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ZC Definitions

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#1 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

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Posted 02 June 2008 - 01:13 PM

General Definitions:

Combo: A tile that is assigned a specific function in gameplay. Damaging the player upon walking on it and/or being unwalkable, for example. Can be animated. (And likely will be, in most cases.)
Cset: Part of ZC's coloring scheme: Housed within a palette, it is a color set composed of 16 colors, (The first of which generally being transparent.) which provide the color to the world.
Dmap: Provides the general configuration for the behavior of an area. The Dmap will contain information on the area's coloring and music and map and subscreen used. Dmaps can overlap within the same area on the same map.
Flag: Under tools->Combo Flags or F8, they tell the location of a secret,trigger,push,dive, or end of game. Can be placed on a combo to give it extra features. For example, placing a burn flag on a bush makes that bush burnable.
Item: Things that are received by Link in gameplay.
Layer: Combos that are placed on top of the screen of play from a separate screen to overlap or underlap. The tops of trees, for example, will generally be seen on a layer so the player can walk under them. Those treetops will be on a layer above the player.
Map: A 16x8 grid of screens. Your workspace, basically. That's pretty much all it is. A Dmap can only occupy a single map, please note. It cannot be applied to anything on map 23 and map 24 at the same time, but screens can warp to different screens on different maps.
Palette: Part of ZC's coloring scheme: The main palette contains much of the Interface color information, and there are other palettes containing information on the coloration of individual areas. To distinguish between then, you would generally refer to Link's palette simply as "the palette," whereas you'd refer to the coloration scheme of say, a fire temple, as "The Fire Temple's Palette." Although different Dmaps can share the same palette easily enough.
Room State Carry Over: A screen option that "triggers" a secret connected to on another screen. Located under Screen->Screen Data->S. Data 1. These are set by Map Number and Screen Number.
Special Item: Items that are hidden under or in something with the #10 Armos item flag. Also, an item given by a guy or an item that is to be dived for. Differs from an ordinary item in that items are simply placed on the screen. Special Items are specifically connected with special events on the screen (Opening a chest.) or given to the player by a Guy (NPC.) such as the old man giving you the wooden sword at the beginning of 1st quest.
Tile: A graphic set from a list in Graphics->Tiles. It is simply a 16x16 combination of pixels depicting a graphic. Nothing more. Combos will reference the tiles to give them an appearance in the game world.
Trigger (Enemy): Cannot be seen or touched or felt by Link. Only killed by the Kill All Enemies item or Dungeon Boss Flag. Generally used as a low-tech method of triggering an event from a different screen.

Combo Types:

Auto Side Warp (A,B,C,D): Immediately warps Link to another designated location on a Dmap. *Requires blue return square unless screen rule "auto warps are direct" is selected.
Auto Side Warp (Random): Immediately warps Link to another random location on a Dmap. *Requires blue return square unless screen rule "auto warps are direct" is selected.
Auto Tile Warp (A,B,C,D): Immediately warps Link to another designated location on a Dmap. *Requires blue return square. It must simply be on the screen to warp Link. He doesn't need to interact with it on any way.
Auto Tile Warp (Random): Immediately warps Link to another random location on a Dmap. *Requires blue return square. It must simply be on the screen to warp Link. He doesn't need to interact with it on any way.
Armos: When touched will animate the Armos enemy.
Block All: Does not allow any item effect through it, regardless of its source.
Block (Item-type Here): Does not allow the item-type through it.
BS Grave: Same as Grave combo type.
Bush: When Link "cuts" with sword will display the "bush leaves" miscellaneous sprite and may leave a lesser item behind.
Bush->Next (Item): Same as Bush combo type but will change to the next combo in order on the combo list in gameplay.
Cave (Walk Down) (A,B,C,D,Random): Similar to a Stair combo's behavior, but when stepped on will animate Link walking down into the combo and will then warp.
Cave (Walk Up) (A,B,C,D,Random): Similar to a Stair combo's behavior, but when stepped on will animate Link walking up into the combo and will then warp
Center Statue: See statue.
Conveyor (All): Pushes Link in the indicated direction in gameplay. Link will not use his movement animation during the movement.
Damage (#): Link will loose the amount of hearts indicated when stepped on during gameplay. I.e. Spikes or lava.
Direct Warp: A tile warp that takes Link from one part of a Dmap to another in the exact spot he stepped onto the combo, ignoring any warp arrival points of the screen the player warps to.
Dive Warp: A tile warp that takes Link from one part of a Dmap when "swimming".
Dock: The start point of using the raft item.
Eyeball (A or B): Will "watch" Link as he walks around in gameplay. This combo uses a multiple of 8 tiles; one for each direction. To animate this combo, place tiles related to direction next to related ones. Four North tiles go first, then four Northeast tiles, then four East tiles, etc. Finishing in Northwest.
  • Eyeball A Follows Link in the 8 cardinal directions and changes its graphics accordingly.
  • Eyeball B Follows Link's position between the cardinal directions; more like the 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, & 11 directions of a clock.
Flowers: When Link "cuts" with sword will display the "flower clippings" miscellaneous sprite and may leave a lesser item behind.
Grave: When touched, will cause the Ghini L2 enemy to spawn on the Grave combo.
Hookshot Grab: Allows Link to connect to it using the hookshot item.
Hookshot Only: When solid, will only allow the Hookshot item to pass through it.
Ladder Only: When solid, will only allow Link to "use" the Ladder item over it.
Ladder or Hookshot: When solid, will only allow the Hookshot item or ladder item over it.
Lock Block (Normal): Only "unlocked" with the normal key item and will change ALL lock block and lockblock copycats to the next combo in order on the combo list in gameplay. Uses one key item to unlock.
Lockblock (Normal, Copycat): Only changed when the lock block combo is "unlocked". ie; to make a 2-tile wide locked door you'd make the first a lock block and the second a copycat. When you use a key on the first, both disappear. Can also be used to let a key on one part of the screen open something on another part.
Lockblock (Boss): Only "unlocked" with the Boss key item and will change ALL lockblock (Boss) and lockblock copycats (Boss) to the next combo in order on the combo list in gameplay.
Lockblock (Copycat, Boss): Only changed when the lockblock (Boss) combo is "unlocked".
Magic mirror (4-way): Will reflect magic in all 4 directions.
Magic mirror (up-left down-right): Will reflect magic when facing up to the left and when facing down, to the right.
Magic mirror (up-right down-left): Will reflect magic when facing up to the right and when facing down, to the left.
Magic Prism (3-way): Will amplify magic in 3 directions.
Magic Prism (4-way): Will amplify magic in all 4 directions.
No Enemies: Will not allow any enemies to occupy the space of this combo. Generally useful for the outermost walls of dungeon rooms, near the screen border.
No Flying Enemies: Will not allow any flying enemies on this spot. ie; Peahat, Keese....
No Jumping Enemies: Will not allow any jumping enemies on this spot. ie; Pols Voice, Vire....
Overhead: Will appear above Link and flying or ground enemies during gameplay.
Pound: When a hammer-type item is used on this combo, will change to the combo to its right on the combo list during gameplay.
Push (Wait): Cannot be pushed unless all enemies are eliminated. *Must be accompanied by a push flag in order to be pushable.
Push (Heavy): Requires a L1 bracelet to move. *Must be accompanied by a push flag in order to be pushable.
Push (Very Heavy): Requires a L2 bracelet to move. *Must be accompanied by a push flag in order to be pushable.
Reset Room: Resets everything changed by Link on the screen to the way it was before Link had entered. Note that on the third tab of Screen Flags, there exists an area to exclude the changes this combo will affect.
Save Point: Allows player the option to save their game via hitting the key assigned to Start while standing on this combo.
Save-Quit Point: Allows player the option to quit and save their game via hitting the key assigned to Start while standing on this combo.
Screen Freeze (Except FFC's): Freezes everything on the screen except the Freeform combos.
Screen Freeze (FFCs Only): Freezes only the Freeform combos on a screen.
Shallow Water: A combo that will display the "ripples" miscellaneous sprite when walked on in gameplay.
Slash: When Link "cuts" with sword will display the under combo and give nothing.
Slash->Item: When Link "cuts" with sword will display the under combo and may give an item.
Slash->Next: When Link "cuts" with sword will change to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay and will give nothing.
Slash->Next (Item): When Link "cuts" with sword will change to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay and may give an item.
Slow Walk: Will cause Link to walk at half his normal speed while on the combo.
Spinning Tile (Immediate): Will make the combo spin immediately upon entry to the screen.
Spinning Tile (Random): Will make the combo spin at random upon entry to the screen.
Stairs (A,B,C,D): A tile warp that takes Link from one part of a Dmap to another, arriving on the corresponding A, B, C, or D blue warp arrival flag, accessible via the bottom panel. (Pageup/Pagedown to toggle between panels.)
Statue (any): Will shoot fireballs when the enemy flag "statues shoot fire" is checked.
Stairs (Random): A tile warp that takes Link from one part of a Dmap to a random loction.
Step->Next: When stepped on will change itself and Step->nest (copycat)'s to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay.
Step->Next (All): When stepped on will change ALL Step->next and Step->next (copycat) combo types to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay.
Step->Next (Copycat): Will change to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay when the Step->next combo type is stepped on.
Step->Next (Same): When stepped on will change to the same combo type. Essentially really does nothing.
Swim Warp (A,B,C,D): A tile warp that takes Link from one part of a Dmap to another when Link is using the flippers item in a water combo type.
Tall Grass: Will display the tall grass miscellaneous sprite when Link walks on it and when Link "cuts" with sword will display the under combo and may give an item.
Trap (4-Way): Will display the trap enemy and will move in all 4 directions of Link's location.
Trap (Horizontal, Constant): Will display the trap enemy and will move from left to right constantly.
Trap (Horizontal, Line Of Sight): Will display the trap enemy and will move left or right when Link crosses its path.
Trap (Vertical, Constant): Will display the trap enemy and will move up and down constantly.
Trap (Vertical, Line Of Sight): Will display the trap enemy and will move up or down when Link crosses its path.
Treasure Chest (Boss): When touched will require the Boss Key item to open to reveal the special item inside. Requires the special item room type and the Armos / Chest -> item flag #10. Will change to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay.
Treasure Chest (Boss Copycat): When Treasure Chest (Boss) combo type is touched will change to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay.
Treasure Chest (Locked): When touched will require one Key item to open to reveal the special item inside. Requires the special item room type and the Armos / Chest -> item flag #10. Will change to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay.
Treasure Chest (Locked Copycat): When Treasure Chest (Locked) combo type is touched will change to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay.
Treasure Chest (Normal): When touched will reveal the special item inside. Requires the special item room type and the Armos / Chest -> item flag #10. Will change to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay.
Treasure Chest (Normal Copycat): When Treasure Chest (Normal) combo type is touched will change to the next combo on the combo list in gameplay.
Trigger (Permanent): Imediately triggers all secrets on a screen in gameplay permanently.
Trigger (Sensitive, Perm):
Trigger (Sensitive, Temp):
Trigger (Temporary): Immediately triggers all secrets on a screen in gameplay until Link leaves the room.
Water: Allows Link to swim with the flippers item and also allows the Zora enemy.
Win Game: When stepped on, will end the quest.
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#2 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

