 July 2015 - 06:53 PM

Yeah, the difficulty depends on how much equipment and other items you can find.  It's a long battle to say the least.  May be best to try to find some upgrades.

#88 Lightwulf



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Posted 07 July 2015 - 12:25 PM


  • No, it's not from Glory to Heracles. (I haven't even heard of that game before, actually. :heh: Sorry.)
  • The music for the Ancient Ruins is from an old SNES game called "Illusion of Gaia" and it is from the "Great Pyramid" in that game.  I wanted to give the ruins that kind of ancient-pyramid-esque feel to it, so when I rediscovered the music one day, I decided it was a perfect fit.  (Heck, in video game terms, that game could be considered "ancient"!)


  • Yep, you're right about that.  The reason why, I'm not sure if you figured it out yet, is that the ancient inhabitants of Serpento Island built a tunnel from the overworld that leads to the underworld.  A straight shot wouldn't do, so they built a tunnel like a spiral staircase (with plenty of stairs in it, too).  They had an underground city of pyramid-like buildings that you passed through near the surface; once I make the 2.50 version, I'll open up that city for exploration.


  • Yeah... Since the Magic Key is an optional item (and you were supposed to have the Boots to get it), I had to design the Ancient Ruins to have keys to proceed.
  • Good job finding the boss key! :)  Also, great job finding and opening the first shortcut.  That's there so you don't have to go through the entire tunnel again.  There's one more shortcut that's accessible near the bottom.

Snake Boss:

  • Sorry it's such a pain, but I had to find a way to make a difficult boss since version 2.10 doesn't have the enemy editor.  So, I came up with a boss that is part of the room.
  • FYI, you have to hit the snake's tongue a total of 11 times to defeat it, regardless of what sword you have.  After that, snakes will spawn from its eyes; defeat them, and you've defeated the boss.
  • I see your point about the bombs.  I did include a couple bomb items... but it appears I didn't include them soon enough.  I just added more frequent bomb items during the boss fight (one per Dodongo screen); I'll post an update soon.  (However, once you've gotten each bomb item, it won't reappear if you die.  My advice on this is to quit & save before you reach that room and choose "Retry" if you die during the boss fight; then, the bomb items will appear again because you technically hadn't gotten them yet.)
  • I highly advise you to practice and learn the bomb trick with Dodongos.  If you happen to stun them (to where they're staying in one spot), don't use another bomb; slash it, and it will give you bombs.

Here's the phase layout for the boss.  Knowing this will help you be prepared to beat it.

Snake Boss Phases:

Edit:  I just finished the hidden tag.  More comments in a separate post below.

Edited by Lightwulf, 07 July 2015 - 11:52 PM.

#89 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 07 July 2015 - 02:19 PM

I was thinking of this song from Glory of Heracles:
I haven't played the game in a while, so I'd forgotten exactly how it went. The taphoi are large, pyramid-like ancient structures, so it made sense to me.
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#90 Lightwulf



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Posted 07 July 2015 - 11:57 PM

Thanks for sharing that song!  :)  It sounds nice.


I just finished the layout of the Snake Boss's phases.  If you have trouble with Dodongos early, be advised that there are more.  However, I'm submitting an update with extra bomb items appearing in the lower-right corner of the room when Dodongos appear.


Sorry to hear this is on hiatus.  Hopefully you'll learn the Dodongo trick so you can gain 4 bombs when using only 2 bombs per Dodongo.  This makes it a lot easier.  I didn't know the trick, myself, when I had a hard time on the first custom quest I ever played ("Rise of Ganon").  I just re-played it recently, and the Dodongo trick made certain rooms much easier, so the quest is overall easier now that I have experience.  (That, and the sword tricks you can do when using Slash against Darknuts, of course.)


My update will post soon; however, if you need a break from this, go out there and get more experience.  Feel free to come back to this when you get a chance.  Either way, good luck!  :)

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