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TLOZ: The 3 Crystals(Interactive)

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#16 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 02:36 PM

Day 5-Evening

After a good day's sleep, I managed to get Link to allow us into the Fire Temple. He gave me a special Sword to help me protect myself against Evil Fire beings, and he gave me a bow with Fire Arrows. Then he gave me the Bomb bag that I had used up until I was Nine. The one I had after that had torn in the Lost Woods.
We all took our leave and Left. Link hated to see us go, but he didn't say anything against it.
Inside the Death Mountain Crater, Fizleon remarked:
"Link... I recognise that name."
"Yes," I said. "The Hero of Time was called Link. So was the hero who split into four. And the Hero who destroyed the Wind Mage. He's a hero to many people."
"Is he a Hero to you?" Fizleon asked.
I thought for a moment. "He stands for things that I believe in... But not particularly, no."
There was silence for a moment. then Fizleon asked:
"Tell me, Kinek. What did these Link look like?"
I stopped. This was such a random question. It wasn't really related to anything. But it wouldn't do any harm for Fizleon to know, would it?
"Well, the pictures of him I saw, and Link the chief's descriptions say that he is white skinned and blonde. He always wore a green tunic... and a green, pointy, though flimsy hat."
Fizleon's expression changed. He seemed to be remembering a painful memory. "Let's continue," he said.


Zrutho is really suffering. The crater is extremely hot for him, even with the Goron Tunic that Link gave him. Fizleon gave Zrutho his outer Armour, saying that Lynels are pretty restistant to heat. I hope for his sake that he's right.
When we finally got into the Fire Temple, Zrutho was Paling. We had to quickly get out of here, otherwise he'd burn up. Fizleon was also starting to suffer, and I was sweating, though I was used to the heat.
to get to the secret route out of here was basically just the deal of sprinting across the entrance hall and playing the Danzón of Death, which is the only remaining song of the ancient land of Alharsahas, where the Modern Day border between Lynolia, Sardonia, and Goryana Forest is. Unfortunately, when we got to the Statues, we realised that we didn't have an instrument with us; I'd left my bongos in the city. We stood around for a moment, until a brainwave passed through me; I'd sing.
I drank the last drops of my water (most of it had evaporated) then cleared my throat. I hummed the Danzón for for a while, then Fizleon joined in. After some more singing, Zrutho did likewise. We sang for about a minute, then we heard a small clunk. The Fires in each of the statues went out one by one. Then they slid into the ground, uncovering a door.
The two Fire keese in the room noticed this and attacked us. I quickly opened the door and pushed Zrutho through. Fizleon went through as well, leaving me. I tried to get to the door, but a Lizalfos pulled me back. It pushed me down the staircase, and then tried to get the statues beack in place. I quickly got back up, and screamed in pain; my leg had been injured. The Lizalfos turned and lunged at me. I fell out of the way, and slashed my sword at it. The lizalfos quickly died. I got up and limped to the stautes, but was horrified when I say the two outer statues had returned. Luckily, th middle statue hadn't come back yet, but it would soon enough.
The fire keese dove at me and I swiftly shot two arrows at them, killing them. Then I limped to the door and got through.
On the other side, I heaved a sigh of relief. The heat was almost instantly gone; there was some sort of cooling mechanism in the room. I limped up the staircase and opened a trapdoor. With a little effort, I climbed out into the sunlight. It had taken all night to get through the Death Mountain Crater. I was finally at Darkness Lake, and it was morning.

#17 Haylee


    ~ Hope of Energy Nede ~

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 07:28 PM

To everyone, the Dark Lord is NOT Ganondorf, that is all.

Lightwulf: I'll be using both Zaron, and Erick.
Erick,Day 3

BGM: Lon Lon Ranch(OOT)

Me and the other Darknuts and Wizrobes arrive at Lon Lon Ranch to obtain Horses from Malon and her daughter, Lonam. Lonam quickly recognized me, and I whispered to her to keep quiet about this. I went to go choose my horse first, even though I'm too small to ride one. I went to go check on the horse that Lonam and I were raising, name Excalibur. Something was disturbing it. It seemed to be coming from under his hay stack. I look in there and find a boy in Green Clothes.

"Damn, I thought nobody would ever find me." He said. "What's a little kid like you doing hiding here?" I responded."Okay, first off, I could say the same thing for you. And second, I'm not a kid, I'm a Kokiri. The names Zaron." He responded. "I'm Erick, please to meet you!"
"Hmph, you're a Wizrobe, I can tell by your clothes. You are my enemy, you are just going to kill me." I grabbed Zaron's shirt and whispered, "I'm secretly a rebel, so will you please chill out?!"

BGM End.

"What was that, Erick?" A Wizrobe said. "...It's him! The thief!" He yelled as he pointed to Zaron.

BGM: Chase Theme(Majoras Mask)

"Well shit! let's go!" Zaron grabbed me a ran through a hole only a child could fit. "Everyone! Erick is a traitor! Killed him and the thief on sight!" Their commander yelled. Zaron and I eventually got out of Lon Lon Ranch and found a hole to hide in, we jumped in.

"What the, What is this place?" I asked. Zaron responded, "Welcome to the rebel base of Hyrule Field, everyone else fled to the forest temple for their rebel base though, so it's just me. Anyways, I say we need to loot what's still in here and stay a while." I agreed and we waited for a while.

To be continued....

#18 Haylee


    ~ Hope of Energy Nede ~

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 07:34 PM

Sorry for double post, but I'd like to say that the Foreigner character type now exists.

