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Paper Mario Color Splash

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#1 Deedee


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Posted 05 March 2016 - 08:14 PM


Oh look, a wild piece of trash appears!


I have low expectations for this.

Edited by Dimentio, 05 March 2016 - 08:15 PM.

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#2 Norzan



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Posted 05 March 2016 - 08:25 PM

They are using the same card system of Sticker Star? Paaaass. I really didn't liked Sticker Star and that system was the main reason i didn't liked that game.




Is it so hard to make a game like Thousand Year Door? That game was awesome.

Edited by Norzan, 05 March 2016 - 08:26 PM.

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#3 Deedee


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Posted 05 March 2016 - 08:26 PM

Is it so hard to make a game like Thousand Year Door? That game was awesome.

Apparently so.

#4 Avaro



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Posted 05 March 2016 - 08:51 PM

It isn't proved yet if it will be like sticker star even though everything points to it.. I mean we only have that short clip.

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#5 Haylee


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Posted 05 March 2016 - 09:41 PM

Meh, I'll remain optomistic.


I thought the pair up system was garbage in Fire Emblem Awakening, and Fates fixed every problem I had with Pair Up.


The sticker mechanic in Sticker Star was garbage because of how badly executed it is, not because the mechanic existed, so I'm not gonna let the problem with the game be the existence of the sticker mechanic. The problem was that the stickers in Sticker Star were literally just a grindfest.

#6 Tabletpillow



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Posted 05 March 2016 - 09:45 PM

There was another clip shown in the Japanese trailer. It showed Mario only getting coins once he defeats the enemy, no star points. This game is looking like sticker star so far, but it's still in development... 

Is it so hard to make a game like Thousand Year Door? That game was awesome.

Remember that sticker star was Miyamoto's idea. And he probably wouldn't like it if the developers took that route.

Edited by a30502355, 05 March 2016 - 10:49 PM.

#7 Tree


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Posted 05 March 2016 - 10:46 PM

I'm gonna give it awhile before I start bashing it, but so far, it seems to be using a lot of Sticker Star's elements, and while I didn't hate that game like everyone else, (I enjoyed it for what it was) Sticker Star was easily the weakest Paper Mario game in the series, and a big reason for why I think it deserves this title is the combat system, and lack of unique partners. In Sticker Star, battles felt completely useless. There was no real drive to bump into enemies and battle them, because you didn't get any kind of reward for it. You can't have turned based combat, and not reward the player for winning a battle. Coins and stickers aren't good enough rewards.


As for partners, the Paper Mario series is known for having a wide cast of colorful and interesting characters, some of which tag along on Mario's journey, and help him out in battle. It seems Nintendo is forgetting this system, and that's really sad. It is a little early to say whether this game will have partners or not, but if it's going to be following Sticker Stars footsteps, it very well could be void of partner characters, and that's a huge negative, in my opinion.



So, those are my worries for the game. I hope it shapes up to be something different by the time it's released, because I honestly don't want a Sticker Star 2. I want Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 2. I will say, though, the game is looking gorgeous so far, so that's one thing it's got going for it.

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#8 Koh


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Posted 05 March 2016 - 11:20 PM

The number of dislikes on that video says it all, heh.  Makes me wonder if the companies actually ever pay attention to the what the majority of their fanbases say.

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#9 Haylee


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Posted 06 March 2016 - 03:51 AM

The number of dislikes on that video says it all, heh.  Makes me wonder if the companies actually ever pay attention to the what the majority of their fanbases say.

People had problems with the pair up system in Fire Emblem Awakening, and for the next game, the Pair Up system was made better.


Prime example of a company listening to their fans.

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#10 Shane



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Posted 06 March 2016 - 04:15 AM

The number of dislikes on that video says it all, heh. 