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Posted 04 June 2008 - 09:22 AM

* = Indicates that this item is encouraged to be highly customizable. You can leave it at the default, but it's generally far more entertaining to change it. All items have a "Default" reset feature, so never fear.


Amulet 1: Allows Link to see invisible enemies.
Amulet 2: Currently has no use. Originally, there were two levels of invisible. A "Cloaked" effect, (Pixels are displaced as they move around.) and a truly invisible setting. Having Amulet L1 makes the cloaked visible, and the truly invisible simply cloaked. Having the Amulet L2 will reduce all enemies to perfect visibility. This feature has yet to be implemented however.
*Arrow (Wooden): Does a 2 damage to enemies. Does not affect Ganon or L3 Gohma or above.
*Arrow (Silver): Does a 4 damage to enemies. Affects Ganon but does not affect L4 Gohma.
*Arrow (Golden): Does 8 damage. Penetrates all enemies except those not affected by arrows, such as Darknuts.
*Arrow Ammunition (#): Increases the number of arrows Link is carrying by amount designated.
Bait: Lures Goriyas and various other enemies to it and used for feed the Goriya Room Type.
*Bomb (Normal): Gives Link four additional bombs, by default, up to his maximum carrying capacity. Note that he must be able to hold these bombs in the first place. Check your maximum bomb-holding capacity before picking them up.
*Bomb (Super): Gives Link one additional Super bomb, by default, up to his maximum carrying capacity. Note that he must be able to hold these bombs in the first place. Check your maximum bomb-holding capacity before picking them up.
*Bomb Ammunition (All): Increases the number of normal bombs Link is carrying by amount designated.
*Bomb Bag (All): Allows Link to increase his maximum bomb carrying capacity up to the amount of normal bombs designated.
  • Note that the amount of Superbombs Link can carry is equal to the amount of normal bombs he can carry, divided by four, rounded down. So if Link can hold 16 bombs, his maximum capacity for Super bombs is 4. If he can hold 15 normal bombs, he can hold up to 3 Super Bombs.
Boomerang (Wooden): Does no damage to enemies except Keese, Gel, or Fire. Can only be "thrown" across half the screen. Picks up dropped items out of Link's sword-reach. Stuns most non-boss enemies.
Boomerang (Magic): Does no damage to enemies except Keese, Gel, or Fire. Can be "thrown" across the whole screen. Picks up dropped items out of Link's sword- reach. Animates the magic boomerang sparkle miscellaneous sprite if selected in Quest Rules. Stuns most non-boss enemies.
Boomerang (Fire): Can damage all enemies not immune to the boomerang. Can be "thrown" across the whole screen. Picks up dropped items out of Link's sword-reach. Animates the fire boomerang sparkle miscellaneous sprite if selected in Quest Rules. Stuns all non-boss enemies.
Boots: Allows Link to walk over damage type combos without taking damage. *Unless otherwise indicated with the "damage combos ignore boots" screen data option selected.
Bow (Short): Allows Link to "shoot" arrows slowly across the whole screen.
Bow (Long): Allows Link to "shoot" arrows quickly across the whole screen.
Bracelet 1 (Worn Out Glove): Allows Link to push solid heavy combo types once per screen. All non-heavy pushables are still pushable.
Bracelet 2: Allows Link to push solid heavy combo types.
Bracelet 3: Allows Link to push solid very heavy combo types.
Candle (Blue): Allows Link to create a "Fire" weapon effect two combos ahead of him once per screen. Animates the Flame sprite when used. Damages some enemies. Is as strong as the wooden sword.
Candle (Red): Allows Link to create a "Fire" weapon effect two combos ahead of him multiple times per screen, with two flames onscreen at a time. Damages some enemies. Is as strong as the white sword.
Cane of Byrna: Creates a protective barrier around Link in gameplay.
*Charge Ring 1: Reduces the charge-up time for Link's Spin Attack. This is customizable.
*Charge Ring 2: Reduces the charge-up time for Link's Spin Attack even more than the Charge Ring 1. This is customizable.
Clock: Freezes enemies on the screen until Link leaves. *Unless otherwise indicated by the "clocks are temporary" Quest Rule, in which case the freeze will last at least ten seconds.
Compass: Flashes a spot on the minimap indicated by Dmap compass location. Works only on that Dmap's level number.
Custom Item (Your item here): An item customized by the quest maker, you.
Din's fire: Throws an expanding circle of the "Flame" type Link weapon around Link's position on a screen.
Dust pile: Does nothing unless customized differently. Is normally the intangible sprite left over upon slaying Ganon.
*Fairy (Stationary): Animates the Fairy sprite in one spot on screen. Replenishes 3 hearts of life to Link.
*Fairy (Moving): Animates the Fairy sprite throughout the screen. Replenishes 3 hearts of life to Link. Separate from the Stationary fairy.
Farore's Wind: Warps Link back to the last Entrance / Exit point on the Dmap.
Flippers: Allow Link to "swim" in unwalkable water combo types. (If the water is walkable, Link will simply drown in it.)
Hammer: Allows link to activate pound combo types. Does significant damage to most enemies. Is as a strong as the magic sword. Animates the hammer impact miscellaneous sprite. Allows Link to damage Darknut type enemies from the front and breaks their shield as applicable.
Heart: Replenishes one heart of life to Link.
Heart Container Piece: Gives 1/4 of piece of heart container to Link.
Heart Container: Gives one extra heart of life to Link to carry.
*Heart Ring 1: Gradually replenishes Link's life over time. Customizable.
*Heart Ring 2: Replenishes life to Link faster than the L1 Heart Ring. Customizable.
*Heart Ring 3: Replenishes life to Link faster than the L2 Heart Ring. Customizable.
*Hookshot (Short): Allows Link to grapple onto Hookshot grab combo types. The player is fully invulnerable to mundane non-scripted damage while in use.
*Hookshot (Long): Same as Hookshot (Short) but generally has a somewhat longer reach. Both are configurable.
Hover Boots: Extends the horizontal distance the player can cross using the Roc's Feather item. Customizable.
Key (Boss): Opens all locked Boss doors or Boss Lockblocks on a specific level Dmap.
Key (Level specific): Opens one locked door or Lockblock on a specific level Dmap. One key is removed when used.
Key (Normal): Opens one locked door or Lockblock on any screen. One key is removed when used.
Key (Magic): Opens all locked doors or Lockblocks on any screen. Is never removed when used.
Kill All Enemies: Kills all enemies on the current screen. Even the Trigger enemy, which is normally unkillable by any means other than via a script.
Ladder: Allows Link to "cross" over ladder only or ladder or hookshot combo types in directions parallel to the direction he's travelling.
Ladder 2 (4-Way): Allows Link to "cross" over ladder only or ladder or hookshot combo types and allows him to change direction while on the ladder item.
Lens of Truth: Shows secret combos in the given area of effect. *If Quest Rule "show lens hints" is on, it will also show what item needs to be used.
Letter: Will allow Link to reveal "Potion Shop" room types when on the same screen as the inert Guy (NPC).
