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Major Changes and Events Coming to PureZC

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#1 David


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Posted 14 February 2023 - 07:23 PM

Howdy, everyone! It's been a while since we've had a major announcement. We know things have seemed fairly inactive from the outside perspective, and we apologize for the lull in activity that has resulted from this. As of recently, the PureZC staff team has been active behind the scenes, planning changes to help improve engagement and activity on the site, forums, and the Discord server. We hope to continue being more active in the community, keeping the energy high and keeping all of you more engaged with all things Zelda Classic. We are excited to announce some of the projects we've been working on and to give you a look at what is coming from PureZC in both the short and long term.


PureZC Community Rules and Guidelines Revamp

It's been quite a while since our rules and guidelines have received an update. Nearly four years, in fact. In light of changing times and recent events, we've given them a much needed once-over and cleaned them up a bit. We ask that everyone take a look at the new rules and guidelines, but we've summarized the biggest changes here for your convenience.

  • In general, the rules and guidelines themselves are largely the same, as the goal is not to completely change how everything works on PureZC. Some of the rules with similar concepts have been consolidated together, and rules and their descriptions have been streamlined to bring them more in line with the current days. As a result, each rule has more details as well, helping to better distinguish what exactly the rules entail and the better reinforce the types of behaviors that are considered violations. The Respect Others rule has a greater focus on not tolerating bigotry of any kind and not tolerating intentionally toeing the line.
  • More information has been added on ban appeals, reporting content, and the types of actions that staff members take to handle infractions within the community (warning points, bans, staff notices, etc.).
  • The maximum number of warning points has been decreased from 9 to 3, and warning points now last 90 days instead of 60 days. Under the new staff actions and warning points system, very minor offenses will result in a staff notice by PM or in the topic, whichever is more appropriate, while repeated very minor and minor offenses will typically result in 1 warning point. Major offenses like harassment and flaming, NSFW, illegal content, etc., or accumulating 3 warning points through other means, will result in a ban. Typically, bans should last between a few days to several months, depending on the severity of the infractions themselves. A member who returns after their ban expires and reaches 3 points again or commits another major offense will be banned again, with the ban length appropriately increased, up to an indefinite or permanent ban.
  • Posting probations (where members are simply unable to make topics or posts but still have access to most other site functionality) are being removed as they are unneeded in the new staff actions and warning points system.
  • A new dedicated section has been added about the responsibilities and expectations of all staff members, including how they are accountable for their actions just like any regular member, how they should be knowledgeable about what their role entails and not abuse their power, and how their goal should be to uphold the community guidelines while maintaining the best outcome for situations and maintaining healthy interactions with the member base.

We believe this revamp helps provide a better framework for the type of community the staff team is trying to achieve and gives members more transparency about our processes. Our ultimate goal is for PureZC to have a friendly, relaxing, and welcoming atmosphere where people can come together to interact and to discuss, and we believe this change in addition to the other changes below will assist in realizing this goal.


New SotW Hosts and Changes

It's been a hot minute since our last Screenshot of the Week contest. We had to change the contest to biweekly, then to monthly, before somewhat giving up due to lack of participation in the contest and lack of time from the previous host. However, Taco Chopper and Deedee have stepped up to revive this PureZC tradition! More information can be found in the SotW forum, but to briefly summarize, the two previous monthly contests (SotM 190 and SotM 191) will be retroactively renamed to follow the original numbering scheme, and SotW will restart as a contest held every other week, starting with SotW 772. Screenshot of the Month will continue as an every other month contest starting with SotM 190, and Screenshot of the Year will consist of the six SotM winners per year. Initially, each SotW contest will have a maximum of six screenshots, with extras being banked for the next contest. If we have an abundance of banked entries for a particular contest, we will have some the entries spill over into a second SotW, held the week after. Finally, we will soon be better integrating SotW with the PureZC Discord, so announcements and discussion aren't as easy to miss.


Superlatives 2022

By popular request, our annual superlatives are back! You have until Thursday, February 23rd at 11:59 EST to submit your nominations here, though be sure to first read through the instructions for the Superlatives here! Please note, due to the significant decline in entries in these particular categories, we have unfortunately retired Non-ZC Project of the Year and Best ZC Broadcast. We look forward to receiving your nominations and seeing which of them will ultimately be the victor in each category!



Next, we wanted to offer a look ahead at the exciting changes coming soon to a PureZC near you.


