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#1 Orithan


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Posted 17 December 2015 - 07:31 AM

This thread is about the discussion of furries and the furry fandom.


Before reading onwards and posting, please read these guidelines:

  • Please be civil and respectful - While this is self-explanatory, I stress this guideline in this thread because the furry fandom is a subject that has a long history of spiraling out of control on Pure ZC despite there being few threads on the subject. While we are on the subject, I ask of you to please do not try to open up old wounds by bringing up past drama that has occurred on previous furry threads. Tact would also be appreciated when you post.
  • Please do not try to start debates - Even in normal, less sensitive topics, Pure ZC has trouble handling debates. Due to furries being a touchy subject, I request that anyone who wishes to post in this topic not post with the intention of causing debate.

If you feel like you can't post while following these two guidelines, please leave this thread now. I do not wish to stifle discussion, but rather promote peaceful, respectful discussion and try to not repeat the same mistakes that shut down other furry threads in the past.




To start this thread off:


What are furries?


While there is a general consensus that "furries" are people who are a fan of anthropomorphic animal characters. there is no clear boundary of the definition of what "furry" is. On one hand, people use it only to describe people who are into sexualized anthropomorphic characters, whereas other people use it to describe anyone who are a fan of anthropmorphic animal characters like Rigby from Regular Show. Even the characters themselves are often called "furry" by furries themselves.


Another thing to mention is that the fandom is very large and broad, containing all types of people with all different types of interests. A large majority of the fandom have created one or more characters or "fursonas" to express themselves in the form of an anthropomorphic animal being to communicate with other furries who have done the same, which are expressed in many ways. Many people choose to express their characters via obtaining artwork depicting them or may have someone construct a real life suit representing their character for them to wear when meeting other furries or when visiting major conventions. Others may choose to express their characters in the form of literature, telling stories about them and their exploits, or by "role-playing" with one another.


Some of us who know about furries may have largely known about the fandom through NSFW content involving sexualized anthropomorphic animal characters (including sexualized fanart of existing anthropomorphic characters like those from the Sonic or Starfox series) and/or the fandom being portrayed in a sexual manner by the media. One of the most infamous of these depictions in the media being an episode of CSI named "Fur and Loathing"; which depicts and describes furries and the fandom in a highly sexualized and perverse manner.

While I will make no attempt to dismiss the idea that the furry fandom has its share of sexualized/NSFW content, I will say from my experience as a furry myself that the fandom is not all about sexualizing anthropomorphic characters and thus sexualized media portrayals like the one in "Fur and Loathing" are highly misleading as to showing what the fandom is really like. But like all fandoms with a predominant young adult userbase (eg. Anime fanbases), it is wise to tread carefully and know where to look for to avoid the NSFW side if you do not wish to go there. On the bright side, many furry art sites like Fur Affinity filter out NSFW artwork for those who do not wish to view it.

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#2 Shane



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Posted 17 December 2015 - 08:29 AM

im a furry

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#3 Tree


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Posted 17 December 2015 - 11:50 AM

I have a friend who's a furry. She's pretty cool and awesome and lovable. I'd say she has definitely given the fandom a good impression in my eyes. Other than that, I'm accepting of all kinds of people. I say do what you like, and don't care what anyone else thinks, unless what you like is something illegal/morally wrong... You know what I'm getting at. However, I would advise you not to go out of your way to be the most cringy mofo ever, and do things like walk around in public with a fur suit on and act like an animal. You're just begging for negative attention when you do things like that.

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#4 ShadowTiger


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Posted 17 December 2015 - 12:09 PM

In my opinion,  (And hell, who doesn't have one of those.)  it's not what the activity is that matters, but what you've learned from it and how it makes you behave that matters.


Anyone can take an active interest in things.  I have nooo idea how people are interested in sports, but hey, they are!  So now I have a few choices.  I can choose to make fun of them for being weird and for doing something I don't understand, or I can accept that they have an interest that probably isn't harming anyone and are enjoying themselves.


Same thing with furries, and even more subcultures.  If you're not hurting anyone, that's great, but that's only a baseline level of expectation there. Nobody should be hurting others. 


But what I will expect out of a subculture is that you take something positive away.  Subcultures, like the furry fandom, definitely, are an excellent way to meet like-minded people.  If people choose to consider them to be strange, then they'll have no choice but to flock together for safety and be different together.


Another thing I've encountered with being in a unique fandom is that you should be gaining an understanding of what it means to be in a subculture, and to be different.  It puts you into a position where people can easily take the opportunity to make fun of you, and you bear the brunt of their cruelty.  So you learn how not to talk to people because you sure don't want to treat someone else like you've been treated.