Letter (Used): The letter item turns into this once you've used a potion shop once. Has no function, as potion shops are already unlocked.
Magic Book: Allows the wand magic to turn to fire upon its stopping point. *Magic Sponges will not create a fire when the wand magic is "absorbed".
Magic Container: Increases the amount of magic that Link can hold by one segment.
*Magic Jar (Small): Replenishes a single segment of Link's magic supply. Customizable.
*Magic Jar (Large): Replenishes more of Link's magic supply than the Small variation. Customizable.
*Magic Ring 1 (slow): Replenishes magic to Link slowly over time. Customizable.
*Magic Ring 2: Replenishes magic to Link gradually over time. Customizable.
*Magic Ring 3 (Fast): Replenishes magic to Link quickly over time. Customizable.
*Magic Ring 4 (Light Force): Replenishes magic to Link significantly over time. Customizable.
Map: Shows rooms designated in a Dmap on the minimap.
Misc 1 & 2: Customizable items that hold no play use. Feel free to ignore these.
*Peril Ring: This allows sword beams to be fired when you have low health. Customizable.
*Potion (Blue): Replenishes the full amount of life to Link once. Customizable.
*Potion (Red): Replenishes the full amount of life to Link twice. Customizable.
*Quiver 1 (Small): Allows Link to carry a maximum of 255 arrows.
*Quiver 2 (Medium): Allows Link to carry a maximum of 500 arrows.
*Quiver 3 (Large): Allows Link to carry a maximum of 999 arrows.
*Quiver 4 (Magic): Allows Link to carry an unlimited amount of arrows.
Raft: Allows Link to "launch" from Dock combo types allong raft path flags (8 or 12).
*Ring (Blue): Allows Link to take 2x the amount of damage as normal.
*Ring (Red): Allows Link to take 4x the amount of damage as normal.
*Ring (Golden): Allows Link to take 8x the amount of damage as normal.
*Roc's Feather: Allows Link to jump.
*Rupee (Any denomination): Increases the amount of rupees that Link is carrying by designated amount.
Scroll: Cross Beams: Allows Link to use the Cross Beam attack.
Scroll: Hurricane Spin: Allows Link to use the Hurricane Spin attack.
Scroll: Peril Beam: Allows Link to use the Peril Beam attack.
Scroll: Quake Hammer: Allows Link to use the Quake Hammer attack.
Scroll: Spin Attack: Allows Link to use the Spin Attack.
Scroll: Super Quake: Allows Link to use the Super Quake attack.
Selection 1 & 2: These are used in subscreens- they highlight the item selected.
Shield (Small): Protects Link from small rocks and arrows from enemies.
Shield (Magic): Protects Link from weapons fired from all non-boss enemies.
Shield (Mirror): Protects Link from weapons fired from all non-boss enemies and reflects fireballs and magic.
Stomp Boots: Allows you to damage enemies by jumping upon them.
Stone of Agony: Causes link to shake when he is standing on secret combo flags.
*Sword 1(Wooden): Does a minimal amount of damage to enemies.
*Sword 2(White): Does 2x the amount of damage to enemies.
*Sword 3(Magic): Does 4x the amount of damage to enemies.
*Sword 4(Master): Does 8x the amount of damge to enemies.
Triforce (Fragment): Adds one piece of the 8 to the triforce of wisdom. Acts as an instant side warp when picked up by Link in gameplay.
Triforce (Whole): Dropped by Ganon in Ganon Type room upon defeat, but has no real purpose.
*Wallet 1 (500): Allows Link to carry a maximum of 500 rupees.
*Wallet 2 (999): Allows Link to carry a maximum of 999 rupees.
*Wallet 3 (Magic): Can either gradually increase the amount of rupees you have, or give you an infinite supply of rupees.
Wand: Allows Link to "shoot" magic. Does the same amount of damage as the white sword on enemies.
*Wealth Medal 1 (75%): Reduces the cost for items in a shop to 75% of the actual price.
*Wealth Medal 2 (50%): Reduces the cost for items in a shop by 50% of the actual price.
*Wealth Medal 3 (25%): Reduces the cost for items in a shop to 25% of the actual price.
*Whimsical Ring: Reduces sword attack strength, but sometimes kills enemies in one hit.
*Whisp Ring 1: Reduces the effect of Bubble curses by 1/4.
*Whisp Ring 2: Reduces the effect of Bubble curses by 1/2.
Whistle: Summons a transport to designated areas on a Dmap. Summons the stairs secret combo when the screen rule whistle->stairs is used.
z143-255: Customizable items.
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#3 Koopa


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Posted 15 June 2008 - 12:22 PM


Warps take Link from one screen to another. There are two types of warp: Tile warps are combos that warp Link when he stands on them, and side warps which warp him when he walks off the screen in the given direction.
  • In ZC 2.10 there is only 1 destination warp.
  • In ZC 2.5, there are four tile warps A-D and each one can be set to warp Link to a different target. A warp takes Link to another screen and another dmap. In fact, warping is the only way to change dmap.

Warp targets are set from the Screen/Tile Warp and Screen/Side Warp menus. These are the possible types of warp:

Cave/Item cellar: On the overworld (dmaps), takes Link to screen 80 where the guy, string and item of the current screen appear. When Link leaves the cave, he is back on the screen he came from. This is how the caves in the original LoZ that you reach from the overworld are done. In dungeons, these are the item rooms - screen 80 again, and four Keese appear.
Passageway: These are the passageways the Link encounters in dungeons in the original LoZ. They use screen 81 and Link can either return to the original screen or go to the target. Four Keese appear in the passageway.
Entrance/Exit: Dmap entrances and exits. Takes Link to the target with an entrance animation (LoZ : Going from overworld into dungeon and vice versa.) This type of warp will set the continue point of any given Dmap and requires the Green sqare to be postioned for entry.
Scrolling warp: Only really useful for side warps. Scrolls as if Link just walked to the next screen. In ZC version 2.10, these type warps set the continue point on any given Dmap and requires the Green square for the continue point. In ZC version 2.5, the continue can be disabled with the "Scolling warps do not set continue points".
Insta-Warp(several types): Takes Link to the destination and shows the specified type of animation. The basic insta-warp warps Link with no time delay or animation. Reuires the Blue square for destination, unless the type of insta-warp is direct warp.
Cancel warp: Does not warp Link. Warps of this type are thus disabled, so you don't go anywhere at all.
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#4 Koopa


    The child behind the turtle

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Posted 15 June 2008 - 12:36 PM


When you place tiles on the screen in ZQuest, they are on "Layer 0" and appear below Link and all enemies. There are other layers too, to use them you place the layer tiles on a second screen and then, on the main screen, go to Screen/Layers. Here, you set the second screen as your layer screen for one of the layers.
Layers are set by Map Number and Screen Number.

There are six layers you can set, the higher number layers are placed over the lower number ones. Further,
  • Layers 1 and 2 are below Link and all enemies.
  • Layers 3 and 4 are above Link and normal enemies, but below flying enemies. (Think treetops).
  • Layers 5 and 6 are above Link and all enemies.