That people are too impatient to wait further in development to make such bold and negative claims? Wind Waker is the best example of how people judged way too soon and it took years for Zelda fans to acknowledge that this game was saturated with hate that came from too much love for previous titles. It's now seen as a masterpiece. I'm not saying Colour Splash will end up as a masterpiece, but maybe if people give it an actual chance, maybe it will end up being an actual good game?


That said, I'm fairly neutral about this announcement, I'm neither excited nor angry. I just lack the interest to care, you know? The only Paper Mario title I ever got my hands on was Sticker Star and I found it to be a generic title. I know and heard that previous titles were amazing and well-designed, but based on this going down the Sticker Star route, I hope they at the very least make several heavy adjustments that Sticker Star needed and make it a less generic and a more fun game. I can't speak much for those who want Paper Mario to go back to its roots though.

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#11 Cukeman


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Posted 06 March 2016 - 05:11 AM

Same, the original and Thousand-Year Door were terrific, Super Paper Mario could've been something really amazing if it played like Super Mario Bros. 3 with paper-style graphics, but I just barely dragged myself to the end of that dull chore. Haven't gone back to the series since.

Edited by Cukeman, 06 March 2016 - 05:13 AM.

#12 Anthus


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Posted 06 March 2016 - 10:07 AM

Yeah, this looks dumb so far. This looks like a lame gimmick, and makes me not even remotely interested in what could be a great game, I like the first one the best, and until they go back to a real battle system with real commands, and attacks, I'll pass.

#13 Deedee


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Posted 06 March 2016 - 12:08 PM

As a huge Paper Mario fan, I have to say the franchise is incredibly close to being dead at this point, if it isn't already. Nintendo wants to cater to children, and think flashy graphics and Paper Mario's face is enough to sell. It's not. The majority of people want something like the first 2, and Nintendo just keeps on ignoring them. They want a regular Mario game with paper graphics; we want an RPG with an amazing story and great gameplay. I'll admit that Sticker Star had a few "fun" moments, but when the rest of the game was a slog, and left me filled with a shadow of what once was, that's not a fun game. That's a 5/10 game. That's a 2-3 star game. The first 2 Paper Mario's were 8/10-10/10 on everything. The story of the 3rd game was a clear 10/10. Why is Nintendo going down this road? Why? I have no plans on buying this, and this is coming from the guy who bought Other M despite hating it with a passion. As for everyone else; if you don't want a Sticker Star 3 to happen, don't buy this game. Watch a Let's Play of it if you want the experience, or better yet, lend a copy from a someone who did buy it. Money talks, guys, and apparently the money is with Sticker Star.

#14 Koh


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Posted 06 March 2016 - 12:26 PM

People had problems with the pair up system in Fire Emblem Awakening, and for the next game, the Pair Up system was made better.


Prime example of a company listening to their fans.

Maybe.  Only a small puddle compared to the ocean of blunders from them not doing so.  Especially in regards to companies like Capcom and Sega.


That people are too impatient to wait further in development to make such bold and negative claims? Wind Waker is the best example of how people judged way too soon and it took years for Zelda fans to acknowledge that this game was saturated with hate that came from too much love for previous titles. It's now seen as a masterpiece. I'm not saying Colour Splash will end up as a masterpiece, but maybe if people give it an actual chance, maybe it will end up being an actual good game?

What's the difference between making bold positive claims, and bold negative claims?  The former results from too much hype over barely anything, like people are doing with Pokemon Sun and Moon or Detective Pikachu, and the latter results from mediocre to disappointing information/showcase, like people are doing with the Metroid game and this.

Edited by Koh, 06 March 2016 - 12:31 PM.

#15 Norzan



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Posted 06 March 2016 - 05:43 PM

I just didn't really liked the sticker mechanic of Sticker Star. I don't like it and it seems they are reusing with the splash cards system. Sticker Star also didn't had a partner system, leveling system and badges. If Color Splash doesn't have any of these (it seems it doesn't have any kind of exp system based on a post in this thread), i'm just going to skip the game entirely,

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