Similar to how I was born with a speech disfluency, (And quite a few other things, heh)  I know that I would never, ever want to make fun of another person.  I know how it feels, and I'm better than that.  But it also puts up a new standard that you see that everyone should be behaving by.


This post has certainly devolved to an inane pit of rambling.  Good show, me. 

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#5 SpikeReynolds


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Posted 17 December 2015 - 01:19 PM



This guy's kind of a furry. Big surprise, I know. 


Got into the fandom around 2005/06, due in part to an old member on here. I started drawing my own characters, writing my own stories, and all around getting creative with it. I'm not in it for the porn, nor do I really plan on ever suiting, but other than that, I'm all sorts of into it.


My favorite part of the fandom, oddly enough, is the comics. I've got a whole laundry-list of comics that I keep up with on a regular basis. I'm not gonna list them all off, but I highly recommend the Whiteboard, Tales of the Questor, Housepets, and Twokinds (despite the first little bit of it being really rough.) 


I'm actually planning on attending Great Lakes Fur Con in May. It'd be my first furcon and only my third con overall. 

#6 TK8305


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Posted 17 December 2015 - 02:08 PM

I don't have a problem with Furries.  Hell, I like some furry characters myself.  :P

#7 Logos


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Posted 17 December 2015 - 09:17 PM

I have no problem with furries. I feel like the definition is a bit vague, though. If I really like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, does that make me a furry since I enjoy those anthropomorphic animal creatures?

Edited by Logos, 17 December 2015 - 09:17 PM.

#8 Old-Skool


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Posted 17 December 2015 - 11:25 PM

I'm honestly surprised that the thread hasn't fallen apart yet. We once had a similar thread many, many years ago, and well... people left Pure, forcibly.

Furries don't bother me, and I definitely totally don't bother them or have had any connection to them whatsoever for the last nine years

 Waifu Sally avatar, back me up on this

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#9 Nathaniel



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Posted 18 December 2015 - 02:24 PM

It probably hasn't fallen apart because it's less on the radar than it was years ago.


I have no problems with the subculture in general.  I find it a bit strange, but then again, everything is strange to somebody.

#10 TK8305


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Posted 18 December 2015 - 04:46 PM

I'm honestly surprised that the thread hasn't fallen apart yet. We once had a similar thread many, many years ago, and well... people left Pure, forcibly.

Furries don't bother me, and I definitely totally don't bother them or have had any connection to them whatsoever for the last nine years

 Waifu Sally avatar, back me up on this


Sally is one of my favs....so is Krystal from Star Fox!  xD

#11 Old-Skool


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Posted 18 December 2015 - 11:06 PM

I like to think our presence on Pure back then was smaller, but more concentrated.

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#12 Haylee


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Posted 19 December 2015 - 12:31 AM

I'm pretty much the most open minded person I know, so of course I'm fine with furries.

#13 ShadowTiger


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Posted 19 December 2015 - 06:37 AM

I'm pretty much the most open minded person I know, so of course I'm fine with furries.

 There will of course be people who can prove you wrong in about thirty seconds. I'm one of those people, though for purely optimistic reasons I assure you. Actually I'm frequently amazed at the depth to which personal reasons for believing in their ideals will reach. There are some furries that believe in their cause to the level that they will die for their cause. Ever wonder what powers that zeal? Is it just the force of their personality alone that gives them such devotion, or because they really see something AMAZING in it that's worth fighting for? Either way, it's certainly more than just a fandom, hobby, or interesting.

I like to think our presence on Pure back then was smaller, but more concentrated.

Yeah, I remember. I was totally there with y'all. I miss those few years, as precious as they were. They also took place in a time when people were trying to find themselves. I found myself lacking. Now here we are.
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#14 Eddy



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Posted 19 December 2015 - 06:56 AM

I got no problems with furries at all. I got friends who are furries too lel. The fandom seems pretty cool and some of the art I've seen actually looks really awesome.

#15 Old-Skool


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Posted 19 December 2015 - 08:11 AM


Yeah, I remember. I was totally there with y'all. I miss those few years, as precious as they were. They also took place in a time when people were trying to find themselves. I found myself lacking. Now here we are.


you're always welcome around :) Heck, we have a pony channel now too you know.

aaand you'll never gueeesss who gooess there n-*slapped* 

Edited by King Aquamentus, 19 December 2015 - 08:13 AM.

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