#5 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 10:47 AM


Flags Trigger Screen Secrets if a certain weapon touches it or a certain condition is met. When Screen Secrets are triggered, these flags are replaced with Secret Combos. The following flags are Combo Flags:

1 Push (Vertical, Once): Allows Link to push the combo up or down once, which triggers Screen Secrets (or just the "Stairs" secret combo).
2 Push (4-Way, Once): Allows Link to push the combo in any direction once, triggering Screen Secrets (or just the "Stairs" secret combo).
3 Whistle: Makes the Secret combo trigger when Link plays the Whistle on it.
4 Burn 1 (Any): Makes the combo trigger when Link touches it with fire from any source (candles, wand, Din's Fire, etc.) When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Blue Candle" Secret Combo.
5 Arrow 1 (Any): Will be triggered with level 1 (Wooden) arrows or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Wooden Arrow" Secret Combo.
6 Bomb (Any): Makes the combo trigger when a bomb explodes in range of it. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Bomb" Secret Combo.
7 Fairy (Life): Makes a heart ring appear on screen when Link steps on it, causing his Life to be refilled.
8 Raft: Placed in paths to define the path Link travels when using the Raft. It should start on the "dock", and end on a walkable combo. If a path branches, Link takes the clockwise-most path, starting from North (needs confirmation)
9 Armos (->Secret): When placed on an Armos, causes the "Stairs" secret combo to appear when the Armos is triggered, instead of the screen's Under Combo.
10 Armos (->Item): When placed on an Armos or treasure chest, causes the room's Special Item to appear when the combo is activated.
11 Bomb(Super):Makes the combo trigger when a Super bomb explodes in range of it. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Super Bomb" Secret Combo.
12 Raft Branch: Placed at intersections of Raft flag paths to define points the player may change directions by holding down a direction.
13 Dive for Item:When Link dives on this combo (make it a water combo, of course), he will recieve the Room's Special Item.
14 Lens Marker Flag: Combos with this flag will appear white when viewed with the Lens of Truth item.
15 Zelda: When Link steps on this flag, the game will end, and the credits will roll.
16-31 Secret Tile 0-15: When placed on a combo, causes that combo to change to the appropriate Secret Combo when the secret combos are triggered on that screen. Also, a Destructible Combo with these flags changes to the appropriate Secret Combo instead of the screen's Under Combo.
32 Trap (Horizontal, Line of sight): Generates the lowest-numbered enemy with the "Spawned by 'Horz Trap' Combo Type/Flag" enemy data flag on this combo.
33 Trap (Vertical, Line of sight): Generates the lowest-numbered enemy with the "Spawned by 'Vert Trap' Combo Type/Flag" enemy data flag on this combo.
34 Trap (4-way, Line of sight): Generates the lowest-numbered enemy with the "Spawned by '4-Way Trap' Combo Type/Flag" enemy data flag on this combo.
35 Trap (Horizontal, Constant): Generates the lowest-numbered enemy with the "Spawned by 'LR Trap' Combo Type/Flag" enemy data flag on this combo.
36 Trap (Vertical, Constant): Generates the lowest-numbered enemy with the "Spawned by 'UD Trap' Combo Type/Flag" enemy data flag on this combo.
37-46 Enemy (0-9): Causes the indicated screen enemy to appear on that flag, instead of randomly.
47 Push (Horizontal, Once): Allows Link to push the combo left or right once, triggering Screen Secrets (or just the "Stairs" secret combo).
48 Push (Up, Once): Allows Link to push the combo up once, triggering Screen Secrets (or just the "Stairs" secret combo).
49 (Down, Once): Allows Link to push the combo down once, triggering Screen Secrets (or just the "Stairs" secret combo).
50 (Left, Once): Allows Link to push the combo left once, triggering Screen Secrets (or just the "Stairs" secret combo).
51 (Right, Once): Allows Link to push the combo right once, triggering Screen Secrets (or just the "Stairs" secret combo).
52 Push (Vertical, Once, Silent): Allows Link to push the combo up or down once, without triggering secrets.
53 Push (Horizontal, Once, Silent): Allows Link to push the combo left or right once, without triggering secrets.
54 Push (4-way, Once, Silent): Allows Link to push the combo in any direction once, without triggering secrets.
55 Push (Up, Once, Silent): Allows Link to push the combo up once, without triggering secrets.
56 Push (Down, Once, Silent): Allows Link to push the combo down once, without triggering secrets.
57 Push (Left, Once, Silent): Allows Link to push the combo left once, without triggering secrets.
58 Push (Right, Once, Silent): Allows Link to push the combo right once, without triggering secrets.
59-65 Push (*dir*, Many, Silent): Same as 52-58, but can be pushed many times. Does not trigger secrets. 66 Block Trigger: Pushing blocks (any, but typically flags 59-65) onto ALL Block Triggers will trigger Screen Secrets (or just the "Stairs" secret combo).
67 No Push Blocks: Prevents a block from being pushed onto this combo. Note that solid combos already prevent blocks from being pushed onto them.
68 Boomerang 1 (Any): Will be triggered by the level 1 (Wooden) boomerang or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Wooden Boomerang" Secret Combo.
69 Boomerang 2 (Magic +): Will be triggered by the level 2 (Magic) boomerang or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Magic Boomerang" Secret Combo.
70 Boomerang 3 (Fire): Will be triggered by the level 3 (Fire) boomerang or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Fire Boomerang" Secret Combo.
71 Arrow 2 (Silver +): Will be triggered by the level 2 (Silver) arrows or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Silver Arrow" Secret Combo.
72 Arrow 3 (Golden): Will be triggered by the level 3 (Golden) arrows or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Golden Arrow" Secret Combo.
73 Burn 2 (Red Candle +): Will be triggered by fire from the Red Candle, the Magic Wand (fire only, not magic) or Din's Fire. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Red Candle" Secret Combo.
74 Burn 3 (Wand Fire): Will be triggered by fire from the Magic Wand (fire only, not magic) or Din's Fire. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Wand Fire" Secret Combo.
75 Burn 4 (Din's Fire): Will only be triggered by fire from Din's Fire, nothing less. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Din's Fire" Secret Combo.
76 Magic (Wand): Will be triggered by any magic from the Magic Wand. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Wand Magic" Secret Combo.
77 Magic (Reflected): Will be triggered by magic that has been reflected (by Mirros, Prisms or the Mirror Shield) from any source. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Reflected Magic" Secret Combo.
78 Fireball (Reflected): Will be triggered by an enemy fireball that has been reflected by the Mirror Shield. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Reflected Fireball" Secret Combo.
79 Sword 1 (Any): Will be triggered by the level 1 (Wooden) sword or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Sword" Secret Combo.
80 Sword 2 (White +): Will be triggered by the level 2 (White) sword or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "White Sword" Secret Combo.
81 Sword 3 (Magic +): Will be triggered by the level 3 (Magic) sword or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Magic Sword" Secret Combo.
82 Sword 4 (Master): Will only be triggered by the level 4 (Master) sword or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Master Sword" Secret Combo.
83 Sword Beam 1 (Any): Will be triggered by beams from the level 1 (Wooden) sword or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Sword Beam" Secret Combo.
84 Sword Beam 2 (White +): Will be triggered by beams from the level 2 (White) sword or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "White Sword Beam" Secret Combo.
85 Sword Beam 3 (Magic +): Will be triggered by beams from the level 3 (Magic) sword or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Magic Sword Beam" Secret Combo.
86 Sword Beam 4 (Master): Will only be triggered beams from by the level 4 (Master) sword or higher. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Master Sword Beam" Secret Combo.
87 Hookshot: Will be triggered by shooting it with the Hookshot. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Hookshot" Secret Combo.
88 Wand: Will be triggered by whacking it with the Magic Wand itself (NOT its magic!) When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Wand" Secret Combo.
89 Hammer: Will be triggered by pounding it with the Hammer. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Hammer" Secret Combo.
90 Strike: Will be triggered by just about any weapon or projectile Link could throw at it. When Screen Secrets are triggered, this is replaced with the "Any Weapon" Secret Combo.
91 Block Hole: Causes blocks pushed onto this combo to cycle to the next combo.
92 Fairy (Magic): Makes a heart ring appear on screen when Link steps on it, causing his Magic to be refilled.
93 Fairy (All): Makes a heart ring appear on screen when Link steps on it, causing both his Life AND Magic to be refilled.
94 Singular: If used as an inherent flag with a Trigger Combo Flag (or vice versa), then triggering the Trigger Combo Flag will prevent the Screen Secrets process from changing the other flagged combos in the screen. That is to say even when every singular flag is triggered, it will not immediately trigger the other secret combos, even if the Screen Flag, "All Triggers->16-31" is set without accompaniment with other screen flags.
95 Singular(+16-31): As with 94, but the Secret Tile (16-31) flagged combos are still permitted to change. (Note: the "All Triggers->16-31" Screen Flag overrides this.)
96 No Enemies: Prevents enemies from stepping on this combo.
98-102 General Purpose 1-5: These flags have no built-in effect, but can be given special significance with scripting. <a name="Script-Specific_Flags">

#6 Koopa


    The child behind the turtle

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Posted 01 July 2008 - 12:38 PM


Think of a dmap as an "area" on a map. If you've played LoZ, you'll know the dungeons were shaped so they all (well, 1-8 anyway) fit together on one 8x8 map. In each dungeon, the colors were slightly different.

