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DaviAwesome and Nexas's Reviews

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#1 Shane



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Posted 30 July 2013 - 09:25 AM

Welcome to DaviAwesome and Nexas's Reviews! Here, we'll be reviewing quests, during which we will play through the quest carefully, discuss the quest in depth and then one of us will make up a full fledged review.


We hope to keep this alive as much as possible but for now, let's get into detail on how we operate.


The Sections:


There are four main sections for each review, each will be carefully discussed in great detail.


Gameplay a aspect that groups things like creativity, puzzles and even the overall difficulty flow.


Screen Design a aspect that helps the quest look good visually through graphics (to some degree), design and even diversity.


Music a aspect where it helps build up the quest's atmosphere. There's an exception if only Z1 music is included and thus there will be no section if that were to be the case. Custom SFXs will be noted as well.


Storyline a aspect that tells the player the scenario he or she is in. There's an exception if only Z1 story is used and thus there will be no section if that were to be the case as well. We will accept characters that go beyond the old man and every other default NPC in Z1.


We also will include sections like a brief introduction, a list of the quest's strengths and weaknesses and wrapping it up with a conclusion.


The Rating System List:


5/5 is given if we consider a quest in question to be a masterpiece. The quest creator has to deliver not only a perfect balance of gameplay - in terms of creativity and difficulty flow - but overall nice, solid screen design and a diverse selection of music that fits every area like a glove. Optionally, a amazing storyline will boost up the chances up earning a five.


4/5 is given to the quests that while not truly 100% flawless but is very highly recommended. A quest with a our solid four rating must contain at least a nice gameplay flow (read above) and must show design that shows effort. Music we wouldn't normally care about when looking for a four star quest but it will increase chances to get this high. For it to be really above average it must be clearly visible.


3/5 is an average ranking. It's not good; nor is it bad. It's simply in between. It contains everything to avoid being a terrible quest yet didn't push quite far enough.


2/5 is... well, you know it isn't too good of a rating to strive for. This will be given to quests that have tried to make a playable, functional quest yet it lacks a decent amount of quality to be considered average. But don't worry that much if you do get one, it isn't to be considered that poor of a quest as the quest creator didn't purposeful neglected quality.


1/5 is given to quest creators who didn't have quality in mind but just wanted to make a quest for the sake of it. The difference between this and zero stars is that it's beatable. You can also land here if your quest contains sick jokes that aren't funny at all.


0/5 is given if we are unable to beat it thanks to the quest creator's part. This will be rarely given out as there are rarely people who make this obvious yet fatal error.


Comedy quests will be unrated. But will be given feedback both positive and negative.


The Review Content List:

1. Russian, by Theryan


More to come!

Edited by DaviAwesome, 01 June 2015 - 05:09 PM.

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#2 David


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 09:30 AM

Looking forward to see you guys' reviews and thoughts of the quests! Especially since I'm doing the same. I want to see if people have the same views as I do. :D

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#3 Haylee


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 10:26 AM

An Aussie and a Goriya doing reviews. Damn it, Shane, we should've come up with a title that involves Boomerangs!


Looking forward to see you guys' reviews and thoughts of the quests! Especially since I'm doing the same. I want to see if people have the same views as I do. :D


I'm pretty sure I'll be doing a review of Russian, By Theryan, so look forward to that.

Edited by Goriya, 30 July 2013 - 02:12 PM.

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#4 coolgamer012345



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Posted 30 July 2013 - 03:23 PM

By game is bugged, Game breaking bugs but you can open up the game in ZC and remove the trees (They are solid on the bottom and they block some paths).

#5 Shane



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Posted 30 July 2013 - 05:33 PM

Fair enough, I'll be sure to make a note of that. But do keep in mind we will also judge this contest wise too. :)

#6 Haylee


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 11:52 AM

*Begins Writing a review of Russian*

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#7 Haylee


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 01:37 PM

Goriya Review #1

">Russian, By Theryan

(Or however you pronounce that.)


So Upon turning on the quest, you are given this as the quest icon:


Nice spritework, Theryan, anyways, on with the first catagory.


Gameplay: The quest itself plays like a normal Zelda Classic Quest, though it kind of bugs me how it doesn't have a lot of 2.50 things, meaning theoretically, this quest could have been made in 2.10, with the exception of a true arrow counter and a couple other things, such as chests, aaaand a script. Okay, so maybe this couldn't been made in 2.10, BUT it still feels like one, which is good in my opinion, since I prefer that kind of gameplay. >.>


The quest starts you out in this room.

The enemies in the overworld are nicely balance. Such as Red octorocks in the overworld, both fast and slow, and then there's an area you can't really access yet, that has some Moblins.


Okay so level 1, since I'm not in the Screen Design section yet, so we won't talk about that yet. The dungeon itself is fairly simple. It's got some slightly challenging enemies, though that's remedied by the fact that you start with five hearts.


Get over here you stupid bat!

Okay, so after that little showdown, I got a key! After using that key, I found a room with a very easy to miss Boomerang, yaaaaaaaay. At one point, you have to lose your sword to a red bubble, and the kill Gels with just the Boomerang...well wait a minute, the boomerang is super easy to miss...oh well, it's a point off gameplay, but I guess it promotes exploration. And now I'm at the first boss...which I can skip for some reason.


Up there is the triforce room, Trolololololol.