Discord Server Changes

We will be announcing more concrete plans in the near future (two weeks, give or take), but wanted to give some advanced notice of the changes we're planning for our Discord server. Ultimately, our goal is to make the server a more fun and welcoming place. While a one-size-fits-all model no longer works for the ZC community the way it did in the IRC days and while we value and support the existence of other ZC community servers, we hope to make PureZC's site and Discord server the centralized hub for the community once again. Specifically, we will be streamlining our Discord rules, much as we have our forum rules and guidelines, and will be cracking down more prominently on toxic behavior and those toeing the line. We're also planning community events, such as quest contests, and are looking into various Discord bots to significantly enhance the user experience. Stay tuned and we hope you look forward to these changes!


New Staff Hiring

We will be posting staff openings in about three weeks (to allow for time to settle in to the new rules and changes). At the moment, we are potentially looking to hire about three new staff members to help with running the forums and the PureZC Discord server. Similarly to last time, we'll open up applications via PM, asking for your thoughts on why you'd be a good fit and what specifically you can add to our team. We hope that hiring some new staff members with unique perspectives will result in a more well-rounded team and help make PureZC more active and welcoming place!


PureZC Expo

It finally returns! For those of you joining for the first time, the Expo is an event, traditionally held in the spring or fall, where users can submit write ups and/or demos for the Zelda Classic projects they currently have in the works. It's a big event to show a sampling of the cool projects in development, the E3 of ZC, if you will. With development of quests often being fragmented across several Discord servers today, we're hoping the Expo will be a chance to show off to the whole community the cool things you are doing! We plan to release more information around early April, so please look forward to that!


PureZC Events

In 2013, we introduced the PureZC Events subforum as a way of hosting contests, events, and the like for community engagement and activity. Unfortunately, that vision was never quite realized. However, the staff team is working on ways to revitalize the forum. As mentioned previously, we are weighing contests and events that will be held over both the forums and the Discord server. Furthermore, we want to open up the floor to everyone to host ZC-related events in the forum. If you would like to create and host a fun event, feel free to post a topic in the PureZC Events subforum, or reach out to the staff team if you'd like a personal subforum set up for you. We'll be happy to help arrange forums, permissions, and other tasks to help you run your event smoothly.


Site Ownership Changes

As we're sure you all have noticed, LinktheMaster, our current site owner, has been caught up in life for quite a while and no longer has the time to dedicate to PureZC. We appreciate the incredible work that he and others in the past have put into making PureZC what it is today, including the wonderful PureZC database that currently houses much of our ZC content. David and Russ have been in talks with him, and we believe he'll be transferring ownership of the site to us. In the short term, this should allow us to more easily fix issues that arise with bugs on the site (such as those pesky validation email problems and database-forum links, both of which should be fixed now). In the long term, though, we're eyeing updating to a newer forum software, as our version of IP.Board is ancient at this point, though this will not be happening any time soon due to the significant amount of backend code rewrites that would be necessary. We do not have a time table on these items just yet, but be on the lookout for more information as things progress.



Thank you all for taking the time to read through these exciting changes and improvements coming to PureZC now and in the future. We truly want to do our part in keeping the site, forums, Discord server, and the general ZC community engaging and welcoming for all our members. We are optimistic and hopeful that more activity, fun contests, and community events, along with revamps of existing systems such as our rules and guidelines and our Discord server, will manifest this vision. Thank you to all current staff members for helping with these changes and improvements, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback and can't wait for what's to come!  :)

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#2 Jenny


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Posted 14 February 2023 - 08:13 PM

Exciting prospects for sure. I've always wanted to see the ZC community thrive but there are obviously challenges involved in that. Wishing all of the staff / community leaders good luck in revitalizing the community though, I'll try to support in whatever ways I can.


Furthermore, we want to open up the floor to everyone to host ZC-related events in the forum. If you would like to create and host a fun event, feel free to post a topic in the PureZC Events subforum, or reach out to the staff team if you'd like a personal subforum set up for you. We'll be happy to help arrange forums, permissions, and other tasks to help you run your event smoothly.


I'm also curious as to whether this could apply to more temporary things such as quests contests and the like? I think having them hosted in an official manner like that could help a lot.

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#3 David


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Posted 14 February 2023 - 08:20 PM

I'm also curious as to whether this could apply to more temporary things such as quests contests and the like? I think having them hosted in an official manner like that could help a lot.


Yep, that's what we are going for! If members would like to host quest contests or other fun ZC events, we can make subforums to help with the hosting process. It's really easy to make subforums, so I figure opening up this option does a lot of potential good with no real drawbacks. :)

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#4 Shane



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Posted 14 February 2023 - 08:41 PM

It's good to see promise of an active effort being made to try and revive interest for PureZC! I'll try my best to help out as much as I can as a member, and I'm sure many others will do the same. We love this place, and it's exciting to see interest being picked up especially since ZC itself is getting better than ever before. 