ZC manages this kind of trick with dmaps. As I said, a dmap is an area that has some kind of meaning (dungeon, house, cave, overworld ...) on a map. You can have several dmaps one one map, but each dmap belongs to one map.

At any time in the game, you're "on" one screen on one map, but you're also "on" one dmap. And it's the dmap that determines a lot of things about screen you're on:
  • What music plays.
  • What palette is used.
  • What happens when you die (continue point).
  • How Link enters the screen.
  • Whether the screen "resets" if you leave and come back.
  • What map, minimap, subscreen and item screen you see.
There's two important things about dmaps that it pays to learn by heart:
  1. The dmap type (overworld, dungeon, cave, ...) decides what subscreen you get and several other aspects like how Link walks into screens. There are 4 types:
  • NES Dungeon:
This is the only type of Dmap that Door Combo Sets work on. Link will "walk 2 tiles into each room. (This type is the only one that has this behavoir). All secrets triggered are temporary; meaning, if Link leaves the room, the secret will need to be triggered again. Dmap only covers an area of 8 rooms high by 8 rooms wide.
  • Overworld
Completely covers ALL of the map assigned. All secrets are permanent. Use of the whistle item will summon warp wind to take Link to whistle warps assigned that Link has collected (unless otherwise noted with the "whistle->stairs" screen rule). Overworld Dmaps generally do not have assigned level numbers.
  • Interior
Covers area 8 rooms high by 8 rooms wide. All first secrets are permanent; meaning, if Link leaves the room, the secret will remain triggered. This type is one of ones that Room State Carryovers work with.
  • BS Overworld
Same as Overworld but only covers an area of 8 rooms high by 8 rooms wide.

  1. The dmap number has a huge influence on screen behaviour. If the number is greater than 0, you're on a level dmap. Otherwise, you're not. Level dmaps have many differences to level-0 ones, in particular guys, strings and such appear on the actual screen and not in an item cave. Door Combo Sets will not function unless the Dmap type is NES Dungeon AND the level number is 1 or greater. Guys with strings will not function unless the Dmap level number is set to 1 or more.
The Dmap editor has 6 things that can be set up.
Here are some shots and examples of each.
IPB Image
In the mechanics tab you can set the level number (top right corner); Set the type of Dmap it is (center drop down box); Set what Map number it is on (top left drop down box); Set the side of the map that you want the Dmap to cover (utilizing the scroll bar at the bottom left); Set the Dmap to be continued on at the start (continue here check box); Set where the dot will blink when Link is given the compass item; Set the pont of where Link will start upon a continue or start of game; additional option when set to either interior or dungeon type can set the rooms that will be displayed on the Large map on the subscreen when visited. The name box is consistant throughout all 6 tabs and sets the name of the Dmap used in the Editor only.
IPB Image
In the appearance tab you can set the palette color of the Dmap (to be displayed in the ZC player only); Set the title that will appear over the minimap in the ZC player; Set a string that will display upon entering the Dmap via an entrance/exit type of warp; Set specific active and passive subscreens.
IPB Image
In the music tab you can set midis that are loaded by you or default midis already loaded; Set and/or load enhanced music such as mp3's and trackers and select the track of which you want played.
IPB Image
In the maps tab you can set the tiles that are displayed for both the minmap and large dungeon maps. (Remember, the large map will only be displayed in an interior or dungeon type Dmap); The before map will set the tiles assigned when Link has not gotten the map item, the after map will set the tiles assigned when after Link has gotten the map item.
IPB Image
The flags tab allows you to set certain dynamics used in this Dmap only. These options are self explanitory.
IPB Image
In the disable tab you can set which items will not be available for use on this Dmap.

The only way to change dmap is a warp. When you set up a warp, you have to set the dmap and the screen. (The dmap determines which map you land on). Once again, it's dmap changes that make the palette and music change.

Note that, although it's an advanced trick, you can certainly have one screen that's accessible on two different dmaps. For instance, if you remember the famous "day and night" thread, you can have a day dmap and a night dmap that make the very same map and screens appear different. You can have a warp that takes you to the very same screen but on another dmap.

Dmaps need not be one connected area, either. It's common to have one "houses" dmap and whenever you enter a house you land on that dmap so you get the houses palette. The houses don't need any kind of connection between them.

#7 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

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Posted 10 July 2008 - 01:32 PM


IPB Image
In The Legend of Zelda, the Aquamentus is a dragon-like creature that appeared in Level 1 of the 1st quest and 2nd quest and other laters. He is notable as one of the easiest bosses and is frequently a level 1 boss in custom quests.

IPB ImageArmos:
Statue that comes alive. There are two types, the slow and fast types. As well as being placed normally, they are generated from the armos combo type (note that currently there is a bug that causes the armos to appear sightly over Link if triggered from below, doing damage. This is a bug left over from Z1 which has slipped through). If placed on a screen with the enemies menu, an under combo appears under its starting point.

IPB ImageBat
Quick bat-like creature. Generated from a Bat Wizzrobe.

IPB ImageBubble
Magical creature that curses or heals things that it hits. There are six types, normal, red, and blue, each which can be a sword bubble or an item bubble.

IPB ImageDarknut
Evil Knight that follows you intelligently. There are four types, the red, blue, super (or splitting), and death varieties.

IPB ImageDigdogger:
An urchin-like creature that attacks by tackling and impaling foes. It is invulnerable to damage, but can be split into several vulnerable miniatures if it is attacked correctly. It's weakness is the music of the recorder.

IPB ImageDigdogger Child:
Same as Digdogger except smaller and vulnerable to every weapon.

IPB ImageDondongo:
Dinosaur-like creature that wonders around the room. Is only affected by bombs and super bombs.

IPB ImageGel
Small slime creature created from a Zol. There are two types, normal and tribble.

IPB ImageGhini
Ghost creature that wanders around aimlessly.

Ghini 1 Specifics

Ghini 2 Also spawned from graves.
IPB ImageGibdo
Mummified creature that walks around. Exceptionally durable and damaging.

IPB ImageGleeok
A popular boss in the form large multi-headed dragon. He can have only 1 head, or as much as four. There is an optional version of Gleeok -- Gleeok 2 -- which shoots waves of fire rather than fireballs. Gleeok 2's waves of fire can be blocked by the Mirror Shield, whereas the regular Gleeok's fireballs cannot be blocked at all. However, Gleeok 1's fireballs are much easier to avoid. If the Gleeok has two or more heads, each head will take a set amount of damage and then "die". When the head dies, it will fly around the screen and continue to shoot.

A Gleeok always appears in the same spot on the screen, regardless of enemy flag placement.


IPB ImageGohma
A spider-like creature with one eye. It cannot be defeated without a bow and arrow.

IPB ImageGoriya
Bull creature that throws boomerangs. Also likes bait.

IPB ImageKeese
Batlike creature that flies around. Created from Vires.

#8 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

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  • Location:Earth

Posted 11 July 2008 - 11:52 AM

IPB ImageLanmola
Centipede-like creatures that have a head and four sections.

IPB ImageLeever

Exotic sand creature that comes out of the ground for brief periods.

IPB ImageLike Like

Creature that seems like it is a big hunk of digestive tract. Can absorb items.

IPB Image

Boar-like creature that wanders around and fires arrows.

IPB ImageOctorok
Octopus-like creature that walks about, randomly stopping to shoot rocks.

IPB Image
A gug like creature that enlists the help of other bugs to attack in either a wide circle or oval.

IPB ImagePeahat
Plant-like creature that uses its flower petals as a sort of helicopter.

IPB ImagePols Voice
Bunny-like creature that hops around.

IPB ImageRock:
Boulders that fall down the screen.

IPB ImageRope
Snake creature that moves randomly around the room, and charges if it sees Link.

IPB ImageStalfos
Skeleton creature with swords in hand. Some fire magical swords.

IPB ImageVire
Large bat-like creature with arms and legs which jumps around the room.

IPB ImageWizzrobe
An evil cloaked wizard that travels around the room, bending time and space to travel through unwalkable combos, and casting spells when it is not doing so.