Regardless, I killed it anyways so I could get the Heart Container. I now have the first triforce, but I never did figure out what was in the room I missed, oh well, you need bombs, it's probably rupees, or some god item.

I'll stop the gameplay section of the review here, by saying I like level 2's gimmick, and it doesn't make you feel nautious  because the color don't flash rapidly.



I love the screen design in this quest, not only is it clever, but beautiful too. I'll just describe this section with screenshots.





Enough said, other than BEAUTIFUL screen design.


Music: I recognized almost all of the songs, and they fix well with the atmosphere, so thumbs up there.


Story: Unserious story is unserious story, moving on.


Other than the story, this quest is really good, it's a little buggy, but that's a give in, since this was made in two weeks. All 3 dungeons in this quest are interesting. and the screen design is like I said, beautiful. Theryan, I hope to see a quest with a more serious storyline someday, with these same graphics, because wow, the graphics are amazing, like I said.


4/5, it's a quest that's worth a shot.

Edited by Goriya, 31 July 2013 - 01:45 PM.

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#8 David


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 01:37 PM

This is really going to be in-depth.... You've taken 2 hours. :)

Edit: Posted this right when the review came out, lol. :D

Edited by DaviAwesome, 31 July 2013 - 01:38 PM.

#9 David


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 01:51 PM

Nice review, I really agree on the amazing screen design. Nice job, Theryan!! :D

#10 Theryan



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Posted 31 July 2013 - 05:23 PM

Thanks a bunch for the review, Goriya! It's always great to get some feedback on my work.

Just to address a few points you made...

The quest itself plays like a normal Zelda Classic Quest, though it kind of bugs me how it doesn't have a lot of 2.50 things, meaning theoretically, this quest could have been made in 2.10, with the exception of a true arrow counter and a couple other things, such as chests, aaaand a script.

There were a few scripts, actually, although some aren't as noticeable as others. There was an enemy CSet changing script used for CSet 8 enemies that don't obey palette cycling(which I forgot on 1 screen in level 1, oops), an exploding boss death script(which doesn't work with Ghoma or Gleeok apparently, and works poorly with Ganon), and the Dizzy Fuzzy script from level 3. I also used the enemy editor to make the pencils from level 1 and to edit some enemy properties(Gleeok and Mirror Wizzrobe were nerfed).

 After using that key, I found a room with a very easy to miss Boomerang, yaaaaaaaay.

Yeah, I could've made that a bit easier to notice...

And now I'm at the first boss...which I can skip for some reason

I didn't notice that bug! :O

I used a step->next combo for the shutters in that level to prevent you from getting stuck in shutters. I meant to use normal combos for that door, but I guess I forgot.

I never did figure out what was in the room I missed, oh well, you need bombs, it's probably rupees, or some god item.

There's a hidden room that shows up in each of the 3 levels. They contain Farore's Wind, Din's Fire, and Nayru's Love, respectively. The rooms are shown on the map but only vaguely hinted at on-screen. Those 3 items are the reason magic is enabled to begin with.

Theryan, I hope to see a quest with a more serious storyline someday, with these same graphics, because wow, the graphics are amazing, like I said.

I'm planning on it!



Again, thanks so much for reviewing my entry! It really does mean a lot to get serious feedback, especially such an in-depth review!

#11 coolgamer012345



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Posted 31 July 2013 - 05:23 PM

one thing I wonder is if my quest is going to be rated

0/5 is given if we are unable to beat it thanks to the quest creator's part. This will be rarely given out as there are rarely people who make this obvious yet fatal error.

2/5 is... well, you know it isn't too good of a rating to strive for. This will be given to quests that have tried to make a playable, functional quest yet it lacks a decent amount of quality to be considered average. But don't worry that much if you do get one, it isn't to be considered that poor of a quest as the quest creator didn't purposeful neglected quality.


1/5 is given to quest creators who didn't have quality in mind but just wanted to make a quest for the sake of it. The difference between this and zero stars is that it's beatable. You can also land here if your quest contains sick jokes that aren't funny at all.


#12 David


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 05:37 PM

one thing I wonder is if my quest is going to be rated



coolgamer012345, think positive! It's better than to think negative and worry about what score your quest will receive. ;)

#13 coolgamer012345



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Posted 31 July 2013 - 05:39 PM

Well the game is riddled with bugs (So far, 1 game breaking bug and anther major tree bug that stops link from moving to the left through the forest).

#14 David


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 11:04 PM

Well the game is riddled with bugs (So far, 1 game breaking bug and anther major tree bug that stops link from moving to the left through the forest).

Ya, I know, but I think it is a good start to quest making. I made errors like that too, noticed them, and fixed them. But since you only had about 2 weeks to make it, it is kind of hard to check for everything. I probably would have a game ending scenario too. And, just so you know, there are other two week contest quests that have game ending scenarios. It is normal, that's why I said to think positive because when the polls for the contest quests are done, you can update those bugand fix them. I think you should do it. I'll even change the rating I gave you because I'm sure that it would be a great quest then. You are becoming a better quest maker, and that's a good thing.

#15 Shane



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 01:29 AM

one thing I wonder is if my quest is going to be rated



Is it beatable? If not, a 0. But don't worry, since you had two weeks which would have been hard to squeeze in some bug testing, I'll make these quests an exception.


Right now, I'm completing a school assignment which is due tomorrow. And I'll start yours (we won't be doing the Bi-Weekly deal for the two week contest quests).

Edited by Shane, 01 August 2013 - 01:56 AM.

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