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NJF vs. The Fall 2016 Expo! (*-*Completed*-*)

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#1 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 10 October 2016 - 12:12 PM

NJF vs. The Fall 2016 Expo!


Follow NewJourneysFire on

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to watch the 2016 expo demos the moment they are uploaded and shared.




Welcome to my 2nd official streams of a PureZC expo. This year I will be covering all the demos included in the Fall of 2016 expo. In the past I used to stream many demos and even run demo contests, but I've since felt that expo demos is where I should focus my streams now because it is my opinion that the extra spotlight these demos get are few of the main reasons people submit to the expo in the first place. The whole thing is about getting your quests recognized. Many people who submit demos to the quest project database could be submitting them for bug reports and such and may not want their demos made public. This realization made me move on to permanently streaming the expo demos as long as my channel continues to stay relevant.


So here we are once again, streaming expo demos. This year will be unique since the expo is now running at the same time I usually offer my Halloween streaming, so now I'm in a situation where I am doing both at the same time. 


For the next few weeks I will be streaming almost every day. I'll be doing Halloween streams every 2nd day and I'll be doing expo streams every other day until October is done. So this will certainly be a very busy month for my twitch and youtube channel. I hope to see many of you visit to check out what is happening. 


So without any further delay, lets get to the list of the expo demos I'll be playing in order:


Secret of the Triforce
Randomizer Returns
The Adventure of Link and Zelda: Panoply of Calatia
Light and Darkness
Secret Skies
Magic and Fantasy
Shattered Kingdom
Glory Squad
Metroid: Origins
Silver: Incomplete
Gold: Completed
Diamond: Uploaded & Shared
I have been made aware that there are some submissions that do not have a demo, but the chances a demo be provided in the near future is very probable. I will add these demos to this list when they become available. 
Streams & LP Information:
Fortunately for all people who are interested in catching my streams, as I am posting this I have not yet started a single stream, so you can catch me early if you follow me now. I will be streaming nightly usually around my son's bed time schedule. Every 2nd day will be expo streams while every other day will typically be Halloween streams.
All streams will roughly be around an hour long unless the demo is of course shorter than an hour. This allows me to typically give every demo their equal share in the spotlight. Usually when I feel an hour is up I'll move on to the next demo. 
- On weekdays you can catch me streaming usually either 7:30pm EST or 8:00pm EST.
- On weekends you'll often catch me streaming usually either 8:30 EST or 9:00pm EST.
My streams can be found on my Twitch.tv channel while my videos can be found either here or uploaded to my Youtube channel. 
I'll be starting my first stream tonight where I'll be attempting to stream both Secret of the Triforce and Randomizer Returns. I hope to see you guys tonight at either 7:30pm EST or 8:00pm EST

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 15 November 2016 - 08:03 AM.

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#2 Avaro



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 06:22 AM

It's really nice of you to do these. Thanks! I haven't seen the first streams but I'll try seeing as many as I can and hopefully I won't miss my own demo. xD

#3 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 12:26 PM

Your demo is tomorrow night as long as I don't get sick from this cold. 

#4 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 12 October 2016 - 07:10 AM

NJF Plays TLOZ: Secret of the Triforce [2016 Expo]



"And I just realized why the dungeon shapes are all triangles. *facepalms*" - Moosh64 @ 22:20
"What is this level doing?" - HeroOfFire_zc @ 25:31
RedmageAdam: Manhandla is "much" stronger? HAH! (27:11)
HeroOfFire_zc: Um... I think Power had a different challenge than that... (27:17)
Moosh64: Goddesses all have man voice (27:54)
RedmageAdam: Three Goddesses with a manly voice lmfao (27:57)
"Looks like the Blacksmiths got fired." - HeroOfFire_zc @ 48:45
"Instead, an old giantess making a suggestive motion." - RedmageAdam @ 48:47
A PureZC Expo demo submitted by AdmiralJaden in Fall of 2016. This demo feature's Link after the events of ALTTP who finds himself on a new quest given to him by the Goddesses to seek out a hidden 4th Triforce. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
AdmiralJaden @ purezc.net for sharing his ZC Quest Demo.