IPB ImageZol
Large slime creature which slowly moves around the room.

IPB ImageZora:
Fish-like creature that pops out of water and shoots fireballs at Link.

#9 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

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  • Location:Earth

Posted 11 July 2008 - 01:02 PM

Specific Information

  • Cset: ESP 0
  • Old tiles: 226 - 229, 246 - 249
  • New tiles: 7520 - 7635
Fighting Info
  • HP: 6
  • Damage: 1
  • Speed: Slow
  • Sprite: Fireball
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Blockable: Magic shield
  • Fires 3 at Link in a spread at random times.

There are two varieties of Aquamentus: the left one and right one. The only difference between them is that the left one appears on the left side of the screen and faces the right, while the right one appears on the right side of the screen and faces the left.

Both types of Aquamentus will have their bottom tiles (their feet in most cases) appear vertically on the middle combo of the screen, as well as about four combos away from the side of the screen they were specified to be on. The Aquamentus will move left or right randomly, but never up and down. The Aquamentus, since he is mostly placed in dungeons where there are walls on two combos on the edge of the screen, can only move up to two combos away from the edge of the screen. This is not verified.

At random times, the Aquamentus will open his mouth. This means he is about to fire 3 fireballs which immediately spread over a small vertical distance and then all come at Link. In custom quests the graphic that is the cue for shooting fireballs can be different or nonexistent. Note that these fireballs are blockable by the magic shield, unlike many fireballs shot by bosses.
Enemy Properties

Misc1: The direction the enemy faces
  • 0: Left
  • 1: Right
Specific Information

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 88 - 91
  • New tiles:
  • Slow: 2260 - 2275
  • Fast: 2280 - 2295
Fighting Info
  • HP: 3
  • Damage: 1
  • Speed: Medium (slow variety) / Very Fast (fast variety)
Enemy Properties
  • Misc1: The speed, in pixels per frame, of the enemy if it is randomly selected to be fast.
Specific Information


Cset: 9
  • Old tiles: 123 - 124
  • New tiles: 4880 - 4915
Fighting Info
  • HP: 4
  • Damage: 3/2
  • Speed: Very Fast
Other Notes
  • Cannot be stunned
  • Occasionally drops magic jars
Specific Information
Bubble - Normal

  • Cset: Flashes 6-9, or 9 (see Rules)
  • Old tiles: 111
  • New tiles:
  • Sword: 1880 - 1895
  • Item: 1940 - 1955
Fighting Info
  • HP: Invincible
  • Damage: 0
  • Speed: Fast
Other Notes
  • Sword variety temporarily removes use of A button
  • Item variety temporarily removes use of B button
  • Can be stunned with Fire boomerang
Bubble - Red

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 111
  • New tiles:
  • Sword: 1900 - 1915
  • Item: 1960 - 1975
Fighting Info
  • HP: Invincible
  • Damage: 0
  • Speed: Fast
Other Notes
  • Sword variety permanently removes use of A button until Blue Bubble is hit
  • Item variety permanently removes use of B button until Blue Item Bubble is hit
  • Recovering hearts by way of Medicine or a pond Fairy will cure a Red Bubble's curse, but these can each be disabled via certain quest rules
  • Can be stunned with the Fire boomerang
Bubble - Blue

  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 111
  • New tiles:
  • Sword: 1920 - 1935
  • Item: 1980 - 1995
Fighting Info
  • HP: Invincible
  • Damage: 0
  • Speed: Fast
Other Notes
  • Sword variety restores use of A button if Red Bubble was hit
  • Item variety restores use of B button if Red Item Bubble was hit
  • Can be stunned with Fire boomerang
Enemy Properties

  • 0: The enemy inflicts a temporary jinx.
  • 1: The enemy inflicts a permanent jinx.
  • 2: The enemy cures a jinx.
  • 0: Misc1 applies to a sword jinx.
  • 1: Misc1 applies to an item jinx.
Specific Information
Darknut - Red


Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 140 - 144
  • New tiles:
  • Shielded: 4220 - 4235
  • Broken Shield: 4340 - 4355

Fighting Info
  • HP: 4
  • Damage: 1
  • Speed: Medium
Other Notes
  • If Link and the Darknut face each other when Link attacks, the Darknut is unaffected.
  • If the above is true but the hammer is used, the Darknut takes damage and the shield is broken.
  • The exception to this is seen in the fact that since the Hammer presently does an amount of damage precisely equal to that of the Red Darknut (4), the Darknut is destroyed before you get the chance to observe it without a shield.
  • Occasionally drops bombs or magic jars.
Darknut - Blue

  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 140 - 144
  • New tiles:
  • Shielded: 4240 - 4255
  • Broken Shield: 4360 - 4375

Fighting Info
  • HP: 8
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: Fast
Other Notes
  • If Link and the Darknut face each other when Link attacks, the Darknut is unaffected.
  • If the above is true but the hammer is used, the Darknut takes damage and the shield is broken.
  • Occasionally drops bombs or magic jars.
Darknut - Super / Splitting

  • Cset: 9
  • Old tiles: 140 - 144
  • New tiles:
  • Shielded: 4260 - 4275
  • Broken Shield: 4380 - 4395

Fighting Info
  • HP: 16
  • Damage: 4
  • Speed: Very Fast
Other Notes
  • If Link and the Darknut face each other when Link attacks, the Darknut is unaffected.
  • If the above is true but the hammer is used, the Darknut takes damage and the shield is broken.
  • When killed, two Blue Darknuts appear in its place, facing random directions as they spawn.
  • Occasionally drops magic jars.
Darknut - Death Knight

  • Cset: 9
  • Old tiles: 140 - 144
  • New tiles:
  • Shielded: 4280 - 4335
  • Broken Shield: 4400 - 4455

Fighting Info
  • HP: 20
  • Damage: 20
  • Speed: Very Fast
  • Sprite: Sword
  • Damage: 20
  • Blockable: Magic Shield
  • Very quick fire rate
Other Notes
  • If Link and the Darknut face each other when Link attacks, the Darknut is unaffected.
  • If the above is true but the hammer is used, the Darknut takes damage and the shield is broken.
  • Occasionally drops magic jars.

#10 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

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  • Location:Earth

Posted 14 July 2008 - 09:52 AM

Specific Information

  • Cset: ESP 2
  • Old Tiles: 230 - 233
  • New Tiles: 5580 - 5935
Fighting info
  • HP: 12
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Medium
Other Notes
  • Is immune to any attack until the whistle/recorder is used.
  • Will split into 1 or 3 "children" depending on which enemy you use upon use of whistle/recorder.
Digdogger "Child"

Specific Information

  • Cset: ESP 2
  • Old Tiles: 160 - 161
  • New Tiles: 5740 - 6055
Fighting Info
  • HP: 16
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Fast
Enemy Properties
  • 01 Miscellaneous: unknown
  • 10 Miscellaneous: unknown
Specific Information

  • Cset: 8
  • Old Tiles: 149-158
  • New Tiles: 6700-6740
Fighting Info
  • HP: 8
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: Medium
Enemy Properties

Misc1: The enemy's overall behavior
  • 0: Ordinary Dodongo-like
  • 1: BS Dodongo-like

Specific Information

  • Cset: 9
  • Old tiles: 120 - 121
  • New tiles:
  • Normal: 1780 - 1795
  • Tribble: 1820 - 1835

Fighting Info
  • HP: 0
  • Can be hit with anything, even boomerang, to kill
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Fast (punctuated movement)
Other Notes
  • Tribble variety becomes a Zol Tribble after a short time.
  • Tribble variety occasionally drops magic jars
Enemy Properties

  • 0: Leaves no trail
  • 1: Leaves its weapon on each tile it visits
Ghini 1

Specific Information

  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 109 - 110
  • New tiles: 2200 - 2215
Fighting Info
  • HP: 9
  • Damage: 1
  • Speed: Medium

  • 0: The enemy is solid
  • 1: The enemy is a phantom (invincible)
Ghini 2

Specific Information

  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 109 - 110
  • New tiles: 2220 - 2255
Fighting Info
  • HP: Unknown
  • Damage: 1
  • Speed: Fast (periodic acceleration/deceleration)
Other Notes
  • Not affected by any item except for a super bomb.
  • Using Quest Rules, the Ghini 2 sprite may be made to flicker or appear translucent.

