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An oracle styled project...general brain tank thread

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#1 ProcyonMK3



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Posted 25 May 2016 - 03:00 PM

Hey folks.


As a hobby on my off time, I am currently outlining a project to utilize ZC to create a GBC-styled Zelda project to pay homage to the Oracle series, and provide a platform to relate a quest made for this era's social climate, and a message of hope.


A couple of questions to start:

1) MP3 playability...I'm utilizing Gashisoft to create the 8bit WAVs, and then converting to MP3, in combination with some of the Oracle game OSTs. How does ZC play MP3s for ZQuest? I know in the past, It could only do MIDI format, which stinks for the 8 bit feel. Thoughts?


2) I wanted to find a way to implement the items from both Oracle Games (Roc's Cape, Magnet Glove, etc..). Can ZC be fiddled with, or am I stuck with what's in the current version?


Thoughts appreciated.

Edited by ProcyonMK3, 25 May 2016 - 03:03 PM.

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#2 grayswandir



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Posted 25 May 2016 - 03:14 PM

1) MP3s work fine, but they can't be bundled with the quest file, and have to be distributed alongside it. Also, this site doesn't let you host them, either. Generally, you see something like this which just has a link to a zip of all the mp3s that you can download.


2) The oracle games can definitely be emulated pretty decently. You'd be able to fill in the gaps with (rather extensive) scripting. If you have halfway decent coding abilities, you can probably cobble together the various scripts lying around this site to get something pretty close to oracle without too much trouble. You don't need to understand the code in too much detail, just enough to glom several different scripts together to get all the features you want. Gimmicks and items from the Oracle games are pretty popular, after all. If you don't have any experience coding at all, that might be a sticking point, though.


I know ZoriaRPG was working on a pre-made pack for making Oracle-like games, but I'm not sure how far along it is.

#3 Mani Kanina

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Posted 25 May 2016 - 03:30 PM

If you want to go for the real GBC feel, you could always use tracker music, which ZC also supports.

#4 klop422


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Posted 26 May 2016 - 07:25 AM

If the 8-bit tracks are Zelda tracks, I would consider putting them into my Zelda NSF. (Yes, shameless advertisement!) That's a tracker file, which, as Lunaria said, ZC supports.
Tracker files are also good because they loop, and mp3s don't. Also, all the music you need is in one file, rather than in separate files. The only problem is that you may only need one file, and that could mean you've got a whole load extra to download, but I digress. You could use the other ones in a separate project. Or, in the case of my Zelda NSF, you might need it for someone else's quest.

#5 ProcyonMK3



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Posted 26 May 2016 - 01:52 PM

Zelda NSF, you say...I need to check that out. (Just downloaded as I type)

-I see it is compatible with EZGBC. Great

-You said it loops...should I edit my files to be loop-able? The looping aspect, if I'm envisioning it properly, may actually make the soundtrack aspect of the fan project the most exciting part.

-If all else fails, I can make the MP3s available through a mirrored link.



For the overall objective of the project, I plan to keep it simple, in terms of the overall structure.


-GBC styled gameplay.

-Implementation of all items from both Ages and Seasons (With exception of Seeds...I need to figure out it's relevance and feasability for implementation in ZC)

-8-Bit era styled soundtrack.

-A solid storyline, following a flow as if made for an official game.

-Fluid gameplay. Reasonably challenging, but never tedious or boring.

-Detailed areas.


I plan to have an ironic twist as the story develops.

Hopefully no limitations arise. It wont be 100% accurate to the feel of the Oracle games, but my goal is 85-90% accurate.

Edited by ProcyonMK3, 26 May 2016 - 01:53 PM.

