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Souls of Wisdom 2


R.I.P Souls of Wisdom

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#1 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 12:26 PM

Look at NewJourneysFire going all click-bait on PureZC.

Shame on you NewJourneysFire, that's such a Demonlink thing to do.

Either way, I do have an announcement to make.

Souls of Wisdom 2 is going on an indefinite hiatus. I know this might be the most disappointing thing for some people because there really is a fine line between hiatus and cancelled when it comes to quests that it would be easy for people to assume that most quests on hiatus are pretty much just as well to be considered cancelled.

Unfortunately, I am aware of this and I am still putting this project on hiatus. What I mean to say is that I accept the possibility that this project may never be finished. This has nothing to do with the performance the demo did in the DotY contest that I am holding. I actually voted for my own demo because I felt that Souls 2 does need my love. :P

So why have I come to this decision? I'll list the reasons here.

Too Large and Ambitious:

Right now I am no longer just working on Souls 2 anymore. I am working on a few projects. There is TRIFORCE and my LP series. I am also currently running a contest, but that one is almost over. I am also working on a secret project that nobody knows about yet. Either way, I have much smaller projects that I feel are much easier to accomplish than the massive Souls of Wisdom 2 that will probably take me more than a couple of decades to finish. lol If and when I return to Souls 2, I'll be surely making a lot of cutbacks to make this quest much smaller than previously planned.

I burned out the quest through unnecessary hype:

I always felt that good advertising meant that you made the product that you are trying to get people interested in seem as best as it possibly can be. I also felt that to keep people interested, you need to at least remain updated. Unfortunately, I am not running a real business, and practices that work in business doesn't entirely work in PureZC. By hyping this quest as much as I did, I burned out most people's interest in it. I believe I just revealed too much in an effort to show it off. The reality of the situation is, this quest project was started over 3 years ago, and I haven't really delivered anything. I don't believe that many people are even interested in this quest anymore other than the small cult of Souls of Wisdom fans that is still dedicated to the series.

It's predecessor was a Large Ham:

The first some of you may think "what the heck does Souls of Wisdom 2 have anything to do with ham?". No, I don't mean literally, I mean figuratively. I am not sure if I am using the term correctly, but I believe Large Ham has been used to describe people or things that have been considered much more popular than it ever deserved. I believe (if you combined the two discussion topics on the quest), it was the most discussed quest in the PureZC database. However, I wouldn't confuse post count with "popularity" because that quest was plagued with such cryptic design that it gave the illusion of popularity to most people. But it was popular, because even as badly designed as it was, it still had a lot of people wanting to discuss it and beat it. But that popularity didn't last long, and what we have is an average (to mediocre) quest that seriously got way more praise than it deserved. That already made the most experienced quest player doubt that the sequel will be good at all. But I was expecting to pull a Terminator 2 on PureZC and make this quest a sequel that would have proven everybody wrong. However, how could I do this, when I was pretty much already making the exact same mistakes I've been making in the first one?

It currently lacks a lot of focus:

Souls of Wisdom 2 doesn't know if it's a Zelda game, an RPG, or a platformer. I seriously just threw too many ideas together trying to create something new, that I pretty much have a complete mess of a quest. I'll admit, just like the first quest, I was focused more on story than everything else. Everything else is just a bunch of ideas thrown into a quest with hardly any real focus or direction. When playing the extended beta of this quest, I feel like I'm playing 3 different games in one. Unfortunately, there is little I can change about that. But before I can return to this quest, I need to try and properly define exactly what I want this quest to be before it turns into an rpg, shooter, platforming, sports, FPS, cooking show, dating, Ninja Golf of a Zelda game.

In Conclusion:

I'm sorry to the fans, but this is it. However, the good news that will come of this is that I'll be able to focus on my other projects much better. I am currently doing LPs (which I will be also making certain cutbacks with how I approach them) and I am working on TRIFORCE, I might be working on another secret project... shhhhhh!

If this makes people lose faith in quest projects. Please don't. We've had a lot of great titles that came out the past few years, such as Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2, Promised Lands, The Forbidden City, Isle of Rebirth, ITLKotBBG and so much more. There are also a lot of great projects that are being worked on, many of which I hope won't suffer the fate of Souls 2 and many other projects that are now on hiatus.

Thanks for supporting this quest, and I hope one day, this quest project does have a future to it.



*** This isn't an April Fools Joke. This update is 100% legit. I forgot it was April 1st when I posted this ***

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 01 April 2015 - 12:34 PM.

#2 Eddy



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 12:28 PM

Welp, RIP in Souls indeed. However, I'm happy you're still working on TRIFORCE though since that looks really cool.

#3 Binx


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 12:34 PM

Damn, I hoped it was a joke, but I had a feeling it wasn't. Too well thought out and well written to be a prank..

#4 strike


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 12:37 PM

Wow. I have to admit I'm pretty disappointed :/

#5 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 12:39 PM

Welp, RIP in Souls indeed. However, I'm happy you're still working on TRIFORCE though since that looks really cool.


That's always good news! Lets not forget I may be working on another secret project. TRIFORCE will certainly see better days now that I can focus much more attention on it. :)

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#6 MoscowModder


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 12:46 PM

Wait... there's a quest cancelled post on April 1st that's NOT a joke? Wow.


Too bad about your wise old souls, but it's nice to hear the good news for TRIFORCE and whatever your secret project is. Good luck with those!

#7 Breadguy



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 12:48 PM

rye are you cancelling this? :(

Edited by Breadguy, 01 April 2015 - 12:48 PM.

#8 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 12:49 PM

Well, it's not really cancelled. If you read the post, you'll see it's actually on an indefinite hiatus. :P


Also, the reasons are all listed in the original post. :P

#9 SyrianBallaS



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 01:08 PM

It's such a shame if this isn't a joke


I was really excited to see what happened next

Edited by GhostKnight22, 01 April 2015 - 01:10 PM.

#10 Mister Snooze

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Posted 01 April 2015 - 02:05 PM

Well I for one am intereted in the secret project anything you do!

#11 David


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 02:17 PM

Woah, I actually hoped this was a joke, but oh well. I'm still looking forward to your other projects!

#12 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 02:45 PM

Sorry to break the news like this.

This project is will remain active, but it is now officially on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time.

#13 Breadguy



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Posted 01 April 2015 - 02:49 PM

wheat will you do in the meantime?

#14 Demonlink


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 03:21 PM

Shame on you NewJourneysFire, that's such a Demonlink thing to do.

wat. I'll sue you for copying my ideas. 


In all seriousness, I can say I sadly saw this coming sooner or later, because you've been hard at work on your other projects (wait, you have a secret one too!?), and well, all I can say it all depends on your motivation. Souls 1 wasn't that bad really, I actually loved its story and the Undead Deity, he's a kick ass character. Souls 2... yes, it might just become the hugest quest in the database if it ever reaches its complete stage. I have always told you that I will help you finish it as soon as I get my other smaller projects out of the way, and that's a promise ;)


So hopefully, I can still see this getting finished. Probably not as big as you planned it to be, (we don't want another Twilight Princess Beta do we?), but still, I want to see this done. Hang in there buddy! :)

#15 ZeldaPlayer


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 08:09 PM

April Fools?

Edited by ZeldaPlayer, 01 April 2015 - 08:09 PM.

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