#19 Lightwulf



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Posted 23 March 2013 - 07:37 PM

@klop422: No need to worry. You might've skipped this line: "I told them that the Deku Tree instructed me to find a light spirit named Farron, so I would be leaving in the morning to set out on a quest to find it." I already took that into account. icon_cool.gif Yeah, sorry I was a day behind you. I'll try to catch up.
Interesting! So the Huge Deku Baba spits deku nuts. Cool! icon_smile.gif

@Goriya: It's cool. icon_cool.gif
About the Dark Lord, yeah, I didn't think so, but thanks for clarifying. Yeah, like klop422 had put, Ganondorf (in the form of Ganon) had been sealed into the Sacred Realm by the sages, so it can't be him.
Day 3 - Morning:

I got up early and began to pack for my journey. Then it hit me. The Deku Tree did say that I needed to go on this journey, but that doesn't mean I couldn't take a companion, someone to watch my back. Well, as it was still early and most Kokiri were still asleep, I figured I had some time to think about this before everyone was up.

Edit: After a while, I noticed Rido got up, but I was still sitting, thinking about who to take with me. Ordo is a good warrior, but he'll be needed here to help protect the others. Lokar is in charge of our shop goods, even though we don't have as many anymore, but I'm sure he'll use either rupees or ingenuity to obtain other goods to sell. ... Besides, if there are any Hylians or others trying to escape evil forces, Lokar will have visitors that may need to buy items, so he's needed here as well. I figured I could forget about Mido; because he wanted his new position so badly, I doubted he'd respond well to me asking for him to join me.
Rido interrupted my thoughts. He whispered, "Hey, Jaron, were you going to leave soon?" He looked concerned because last night I'd acted like I was going to leave before everyone else was awake, so he was surprised that I was still there.
"There's one more thing I have to take care of before I go," I responded, quietly.
"What's that, if I may ask?" Rido politely asked as he sat down.
"I'm thinking that I need someone to go with me, to help watch my back," I answered. "There's no telling what I'll run across, or whom I may meet, if the forces of evil are abroad."
"Are... Are you... scared... to go?" Rido hesitantly asked. I could tell that he didn't want to hurt my pride by implying that I was afraid.
I smiled. No offense taken, I thought in response. "Not scared, no. It's just... I could use the extra pair of eyes to help keep me out of trouble."
Rido smiled. He knows me. "Like you would get into trouble?" he joked.
We both chuckled, quietly, so as not to attract attention. I lowered my head again to think some more.
"I'll go with you," Rido volunteered.
I looked up. "You sure? It's going to be dangerous."
"Definitely," Rido replied. "You've always been like a father and a friend to me. If you're going somewhere dangerous, I'll gladly come along to help you."
I smiled. "Thanks, Rido. You've really been a big help to me."
"What, you mean helping you yesterday?" Rido asked, a little confused.
"No, I mean you've really helped me to make my decision," I replied. Rido smiled back.
"Start packing your things," I told him. "Only take what you think we'll need. I'm going to get with Lokar to see what he can spare."

- Late Morning -

Rido and I met at the entrance room shortly after a late-morning breakfast. I had told others before breakfast that I would be taking Rido with me, so the twins had prepared belt pouches for us to keep our items in. ([/i]The twins are so thoughtful![/i] I thought.) I'd consulted with the (so-called) Know-It-All Brothers of what they knew of outside the forest, but none of us had ever left the forest, so all they could do was give Rido and me some tips on fighting skills. Rido had both his slingshot (as well as his ammo pouch holding 30 Deku seeds) and a Kokiri Dagger, as well as some provisions that the girls had prepared for us; I wasn't too fond of squirrel and fish jerky, but they were good for long trips, so we had those as well as a big pouch of mushrooms, a pouch of berries, and a bottle of blue chu jelly. I gave Rido a Deku Shield that I'd bought from Lokar for 30 rupees (he would've given it to me for free, because we Kokiri share what we have with one another and normally only charge outsiders for our goods, but I insisted on paying him because of all the work it takes to make one and I figured he may need the money). I still had my own Deku Shield, my Deku Slingshot, my ammo pouch of 40 Deku seeds and my pouch of 20 Deku nuts; I'd also packed 3 Deku sticks, my bottle from earlier plus one more from Lokar (both filled with water), and a rock with a flint stone in case we needed to start a fire.

Being thus prepared, everyone gathered around to say farewell. Mido didn't come too close, so I just smiled and nodded at him; he nodded back and even smiled at me, which was a nice surprise! I just hoped that he was really as sincere as he was acting.

After bidding everyone farewell, the Kokiri on watch let down the rope ladder and both Rido and I departed toward the Lost Woods.

To be continued...

Edited by Lightwulf, 23 March 2013 - 09:15 PM.

#20 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 11:53 AM

Day 4-Afternoon

Now I was working for Ganondorf. I never expected that.
So far I hadn't gotten any orders, but that didn't stop me being guilty. Mido noticed my discomfort and came up to me for conversation.
"You seem troubled," he told me.
"Do I?" I asked, pretending surprise.
"I know enough about Deku scrubs to know that you are having an emotional problem at the moment."
I quickly made up a lie.
"Yes..." I said. "I need to leave soon, but I want to stay."
"Well, that can't be helped," Mido said. "Hey, you! Pika... Pikern!" he called over to a nearby Kokiri. "Get me some of the Sap Cider!" Mido turned to me. "If you are leaving soon, you'd better make the most of it! Let's have lunch!"
Despite my annoyance, I agreed to go with him.


I got my first orders from Ganondorf. He's annoyed that I made up the lie about having to leave. But anyway.
Ganondorf asked me to go to the Forest stage and meet with the Audience Dekus. I'm to form a group of dekus to save the Woodfall Dekus. Ganondorf hasn't told me why, but If I don't, Woodfall will be destroyed.

New Character (again)

Name: Sorn Nors (That's how he's usually reffered to as)
Type: Foreigner (I had to try this out)
Race: Goriya
Age: 29
Main Hand: Left
Weapon of choice: He's a Goriya, so... Probably a sword! Boomerang
Backstory: The wasted plains of Hezriath to the South of Hyrule are rotting. It's time for the migration. Unfortunately, the usual migration place has overpopulated with Pols Voices, so they have to migrate North to Hyrule. Sorn Nors got seperated from the group and is alone.

I'll use him later.

