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LoZ: TToE progress thread

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#16 Shane



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Posted 30 April 2009 - 05:33 PM

If there are no screens show us with more information I can't run with the quest if there are no informations along the way its being made it going to be sort-of exciting

P.S - My sister is a Fan of your game (shes 6 icon_heh.gif)

#17 vravelo


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Posted 30 April 2009 - 06:00 PM

10 years,, 6 years working on a quest???????!!&&??
don't you have any toys to play with???
Kids don't make quests, they get bored to easily, I don't think so...!!
I wish kids can seat and make any quest for real, but that's no possible, kids need to play, no hard work!

#18 Shane



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Posted 30 April 2009 - 06:03 PM

QUOTE(vravelo @ Apr 30 2009, 05:00 PM) View Post

10 years,, 6 years working on a quest???!!&&??
don't you have any toys to play with?
Kids don't make quests, they get bored to easily, I don't think so...!!
I wish kids can seat and make any quest for real, but that's no possible, kids need to play, no hard work!

My Sister doesn't make a real quest just plays around with it 10 year olds on the other hand are more experienced because they usually play with computers and train there minds with more and more things like ZC they keep practicing until they got it like new people for example they may never start out good but in a few years they become like a ZC master Max started when he was 9 now hes 11. Honestly they do take breaks by playing cricket or soccer.

theZCKing mind if we can some screenies

EDIT: OMG over half a year xD

Edited by Midnight_King, 21 December 2009 - 08:38 PM.

#19 Dawnlight


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Posted 30 April 2009 - 07:38 PM

Taken from Quest Announcement Tips

Show screenshots in the announcement:

Let's face it. Just posting a thread with the story won't hook people. I could make a quest story so complex that Days of Our Lives would be put to shame. Doesn't really mean I have anything to show for it... since people usually don't believe things unless they see proof.

You have to get down to the juicy parts of quest presentation and show screenshots with at least a little thought put into them. Try to vary the areas each screenshot shows.

There is no real excuse here... as there are many free webhosts around that you can link screenshots from. Just use google or ask people if you need to find one.

We can't comment on anything unless you have screenshots.

#20 King Harkinian

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Posted 01 May 2009 - 06:10 PM

Right now the quest is not that close to screenshots. Level one is the only level close to finish. The problem is the custom boss is still in the betas of creation. The screenshots problem is I have to host them somewhere. Another problem is the final boss. I can't find sprites yet so I started a thread. The hosting thing also makes me not be able to add the signature bar for author of the quest and support. The quest is kinda hard to do right now. I'm playing LoZ:Ballad of a Bloodline so i'm using the link to the past sfx data included. Although I might use the sfx data for this quest. As for the final title of the quest, does anyone like LoZ:(not needed) The Shadows Awakining? It IS about a shodow coming back to life. Oh, and the story I gave is not 100% complete because throught the game parts are revealed like how Deathl came back to life as a creature instead of a nightmare.

#21 cosmofield


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Posted 01 May 2009 - 06:42 PM

QUOTE(theZCking @ May 2 2009, 01:10 AM) View Post

Right now the quest is not that close to screenshots. Level one is the only level close to finish. The problem is the custom boss is still in the betas of creation. The screenshots problem is I have to host them somewhere. Another problem is the final boss. I can't find sprites yet so I started a thread. The hosting thing also makes me not be able to add the signature bar for author of the quest and support. The quest is kinda hard to do right now. I'm playing LoZ:Ballad of a Bloodline so i'm using the link to the past sfx data included. Although I might use the sfx data for this quest. As for the final title of the quest, does anyone like LoZ:(not needed) The Shadows Awakining? It IS about a shodow coming back to life. Oh, and the story I gave is not 100% complete because throught the game parts are revealed like how Deathl came back to life as a creature instead of a nightmare.

Photobucket have free image hosting. Also, screenshots is a vital part of any announcement, Myself wouldn't announce anything without at least some images showing the tileset in action and also showing something that the players can expect (i.e an image showing a dungeon room informing that freeformed shape will be used).