Specific Information

  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 136
  • New tiles: 2140 - 2155
Fighting Info
  • HP: 8
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: Medium
Other Notes
  • Occasionally drops bombs.
Specific Information

  • Cset: ESP 1
  • Old tiles:
  • Body: 220 - 245
  • Head and Neck: 145 - 148
  • New Tiles:
  • Body: 7000 - 7027
  • Head and Neck: 7008 - 7171

Fighting Info
  • HP: 20
  • Damage: 4
  • Speed: Slow (Stationary)
Other notes
  • This Gleeok only shoots fireballs that are not blocked by any shield.
  • Because Gleeoks always appear in the same spot, you can place several on the same screen to make Gleeoks with as many as 40 heads!
  • Cset: ESP 13
  • Old tiles:
  • Body: 220 - 245
  • Head and Neck: 145 - 148
  • New Tiles:
  • Body: 7012 - 7039
  • Head and Neck: 7040 - 7163

Fighting Info
  • HP: 30
  • Damage: 4
  • Speed: Slow (Stationary)
Other notes
  • This Gleeok only shoots fire that is blocked by the mirror shield.
  • Because Gleeoks always appear in the same spot, you can place several on the same screen to make Gleeoks with as many as 40 heads!
Enemy Properties
  • Misc1: The number of heads the Gleeok begins with.
  • Misc2: The HP of each attached head.
  • Misc3:
  • 0: No special behavior
  • 1: The enemy breathes a stream of projectiles instead of only firing one
  • Misc5: Length of the neck, in neck segments
  • Misc6: Tile to use for the neck segments. This value is treated as an offset that is added to the enemy's E. Tile.
  • Misc7: The tile offset of each addition neck tile, relative to the first.
  • Misc8: The tile used for an attached head, as an offset from the E. Tile.
  • Misc9: The tile used for a flying head, as an offset from the E. Tile.

#11 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

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  • Location:Earth

Posted 16 July 2008 - 10:16 AM


Specific Information

Gohma L1

  • Cset: 8
  • Old Tiles: 180 - 185
  • New Tiles: 6920 - 6931

Fighting Info

  • HP: 4
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Slow

Other Notes

  • Is vulnerable only to arrows in which it takes only one wooden to kill.
  • Shoots one fireball.

Gohma L2

  • Cset: 7
  • Old Tiles: 180 - 185
  • New Tiles: 6940 - 6951

Fighting Info

  • HP: 12
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Slow

Other Notes

  • Is vulnerable only to arrows in which it takes 3 wooden ones to kill.
  • Shoots one fireball.

Gohma L3

  • Cset: 8
  • Old Tiles: 180 - 185
  • New Tiles: 6960 - 6971

Fighting Info

  • HP: 24
  • Damage: 16
  • Speed: Slow

Other Notes

  • Is vulnerable only to silver arrows or golden arrows.
  • Shoots 3 fireballs.

Gohma L4

  • Cset: 7
  • Old Tiles: 180 - 185
  • New Tiles: 6980 - 6991

Fighting Info

  • HP: 48
  • Damage: 16
  • Speed: Slow

Other Notes

  • Is vulnerable only to golden arrows.
  • Shoots fire.

Enemy Properties


  • 0: No special behavior
  • 1: No special behavior
  • 2: Fires three weapons instead of one. The enemy is also immune to all arrows whose power are less than 4.
  • 3: Breathes a stream of fire instead of using its normal weapon. The enemy is also immune to all arrows whose power are less than 8.

Goriya - Red


  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 130 - 133
  • New tiles: 3720 - 3775

Fighting Info

  • HP: 3
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Medium


  • Sprite: Boomerang
  • Damage: 1
  • Blockable: Small shield
  • Quick fire rate

Other Notes

  • Occasionally drops bombs.

Goriya - Blue


  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 130 - 133
  • New tiles: 3780 - 3835

Fighting Info

  • HP: 5
  • Damage: 1
  • Speed: Medium


  • Sprite: Boomerang
  • Damage: 1
  • Blockable: Small shield
  • Quick fire rate

Graphical Note

Both types of Goriyas carry boomerangs that are identical to whatever boomerang Link is currently carrying (they resemble the regular boomerang if Link hasn't yet obtained his own boomerang). This was originally a reflection of the original Zelda's method of switching the boomerang's palette once you found an upgrade, but Zelda Classic continues to reflect this quirk by causing Goriyas to imitate Link's boomerang sprite as well as the colors it uses.

Regardless of the appearance of the boomerang, Goriya boomerangs always act like the regular boomerang item. Be aware that changing the boomerang's Misc. type number in the "Item" graphics menu can actually change the physical behavior of Goriya boomerangs as well as that of Link's boomerang.
Both types are attracted to the bait item, unless otherwise indicated.

Enemy Properties


  • 0: No special behavior
  • 2: If the enemy's weapon is a boomerang, the boomerang homes in on Link

Specific Information


  • Cset: 7 (blue), 8 (red), 9 (level color and tribble)
  • Old tiles: 123 - 124
  • New tiles:
  • Blue: 1580 - 1615
  • Red: 1620 - 1655
  • Level Color: 1660 - 1695
  • Tribble: 1700 - 1735

Fighting Info

  • HP: 0
  • Can be killed even by a boomerang.
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Fast (periodic acceleration/deceleration)

Other Notes

  • Tribble variety becomes a Vire tribble after a short time.
  • Tribble variety occasionally drops magic jars.

Enemy Properties

  • Misc1: The type of flying movement.
  • 0: Keese-like movement
  • 1: Bat-like movement

Specific Information

Lanmola L1


  • Cset: 8
  • Old Tiles: 173 - 174
  • New Tiles: 2680 - 2695

Fighting info

  • HP: 4
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Medium

Lanmola L2


  • Cset: 7
  • Old Tiles: 173 - 174
  • New Tiles: 2740 - 2755

Fighting info

  • HP: 4
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Fast

Other Notes

  • Entire body of Lanmola must be killed before the head can be killed.
  • Will always appear on left-center of screen despite the use of enemy flags.
Enemy Properties

  • Misc1: The number of segments the enemy starts with
  • Misc2: The logarithm, base 2, of the number of frames each segment lags behind the next closest segment to the head.

#12 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

  • Members
  • Real Name:Doug
  • Location:Earth

Posted 24 July 2008 - 09:23 AM


Specific Information

Leever L1

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 96 - 100
  • New tiles: 3040 - 3095
Fighting Info
  • HP: 2
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Medium
Other Notes
  • Pokes out of the ground two combos to the direction that Link is facing and comes toward Link. Only two will be up at a time.
  • Frequently drops blue rupees.
Leever L2

  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 96 - 100
  • New tiles: 3100 - 3155
Fighting Info
  • HP: 4
  • Damage: 1
  • Speed: Medium
Other Notes
  • Periodically pokes out of the ground and wanders aimlessly for a short time, then submerges again.
Enemy Properties
  • Misc1:
  • 0: This enemy emerges from the ground along Link's path. When this enemy submerges, one Leever enemy on the screen re-emerges to take its place.
  • 1: This enemy emerges from the ground where it submerges.
  • 2: This enemy emerges from the ground along Link's path. When this enemy submerges, there is a 3/4 chance that this enemy and a second Leever enemy on the screen re-emerge to take its place.
  • Misc2: The CSet used by the Leever when submerged.
  • Misc3: If Misc1 is 1, the speed of the enemy as it emerges from the ground, in hundredths of a pixel per second.
Like Like

Specific Information

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 162 - 164
  • New tiles: 1860 - 1875
Fighting Info
  • HP: 18
  • Damage: 4
  • Speed: Medium
Other Notes
  • When it hits Link, it traps him inside until killed, though it does make Link invincible.
  • If Link is trapped for too long and has a Magic shield, it becomes a small shield.
  • If "like like's eat small shield" rule is enabled, will remove small shield from Link.

Specific Information

Moblin L1

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 114 - 117
  • New tiles: 3840 - 3895
Fighting Info
  • HP: 2
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Medium
  • Sprite: Arrow
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Blockable: Small shield
Moblin L2

  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 114 - 117
  • New tiles: 3900 - 3955
Fighting Info
  • HP: 3
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Medium
  • Sprite: Arrow
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Blockable: Small shield
Other Notes
  • Moblin L2 occasionally drops bombs.