#21 Lightwulf



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 06:36 PM

Hey, everyone, could we say that this takes place 70 years from the (childhood) events from OoT?
I know it won't be a problem for the Kokiris since they always look young. I figure that Malon could be old and her daughter could be about 34 and in charge of the ranch. What do you guys think? Is there anything else we need to consider when deciding this?

(And by the way, I misspelled "Faron" in previous posts by putting 2 "r"s in it. Rather than go back and fix everything, I'll just spell it correctly from now on.)

Day 3 - Late Morning

BGM: Twilight Princess Forest Temple
As we made our way through the hedge maze, Rido asked if I knew where to go. I told him that I'd had a feeling, when I'd stopped, telling me that the Deku Tree would open a passage somewhere in the Kokiri Village. Since we had gone the same direction yesterday, it didn't take us as long to get through the Lost Woods and back to the Kokiri Village.

As we entered, I stopped to take a look around. Rido stopped as well. "Do you know what we're looking for?" he asked.
"I figure it will be something that will stand out as different," I replied. I'm not really sure what, but the Deku Tree did say it would open the way, so I'm assuming it will be a new passageway."
BGM ends.

BGM: Enemy Approaching (OoT)
After a minute of surveying the area, I decided we needed to get down lower to see things better. After climbing down some vines, I thought I saw something green on the ground not far from the entrance from Hyrule Field. As soon as we hopped down off the bottom ledge that led to the Lost Woods entrance, a gigantic Deku Baba emerged from the ground! This caught us off guard and caused us both to hop backwards and hit our backs against the rock wall behind us.
"What the...?" Rido stammered.
Before he could say another word, the Deku Baba started spitting... Deku nuts?
"Whoah!" I yelled as I rolled myself along the wall to my left to avoid getting hit. I pulled out my Deku shield to guard against the flying nuts and asked Kovi what the heck this thing was.
"Listen," Kovi replied, "That's a Huge Deku Baba. Watch out for the Deku nuts it spits! It has a tough outer husk, so only something sharp will be able to hurt it."
I looked to my right and saw Rido dodging Deku nuts while trying to aim his slingshot at the beast. I ran in front him to help protect him while he aimed. Rido managed to get a couple shots off, but sure enough, the seeds just bounced right off the Deku Baba's head. "Rido, Kovi says that only something sharp can harm it! Don't waste your seeds!"
Rido put his slingshot away. "You got a better idea? I've only got my dagger and it's a bit short to reach that thing before it clobbers us."
After deflecting a few more Deku nuts, I had an idea. "Lets go find the Kokiri Sword. We actually might have a chance if we have it."
I guarded against the barrage of nuts as we quickly made our way along the wall to my left, until finally we were out of its range and the Deku Baba retreated back into the ground.
BGM ends.

BGM: Twilight Princess Forest Temple
We made our way through the burned-down fences that were once the Forest Training Center. I crawled through the hole first, with Rido close behind me. I was hesitant, waiting for the rolling boulder that I knew went around the circle, ... but nothing was moving. Rido and I slowly went forward, then made the left, right and left turns to get to the Kokiri Sword's chest. I looked back, confused as to what happened to the boulder, and I saw the boulder had crashed through the burnt hedge to the east; it was in a position lower that the ground of the circle, so it couldn't roll any more.
Rido tugged at my sleeve. "Jaron, ..." he began.
I turned back around. He was pointing at the chest. The chest was wide open! I ran to get a closer look. ... Empty.
I stood confused, trying to figure this out.
Rido spoke. "But... I thought that Ordo had made a new Kokiri Sword, after the hero never returned with the one he took from here... Didn't Mido put it here???"
"Yeah," I replied. "I watched him crawl into this place with the sword and come back out without it. I'm certain he put it here... Great."
"What?" asked Rido.
"Just great," I continued.
"What???" Rido asked again.
I looked at Rido. "Without that sword, I don't think we'll get past that Huge Deku Baba. It was practically blocking the entire path that leads to Hyrule Field."
Rido thought a minute. "Right, ... but didn't you say you felt the passage would be opened somewhere in the village?"
He had a good point; we may not need to beat that creature after all. I didn't like the thought of leaving a man-eating beast in my village where it could hurt others, but at least all the other Kokiris were safe in the temple. The only ones it could harm are other travellers. I still didn't like that idea, but I didn't have much choice at this point. I sighed. "You're right. Let's search the village and see if we can find anything while avoiding that beast." As we walked back toward the hole, I said, "I just hope that whatever this... light spirit Faron could do for us would help get rid of that monstrosity."

- Afternoon -

We started searching the village clockwise from the hole, away from the monster Baba. We didn't have far to go, though. "Look!" exclaimed Rido. In the corner of the wall between the burned-down fences and the Know-It-All Brothers' burned-down house, there was now a hollow tree in the wall, similar to the one that served as the exit to Hyrule Field! "We must've missed it in our rush to find the sword," I chuckled. We were both relieved that we didn't have to go near that Huge Deku Baba again! We swiftly, but cautiously, exited the village through this new passageway.
BGM ends.

BGM: Faron Woods (TP)
We found, on the other side of the exit, a vast and dense forest. There was somewhat of a path in front of us, but it looked like it hadn't been used in ages because of the tall foliage that now covered it. Cautiously, we followed the path. Rido had to slash down some of the larger plants so that we could get by.

- Evening -
We stopped to rest a few minutes on a moss-covered rock. Rido pulled out some of the mushrooms from his pack and we had a quick bite to eat.
"How far do you think we'll have to go?" he said, chewing on some mushrooms.
I swallowed and answered, "I haven't a clue. All I know is that we have to find Faron somehow."
Kovi spoke up. "Just keep following this path. It's bound to lead toward something!"
I thanked her for the advice and began eating another mushroom.
"Want some jerky?" Rido offered.
I almost choked on my mushroom. "No! ... Er, no thanks. Let's just... save it for later."