#6 klop422


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Posted 26 May 2016 - 05:08 PM

Well, if I understand correctly, mp3s and wavs will play from start to finish, then start again, which technically isn't looping, although I guess it is if your theme doesn't have an introduction.
Yeah, my Zelda NSF is not quite exactly in the GB or NES style, but it should do you for whatever you need. Also, I completely forgot. If you want the actual soundtracks from the Oracle games, I think you can download them on Zophar's Domain. It'll be a .gbs file, which is also compatible with ZC

#7 ProcyonMK3



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 09:53 AM

klop422: Thank you. I managed to find them on khinsider. Zophar's is a classic of mine, and I tend to get utilities from there for hacking. Appreciate the guide.


So, to ensure that this project embodies what everyone TRULY wants out of a ZC project, I will be initiating a brainstorm.

The brainstorm...is to gauge what the community wants.


I wont overload. Everything will be kept simple, on a 3rd grade level (That's how I operate, ironically. lol).



First orders of the day, the foundational storyline.


The Foundation:

- Plays like an oracle game, but is NOT an oracle game

- All relevant Oracle Characters are back home (Hyrule) ... setting is on a distant island southwest of Hyrule.

- Legend Of Zelda x Metal Gear-esque Storyline (I'm no Hideo, but we've got each other)


The Storyline:

- Ancient book discovered in Hyrule Castle Library

- Outlines legend of a vast wealth of treasure hidden by the Seven Wise Men (ALLTP Lore. Not SEVEN SAGES...I will treat them as seperate from "Seven Wise Men")

- Link is sent, with help from the "skull pirates" from the old games, to travel to the island, and investigate the legend

- "The Wisemen's Legacy"





- What are your thoughts?

- What comes to your mind after reading that?

- What do you visualize?

- Should Farore be the main supporting female lead for this game (It's not "Oracle Of Secrets", but the storyline is relevant for her use)

- It's a distant tropical-like Island with mysteries...what kind of people live there?




- The Starting town (2% underway in ZQuest), is a port town. Should it be offset to the left of the general map screen, or the center?

- Split into 4 Map sections

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#8 ProcyonMK3



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Posted 30 May 2016 - 03:52 PM



What do YOU want in a GBC-styled Zelda Classic project?

#9 klop422


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Posted 31 May 2016 - 04:11 AM

Honestly, as overplayed as the answer is, if you're the one making the quest, you as a fan of video games and Zelda games in particular (I assume) kind of know what you want. The best quests (as with most art*) are made to the vision of the creator and not to the whims of its intended audience. Of course, I don't mean ignore us, but you're in charge here.
Of course, ignore that if the whole point of the quest is to be 'created' by every one here, and just realised by you.

That being said, a little advice (from, admittedly, not the most experienced person in this regard) couldn't go amiss.
To be honest, what your have sounds like a good quest. If you want it to be in the same vein as the gb games in more than just graphics and music, then it would be helpful to replay all of the gb games.
Also, with a port town as the starting town, it would make sense to be able to go somewhere with the boats in the port. You could place it anywhere, really, but take into account where you want other things to be in relation to it.

*Implying, I guess, that quests are art.

#10 Shane



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Posted 31 May 2016 - 09:24 AM

Well, any project that attempts a GBC Zelda feel would automatically pick up my interest. Though, past projects of the sorts have left me skeptical as most quests that claim to be "just like" the GBC Zeldas or have a "real" GBC Zelda feel are honestly not anything like GBC Zeldas, sometimes not at all. Heck, I've seen non-Zelda Classic attempts that completely fail to emulate the GBC Zelda style and had the proper resources right in front of them. And yes, this goes for my projects too as much as I love the GBC Zelda style. If you can pull it off however, I will be very impressed and interested in seeing your quest develop. You sound like you have the right ideas and mindset so I hope you can pull this off. I've been itching to play a successful oracle-styled fan project for the longest time now.


When I think of the oracles, I think of creative and fun gameplay. I always liked seeing new items, new puzzles and new enemies when adventuring further into the titles.


Story sounds interesting. Though I usually like stories with dilemmas. I guess relevant examples would be what we see in the oracles where Holodrum is being withered by chaotic seasons and Labrynna is nearing an age of darkness due to the passage of time being abused. But you said you have a twist so who knows. When I hear tropical island, the Tokay came to mind. Or perhaps Deku or an original tribal-like race. Perhaps the Goron here are more close to nature then the mountains.


