While using only canon characters works perfectly fine if you want to do a simple link vs. Ganon type of plot, if you want to add any kind of complexity to it, it’s nice to at least have the freedom to add new characters if need be. Why limit yourself?
I have a weakness for wanting to build off of and further develop things that already exist, which is why I tend to not add characters that replace the original Zelda cast, but rather add ones that compliment them. Hence we get characters with such interesting names as “Ambassador of Labrynna” and “Minister of Hyrule”
regardless, I still have a lot of OC's, so I'll try to keep this brief while also using it as an excuse to use these character portraits I made a while back.
First, there's Georgie. The Herald of Heroes himself.
Who’s obviously meant to be some type of miniature loftwing (because bird)
Not much else to say. He's kind of annoying.
And then there’s General Trenn. (because rabbit)
And then there’s Roberr.
Named after a Greninja whose name I spelled wrong.
He likes ham sandwiches or something.
His original sprite though XD
I think I was unconfident in my ability to draw sprites with a mouse so I just made it look as hilarious as possible to compensate. XD
There are also some fun OC's in the Legend of Nayru, many of which use preexisting sprites or slightly altered ones.
Like Naefoli and her hilarious band of thieves,
The piano-playing subrosion,
Unfortunately, I lacked the skills to really develop these characters (or even add sidequests!) in these games. That should hopefully change going forward as I now have the OP-ness of the dialogue branch script.
My current favorite character, of course, is Callius.
Without him, the Legend of Revali simply wouldn’t be a thing.
He’s a noodle. Need I say more?
Honestly, I think I need to play more games on here. I’ve heard great things about a lot of quests, but never seem to get around to playing them myself. Guess my preference is to just make a game once every four years and then disappear again euehuehuehue--