As we took off again, I notice the sun had gone down and the sky was darkening. I knew we should find shelter soon. However, before I could think about it further, we came to an opening in the ground. Once we got closer, I saw there was a well-worn dirt path that was cut through the ground at about a Kokiri's height lower in depth from the ground we were on. It cut our path perpendicularly; I estimated it went roughly east-to-west in direction. We carefully climbed down the slope and looked around. I knew we would need to find the path back some time later, and I saw that it was hard to see the path from down here. So, I asked to borrow Rido's dagger. I cut the Kokiri symbol into the side wall, so that only we would know what it meant. Since it was getting even darker, I could see a light off to the west, so I handed back the dagger and led Rido on the road heading west.

#22 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 27 March 2013 - 11:51 AM

@Lightwulf: What about Zelda? She'll live to an alternate future to the one in The Adult Timeline. This will happen after Majora's Mask if it 70 years later, so Zelda (and Link) would be about 80.
Also, I was thinking of having Link in the roleplay, though for what purpose, I don't know... I guess that Link and Zelda could have settled down in the castle. Zelda would be queen of Hyrule, and Link would be her husband, I guess.
I would mention Gorons, but the thing with them (and the Zoras) is that we have no idea how they age, and their avarege lifespan, so they (like Fizleon) could be able to live for hundreds of years.
But I hadn't thought of much else, so I guess I could fit it all in.


Sorn Nors
Day 3-Morning

Finally they've let me out and I can write memorandii again! I should explain.
After losing myself in the Bekara Sand Dunes, I found myself at a fortress. When I went inside to ask for food (my Korgan berries had kind of gone off), the Guards took me and threw me into a cell, which wasn't very nice. Other than that, though, nothing much has happened.


I'm on my way to a Lake in the south, but hunger is taking over. The keatons here are too quick, unlike our ones in Hezrieth. I really hope I can survive this stuff... If not, that'll be the end of me.

Day 6-Morning
After early morning, the Lake darkened. It seems dawn is the only thing able to break through this darkness. Myself, Zrutho and Fizleon plan on resting today and going into Darkness Shrine tomorrow.
Zrutho may have been suffering inside Death Mountain, but here he feels (almost) quite at home. He's really close to recovery, and he is really enjoying himself.
Fizleon isn't enjoying himself so much. I don't excel in reading Lynel facial expressions, but he seems torn. I don't have the courage to ask him what it's about, though; I've seen him get angry. I just hope that he can fix his feelings soon.


I just thought-With the 70 years in the future thing, we can do something awesome. Question-How old was Ganondorf in Oot? If he was 30 or over, then there could be a new Gerudo male!

I had another question, but I can't remember it... I'll update the post (or make a new post) when I remember.

#23 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 01:24 PM

Day 5-Morning
Left for the stage. I managed (with difficulty) to get the dekus to try and save Woodfall, but I'm worried for them. They may have all sorts of wallet, seed bag and Deku stick upgrades, but I'm not sure they know how to handle them. This may or may not be what Ganondorf wants, but I'm really not sure...

Ganondorf told me to go to the Stalfos room and use a Deku nut on the ground. So I did.
Immediately, The Ganon shadow, with the Guardian Phantom shape appeared again, but in more detail this time.
"Thank you," It said.
"What have I just done?" I asked him.
"You have freed part of me from the Sacred Realm. Remember; attack at dawn."
Then it disappeared.

Attack at dawn? So I needed to get to Woodfall and attack by dawn.I got together the stage Dekus and said farewell to Mido. Then we left for Woodfall, riding on wolfos to speed us up.
After a surprisingly few amount of hours, we reached Lake Hylia, where we rested for a few minutes. Then we rode on.
By the time dawn had come, we had arrived at Woodfall. How we did it, I don't know, but we did it.

Day 6-Dawn
We attacked the invaders. It was alright at first, but then some of them ambushed us. The Woodfall dekus managed to get them off, luckily.
The attack didn't last all that long. We killed every invader, despite our weakness. It was as if they weren't trying.
Then we heard a laugh.
hee, hee, hee, hee
We all looked in the direction it had come from.
"What do he have here?" said one of the Kotake, who was flying above.
"Freedom fighters?" Said Koume. "Pah! You've just helped unseal Ganondorf! He's almost free!"
And with that they left to fly towards Clock Town. Hee hee hee

#24 Lightwulf



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Posted 02 April 2013 - 01:10 PM

@klop422: Honestly, I wasn't planning on Link or Zelda being alive at this time. If you want them to be in some retirement home or something, go right ahead.
I would think that Link continued his search after Majora's Mask; then again, he might want to return to Hyrule, but he couldn't stay with the Kokiri because he'd be too big to fit in. My best guess would be that he passed away and was given a special burial site, either in Hyrule Castle somewhere or (more likely) with the other royal graves at Kakariko graveyard. Probably the same thing for Zelda, but I'm not sure.
You may be right, though; whether Link marries Zelda or not, he could still be housed there and honored as a hero. If they're still alive, the only thing I would wonder is this: what would the Dark Lord have done with/to them when he overthrew Hyrule? (Since Goriya started this thread, I think he should give the official answer to this question.)

