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N64 Classic Mini?

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#1 Anthus


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Posted 10 November 2017 - 01:16 AM

Remember how when OoT 3D came out, and everyone was like, "oh, they're gonna make MM 3D" and they did? Then there was WW HD, and everyone was lik-- okay you get the point.


So I think it is only a matter of time before they reveal something like this. Maybe an early summer release? This is all purely speculation, but it would make sense. Nintendo makes games. Nintendo made the Nintendo 64. The Nintendo 64 has good games. People buy games from companies who make games. See the process here?


I was going to link to a page I found, but further reading shows this is some clickbait site with a link to Nintendo's UK site's N64 VC manual page, citing it as a "potential list of N64 Clasic Mini games".


Anyway, yeah, it's probably going to happen. It might explain why there is no word yet on a VC for the Switch. I'm sure we'll know more once they roll out their paid online service next year, but I just hope that buying a 'classic console' with limited games isn't the only way to play these, outside of owning it originally, or on the other three VCs, or you know, emulation.


What games would you want to see on a N64 mini but we know the answer since that console only had like 12 great games anyway #sickburn?

#2 The Satellite

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 01:25 AM

It likely won't have Banjo-Kazooie unless Nintendo strikes a deal with Microsoft and if it doesn't I have no reason to care.


... but really, I'm not sure what games to expect. You're honestly right, the N64 was a pretty dry system. I could see them using lesser titles like Yoshi's Story (which I still liked) to pad out the lineup. Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Star Fox 64, all seem like obvious choices. Wave Race 64 perhaps. Possibly Pokemon Snap or Stadium, though the latter seems pointless without the transfer pak since that was a large part of the appeal. Mario Kart 64, Donkey Kong 64, one or more Mario Party titles, very likely. Maybe Diddy Kong Racing.Other than that I'm currently drawing blanks. Goldeneye and maybe Perfect Dark would make it but again, they'd have to strike a deal with Microsoft to get the latter, and the former... I don't even know what's going on there license-wise anymore.


We all know it needs Quest 64 though.

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#3 Anthus


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Posted 10 November 2017 - 01:43 AM

Yeah, that's the thing. A lot of the great N64 games were Rare games, and that is on weird grounds at best these days. I mean, I dunno, Microsoft let Rare make GBA ports of the DKC games, and DK64 did show up on the Wii U, but I suspect that's cause Nintendo owns the DK series. But getting Perfect Dark, Golden Eye, Jet Force Gemini, or even Conker is a long shot at best.


I thought for fun, I'd try to come up with 30 games. Turns out it's hard. As for my list, I'd like to see:


  1. Super Mario 64
  2. Ocarina of Time
  3. Majora's Mask
  4. Mario Kart 64
  5. Pokemon Snap
  6. Pokemon Stadium 2 (with an imaginary, awesome way to use NFC to get 'mons from whatever 3DS game you have)
  7. Starfox 64
  8. Donkey Kong 64
  9. Rayman 2
  10. Diddy Kong Racing
  11. Banjo Kazooie (and maybe the sequel)
  12. Kirby: Crystal Shards (or whatever)
  13. Super SMASH Bros.
  14. Paper Mario
  15. Super Mario 128 (since we're getting unreleased sequels all the sudden)
  16. Turok
  17. Perfect Dark
  18. Doom 64
  19. Goldeneye
  20. Wave Race 64
  21. South Park (yeah, unlikely, and critically panned, but 12 year old me loved this game)
  22. Jet Force Gemini
  23. Whichever Tony Hawk game was good, I forget
  24. Conker's Bad Fur Day
  25. Yoshi's Story
  26. Bomberman 64 if that's what it was called
  27. Glover 64
  28. Gex (or was the PlayStation?)
  29. Banjo Tooie (sure)
  30. Uhhhhhh
  31. Quest 64

#4 Saffith


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Posted 10 November 2017 - 01:45 AM

Banjo, Blast Corps, and Jet Force Gemini are all Rare, so those would be pretty unlikely.

They could definitely make it work, though. There's F-Zero X, Tetrisphere, Mischief Makers, Sin and Punishment, maybe Ogre Battle 64. Also Bangai-O and Custom Robo, if they felt like translating them. Animal Crossing seems less likely.
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#5 The Satellite

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 01:46 AM

Forgetting Smash and Kirby 64. I'm a fake Nintendo fan confirmed.


As for Tony Hawk, 2 seems to get the most love from that era, but I wouldn't miss it were it not included because the PS1 versions were superior.

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#6 Anthus


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Posted 10 November 2017 - 01:57 AM

I also forget about F-Zero >.>. There's one other thing that we have to accept: The N64 controller has been dated, antiquated, surpassed, and completely outclassed by modern controllers for FPS, or even third person shooter games (in spite of how revolutionary it was, and how much I still love it). It's like using a telegraph machine when you can text. That might be another hurdle for some of these games, along with the Rare thing. But yeah, there are at least 15-20 solid enough games that could get made on this thing, if it happens.

#7 Cukeman


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Posted 10 November 2017 - 02:17 AM

Everywhere I go online I see people talking about how "horrible" the N64 controller was. I loved it. I'm not saying joysticks have never been done better, but I love the layout of everything. I do understand the desire for larger C buttons when it comes to fighting games, but otherwise they seem fine.