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#5 AdmiralJaden


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Posted 12 October 2016 - 11:20 PM

I welcome any and all constructive criticism of the demo. Pointing out it's flaws will help me iron it out :D

#6 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 13 October 2016 - 05:47 AM

NJF Plays Randomizer Returns [2016 Expo]



"Most. Useful. Warp. Ever." - RedmageAdam @ 11:22
RedmageAdam: HOW DAY YOU OPEN MY GRAVE! (14:10)
Sephiroth: Lmfao (14:17)
HeroOfFire_zc: "You moved my grave. You must pay." (14:18)
"Thanks for saving me, now buy my overpriced crap!" - RedmageAdam @ 25:30
HeroOfFire_zc: He just hates you. (26:59)
RedmageAdam: Invasion Tax. Pay 20 Rupees. (27:00)
"LMFAO! You need a ladder to get a ladder." - RedmageAdam @ 34:36
"I think he may want to review his marketing strategy" - RedmageAdam @ 37:20
"You walk into the shop "BOY, MY COMPETITION HAS BETTER PRICES." - Moosh64 @ 40:04
An Expo Quest Demo submitted by HeroOfFire in the Fall of 2016. This is another randomizer by HeroOfFire. In this submission he plans to go back to his classic routes. Supporting a new tileset and new randomizer features, he promises this quest to be a very fun experience.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
HeroOfFire @ purezc.net for sharing his ZC Quest Demo.

#7 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 14 October 2016 - 06:09 AM

The Adventure of Link and Zelda: Panoply of Calatia [2016 Expo]



"Talk about picking up a girl! Literally!" - RedmageAdam @ 7:15
"Says he'll lose his mind. Just says "Damn"." - RedmageAdam @ 21:45
"You asked the door politely to open. But it refused." - RedmageAdam @ 22:15
LejesR: NJF knows all about enemies having too much HP. (30:55)
LejesR: He is the expert. (30:59)
"I don't think that shop adheres to food safety regulations..." - RedmageAdam @ 32:24
"Zelda and Switch Boy: All the Cool items." - Moosh64 @ 44:16
A PureZC Expo demo submitted by Mitsukara in Fall of 2016. This Zelda 2esque quest combines gameplay elements of both Zelda 1 and 2 for the NES. In this game however, you get to play as both Link and Zelda using the game's built in feature to switch leader and solve puzzles similar to the same style as 4 swords adventures. The story follows Link and Zelda's new quest to return 8 crystals to the palaces of Calatia to stop a new threat. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Mitsukara @ purezc.net for sharing his ZC Quest project demo.

#8 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 15 October 2016 - 09:08 AM

NJF Plays Light and Darkness [2016 Expo]



LejesR: Yes, Moosh composed this. (5:25)
LejesR: Original music composition, do not steal! (5:35)
"They were both killed by a rainbow death crash." - LejesR @ 6:53
"Oh, he learned from the owl all right." - LejesR @ 14:40
A PureZC Expo demo submitted by Avataro in Fall of 2016. Seemingly unactive in zquest for some time, Avataro surprises the community with a brand new quest. After admitting to standing down most of his responsibilities in TRIFORCE and expressing an interest in a serious Zelda-esque quest in similar nature of his first Zelda quest. Avataro presents us a quality quest that he believes he will have completed as early as 2017! Though this is a short demo, it does provide a quality experience and gives us a taste of what's to come. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Avataro @ purezc.net for sharing his ZC quest project demo.

#9 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 17 October 2016 - 04:15 PM




"No more Forehead of Concentration, then?" - LejesR @ 14:26
A PureZC Expo demo submitted by Nimono in Fall of 2016. This quest appears to be a joke quest involving Ravio as the main protagonist as we follow his quest to make money to buy a ring for his beloved. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Nimono @purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic Quest.