About Gorons, though, I would imagine (being made of rock and all) their longevity would be at least twice that of humans, if not longer. About dying, though, I'm not sure how to tackle that issue.
For the sake of this story, though, I'm saying that Darunia and the other sages left together, after completing the seal on the Sacred Realm, to live somewhere else in peace the rest of their days. (Don't know if you caught my reference to this from Mido's words to Jaron earlier.) Naturally, his son Link would be in charge of the Gorons while his dad is gone.
Zoras, I would imagine, have quite the same lifespan as Hylians, though maybe slightly longer because of their diet of fish. icon_smile.gif

Day 3 - Night

As we neared the light, we could hear some music, and I saw movement around a campfire. Before we could be seen, I whispered to Rido to stay here until I call him forward; I didn't want to scare anyone more than needed. I approached the campfire and noticed that it was a group of Deku, some young and some older, dancing and playing music around the campfire. "Hello! Good evening!" I called to them.
The oldest Deku told the others to stop. "Who's there? Are you friend or foe?"
"A lost and tired Kokiri," I replied. "I'm a friend."
The oldest Deku told me to come into the light, so I approached the campfire until I could see their faces and they could see mine. There were 4 Deku children and 3 adults. The oldest child was dressed in green garb and another chiled wore a tiara.
In introduced myself and told them that I didn't know my way around this area, and that I needed a place to sleep tonight. The adult Dekus spoke quietly with each other; I guess they were deciding whether to trust me or not. I know we Kokiri didn't completely trust Deku scrubs because there are some in our forest that have attacked us; but, on the other hand, this is a forest (or part of the forest) that we've never been to, so I didn't know what to expect or who would be friendly. As the adults talked, I asked the Deku kid dressed in green if they were putting on a play (since I know the Deku normally don't dress in Kokiri clothing). The Deku kid said they were singing a song about the hero that had rescued the Deku princess many years ago and that he was dressed as the hero. "And I'm the princess!" the Deku girl with the tiara said happily. I smiled and told them that I like music, too. I then noticed that one of the Deku had an ocarina; I asked if I could borrow it and play along. (I'm pretty good with the ocarina, but I don't own one.) The Deku with the ocarina asked his mom, "Can he play with us? Pleeeease?" The mother smiled and nodded, not wanting to upset the young ones.

BGM: Deku Palace, Majora's Mask
The ones with the Deku pipes and drums started and I started playing along. The one whose ocarina I'd borrowed, since I was playing his part, was able to sing the words:
d~ We, the Deku, dance with joy Because our dear princess is here.
   Link, the hero, rescued her from Woodfall Temple without any fear.
   She disappeared much to the dismay Of our dear king and all of us.
   The only witness to this crime Was quickly caught without a fuss.
   Mean Odolwa had kidnapped her And held her in our sacred grounds.
   Little did he know that Link would come To free her from his hands.
   One young monkey, suspected of crime, was Hung above a boiling pot.
   Link arrived back with the princess To expose Odolwa's plot.
   The princess saved her friend the monkey, Who had not meant to leave her there.
   Now all the kingdom dances for joy! We'll dance all night without a care!
   Dance! Dance! Dance all the night.
   Dance! Dance! 'Til the morning light.
   Dance! Dance! Dance, every one.
   Dance! Dance! 'Til this song is done. d~
BGM ends.

The adults saw I was harmless and offered me to camp with them. At that point I informed them that I had one Kokiri companion I left a distance away so as not to frighten them; after calling Rido over, I introduced him. The oldest Deku introduced himself as Arin, the court composer for the Deku King himself; the other adults were his son Dorin and Dorin's wife Kora, and the children were his grandchildren.
I commented on how much I liked the song. He told me he had written that song many years ago to commemorate the time that Link helped save their princess. I told him about how Link had lived among the Kokiri before setting out on his quest to save Hyrule. (I didn't know much more than that, though. I was impressed at how Link had helped save the Deku as well!)
I then asked them where they came from, since I was not familiar with this area. Arin said that they hail from a place called the Deku Palace in the Southern Swamp of Termina. "Forgive my ignorance," I replied, "but I only know where Hyrule is. Where's Termina?"
"Oh, far to the west of Hyrule," Arin explained. "Way past the Gerudo Desert and Bekara Dunes."
I'd never heard of those places before, but I didn't want to focus on that. "So, ... if it's so far away, what brings you here?"
"We're on a campout with grampa!" blurted out one of the Deku kids.
Arin and the adults chuckled. "Yep," Arin said, "I thought I'd take the little ones on a campout. I found out about Faron Woods long ago and I've visited it many times since then."
Ah, I thought, so this place is called Faron Woods. "If you don't mind me asking, do you know why this place is called Faron Woods?"
"Why, because of the light spirit that protects these woods, indeed this whole area," Arin replied.
"Interesting," I said out loud. "I wonder if anyone has seen this 'Faron'..."
Arin leaned forward. "Whether anyone has seen him, I don't know. But, it is said that only the brave can see him. I haven't seen him myself, but he inhabits a sacred spring southwest from here. I visited it a few years ago. Nice place, it is."

We talked some more and then got settled down for sleep. The Deku had previously made nests, so they all settled down quickly. Rido and I made ourselves comfortable on some moss beds and went to sleep. As I drifted off, I thought of where I would be going tomorrow...

#25 Shane



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Posted 02 April 2013 - 04:27 PM

Name: Shane
Type: Foreigner
Race: Hylian (or human?)
Age: 15
Main Hand: Left
Weapon-of-Choice: Sabre
Backstory: Shane is from a kingdom far away from Hyrule. He heard whispers of it being one of the most thriving kingdoms out there and sets off to see what Hyrule is like. When he gets there, all he could see is barren landscapes with monstrosities roaming the dead lands. He hears that this was the nasty work of the supposed "Dark Ruler". Shane, angered, then sets off to find people who will take arms up against this fiend.
Day 1 - Morning

I awoke at dawn, which was not surprising for me as I felt unsettled at the fact that Hyrule was being overran by a foul darkness. I rubbed my eyes and got up, picked up my sabre I was given on my tenth birthday which was half in it's sheath. I started to walk into Hyrule more. The morning air felt cold, there wasn't any wind. It was quiet around me. Too quiet. It felt so unnatural especially since the monsters I saw over the burned fields are suddenly gone. I was on my guard with my left hand tightly gripped on my sabre's handle. I could only hear my footsteps. I found a sign which took quite the beating. It was scratched several times, bent over and was even pointing away from the footpath.

"Kakariko Village?" I read out loud. "Hm, wasn't that one of the places mentioned in the books I read?"