LoZ may not be needed, only a catch-name or phrase for your quest.

#22 King Harkinian

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Posted 02 May 2009 - 09:38 AM

QUOTE(Shiek @ Apr 30 2009, 02:43 PM) View Post

I also would suggest showing something (screens) and telling as much of your ideas as possible without spoiling heavily. Otherwise it's just too hard to give a good advise or reasonable critic. I barely have an idea of what this quest will be like.
Also, I must agree that the name is boring, but you already explained that it isn't the final name, so I don't care that much about that. If it's about the triforce being possed by a villain, your name seems to fit. However, I'm sure there are more creative names to give to such quests. icon_wink.gif. But you'll surely do.
Hm, one thing that's strange to me is that a being is able to posess the triforce. Won't it split into fragments, if it's touched by someone who isn't powerful, couragous and wise at the same time and level? And how is a nightmare able to get into the sacred realm? If it were me, making that quest, I would skip the whole triforce deal and just go for windfish is dreaming bad again. And put that into bigger context, like making -lets say your elements have sages guarding them- the sages also having nightmares (= dungeonbosses) since they're somehow conected to the windfish (They can say stuff like :Link, awake the [synoym for the wind fish], take this [element], it will be helpful. Blabla.). Than your quest may start up with Link being send to awake the sages via killing their nightmares. After doing this it will be revealed that the nightmares where parts of a being called Deathl, the nighmare of a god like creature called the Wind Fish. Replacing the sages by other mystical animals would be more creative I guess.

Well, that's just some spontanous thoughts on that. And it's just my personal impression, if it is offense in any way to you, I apologize. I wasn't wanting to say your project is boring or uncreative, I wanted to help. Also, my english may sound strange. That's because I'm no native speaker, so if anything's unclear, feel free to ask.

So long, Shiek.

Well Gannon was in control of the triforce in link to the past. The Sacred realm doesn't exisit because this is an sequel to a sequel of the oracles games. The oracles games have the triforce temple in the intro before the title screen. In this game, instead of being a nightmare, Deathl is revived as a being. Deathl is alive in this game, not an evil magic nightmare. Also i'd be happy to put up some pics but I need a hosting place still. Im looking for a place. Is mypic.us safe?

#23 Sheik



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Posted 02 May 2009 - 10:49 AM

I'm using http://www.imagehut....CFREVzAodFThGrw myself and I can't say anything bad about it. Make sure to save your pics as .gif datas because otherwise you won't be able to show them up on PureZC. To save them in this format you can do two things: open the screen you made with paint or any other picture modification programm and save it as a .gif. It is better anyhow to choose 'save as .gif' in the ZC launcher.

Well, there you have a point. In the oracle series the triforce lays hidden in the castle of hyrule (eventhough link carries the symbol on his hand oO). What tileset are you actually using?

#24 King Harkinian

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Posted 02 May 2009 - 02:06 PM

Well I spent a hunk of time ripping the final boss tiles into ZC and now I am working on ripping the tiles for trinexx, which will be another boss in this game. I'm putting together enough screens to take some pictures. But level one is barely close to finish. I made a couple of rooms but wanted to test my first ever freeform dungeon boss doors. So I simple-sized the dungeon so I could get the boss key. I might add a mini boss room maybe a moldworm mini-boss or something. A couple more rooms with enemies. I also have to move the seconed entrance to the dungeon because of how simple getting to it is(going one screen to the right). The first boss is also not close to being finished. Lots of work is going into it. But not too much. It's the first boss. Anyway, I need to go. Trinexx isn't going to rip himself. icon_smile.gif EDIT: I'm using the gba tileset and when done it will come with a twin made in the ptux tileset. Both will be the same except A dungeon where you can find passwords out. It will have a pay for info room where you can find out the paths for the dungeons mazes, for the other game! If you find it out on the gba graphics version it is the password for the ptux verision and vice versa. No matter what version, the passwords unlock the Master Sword and the Golden Ring. Now I might answer some things you, shieik, said in your last post. The triforce on links hand in the oracle games is only one triangle. Link probally has it because either he has the essense of the triforce of courage in him(most likely), or It's a mark the triforce put on him showing it chose link as the person who would save holdrum and laybrinna. P.S I AM GOING TO ADD SCREENSHOTS REALLY SOON TWO TO THREE DAYS MAX.

