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#31 ShadowTiger


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 07:26 AM

I'm surprised how ambivalent I am. Couldn't give a damn whether he's Black or White or Polka Dot or some sort of funky translucent mauve color. (I always thought of him as one of those things with, y'know, ... those dangly bits and can move around, ... arms and legs, maybe, they call them here, ... and some opinions on things. Oh yeah, people. Awesome.)

But what really gets my goat, wherever it wandered off to, is the word "Change." You can shout that expression at me from dusk 'till dawn, and I'll just raise my eyebrow.

It reminds me a lot of that episode of Family Guy where Lois ran for school board president or something; (Or was it Mayor. Don't care.) She learned that you can say "9/11" and people will cheer for you regardless of what you say, as long as it contains those magical words.

All presidents promise some amount of change. It can be change for the better, it can be change for the ideal, or it can even be a radical change back to the way things were before the changed! I've just never seen so very, very much of a neutral, nondescript slogan brandished before as a campaign promise. It tears me apart just thinking about it.

#32 octorok


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 10:17 AM

QUOTE(ShadowTiger @ Nov 5 2008, 07:26 AM) View Post

I'm surprised how ambivalent I am. Couldn't give a damn whether he's Black or White or Polka Dot or some sort of funky translucent mauve color. (I always thought of him as one of those things with, y'know, ... those dangly bits and can move around, ... arms and legs, maybe, they call them here, ... and some opinions on things. Oh yeah, people. Awesome.)

But what really gets my goat, wherever it wandered off to, is the word "Change." You can shout that expression at me from dusk 'till dawn, and I'll just raise my eyebrow.

It reminds me a lot of that episode of Family Guy where Lois ran for school board president or something; (Or was it Mayor. Don't care.) She learned that you can say "9/11" and people will cheer for you regardless of what you say, as long as it contains those magical words.

All presidents promise some amount of change. It can be change for the better, it can be change for the ideal, or it can even be a radical change back to the way things were before the changed! I've just never seen so very, very much of a neutral, nondescript slogan brandished before as a campaign promise. It tears me apart just thinking about it.

I agree totally. Hope. Change. Mashed Potatoes. It's all the same to me! icon_razz.gif

And what is up with Obama flipping people off? icon_confused2.gif

Barack Obama flipping off Hilary Clinton <

Barack Obama flipping off John McCain <

I voted for John McCain and yes I'm very upset he lost. But I still think Obama is a slick, jive-talking Chicago politician who doesn't know what he's doing. But in all honestly, I'm excited to see what happens in the next four years. And I'm also glad I don't have to hear anymore hippies bashing Bush and the war. I'm entitled to my opinion, that's what makes America so freaking awesome. icon_bounce.gif

#33 Neppy


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 10:46 AM

Well, I am glad Obama won. He's who I would have voted for if I were able to vote, but I had lost my civil rights a year ago. But, I am thrilled. I can't wait to see how the U.S. is going to change.

P.S. Oh and Blue Link 2007, you should look into things before you shoot off what you think is what happened. Clinton had the economy going pretty darn good, I believe it was almost the best economy the nation has ever seen. Then Bush came into office, and the U.S. did fine, but as time went on, we've ended up as we are. Huge banks shutting down, house foreclosures through the roof, and as was stated, his reputation is now worse then crap. And about the whole "Bush is finishing his fathers business in Iraq" idea, I agree. I've thought that since they were sent over there. So, sorry, that doesn't look as though it is the best 8 years, or the best president in the history of the U.S. Read up on your history, and current history. icon_wink.gif It's good to be educated. I promise.

#34 Koopa


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:15 AM

I just checked the results:
Obama 349 - McCain 162
That means Obama got more than twice as many votes as McCain. A clear victory if ther ever was one (even with the idiosyncrasies of the voting system).

I voted for John McCain and yes I'm very upset he lost.

However, I do think you deserve congratulations for expressing that in a mature way.

McCain, like you, can take a loss without going berserk over it (I hope the same can be said for Palin, I have no reason to doubt it however).

#35 ElLibertador


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:55 AM

McCain is awesome. I think he is a very good guy. As a person who tries to be unbiased in everything I say (try...I'm human though icon_biggrin.gif) I looked up McCain's voting record, old speeches, and lots of other things. I really liked what I saw. He even said Bush's tax cuts were immoral once. Then he ran for President and I swear he changed icon_frown.gif. He was still a good guy, but his ideals changed. Well they have been for 7 years. Running for president sure takes its tolls. Anyway, McCain is a good guy I believe, I just don't agree with him on some things. I commend his awesome speech which people there tried to ruin icon_frown.gif. He handled it so well though icon_smile.gif

#36 Siguy


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 12:21 PM

w00t! Finally there is hope for America and I don't have to move to New Zealand. (though I would quite like that)

Congratulations to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They have to be the greatest political duo I have yet seen. Either could have been a great president, but together, they're unbeatable.