I was trying to recall remembering what I read at my local library. I remember it saying that this village was the second biggest. If so, I assume the Dark Lord has already took over this place. Should I go there just now? What if there were people there? But if I'm wrong, and the Dark Lord was there, I possibly may not get another chance to go look for survivors. I decided to brave in, I would need to be more stealthy. Good thing I know a thing or two about sneaking around. My whole childhood I snicked around my hometown with my friend without us being noticed. It was fun. But that when, I suddenly heard footsteps from behind, rushing towards me. I pull out my sword, and look around to see if he or she is a friend or foe. Friend? Well speak of the devil.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Looking for you." She says in that familiar voice I kinda missed. She brushes her shoulder length hair to the backside of her shoulder.

"How long have you been following?" I asked.

"All the way!" She said, giggling. Sneaky little girl...

[I'll do more afterwards, I need to go to school first though.]

#26 Lightwulf



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  • Location:Ainrofilac, Ceh Sha Ah (I'm libingual)

Posted 03 April 2013 - 01:57 AM

Glad to see you join, Shane! icon_smile.gif

Day 4 - Morning

I awoke as soon as the sun started to rise. I awoke Rido and we prepared some breakfast. Of the Deku family, Arin awoke first while Rido and I were quietly talking. "Leaving so soon?" Arin inquired.
"Well... that was the plan," I replied. "We don't want to impose on your campout any more than we already have."
By this time the young Deku children were arousing and popping out of their nests. "No, no! It's a pleasure," continued Arin. "We don't get many visitors, especially ones that remind us of the hero. Link was dressed in green and had a fairy, you know; just like you!"
I was surprised. I was told that Link left Hyrule after his fairy had left him. Last night, while talking with Arin, he'd told me that the time Link had saved the Deku Princess was after he had left Hyrule. "He had a fairy then?"
"Yes, well..." Arin muttered, "I really don't know any details other than that..." Arin began to arouse the adults so they could make breakfast.
I was unsure what the Deku would eat; because Kokiri and Deku hadn't gotten along back in the Kokiri forest, I didn't know too much about them. So, I figured we'd leave before breakfast to avoid having any conflict with their breakfast menu. I told my intentions to Arin and then began to say my goodbyes to the Deku children.
The Deku kid with the ocarina told me that I was a lot better on the ocarina than him, so he told me I could have his. "I can always get another one back at the palace," he said. I thanked him.
You got the Deku Ocarina! This one is curiously carved from wood, but it works just as good as a Fairy Ocarina.

After saying goodbye to the others, Arin asked where I would go. "I want to see that spring of Faron that you told me about," I replied.
"You think you're brave enough to see the light spirit?" he replied, jokingly.
I nervously chuckled; I didn't want to tell Arin everything. "Well, regardless, I think I'd at least like to see the place. It sounds beautiful."
"Well," Arin said, "we normally fly when we travel around here, but I've noticed that this pathway continues west for a while and then turns south. Keep following the path and keep an eye out to the west; you'll see some large boulders around a spring of water in a grove of tall trees. I don't think it'll be hard to see."

I thanked Arin for everything, for his hospitality, and for letting Rido and me stay the night with them. Then, Rido and I waved as we continued our journey on the road leading west.
As we walked away, I contemplated on how decent those Deku were. I realized that this was the start of a feeling of trust I had for the Deku scrubs. At least, for those that live in the west; the ones in the forest near home seem to shoot first and ask questions later.

#27 Shane



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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:47 AM

[continuing from my last post] [also going to assume Kakariko Village is going to be kinda "deserted" since the Dark Ruler has came.]
Name: Charlie
Type: Foreigner
Race: Hylian (or human?)
Age: 14
Main Hand: Right
Weapon-of-Choice: Bow
Backstory: A childhood friend of Shane's, they do all sorts of things together, mainly sneaking around, she follows Shane into Hyrule as she was curious to know what was in his mind. She helps him find answers as to what happened.
"Charlie, you should go." I suggested. I was afraid of her getting hurt because of me. She can fight for sure, but we're not dealing with mere humans from what I saw. I also didn't want her family to worry sick about her.

"No!" She shouted plainly like the stubborn girl she always was. You can obviously tell she wasn't going to let anything scare her. I sighed and placed my head over my face thinking. I knew she's not going to end the argument until I give in, so I might as well skip the extra trouble and let her join me.

"Fine, just don't get hurt will you?" I asked, she pulls out her bow she cherishes from her bag which was attached to her belt on her left hip.

"Wasn't my intention." She said smiling.

We head up the stairs to Kakariko Village. Upon entering, I remembered this is the spot where the photographer took the photo. A fancy overhead sign, houses, a tree with several bushes scattered around it. And don't forget the towering windmill. Only difference is that Death Mountain is fully visible, the sky is dull and... the villagers are gone? Charlie gasped with worry. The rain started to slowly pelt the ground and thunder could be heard on occasions. She ran underneath the overhead sign looking around for any sign of people living here. I followed her. We made it to the well where a supposed demon is sealed. I look downwards. The well was full of fresh clean water. A flash of lightning lightened the village. I heard a child scream, I looked at the direction of the scream, the blinds of a window moved and swayed about. So there are villagers! They're most likely hiding from the monsters.

"What do you think they're hiding from?" She asked.

"The Dark Ruler." I answered. That's all I know besides that he has taken over Hyrule along with unleashing beasts. Me and her sat underneath a tree, where it was less wet. We saw most of the windows boarded up, most of the village gardens have been crushed as if they been stomped on or overgrown - all of it was like as if the villagers just didn't go outdoors anymore. Charlie pointed at a sign that said "Village Inn".

"Do you think they'll let us in?" She asked, hoping to hear a yes.

"Hm, let's go see." I answered, we got up and walked towards the said house. We knocked on the door. No response. We tried opening it. It was locked.

"Hey! Please, we mean no harm!" Charlie shouted through the boarded up window next to the door. We could both faintly hear crying. The door suddenly opened.

"Oh!" A villager said, surprised. "Sorry, but you shouldn't tour right now."

"We're not here for sight seeing." I said.

"Then what for?" The villager asked, now confused than surprised.

