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A 24 Hour Quest Styles Contest

Contest 24 hour quest styles contest

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#91 Shane



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Posted 27 March 2017 - 05:06 AM

I just hope at the very least next time we can add in the graphics, scripts and other resources (preferably strings and subscreens also) before the contest begins. 24 hours to design the actual maps is impulsive enough. I don't see any reason to not allow people to add in graphics when we allowed being able to draw them outside the editor. It's just a needless convoluted extra step you're making people go through when simply being able to add resources into the quest file takes nothing away from the impulsive nature of the contest and just consumes time. I want to design, not find out why my scripts aren't importing. There's just so many loopholes with the whole ordeal anyways and it's just food for thought. I want to see this contest be accessible to a lot more people next time. A contest should be fun first, strict later. But that's just me and don't get me wrong, the contest was a success but there's room for improvement. But I might not enter if the contest remains as is next time.


In any case, I also just want to point out that we might end up showcasing the entries Tuesday, my time. So around 15-16 hours? It's still being discussed but I think definitely Tuesday. We're not sure on the polls, as they probably should come later. We'll discuss this too and any community input on the matter is welcomed. :)


Oh, and something all contests really need: a submission template. :P But seriously, thanks to all those that have entered!

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#92 Avaro



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Posted 27 March 2017 - 08:49 AM

Yes, being able to prepare the questfile before the contest starts is a well-established rule that should be allowed. As for the timing and everything else, I'm personally happy with it.


I believe some people might have gone too ambitious, but on the other hand I could have been more ambitious about mine. xD Oh well, looking forward to the see the quests.

Edited by Avataro, 27 March 2017 - 08:50 AM.

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#93 strike


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Posted 27 March 2017 - 10:49 AM

Have you thought of the voting having a first, second, third pick for quests? That way more people get represented than just one quest. People could just post in the thread with their picks for first, second, and third, and if they wanted to only vote for one for first, they could do that. And then the votes would be tallied at the end. That's just something I was thinking about.


#94 Russ


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Posted 27 March 2017 - 02:03 PM

I do agree with Shane and others that preparing resources ahead of time should be allowed, especially since the rules, as they currently stand, allow for quite a bit of fudging. For instance, scripts are allowed. Strings are allowed to be written, but not typed up in the string editor. Okay then. I wrote my strings in the script file and displayed them using tango. You can get a surprising amount of work done with scripting; I set a lot of scripts up where I could just import, plug in some numbers, and go. I feel that puts someone who primarily scripts, like me, at an advantage over someone who primarily draws, like Shane for example. We each pre-prepare our work, then when the contest starts, mine's up and running in about ten minutes, where he has to import all his tiles, make them into combos, etc.

Basically, we need something in place to ensure that the preparation phase is a little more fair, and it could stand to be less stringent than it was here. I think being allowed to edit the tileset, subscreen, strings, etc, so long as no actual screens are made, is a decent way to approach it.
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#95 Lüt



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Posted 27 March 2017 - 03:11 PM

^ That's partly what I was thinking too. Some people are going to use a small amount of custom resources and will take very little time to set up their tile sheets and combo lists - if they require any at all. Other people are going to use an extensive amount of custom resources and will take a long time to set them up. In my case, it took about 4 hours to get everything ready to start designing. The end result is some people will have the full 24 hours to focus exclusively on design, while others may be down to 20 hours.


I guess what you have to do is decide if the focus of the contest is going to be strictly on design, in which case resources should be able to be pre-built, or if the focus is going to be on construction of a quest as a whole, in which case the current setup successfully encompasses that. But based on all the posts so far, I think the vast majority of people are leaning toward the design focus.

#96 Aevin


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Posted 27 March 2017 - 06:44 PM

Not every contest has to be the same. I don't really see an issue with a contest like this that came very suddenly and involves immense time pressure over a short period of time. To me part of the fun is seeing what people can produce under that kind of pressure. Talking about "well-established rules" and stuff like that ... Well, this contest is different, and isn't that okay? I'd rather see a wide variety of contests with a lot of different types of rules, time frames, and challenges, whereas it seems like many of the suggestions here are aimed at making it more like every two-week quest that's happened already. Why not just go with the spirit of each given contest and do the best you can do under those conditions?

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#97 Moosh


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Posted 27 March 2017 - 09:00 PM

Writing scripts in advance seems kinda cheap to me (FiC cheating intensifies), but graphics and strings are something anybody can do to some extent. Preparing a tileset in advance seems like fair game.

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#98 Shane



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Posted 27 March 2017 - 09:51 PM

So it's been discussed and decided that all entries will be up 4 hours from now. That means all submissions are now final and any bug fixes and further polish will have to wait after the contest.


We have also decided to put the poll up a few days after the entries go up just so people have time to play all entries and don't feel compelled to vote instantly. This will hopefully also allow more discussion also. A winner and all authors to their respective entries will be announced later on but that part has yet to be discussed fully but I imagine this will all take place within a week at least/most.


Again, thank you everyone for entering! We have a lot of exciting entries and we can't wait to show them. :D

  • Jared and Gouanaco like this

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