QUOTE(Koopa @ Nov 5 2008, 11:15 AM) View Post

I just checked the results:
Obama 349 - McCain 162
That means Obama got more than twice as many votes as McCain. A clear victory if ther ever was one (even with the idiosyncrasies of the voting system).

No, actually, the US has a system known as the "electoral college" which gives every state a certain number of votes based on the population of the state. If they get more than 50% of that state's vote, they "win" that state and all of the electoral votes go to them. So technically, a candidate can get more votes and still loose, as happened to Al Gore in the 2000 election. However, Obama did win by a pretty good amount. 52% to 46% in the popular vote, 62,682,786 to 55,543,823.

#37 nicklegends


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 12:45 PM

The electoral math isn't finished yet, guys. North Carolina and Missouri haven't been decided yet, and they represent 26 electoral votes. It's more likely North Carolina will side with Obama and Missouri will side with McCain, but it hasn't been decided yet. icon_razz.gif The final numbers could be anything from 349-188 to 374-162.

#38 Twilight Knight

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 12:51 PM

I'm happy that Obama won. From what I've seen, I liked some other guy more(not Mccain, not him at all...), but from the more popular candidates, Obama was surely the best. I hope this also means a bit of a strike against racism. Obama seems like a promising guy. I hope USA is going upwards again, instead of the opposite.

#39 Majora


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 01:32 PM

QUOTE(Blue Link 2007 @ Nov 4 2008, 11:30 PM) View Post

For the main point I am making, I am not congratulating Obama, but our current President, for making this one of the best 8 years in American history.

No. Just... No. Unless recession and war float your boat.

#40 Eurysilas



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Posted 05 November 2008 - 02:12 PM

I didn't support either candidate, due to some political differences (naturally). However, I do think Obama was the lesser of the two evils.

'Gratz, Obama. Or.....Something.....o-o

#41 Shoelace


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 03:58 PM

I will talk about it later. But during this last 8 years, I have been getting more and more ashamed of my country. The US is the number one country in the world. And because of that, what we do, affects the world as a whole. And we bully other countries. I mean bully! A lot of people don't see that but we do. For example when we do something like go to war with Iraq, we force other countries to go with us. If they don't, they are punished. So the country has to be crazy not to support US. I mean look at France. When they said that their was not enough evidence and not enough motive to go to Iraq, the US punished them. It even went as far to call French fries, Freedom Fries. And everyone including my teachers were calling French, names I can't mention here.

So what does this all mean with this topic? Bill Clinton was one of the best presidents ever. The economy was the highest ever, countries loved us, etc. He was a great talker, and he was really friendly with the other countries. Bush comes in, and almost destroys everything Clinton ever did. He doesn't have a good image, he can't talk, and I don't think some of decisions were very good. It is really bad that the approval rating is less than 30%. 30% in our own country. And his decisions aren't just affecting our country, but every country in world. That is why everyone is keeping an eye out on the election.

Obama winning makes me happy. Because we need someone to bring the country back together. We need a great speaker to go and talk to the other countries. We need a great image after Bush. And Obama is that image. I love Mccain, I always liked him. He is the senator of MY state. However, I didn't vote for him because he just isn't the right person for the job. Sorry, he isn't. I will always respect him, but I don't think he is as good of speaker and image that we need right now. I agree more with Obama's views then his.

Obama will be a great president. It is going to be hard to fix the screwups of the last 8 years. And we probably won't see the fixs for years because you can't fix them overnight. However, if there was one person that could do it, it is Obama. Congrats.

#42 Moonbread


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 04:13 PM

Excellently said, Shoelace. icon_smile.gif

Yea, complaining? It's like a rocking chair. Something to do, doesn't get you anywhere though. Instead of complaining about it, why not try to make the best out of this?

#43 Fabbrizio



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Posted 05 November 2008 - 04:49 PM

I would have been perfectly happy with either one. But I would have been perfectly happy more reassuredly with Obama in office.

An interesting story; my Geography teacher's Mother used to work at the campaign office for Kerry in '04, and she saw Obama running for senator. She heard his opening speech and called it right then "This man will be our next president!".

You've gotta admit, he really knows how to write a speech.

My favorite quote:
"We are not just a collection of red and blue states, we are the United States"

Given how much effort it seems were put into his speeches, I would be very surprised if they don't register in his brain as part of his to-do list.

Way to go Obama, and good effort McCain (now that the election is over I can finally say that).

#44 Alestance


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 05:00 PM

QUOTE(Powerbracelet @ Nov 5 2008, 04:49 PM) View Post

You've gotta admit, he really knows how to write a speech.

Did he write his own speech? Most people these days hire someone else to write speeches for them. Thats just how its done for the longest time.

Edited by Alestance, 05 November 2008 - 05:00 PM.

#45 Beefster


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 05:01 PM

This is anything but awesome. As being the most conservative member of this forum, my comment is nothing short of expected.

Let's just put it this way: I'll give him a week. Maybe a month.

Edited by Beefster, 05 November 2008 - 05:03 PM.

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