I think Nintendo needs to get more NES and SNES classics out there before worrying about the N64. Also people will want to have 4 controllers, which will drive the price up. Also, I don't believe in plug and play systems period, you can't add games, and that's just wrong. I know some people do hacking, but it's just not the same, and these things don't have a great amount of extra storage space.


I haven't played a lot of N64 games, and a list of the most obvious game selections would be a snore fest. So instead of boring you with those I'll instead list some games that are less likely. Some of these I like a lot, others I've always wanted to try:



Beetle Adventure Racing

Blast Corps.


Hybrid Heaven

Killer Instinct Gold

Magical Tetris Challenge featuring Mickey

Mario Golf

Mischief Makers

Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire



Turok 2

Vigilante 8

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#8 Anthus


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Posted 10 November 2017 - 02:35 AM

And I forgot about Mario Golf. If you like golf games, it's pretty solid. I play a lot of Wii Sports Golf, and Tiger Woods '12 (for Wii) which is literally the only "EA Sports" game I like. Okay, '11 is good too. I love disc golf in those. I had Shadows of the Empire as a kid, and I always liked it but I haven't touched it in nearly two decades. I remember it being kind of hard, but I also thought the Shadow Temple was hard at one point.


And like I said, I love the controller too. It works best for Mario, and Zelda, which it was made for essentially, but I worry about how it would fare in today's gaming climate with games that the general audience has become accustomed to playing a certain way since. S/NES are classics, and have 'simple' controllers that anyone can pick up and play, but, the N64 controller? It's a bit odd, objectively. And, like you said, people would probably want multiplayer since a lot of the good games are multiplayer which would make it pricey. I wish you could plug in a real 'classic' controller to these systems. I like the Wii/U compatible (and that's another thing) new controllers, but that's not cost effective for a consumer.

#9 klop422


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Posted 10 November 2017 - 05:37 AM

Yeah, my family have had a few discussions about the right way to hold that thing. We love it really, though.

Also, as unlikely as it is, I'd love to have rogue squadron on this. I say unlikely because there are so many better choices for 'iconic N64 games'.

I don't know that much of the 64's line-up, so I don't really have that much to say, but I do wonder whether the recent remakes of OoT and MM mean that they won't appear? I mean, they probably will - the backlash against their lack of appearance (esp. OoT's) and the fact that they would make so much more money having them on it is probably enough incentive to keep them, but... it may be a possibility?

Although, thinking about it now, they've been on virtual console this whole time, and so have all the other games from NES and SNES (except Star Fox 2, I guess), so I'm almost definitely wrong.


I'm thinking Mario Party. Maybe not 1 (though that did start it all...) but 2 or 3 (I'm leaning 3 because that's the only one I completed and it has a single-player story mode, which I don't think 2 had) would likely work well.

Also if they can get Rare's permission, and they have Banjo-Kazooie, they better have Banjo-Tooie as well, or I'll be disappointed.

#10 Ben


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Posted 10 November 2017 - 09:17 AM

There are rumors of an "N64 Classic" coming out, but it turns out the game manual list floating around is merely the games available for the Wii U Virtual Console in Europe. :P


Still, I'd not mind seeing one, but it'd be tough to get Rare to come back and green light some of the games that really defined the N64. Rare helped make the N64 what it is; Nintendo's games were fine, but without Banjo, Conker, Goldeneye, Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark...

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#11 Adem



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Posted 10 November 2017 - 10:14 AM

I agree that without Banjo-Kazooie, I probably wouldn't make this purchase. It seems unlikely to happen unfortunately, but Ben is right. Rare contributed a lot to the N64. Besides, most of the other games that I love have already been remade or released on VC.


But wait. Do we not like Quest 64? Because I played the heck out of the game when I was kid, but I also haven't touched it since I was seven.

#12 Norzan



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Posted 10 November 2017 - 10:24 AM

Quest 64 is pretty damn bad, specially with ungodly grindy it is. Not to mention how just really boring it is.


Like some said here, i doubt Microsoft is gonna allow the N64 Rare games to be in this. Specially with how some of them are easily some of the most popular on the system.

#13 Adem



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Posted 10 November 2017 - 10:34 AM

Quest 64 is pretty damn bad, specially with ungodly grindy it is. Not to mention how just really boring it is.

Truthfully, I don't remember it much. Just that I played it a lot. But perhaps that explains why...I used to love grinding. Haha.

#14 The Satellite

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 02:18 PM

Yeah, Quest 64 is a meme. Let ProJared break it down for you.

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#15 Dark Ice Dragon

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 03:24 PM

Truthfully, I don't remember it much. Just that I played it a lot. But perhaps that explains why...I used to love grinding. Haha.


you was not alone ;)

Quest 64 is not so bad, but is a game that don't explain much to the player and is very easy get lost.

you have the freedoom to decide  want element increase at each level up, but you can't turn back.

after many attempts, i got that is more easy if you power up just water untill lv 50 and then another element you like, i completed the game whit earth and fire still at lv1


i forgot my list of games


  1. Ocarina of Time
  2. Majora's Mask
  3. Super Mario 64
  4. Mario Kart 64
  5. Quest 64( yes, is in the list )

Edited by Dark Ice Dragon, 10 November 2017 - 03:31 PM.

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