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#1 Saffith


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 04:28 PM

As of RC2, ffc->Script is writable. I made a header file with a few functions to take advantage of this. Specifically, these are for using FFCs as generic script vehicles. Nothing fancy, but I figure it'll be handy.

ffcscript.zh 1.1.1

The most obvious use of this is for items; most of them can launch an FFC script now instead of having to be worked into the global script. As an example, here's a simple item that homes in on a random enemy and explodes when it gets close enough or the item is used again:


item script HomingBomb_item
    void run(int sprite)
        int ffcScriptName[]="HomingBomb_ffc";
        int ffcScriptNum=Game->GetFFCScript(ffcScriptName);
        int ffcID=FindFFCRunning(ffcScriptNum);
        if(ffcID==0) // No bombs active
            int args[]={this->Power, sprite};
            RunFFCScript(ffcScriptNum, args);
        else // Detonate
            ffc f=Screen->LoadFFC(ffcID);

ffc script HomingBomb_ffc
    void run(int damage, int sprite)
        // Create the bomb, pick a random target
        lweapon bomb=Screen->CreateLWeapon(LW_SCRIPT1);
        npc target=Screen->LoadNPC(Rand(Screen->NumNPCs())+1);
        // Aim toward the enemy; detonate the bomb when it reaches the enemy,
        // the enemy dies, or this->Misc[0] is set
        while(target->isValid() && this->Misc[0]==0 && !Collision(bomb, target))
            bomb->Angle=ArcTan(target->X-bomb->X, target->Y-bomb->Y);
        // Detonate
        lweapon blast=Screen->CreateLWeapon(LW_BOMBBLAST);

#2 Mero


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Posted 01 July 2011 - 08:29 AM

QUOTE(Saffith @ Jun 30 2011, 03:28 PM)  

As of RC2, ffc->Script is writable. I made a header file with a few functions to take advantage of this. Specifically, these are for using FFCs as generic script vehicles. Nothing fancy, but I figure it'll be handy.

The most obvious use of this is for items; most of them can launch an FFC script now instead of having to be worked into the global script. As an example, here's a simple item that homes in on a random enemy and explodes when it gets close enough or the item is used again:

item script HomingBomb_item
    void run(int ffcScriptNum, int sprite)
        int ffcID=FindFFCRunning(ffcScriptNum);
        if(ffcID==0) // No bombs active
            int args[8]={this->Power, sprite};
            RunFFCScript(ffcScriptNum, args);
        else // Detonate
            ffc f=Screen->LoadFFC(ffcID);

ffc script HomingBomb_ffc
    void run(int damage, int sprite)
        // Create the bomb, pick a random target
        lweapon bomb=Screen->CreateLWeapon(LW_SCRIPT1);
        npc target=Screen->LoadNPC(Rand(Screen->NumNPCs())+1);
        // Aim toward the enemy; detonate the bomb when it reaches the enemy,
        // the enemy dies, or this->Misc[0] is set
        while(target->isValid() && this->Misc[0]==0 && !Collision(bomb, target))
            bomb->Angle=ArcTan(target->X-bomb->X, target->Y-bomb->Y);
        // Detonate
        lweapon blast=Screen->CreateLWeapon(LW_BOMBBLAST);

So just what is this for then? I don't understand.

#3 Saffith


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Posted 01 July 2011 - 09:56 AM

Simply put, it's for making one script run another script. An item can run an FFC script instead of being integrated with the global script. The global script can set up FFCs automatically whenever certain things appear on the screen. FFCs can start up helper scripts automatically, even deciding which one to use at run time.

#4 Mero


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Posted 01 July 2011 - 11:37 AM

QUOTE(Saffith @ Jul 1 2011, 08:56 AM)  

Simply put, it's for making one script run another script. An item can run an FFC script instead of being integrated with the global script. The global script can set up FFCs automatically whenever certain things appear on the screen. FFCs can start up helper scripts automatically, even deciding which one to use at run time.

Got it, thanks.

#5 Mero


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 07:25 AM

So, Saffith, do we need to include ZH files not included in zc with or quest or what?