Edited by theZCking, 02 May 2009 - 02:32 PM.

#25 Sheik



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Posted 02 May 2009 - 03:49 PM

QUOTE(theZCking @ May 2 2009, 09:06 PM) View Post

Well I spent a hunk of time ripping the final boss tiles into ZC and now I am working on ripping the tiles for trinexx, which will be another boss in this game. I'm putting together enough screens to take some pictures. But level one is barely close to finish. I made a couple of rooms but wanted to test my first ever freeform dungeon boss doors. So I simple-sized the dungeon so I could get the boss key. I might add a mini boss room maybe a moldworm mini-boss or something. A couple more rooms with enemies. I also have to move the seconed entrance to the dungeon because of how simple getting to it is(going one screen to the right). The first boss is also not close to being finished. Lots of work is going into it. But not too much. It's the first boss. Anyway, I need to go. Trinexx isn't going to rip himself. icon_smile.gif EDIT: I'm using the gba tileset and when done it will come with a twin made in the ptux tileset. Both will be the same except A dungeon where you can find passwords out. It will have a pay for info room where you can find out the paths for the dungeons mazes, for the other game! If you find it out on the gba graphics version it is the password for the ptux verision and vice versa. No matter what version, the passwords unlock the Master Sword and the Golden Ring. Now I might answer some things you, shieik, said in your last post. The triforce on links hand in the oracle games is only one triangle. Link probally has it because either he has the essense of the triforce of courage in him(most likely), or It's a mark the triforce put on him showing it chose link as the person who would save holdrum and laybrinna. P.S I AM GOING TO ADD SCREENSHOTS REALLY SOON TWO TO THREE DAYS MAX.

The triforce thing: Refering to the OoS Manga which starts with Link being a boy living in Hyrule and going to a swordsmans contest in Hyrule Castle, where he gets challenged by the triforce, it's most likely that the triforce itself is for some reason guared by the royal familiy and is not possed (like in OoT) by the chosen of the godesses, but the godesses still choose persons of higher destiny to keep the world in it's order, in Links case most likely by marking him with the triangle symbol, so his grandfather will teach him the ways of the sword (this is partly my own interpreation of the fact Link being marked). Zelda, anyways, appears to have 'just' prophetic skills. I did not notice a mark on her hand, but I did not search for it anyhow. (I'm refering to non-canon beacuse it wasn't mentioned in the oracle games how Link actually happend to have the mark or being in the castle.)

The screenshots thing: Even if this one may sound odd, the screens you show us do not essencially need to be shots your actually going to use. You may for example create one example screen for each (or most) areas the player will see in your quest. Then we are able to say stuff like: 'These woods are great, but don't you think that lava looks strange there?' or 'This desert looks a little to much like a beach' or, well, stuff to improve your designing. And of course stuff to get an idea what your planning to do, the stuff you posted here is getting more and more complex, but you could be painting a picture or writing a book with this information, it does not feel like a Quest yet. Unless we won't see pictures most of us will not be that much exited.

#26 Shane



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Posted 02 May 2009 - 08:51 PM

QUOTE(theZCking @ May 1 2009, 05:10 PM) View Post

Right now the quest is not that close to screenshots. Level one is the only level close to finish. The problem is the custom boss is still in the betas of creation. The screenshots problem is I have to host them somewhere. Another problem is the final boss. I can't find sprites yet so I started a thread. The hosting thing also makes me not be able to add the signature bar for author of the quest and support. The quest is kinda hard to do right now. I'm playing LoZ:Ballad of a Bloodline so i'm using the link to the past sfx data included. Although I might use the sfx data for this quest. As for the final title of the quest, does anyone like LoZ:(not needed) The Shadows Awakining? It IS about a shodow coming back to life. Oh, and the story I gave is not 100% complete because throught the game parts are revealed like how Deathl came back to life as a creature instead of a nightmare.

