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How to make a Dungeon layout Tutorial

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#1 TheRock


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Posted 17 May 2022 - 09:02 PM

Introduction: Alright, for this tutorial I will make the dungeon gimmick a simple hit red or blue switch to unlock the red and blue barriers. First, make the dungeon what it will be shaped like. 






Step 1: Put the number 1 is places. The screens with the number 1 will be the first screens the player goes to. Here I made the player get the key, and afterwards with be able to access new screens.






Step 2: Put the number 2 down on new screens. These will only be able to access after the number 1 screens have been completed. Just 2 simples pathways with keys at the end to then hit the blue swich. (I know that there's 1 to many keys blocks to open up the blue switch, which is why I would add how many keys blocks there're after you have added the keys).






Step 3: More pathways to get keys and then open up the red switch. Also, in the top left I made a loop for no backtracking. 






Step 4: Now here's where the red barriers are useful. You can just add them on a screen and then one screen away the player can get a key. See bottom left and 2 screens above the first screen.






Finishing touches: Make sure the layout works and that you like it here. Look over it. Look through the 1 sections, then 2, then 3, and finally 4. 

And that's it, now you get to enjoy filling in the screens with what each screen will be.





Tips and Tricks: Don't be afraid to add screens for a idea you have for a screen. I recommend avoiding portals. Portals can make it confusing for making the layout. 

Keep the dungeon 1 floor when starting out. This will make it much easier to design the layout. With multi state dungeons this is especially helpful. 

Edited by TheRock, 26 November 2024 - 11:33 AM.

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#2 TheRock


    Go glitches

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Posted 19 May 2022 - 01:16 PM

And my other 2 Tutorials for those who don't know about them.
Dungeon Design:


#3 NoeL



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Posted 28 May 2022 - 12:29 AM

Thanks for the tutorial! Personally, I think the shape of the dungeon should (in most cases) form out of the dungeon design, rather than trying to design within a pre-made shape. I think your method is more prone to superfluous rooms and/or paths being unnecessarily long. But it depends. If shape is important (e.g. OoT Fire Temple existing within Spectacle Rock) then you want to factor it into the design. If shape isn't important, then I think letting it grow organically with the dungeon is the better option.

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