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Design Concepts and Ideas

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#1 Colin


    Coblin the Goblin

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Posted 23 January 2011 - 03:10 PM

... title says it all I think. Just come in and post your ideas/concepts you've used/seen/like to see in quests. If this gets popular, I may pin it up.

My ideas:


Outpost/Lookout towers in the Overworld:

The overworld is a nice area to build forests, swamps, deserts etc. and serves as a nice junction between dungeons, but it would be kind of nice just to see like... old towers blot the landscape. They may or may not have anything of importance, maybe just like 20-50 rupees and some enemies to fight. They're kind of like those sea platforms in Windwaker.

Other types of Overworld areas:

I've seen forests(almost too many, in my opinion), deserts(a lot here too), and plains in ZC... it would be kind of nice to see some honest to goodness swamps and jungles/coastal jungles/any unique kind of area.

Evolving Towns:

Too often, I have seen towns be kind of... one use, where you visit it once, and then there's no real purpose to it anymore. In Link to Tortuga, Freedom has the town change just a little bit after each dungeon, making it kind of fun and interesting to visit it over and over again. The items in the shops changed, some buildings could be entered, some couldn't be and so on.


Raiser/Lower water:

I honestly don't think this idea is overused, 2 quests have used it in ZC... I don't think that constitutes as overused. Either way, just have a water level that is raised and lowered by switches like the water temple in OoT.

Reverse flow:

Got the idea from Golden Sun: Lost Age when you reverse the direction the waterfall is flowing. You could design a dungeon based off that idea, have many series of waterfalls some flowing up, some flowing down, when certain switches are hit, the water flow could be reversed and certain areas could be accessed where others can't. This also could work for rivers and using the raft.

Other ideas:

Well, I don't have much else to say, but I do know that scenery/colors won't make a dungeon, just because your crypt has skeletons and corpses doesn't make it any different from any other dungeon. Good dungeon design where the "element" of the dungeon or whatever is utilized in its design and puzzles, I don't have ideas for all types of elements, but that's where the community comes in. I'd like to hear your input


So post your ideas and input, we could get a solid idea thread here.
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#2 Avaro



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Posted 23 January 2011 - 05:04 PM


Present and Future:

I would like to see a quest where you are able to switch from present to future and vice-versa. Much like in OoT, but you won't grow up. The future could be deserted, full of lava, iced up, humans died out or ganon became the king or whatever.

Realistic Desert:

Every screen of this desert has just sand. Sand.. everywhere.. Maybe some cactuses here and there. The desert is one map big and if link leaves the map he will appear at the other side of the map. There is the sand dungeon in ONE of these screens and link has to search for it. Link feels very lonely, because there are no enemies. He will be lost in this desert but very assuaged when he finds the dungeon.


Final Dungeon:

This dungeon is a tower. The first floor has the same theme as your level 1. The second floor has the same theme as your level 2, third floor has same theme as your level 3, etc.. The last floor may be a really hard puzzle, or fight. And then you'll face up the final boss. Also after finishing one floor a shortcut will open, so that you'll never have to play through a floor twice.

Fossilized Enemies:

This would fit for a temple of time. Every enemy in this dungeon is fossilized (solid combos). Some of them are blocking a path. The time switch will activate every enemy. Now the blocked paths are not blocked anymore. My greatest idea ever!
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#3 Colin


    Coblin the Goblin

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Posted 23 January 2011 - 05:24 PM

Avataro: Going off the fossilized enemy idea, you could have it so that there's an item that brings some fossilized enemies to life and there could be a big "statue" in a location other than the dungeon, you use the item on it, and that could be the boss. Or there could be a huge skeleton blocking a path that you have to revive before you can progress.

#4 Avaro



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Posted 23 January 2011 - 05:51 PM

QUOTE(Nuvo @ Jan 23 2011, 04:24 PM) View Post

Avataro: Going off the fossilized enemy idea, you could have it so that there's an item that brings some fossilized enemies to life and there could be a big "statue" in a location other than the dungeon, you use the item on it, and that could be the boss. Or there could be a huge skeleton blocking a path that you have to revive before you can progress.
This item would be really cool (majoras mask?)! It needs to be scripted though. Well, but I think it's easier to make it with switches, that will teleport you to another DMap where every enemy is normal.

I love this kind of threads!

#5 Orithan


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Posted 23 January 2011 - 07:23 PM

Here's a few ideas I've got:



Volcanic area: Rocks and other debris randomly fall onto you (through the z-axis, not x/y) while you are traveling up a volcano, like Death Mountain in TP.

Interactive animals: Place a few animals here and there on the overworld, mostly in towns/villages, that you can interact with. With scripting, you can do something like bring a dog back to it's owner for a reward as in OoT.

One or the other: Collect ItemA and you will not be able to collect ItemB and vice versa until you get ItemC. Used in Diamond Quest.