"To slay the Dark Ruler." I answered. They shook their heads.

"That's suicide pal." Another villager explained.

"I won't be alone, I'll get help. Want to help?" I asked, they instantly shook their heads again, they were to afraid.

"Only the hero in green can save us!" They said.

"Green?" Charlie said. She admires the colour.

"He's name is Link... But he hasn't came yet, we're still praying to the Goddesses for the hero." They explained.

"As I was saying, I'll be 'the hero.'" I said in full confidence. They thought I was stubborn.

"Well, there's an extra a room. It's the door to your left." The crying villager said, suddenly stop crying. As if I made her feel a glimmer of hope.

"Thanks." Charlie explained. We both go into the room. It was the same size of our rooms, maybe smaller though. It had a double sized bed, a double door closet filled with nothing but coat hangers. Three drawers which had nothing but collected dust. A small mirror in the corner. A rug on the floor, two boarded windows and all a small table with one chair. Charlie placed her bag of things on the table.

Edited by Shane, 03 April 2013 - 06:48 AM.

#28 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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  • Location:Planet Earth

Posted 03 April 2013 - 08:43 AM

Day 6-Morning

Ganondorf sent me to Romani Ranch to get something. Unfontunately, the Deku King wouldn't let me go. I had to sneak away. But to do that, I needed to get out of the palace, and everyone knows that the only exit is Guarded by Bik and Fod, who are as loyal to the king as could possibly be. The Deku King has no doubt told them I was not to leave under any circumstances.
Then I thought. The Bean cave! Of course! With a magic bean, I could easily get myself out of the Palace!


When no-one was watching, I got my magic bean that I'd bought earlier, and planted it, watering it with spring water. The bean quickly grew into a platform, which I hopped onto, hoping it would take me to the right place.
After a while wasted by stupid detours, it dropped me off at the Deku Shrine. It wasn't the best place to go, judging by the fact that it's a few hops from the palace, but I should be able to get away from here.
I had almost gotten away, but then Bik and Fod saw me and started to chase after.
"Get him!" they cried, and the inner palace guards streamed out to capture me. I could thing of only one thing to do.
"Stay back!" I called to them. "I want none of you to get hurt!" Then I landed on a lily pad, sucked in a lot of air, then blew it out. It worked just like that Gust Jar in the palace cellar. The lily pad started to flat away. I was sorry to move the plant from where it had been for so long, but it was my only escape.


Finally, Romani Ranch. I looked up at the sign and read it. "Welcome to Kakariko Village." I laughed to myself quietly. It was always funny to see that.
When I entered the ranch, I saw that a whole load of poe-like creatures where there, trying to steal a little girl and the cows. Her big sister was attacking them with a rake. I quickly ran towards them and shot the poes, saving them. More and more of them were coming, but I had enough strength to shoot enough Deku nuts before they disappeared in the morning.

Day 7-Morning

After Morning came, The little girl, who I now recognised as Romani, thanked me, as did Cremia, who was the the big sister. But after about an hour staying with them, the sky darkened and Ganondorf's voice shouted across the world:
Then the sky cleared.
"I'm sorry..." I told Romani and Cremia. "But I have to go."
And I left.

#29 Haylee


    ~ Hope of Energy Nede ~

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  • Pronouns:She / Her
  • Location:Italian Restaurant in Koorong

Posted 04 April 2013 - 04:26 PM

Okay, 3 things.
1) I have decided to stop doing this as I haven't really been posting much, I'll probably be reading through these from time to time to see what you guys have done, also, if you can, you may include Zaron and Erick into your story's(They're in some cave, so that shouldn't be a problem icon_razz.gif.)

2) Changing the teleporting rule so that if you know the Ocarina songs(Minuet of the Forest, ETC.), you may teleport with those.

3) As I'm not going to do this anymore(Though I will look at it.) I have decided to give Lightwulf control over the changes to this RP, and if he changes any rules or adds anything, I'll be sure to edit the thing in the beginning.

Thank you and GOOD LUCK!

#30 Lightwulf



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  • Location:Ainrofilac, Ceh Sha Ah (I'm libingual)

Posted 05 April 2013 - 03:52 PM

@Goriya: Really? That's okay. icon_cool.gif
The only other change I see that might be made is adding the race of Shiekah. There are so few of them (mainly Impa from OoT) that they are often forgotten. I was going to say that Sheikahs are actually Hylians, but maybe their special powers make them different enough to be a separate race? What do you guys think?

Day 4 - Late Morning

BGM: Faron Woods (TP)
It took us a while of following the road before it began to curve gradually toward the south. Before it had completely straightened, I thought I heard something in the trees to my right (to the west). I caught sight of a creature watching us from the trees a distance into the woods. After I stopped to watch it, it scampered away, swinging through the trees behind it.
"What was that?" Rido asked.
"I'm not sure," I replied, "but it sure wasn't Hylian, or even Kokiri... Some strange forest beast, I guess. ... We'd better keep moving." I'd never seen the creature before, so I didn't know if it was dangerous.

- Afternoon -
Though the trees around us were tall, I managed to spot an even taller grove of trees off to my right, to the west just like Arin had said. I thought I could see tall rocks through the trees. "Looks like this is the place," I said as I pointed to show Rido. There didn't seem to be a clear path to it, so I led the way through the tall grass and around trees to get there.
BGM ends.

We finally made it through the tall, thick trees and came to a beautiful bustling spring which poured from a slightly higher plateau of tall trees and boulders. At the edge of the water, butterflies fluttered about a small grassy field spotted with flowers.

"J a r o n ..."
My heart started racing once I heard the voice call my name. I started to walk through the grass and flowers toward the spring.

Then I noticed that Rido wasn't with me. I looked back and saw him, still at the forest's edge. "You coming?" I asked.
"No, no," Rido replied. "You go ahead. I'll just stay here and... um... and..."
I smiled. I knew he was nervous because of the light spirit; he'd sometimes been nervous to meet the Deku Tree in the past. "... Watch over the path we just made so we don't lose it when it's time to go back," I finished for him.
"Yeah!" Rido agreed. "Yeah, that's it! I'll do that."

