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Non-linear Difficulty & Crafting Mechanic Scripts

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#1 Shosci


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Posted 18 June 2020 - 04:18 PM

Hello all,

I had made this post earlier in a different forum, so I hate to sound like a broken record, but hopefully I can get some help here. So I have an idea of my next quest. I am not a skilled programmer in ZC, so I would like to have some help. Haven't truly started making the quest yet, just a couple of overworld screens, but I have two propositions:


Firstly, I wanted to do have 8 dungeons completed in any order the player chooses (similar to my previous quest 'Summoning War'). The difference with this however, is that I wanted to have the dungeons to have its difficulty scale after each dungeon either completed...or entered. The latter being players would not cheat the system by leaving a dungeon and then entering a new dungeon with the same difficulty. Difficulty scales mainly with the enemies changing per dungeon. 


Secondly (and this is a stretch), but I always wanted to have a Crafting system in ZC. It's as simple as taking one item, crafting it with another item, creating a whole new item. The player can also opt to 'decraft' the item back to their original forms. I would want the Crafting to be both an interactive object as well as an item so the player can craft on the go. 


These DO NOT need to be essential. I could probably do without both. One or the other is fine, both would be cool. If you have questions or would want me to explain more, let me know. If there are already scripts like these, or you would like to make them, also let me know. 




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#2 Mani Kanina

Mani Kanina


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Posted 19 June 2020 - 02:20 AM

Did you check out the script Moosh made and submitted to the database?



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#3 Emily


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Posted 19 June 2020 - 08:38 AM

That allows quest-wide difficulty, but not non-linear difficulty with per-dungeon scaling.


A script to do non-linear difficulty would end up being relatively complex, and very built for-the-quest; meaning you'd need someone to script it specifically for your quest, working closely with you on quest design, for that to work very well. A generic script might be possible, though, it would likely be magnitudes more complex than a tailored script.

#4 Jamian


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Posted 20 June 2020 - 03:02 AM

I would consider adapting enemies by beefing up their damage and / or hit points, which could be done fairly easily by checking all enemies as you enter a room, and changing their stats according to the player's progression.


Changing enemies as in using different types of enemies is likely to create unfair situations and break your rooms. In my "To The Bottom" project, both the rooms' setup and the enemies were random, but the deal was that you'd have to accept you'd sometimes find yourself in unfair situations, and more importantly, there were no puzzles and no required items to make progress, only fight after fight.

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