#6 MoscowModder


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 08:57 AM

No. The ZH files referenced in the script files are included in the quest file itself. No need to make all your players get a copy of this file.

#7 Mero


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 09:07 AM

I don't understand how the run RunFFCScript function works. Can someone explain that one to me?

EDIT: Took me two hours but I figured out eventually.

Edited by blackbishop89, 03 July 2011 - 11:56 AM.

#8 Mero


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Posted 09 July 2011 - 11:01 AM

QUOTE(blackbishop89 @ Jul 3 2011, 08:07 AM)  

I don't understand how the run RunFFCScript function works. Can someone explain that one to me?

EDIT: Took me two hours but I figured out eventually.

Is there anyway to recycle the ffcs that are not in use?

#9 Saffith


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Posted 13 July 2011 - 12:29 AM

It'll reuse FFCs whose scripts have finished if you don't change their combos. I didn't include a function to find a free FFC, but if you want to do that:

if(theFFC->Script==0 && (theFFC->Data==0 || theFFC->Data==FFCS_INVISIBLE_COMBO))

If that's true, the FFC isn't in use.

#10 Mero


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Posted 16 August 2011 - 02:03 PM

Saffith how come you use integer arrays instead of float arrays? InitD is a float array which is why I'm asking.

#11 Mero


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 08:23 AM

Any chance you could update this so the argument array for RunFFCScript() uses floats instead of integers. icon_smile.gif

#12 Gleeok


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 06:25 PM

QUOTE(blackbishop89 @ Jun 12 2012, 06:23 AM)  

Any chance you could update this so the argument array for RunFFCScript() uses floats instead of integers. icon_smile.gif

In Zscript there are no real "real" numbers; instead they all have 4 decimal places of precision, so floats and integers are exactly the same. Not my design call, but that's how it works. icon_smile.gif

#13 Mero


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 06:28 PM

QUOTE(Gleeok @ Jun 12 2012, 05:25 PM)  

In Zscript there are no real "real" numbers; instead they all have 4 decimal places of precision, so floats and integers are exactly the same. Not my design call, but that's how it works. icon_smile.gif

You are the bringer of good news. Gleeok, you truly are. icon_smile.gif

#14 ShadowTiger


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Posted 04 December 2012 - 05:02 PM

Strictly for the sake of education and theory, how would one duplicate the effect of a red potion using this script, please? I am quite intrigued by its use, though mystified, and not necessarily in all the fun ways. Always an adventure, really.

#15 Saffith


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Posted 04 December 2012 - 06:15 PM

That's either easy or nearly impossible, depending on whether you want to freeze the screen and what would need frozen if so.

Restoring HP and adding a replacement item is simple enough:
item script Potion_item
    void run(int scriptID, int replacementItem)
        RunFFCScript(scriptID, NULL);

ffc script Potion_ffc
    void run()

You could do pretty much the same thing with Game->DCounter[CR_LIFE], though.

If you also want to freeze the screen while it's running, that may be difficult or impossible depending on what else is going on. It would almost certainly be easier to use the global script instead.

What you'd have to do is set the FFC to a screen freeze combo. Thing is, you can only use the non-FFC freeze, or the script won't run. Any other FFCs will keep going, and even using an FFC freeze combo wouldn't stop the global script. Of course, if there are no other scripts to worry about, that'll do it. Otherwise, you need a way to suspend the others. You could do that with a blocking Waitframe replacement, something like this:
bool suspendScripts;

void BlockingWaitframe()
    } while(suspendScripts);

void SuspendScripts()

void ResumeScripts()

You'd have to replace every Waitframe in every script with BlockingWaitframe, except you'd use just Waitframe in between calls to SuspendScripts and ResumeScripts. You'd also want to put a call to ResumeScripts at the start of the active global script.

The potion script, then:
const int C_SCREENFREEZE=12345;

ffc script Potion_ffc
    void run()

But even doing all that won't stop non-scripted FFC movement. To deal with that, you'd have to use the global script to prevent it, possibly by remembering each one's position and restoring it each frame.

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