Specific Information

Octorok L1

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 92 - 95
  • New tiles:
  • Slow: 3420 - 3475
  • Fast: 3480 - 3535

Fighting Info
  • HP: 1
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Medium (slow variety) / Fast (fast variety)
  • Sprite: Rock
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Blockable: Small shield
Octorok L2

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 92 - 95
  • New tiles:
  • Slow: 3540 - 3595
  • Fast: 3600 - 3655
Fighting Info
  • HP: 2
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Medium (slow variety) / Fast (fast variety)
  • Sprite: Rock
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Blockable: Small shield
Other Notes
  • Occasionally drops bombs
Octorok L3

  • Cset: 9
  • Old tiles: 92 - 95
  • New tiles: 3660-3715
Fighting Info
  • HP: 20
  • Damage: 5
  • Speed: Extremely Fast
  • Sprite: Magic
  • Damage: 20
  • Blockable: Magic shield, reflectable

Specific Information

Patra Big Circle

  • Cset: 7
  • Old Tiles: 191-193
  • New Tiles: 5020 - 5095
Fighting Info
  • HP: 22
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Slow
Patra Oval

  • Cset: 7
  • Old Tiles: 191-193
  • New Tiles: 5100 - 5175
Fighting Info
  • HP: 22
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Slow
Patra BS Zelda

  • Cset: 7
  • Old Tiles: 191-193
  • New Tiles: 6060 - 6255
Fighting Info
  • HP: 22
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Slow
Patra L2

  • Cset: 7
  • Old Tiles: 191-193
  • New Tiles: 5180 - 5375
Fighting Info
  • HP: 44
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Slow
Other Notes
  • Shoots fireballs
Patra L3

  • Cset: 7
  • Old Tiles: 191-193
  • New Tiles: 538 - 5575
Fighting Info
  • HP: 44
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Slow
Other Notes
  • Shoots fireballs
Enemy Properties
  • Misc1: ?
  • Misc2: ?
  • Misc3: ?
  • Misc4:
  • 0: Big Circle animation
  • 1: Oval animation
  • Misc5: ?
  • Misc6: ?
  • Misc7: ?
  • Misc8: ?
  • Misc9: ?
  • Misc10:
  • 1: BS Zelda animation
Other Notes
  • All outside Patras must be defeated before the bigger inner Patra can be damaged.

Specific Information

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 101 - 102
  • New tiles: 2300 - 2335
Fighting Info
  • HP: 2
  • Can only be harmed when it is completely stopped.
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Fast (periodic acceleration/deceleration)
Other Notes
  • Can be stopped in mid-flight only with L3 Bommerang.
Pols Voice

Specific Information

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 134 - 135
  • New tiles: 2160 - 2195
Fighting Info
  • HP: 10
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: Medium
  • Can hop over unwalkable combos

Other Notes
  • Can be killed instantly with any kind of arrow.
  • Frequently drops blue rupees
  • Can only be stunned by L3 Boomerang.

Specific Information

  • Cset: 8
  • Old Tiles: 118 - 119
  • New Tiles: 3220 - 3255
Fighting Info
  • HP: 2
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: medium
  • Can move over unwalkable combos

Other Notes
  • Cannot be damaged.
  • Always falls from top of screen.
Enemy Properties
  • Misc10: The type of rock.
  • Small rock (1x1)
  • Large boulder (2x2)

#13 Rocksfan13


    Looks best in Blue

  • Members
  • Real Name:Doug
  • Location:Earth

Posted 29 July 2008 - 11:13 AM


Specific Information

Rope 1

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 126 - 127
  • New tiles: 2420 - 2435
Fighting Info
  • HP: 1
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Medium, Fast when it charges
Other Notes
  • Frequently drops blue rupees.
Rope 2

  • Cset: Flashes 6-9, or 9 (see Rules)
  • Old tiles: 126-127
  • New tiles: 2440 - 2455
Fighting Info
  • HP: 4
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Medium, Fast when it charges
Enemy Properties
  • Misc1:
  • 0: No special behavior
  • 1: Fires a weapon on death and when in close proximity to Link
  • Misc2: If Misc1 is 1, specifies the weapon to use when in close proximity to Link. This value is treated as an offset which is added to the enemy's ordinary weapon to obtain the proximity weapon.
  • Misc3: The power of the proximity weapon

Specific Information

Stalfos 1 & 2

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 125
  • New tiles:
  • 1: 3960 - 3975
  • 2: 3980 - 4035

Fighting Info
  • HP: 2
  • Damage: 1/2
  • Speed: Medium

Stalfos 2 only
  • Sprite: Sword
  • Damage: 2
  • Blockable: Magic shield
Other Notes
  • Frequently drops blue rupees.
Stalfos 3

  • Cset: 9
  • Old tiles: 125 (?)
  • New tiles: 4040 - 4095
Fighting Info
  • HP: 6
  • Damage: 6
  • Speed: Very Fast
  • Sprite: Sword
  • Damage: 6
  • Blockable: Magic Shield
  • Fired in all four directions.

Other Notes
  • Occasionally drops magic jars.

Specific Information


Cset: 7 (normal), 9 (tribble)
  • Old tiles: 165 - 168
  • New tiles:
  • Normal: 1740 - 1755
  • Tribble: 1760 - 1775
Fighting Info
  • HP: 4
  • Damage: 1
  • Speed: Medium
  • Can jump around, but still heeds walk flags.
Other Notes
  • If damage is dealt but is not fatal, splits into keese or keese (tribble).
  • Tribble variety occasionally drops magic jars.
Enemy Properties
  • Misc2: The ID of the enemies into which this enemy will split upon death
  • Misc3: The number of enemies into which this enemy will split upon death

Specific Information

Wizzrobe - Red

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 169 - 172
  • New tiles: 4700 - 4755
Fighting Info
  • HP: 8
  • Damage: 4
  • Speed: Slow (When visible)
  • Sprite: Magic
  • Damage: 2
  • Blockable: Magic Shield, reflectable
Other Notes

Appears at random and shoots magic in one direction.

Wizzrobe - Blue

  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 169 - 172
  • New tiles: 4460 - 4535
Fighting Info
  • HP: 8
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: Medium (Fast when teleporting)
  • Sprite: Magic
  • Damage: 2
  • Blockable: Magic Shield, reflectable
Wizzrobe - Bat

  • Cset: 9
  • Old tiles: 169 - 172
  • New tiles: 4820 - 4875
Fighting Info
  • HP: 28
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: Medium (Fast when teleporting)
Appears at random and summons Bats.

Wizzrobe - Fire

  • Cset: 8
  • Old tiles: 169 - 172 (?)
  • New tiles: 4540 - 4615
Fighting Info
  • HP: 12
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: Medium (Fast when teleporting)
  • Sprite: Fire
  • Damage: 2
  • Blockable: Mirror Shield
  • Fires go a short distance in 8 directions.

Wizzrobe - Mirror

  • Cset: 9
  • Old tiles: 169 - 172 (?)
  • New tiles: 4620 - 4695
Fighting Info
  • HP: 48
  • Only harmed by reflected magic: either wand magic that hits a mirror combo type, or Wizzrobe magic that hits the Mirror Shield.
  • Damage: 8
  • Speed: Medium (Fast when teleporting)
  • Sprite: Magic
  • Damage: 8
  • Blockable: Magic shield, reflectable.
Wizzrobe - Wind

  • Cset: 7
  • Old tiles: 169 - 172
  • New tiles: 4760 - 4815
Fighting Info
  • HP: 28
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: Medium (Fast when teleporting)
  • Sprite: Wind
  • Damage: 0
  • Carries Link back to Continue point

Enemy Properties
  • Misc1: The enemy's movement behavior
  • 0: Teleports around the screen
  • 1: Glides around the screen
  • Misc2:
  • 0: No special behavior
  • 1: Fires its weapon in each of the 8 cardinal directions
  • 2: Summons an enemy instead of firing its weapon
  • 3: Summons an enemy from a screen layer instead of firing its weapon
  • Misc3: If Misc2 is 2, the ID of the enemy that is summoned.
  • Misc4:
  • 0: No special behavior
  • 1: Immune to all weapons except reflected magic

Specific Information

  • Cset: 9
  • Old tiles: 137 - 138
  • New tiles:
  • Normal: 1800 - 1815
  • Tribble: 1840 - 1855

Fighting Info
  • HP: 2 (normal), 4 (tribble)
  • Damage: 1
  • Speed: Slow (punctuated)
Other Notes
  • If damage is dealt but is not fatal, splits into two gels of the same type.
  • Tribble variety occasionally drops magic jars.
Enemy Properties
  • Misc1:
  • 0: Leaves no trail
  • 1: Leaves its weapon on each tile it visits
  • Misc2: The ID of the enemies into which it splits on death
  • Misc3: The number of enemies into which it splits on death

Specific Information

  • Cset: 9
  • Old Tiles: 112 - 113
  • New Tiles: 2460 - 2575
Fighting Info
  • HP: 4
  • Damage: 2
  • Speed: Medium
Other Notes
  • Only appears on water combo types.
  • Will appear to shoot a fireball then submerge.

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