#10 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 18 October 2016 - 09:21 AM

NJF Plays Secret Skies [2016 Expo]



"It's the best fucking candle is what it is" - LejesR @ 12:16
"so eagle testicle" - LejesR @ 13:45
"You were the serial killer all this time!" - LejesR @ 27:04
"So the guy who can summon minions and has an actual fire spell, is losing to a random mute kid with a candle" - Rondorix @ 58:11
Rondorix: Divine booming voice font. (1:00:22)
Rondorix: ...Nevermind. Angry booming divine voice. (1:00:45)
A PureZC Expo demo submitted by RedTribeLink in Fall of 2016. What originally started out as a side project evolved into becoming one of RedTribeLink's mainly focused quests. This quest involves Link's journey to undo a mistake that he's done when he accidentally released a darkness unto the world. However, his quest turns to a race when other people are after the same thing he is, but for selfish intent. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
RedTribeLink @ purezc.net for sharing his ZC Quest demo.

#11 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 19 October 2016 - 05:52 PM

NJF Plays Magic and Fantasy [2016 Expo]



"You should draw a Gameboy Rope with a frown, NJF" - LejesR @ 18:55
"You might have to take a drink after that one, NJF" - LejesR @ 22:29
"Reputation? What fookin reputation :P" - Moosh64 @ 32:24
"It's Ganon meat" - Moosh64 @ 49:56
A PureZC Expo quest submitted by King Aquamentus in Fall of 2016. This classic styled quest with a unique artistic twist provided by King Aquamentus provides a great non-linear experience quite in the similar fashion as The Legend of Zelda for the NES. This quest certainly provides a lot of charm with it's quirky NPCs and vaguely a vaguely familiar soundtrack. Certainly a fun quest to play. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
King Aquamentus @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

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#12 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 25 October 2016 - 07:56 AM

NJF Plays Shattered Kingdom (2016 Expo)



LejesR: They sent one diplomat. He's dead. Sure, let's send more, this will be fine. (7:41)
LejesR: Well that happened even faster than I thought it would. (7:55) 
"Zelda Time is counting up to...well...Zelda Time." - Moosh64 @ 12:13
Moosh64: Things like "NJF you overly wordy fuck, could you just not?" (28:49)
LejesR: more books for the book god (29:05)
"I thought Umbral Cloud was Umbral Cloud on drugs?" - LejesR @ 38:35
"Spine is an anagram of penis? Coincidence? I don't think so." - LejesR @ 46:59
"You fell into Urmos's trap." - LejesR @ 1:09:05
"Link is trapped...UNDERNEATH THE URMOS" - Moosh64 @ 1:09:46
A PureZC Expo demo submitted by MattB in Fall of 2016. This demo features a quest about a world in despair after an apocalyptic event caused by a high priest who fell into madness, believing that all people have come to betray the Goddesses. This quest is heavily story focused and also introduces an overworld and dungeon design formula similar to that of a Metroidvania.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
MattB @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest demo. 

#13 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 26 October 2016 - 08:39 AM

NJF Plays Glory Squad (2016 Expo)



"ZC Expo and Deep Thoughts 2016" - LejesR @ 40:42
LejesR: Amy Rose killed all those guards. Shocking! (47:18)
Moosh64: If she doesn't turn out to be the final boss, I'll be very surprised. (47:25)
A PureZC Expo demo submitted by a30502355 in the Fall of 2016. A general romper featuring a story of a Hero who finds himself in conflict with a terrorist group known as the Glory Squad. Determined to rule over Hyrule, the Glory Squad has captured Hyrule and are not seeking the Master Sword. Can Link get the Master Sword before the Glory Squad?
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
a30502355 @ purezc.net for sharing his ZC quest project demo.

#14 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 27 October 2016 - 08:24 AM

NJF Plays Metroid : Origins (2016 Expo)



"I have the sudden urge to recreate Ms. Pac Man in ZC." - LejesR @ 15:42
Moosh64: Crouching and shooting down animation is gross. (32:59)
Moosh64: like c'mon Samus, don't do that. Oh no, not on the poor enemies... (33:23)
LejesR: Those enemies know what they did. (33:42)
"Samus's quest to find prunes" - LejesR @ 39:07
A PureZC Expo demo submitted by ywkls in the Fall of 2016. This project is clearly an attempt to port Super Metroid gameplay mechanics into Zelda Classic, and this is truly an ambitious feat. The creator has shared this demo to show off what he has so far. It is a pretty unique experience to say the least. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
ywkls @ purezc.net for sharing his ZC Quest demo.

#15 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 14 November 2016 - 07:16 PM

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