I wouldn't mind Farore having an important role, even if her role as an oracle isn't the main focus. Sadly I can't say much else. I'm interested, but I don't visualize much. I wish you the best of luck however. I guess at the end of the day, I expect a good quest regardless of how well it emulates the GBC Zelda style.

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#11 ProcyonMK3



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Posted 31 May 2016 - 12:07 PM

Thank you for your feedback. Indeed, I have a vision for the project.

The input is for each executed movement. It's not so much "I want free help", but by knowing what people want, I can guide my vision towards the RIGHT setup.



To address:


Also, with a port town as the starting town, it would make sense to be able to go somewhere with the boats in the port. You could place it anywhere, really, but take into account where you want other things to be in relation to it.



In specifics, the port town is not so much a thriving town...It would fit more a "fishing village". There are piers, huts on water, some homes built into the cliffs, an elder, and central stairs going up to a center area (The Maps are 9x9. This would be the bottom center map area).


 If you can pull it off however, I will be very impressed and interested in seeing your quest develop. You sound like you have the right ideas and mindset so I hope you can pull this off. I've been itching to play a successful oracle-styled fan project for the longest time now.

Thank you. It will definitely not be 100% accurate to the GB port, especially the movement mechanics of ZC, but I will make the FEEL of it as close as possible. The scripting possibilities open up some creative usage.


Creative and fun...that's my objective. I played through both Ages and Seasons, and DX, a large number of times, and have an idea on how to develop the "GBC" feel. 


Storyline wise, in the beginning, it's following a prompt from a supposed "hidden treasure", using the "Seven Wise Men" as a plot device. The story is intended to be gaiden, as if it was a story of legend being shared at a Hyrule town story reading; fact or fiction, it's a legend.


I plan to incorporate..."a bit"...of Subrosia, Tokay, and Goron cultural elements...enough for satisfactory story feed. I'm not looking to reinvent a story. It's a homage. It WILL have substance, but just enough to solidify the game.


The TWIST...will come late game, when MORE of the story behind the treasure unfolds, and key elements of the story fall into place. One thing most fangames lack (and again, no slights or specifics), is a 100% relateable story. I'm not a gripe of it...the fact people make fangames is awesome. For me...it's making something people can relate to. The simpler, the better. Imagination is everything.





So, I will shift focus.


Content will be done first, and then questions.


Will now proceed to rough draft.

Thank you for your feedback!

Edited by ProcyonMK3, 31 May 2016 - 12:08 PM.

#12 ProcyonMK3



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Posted 31 May 2016 - 03:08 PM

Note 1:

- EZGBC...there's no SHIP TILES!!! Nothing for the pirate ship. Dammit dammit dammit.

- Maybe I need to consult the tutorial...perhaps utilize external combos...oh dear. 1st challenge

#13 Shane



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Posted 01 June 2016 - 06:43 AM

EZGBZ 2.50 has ship tiles though they are un-combo'd. You'd have to set them up yourself. They are on Page 94 in the Tile Editor. :)

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#14 ProcyonMK3



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Posted 15 June 2016 - 08:00 AM

Working with the editor. Got a layout of the town.

In truth, I was finishing up Evan20000's Isle of Rebirth, and will be playing OoA/OoS to understand the aesthetic, and let that guide my vision.


There may not be much activity in the beginning, but as the vision gets clearer, I will start the development thread, backed up with screenshots. The TOUGHEST part is giving birth to the imagination.


The good news: The Soundtrack is coming along finely. Truth be told, I've utilized GBC mp3s, mixed with the OST from OoA/OoS/LozLA. I think, on the ZC platform, it will work phenomenally.


Stay tuned for screenies.

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#15 ProcyonMK3



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Posted 26 June 2016 - 01:05 PM



1st Screen. It's not a big deal, but I'm envisioning a stilt village atop the south shore.

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