How about 1 Screenshot THEN when you finished some more screens POST them then icon_wink.gif

#27 Shane



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Posted 03 May 2009 - 01:51 AM

QUOTE(theZCking @ Apr 24 2009, 07:39 AM) View Post

Once again, the title is a working progress. I couldn't think of one so I got it from my mom. I can Explain the story better. I was an hour away from home and Everyone was busy. I will explain the story much better.

When link was called by the triforce and defeated Onox and Vernan who threatened seasons and the flow of time. The triforce one again telported link to Holberina, another world which was in between Holdrum and Laybrinna. After saving Zelda who was brought there by Vaati, Link returned to Hyrule. After a long time the triforce summons Link once more and does something it normaly never does. Its essence talks to link. After a brief conversation, Link finds out the triforce had been possesed by the Wind Fish's nightmare, Deathl. Relizing Link himself doesn't have enough strentgh to beat Deathl, Link heads to Marblehead the wizard. Link then learns he'll need to get the elemental meadals to stop Deathl. Now Link must go on a perilous journey. Will he have enough wisdom, courage, and power to stop Deathl? Okay. That might be as detaled as possible. I also do not have that much. All I have is the intro and some 3 is of town. the first demo is going to be level one. Pictures will be in when I finish the overworld between the starting screen and level 1. Update: Now working on overworld and getting toward level one: Cystalia Caverns.

Lol you got pretty call names sweet that makes me giving you a PM + I did icon_wink.gif

#28 King Harkinian

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Posted 04 May 2009 - 08:41 AM

Yes, I named every level myself(have a planning notebook full with things for this one game(replying to Midnight_King's PM). I was planning making like a fake final battle room for a screenshot. So I got into ripping boss tiles now I went on to the boss I really want to make, Trinexx. Since I have really NO idea where to start I look at youtube videos of alttp, and Ballad of a Bloodline Trinixxes. BoaB most because it's a zc custom boss. Where the heck did CastChaos get the trinexx sprites? In the trinexx video the main head is PERFECTLY aligned in the front hole of the shell. When using my tiles they 1: don't fit in the zc tile grid, and 2: the front head tiles are seporate from the body itself(in the video they might also be since the main head looks layered, but that could just be its color in the new pallate for trinexx.) You can see the video Here. CastChaos is an AMAZING icon_wow.gif custom boss maker. So I might need some help making a couple of the big custom bosses in my game ex: Trinexx, Deathl, Helmasaur fish, and maybe vittrus(alttp eyeball thing). I have already made pallates for deathl, Trinexx, and the link to the past eyeball thing. And game will be huge. I might not finish for awhile. Level one needs a re-moldeling of the inside. Death Mountain, Goron Mines, and level 2 I haven't started yet. Nothing is on the overworld except 20 screens and level one. I might need help making this game. Overworld design, dungeon design, and maybe some help with the big custom bosses I mentioned earlier. It is a hard task to make a huge game. I think it's fun making them but it's a hard task to complete. Some big quest ideas I abandoned a long time ago. I abandoned the power of four, one quest, because the EBDZ or something tileset had to much pink and I couldn't find the no pink .zgp so I gave that quest up. Now I use the Comprehensive Gameboy Tileset Update. If I wanted to go on I would but this post needs to end. I need some help for this game. Thank god this post is over icon_sweat.gif

Edited by theZCking, 04 May 2009 - 08:43 AM.

#29 Shane



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Posted 12 May 2009 - 05:26 PM

Screenshots still? progress? ideas?

#30 King Harkinian

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Posted 15 May 2009 - 03:40 PM

Okay, WAY MORE PROGRESS. Level two is now complete. I am planning level's 1-3 in the demo. I'm Starting bug fixes and picture taking. Pics will be up very soon. I just added the password feature that will connect to the opposite game light's awakening, which is in the planning stage. It could be cancled or drasticly changed. But there will be a pure game realeased. Maybe like a one dungeon game that gives passwords. Or it will be the sequel. But finaly pictures are coming. icon_biggrin.gif

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