I continued toward the spring, my heart pounding. I was a bit nervous myself because I didn't know what to expect. However, the Deku Tree was hurt, so I knew I needed to see Faron in order to help it. I stopped at the edge of the water. "I'm here," I nervously called out.

"Jaron ... leader of the Kokiri ..." the voice began.
"Yes?" I replied.
"You are in danger. ..." the voice continued. "Your people are in danger. ..."
That's what the Deku Tree said, I thought, In danger from the forces of evil. But what does that mean?
"The dark force has overcome Hyrule. ... This dark force ... led by the Dark Lord ... subdues all in the land. ... His power ... is great ... with the powers of darkness. ... However, ... there is hope."
What? I thought, not daring to speak to interrupt the voice. What hope is there? The hero, Link?
It seemed to read my mind. "Your hope ... lies with each other. ... The six races of Hyrule ... must band together ... to stop this evil."
"The six races of Hyrule?" I dared to ask.
"Yes..." the voice continued, "the six races of Hyrule ... not counting the races that willingly serve the Dark Lord. ..."
"Ahhh," Kovi spoke up, "I know what he means. The Kokiri are just one of the races in Hyrule. There's also the Hylians, the Deku, the Gorons, the Zoras, ..."
"That is right, dear fairy," the voice continued, "... and the Sheikahs. ... Each race has an elder. ... Seek these elders and form an alliance, ... then ... together you can overcome the evil one."
I wondered how such an alliance could be formed when we lived all over Hyrule, ... and I wondered who the Sheikahs were.
"However," said the voice, "along with allies, ... you will need something more... to defeat the Dark Lord. ... Throughout Hyrule, ... there are a few sacred weapons ... capable of defeating the darkest evil. ... The Master Sword, ... in the Temple of Time, ... was used by the hero of time... many years ago. ... Now, ... it rests there... keeping the evil one sealed... in the Sacred Realm."
Yeah, I thought, I don't think we should try to use that one. We don't want to mess with the seal.
The voice continued. "The Master Sword must not be touched... but there are 3 other weapons. ... You do not need them all, ... but each one has enough power to defeat the Dark Lord. ... Their location is known to the light spirit that guards them. ..."
"If I may ask," I politely inquired, "who are the other light spirits?"

BGM: Light Spirit Appears (TP)
All of a sudden, I felt a surge of energy in the air. The entire spring lit up, forcing me to cover my eyes. As my eyes adjusted, I saw a splash in the center of the spring, one that looked like a huge raindrop had fallen into the water. Then, immediately where the splash had been, a patterned ball of light emerged from the water and hovered about ten feet above the water. As I stared at it, the shape of a beast began to take form holding onto the ball of light, swinging underneath the ball as if it were in a fixed position; first its head and arms, then its body, then its legs, and finally, a loooong tail that completely circled around the ball all the way to above its head and behind its back. It clung to the ball of light, rocking slightly, until it became mostly still. I noticed that this being looked kind of like the Kokiri symbol!

It spoke in the same voice as before. "My name is Faron. ... I am one of the spirits of light who dwell in Hyrule. By the order of the gods, I protect this forest. ... There are other spirits of light across the face of this land with the order to protect their respective areas. ... Other than myself, there are two others that know the location of the sacred weapons: ... one to the north-northeast is called Eldin; ... one to the northwest is called Lanayru."
"Oh great Faron," I stated as I bowed on one knee. "I am humbled to be in your presence. I have heard your request that the six races form an alliance, and I am willing to seek these elders, as well as the sacred weapons. But, please, what is to be done with the Deku Tree? It has been injured by fire and sent me on a quest to find you."
"The Deku Tree will regain its power as it heals," Faron replied. "However, if you desire to help it to heal, seek the Fountain of Healing Waters... located in Goryana Forest, to the east from here. ... Since you have no map, you may take this one."
Suddenly, one of the boulders in the water to my left began to magically disappear, revealing a large chest. I waded through the water to the chest and opened it.
You got an Atlas Map! This special map shows Hyrule, Termina, and the outlying areas.
Faron continued as I studied the map. "Follow the road near here north and east, then turn south at the second intersection you come to. Follow that road until it ends; there you will get to the fountain by going through a hidden crag in the rocks."
North, then the second turn south, hidden crag in the rocks, I repeated in my mind. Got it. I rolled up the map and put it in my belt.
"Beware," Faron warned, "there is a race of creatures that are loyal to the Dark Lord that inhabit Goryana Forest. They are known as Goriyas. Their primary skill is with the boomerang, so be careful to keep your distance from them. ... Farewell, young one."
BGM ends.

After saying those words, Faron's beast form began to shine brighter and broke up into orbs of light which gradually diminished until the spring was left as it was before Faron had appeared. I looked toward the chest and saw that it had turned back into a boulder.

I waded back to dry land and headed toward Rido. Rido was shaking a little and looking away from the spring. "You okay?" I asked.
Rido looked towards me, startled. icon_blink.gif "Are you okay? I was afraid you were burned up in that bright light!"
icon_lol.gif I laughed, shaking my head. "No! Didn't you see the light spirit, Faron?"
"No, just a bright light," Rido replied, with a puzzled look on his face. "That was Faron?" icon_confused2.gif
"Yes... So, did you hear him at all?"
"I thought I heard something," Rido replied, "but I think it was just the splashing of the spring running over the rocks."
Hmm, I thought. Maybe Rido wasn't brave enough to see him. I guess what Arin said about only the brave being able to see light spirits was correct. ... It must apply to hearing them as well.
"So, ... um," Rido stammered, "what did Faron say?"
"A lot," I replied. "I'll explain on the way. Let's head back toward the road."

To be continued... {Hey, I had to stop somewhere, didn't I? I could keep going, but I'll save that for another post.}

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