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#5 Hergiswi


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Posted 14 February 2023 - 09:26 PM

i'm gonna be honest, this topic title immediately sent me into doomsday mode and i assumed we were seeing the end of pzc since things have been so slow. i'm glad i'm wrong.


i have a genuine, non-leading question regarding discord; i only use #general, so i'm curious, is there actually that much toxic behavior that needs to be addressed? in my almost 3 years on the pzc discord, i've seen very, very little need for the staff to intervene on a situation (which is a good thing). is this stuff that happens in other channels? or via dm?


also, very, very exciting to see the return of sotw. and to see that the site is no longer going to be ltm's burden, even though what he did is much appreciated. all around exciting news

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#6 Russ


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Posted 14 February 2023 - 10:22 PM

David and Russ have been in talks with him

Wow, so cocky, talking about yourself in the third person. Unbelievable.

(Whoops, we tried to post this from the PureZC account and that sure didn't work.)

i have a genuine, non-leading question regarding discord; i only use #general, so i'm curious, is there actually that much toxic behavior that needs to be addressed? in my almost 3 years on the pzc discord, i've seen very, very little need for the staff to intervene on a situation (which is a good thing). is this stuff that happens in other channels? or via dm?

There's been some stuff in other channels (especially one in particular, but elsewhere as well) that needed intervention, and often didn't get intervention. Often times passive aggressive comments directed at specific people on the basis of stuff like gender identity that didn't technically break our old rules but was very clearly not okay. We're not going to be tolerating this kind of stuff any longer.
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#7 Taco Chopper

Taco Chopper

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Posted 15 February 2023 - 12:19 AM

i've been waiting for this post for three days I'M GLAD IT FINALLY ARRIVED


first off I'd like to say I'm excited to be taking over Screenshot of the Week. I'm optimistic about the long term future of the contest, and I hope the changes provide some kind of consistent schedule. Also hopeful that the schedule itself will provide some degree of activity to keeping the community active and engaged as a whole.


Similarly excited about the prospects of the return of the ZC Expo and Superlatives as well. There's some really good ZC content being made out there, and even if it's splintered across twenty five Discord servers, it'll be exciting to potentially see it unified together under one umbrella for the Expo!

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#8 Tabletpillow



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Posted 15 February 2023 - 01:34 PM

This is great news! I was dreading about the slow decline of Pure. But this might prove to a step in the right direction. I appreciate the updates to discord as well. Because tbh, the discord (the official one and also ZC land) hasn't seen much activity in ZC. So it would be nice to see a resurgence in Zelda Classic through contests and the expo, as that will be a huge motivation for me to work on my quest project. I think being more open to people of all backgrounds and identities is a very respectable move and will surely help make the site more popular.


As for mods, I've been one before, but had to step down because I don't think I have enough commitment. But I wish best of luck to all the staff members. And just in case you really do struggle to find more staff members, I'll leave myself open.


Cheers to a better year for PureZC!

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#9 xanadude



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Posted 15 February 2023 - 08:04 PM

This is amazing, and I hope as a member to engage with the community even more as it evolves! ALSO SOTW POG POG POG POG POG

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#10 Professor Bedwetter

Professor Bedwetter

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Posted 16 February 2023 - 11:27 PM

can i do screen rebirth

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#11 David


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Posted 18 February 2023 - 01:03 AM

can i do screen rebirth

If you're interested in bringing that event back, by all means, you can send a message to me or Russ and we can discuss details with you and figure something out! Screen rebirth was always a fun concept to me and it would be neat to see some form of that again.

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#12 Aslion


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Posted 18 February 2023 - 01:36 AM

hell yeah this is all great


it's cool that the rules got updated and everything (i'm not going to read them) but i hope the site can continue with the level of freedom it's been operating at just with more good things

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#13 David


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Posted 02 March 2023 - 12:45 AM

Hi all! Just wanted to give a brief update regarding the Discord changes we had mentioned in the announcement. Specifically, regarding their timing: we are aiming to ship those changes sometime before March 7th, if everything goes well. We needed some extra time to fully determine what changes we want to enact as well has how best to implement them.


Furthermore, the announcement to hire new staff members will go out approximately a week after the Discord changes!


We hope you look forward to these updates coming very soon! :)

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#14 LinktheMaster


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Posted 06 March 2023 - 04:34 PM

Been a long time coming what with life pulling me in various directions and me just not having the time and energy to put into PureZC that it deserves. Sorry for being mia and preventing the transfer sooner! Still, I'm glad to see things being passed on to staff who I know want the best for the site with the passion and desire to make it even better!


Wish the staff and everyone on here the best!

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