Gully traversing: Travel under the walls of a dungeon via gullies going under the main floor but still on the same screen, allowing for more exploration. Used in Diamond Quest.

Edited by Orin XD, 18 January 2013 - 04:07 PM.

#6 SpacemanDan


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Posted 23 January 2011 - 07:34 PM


Tundra: Why not? We've seen plenty of snowy mountains, but I've yet to see a tundra. It'd basically be something like a desert area meeting a snow area. Myself, I'm definitely doing this.

Space: Not literally in space, but some kind of space-like area with stars and planets. I think, if done right, this kind of area could be just beautiful. I'd like to do this in the future, but no quest right now has a place for it.

Crystal: A kind of crystal area. I think a crystal-like forest would be awesome, but it would work in most areas I imagine. Basically, everything is very shiny and, you guessed it, crystal like. I've got plans to do something along these lines.


Mirrors: There is so much potential in a mirror dungeon. An obvious one is the wand, but I really think the amount of puzzles that could be made out of a dungeon of mirrors is stunning.

Also, you could easily take the Space area and Crystal area and turn them into dungeons. icon_razz.gif
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#7 Colin


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Posted 23 January 2011 - 07:43 PM

Mirrors: There is so much potential in a mirror dungeon. An obvious one is the wand, but I really think the amount of puzzles that could be made out of a dungeon of mirrors is stunning.

Like, you could have a big mirror that you could push to reflect a doorway on the other side of the room and then you enter the reflection, that would be cool.

#8 Shane



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Posted 24 January 2011 - 06:37 AM

~ Overworld ~

Islands/Ocean: I using this for the second main area of my game, I think its great it gets you going with your raft and finding the temple/dungeon if you place here.

Jungles: I haven't seen so many around in many quests this is used in my first main area of my game, it's perfect to add ruins and an anceint (?) temple.

Feilds: I haven't seen feilds with a small forest jamed in, wetlands, a small desert, a small grove ect. It would be nice to see them, so the feilds don't get boring with the same desing. Using for the central hub of my game.

Snowy Forest: Not many have been seen in ZC today it will be a nice combonation. Even if in a snowy area a small forest with a overhang with be perfect and good looking.

Other Idea: Find a nice spot in the real world and get a concept area of that, it will easily get you inspired.

~ Dungeon ~

Combat: Have a dungeon that has a combat theme with no puzzles just combat either hard monsters or bosses.

Monastery I haven't seen (Besides Radien's DoR quest.) any monastery in any quest it would be nice to see some.

I don't have anymore ideas I eidt this with more dungeon concepts.
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#9 Colin


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Posted 24 January 2011 - 07:22 PM

QUOTE(Midnight_King @ Jan 24 2011, 04:37 AM) View Post

Combat: Have a dungeon that has a combat theme with no puzzles just combat either hard monsters or bosses.

You could have the boss in an easily accessed chamber from the start of the dungeon, but you have to go through other parts of the dungeon to find clues to figure out how to kill it.

#10 Geoffrey


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 10:38 PM

Here's an idea that I've only seen one person do. Have two dungeon areas per dungeon. The entrance area and boss area. Once you've gotten all the items from the entrance area you can move onto the (smaller) boss area.

Here's another one that I used once a while back. Have the triforce room warp you to a place that has extra text congratulating you or telling you what to do next, or maybe something like the with the maidens in ALttP?

#11 Evile



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 10:57 PM

Make a dungeon where you have to go back in time (via warps throughout the dungeon) to change the way the dungeon is built by either threatening the workers or editing the blueprints or something.

#12 Geoffrey


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 11:08 PM

Ah, Evile, you reminded me of something that could be quite cool.

In the second Prince of Persia game you have to go back and forth between present time where the palace that your in is basically in ruins to the past where it was fully functional. In the past there was no rubble in some places, allowing for the player to move forward. However, there would sometimes be active traps that you couldn't get past, so you'd have to go back to the present where they were no longer functional. So basically you'd have to go back and forth to get through it.

#13 Shane



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 11:52 PM

@ Time Travle Dungeon:

- Rubble as said.
- Traps as said.
- Maybe a chest? In present gone in past still there.
- Maybe in present natural foes (i.e Ropes, Bats ect.) in past built machine foes (i.e Armos ect.)
- Maybe boss room is enterable is present, but not in past as its still alive?
- Maybe a web in present undestroyable and a unlit torch, go back in the past and lit it burning the web. (Seeing how many dungeons are deserted with torches still lit icon_eek.gif

Yeah random ideas icon_razz.gif

Edited by Midnight_King, 25 January 2011 - 11:58 PM.

#14 Colin


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Posted 28 January 2011 - 11:10 PM

Having a use for Link's house other than just as a starting point:

Have it function like a fairy fountain, go there to rest and heal up.

... other than that, I'm not sure, but I think it would be cool to have Link's house be sort of focal in the game.

Dungeon: There's a central room that can be rotated around from switches in remote locations. There are only 1 or 2 doorways per floor, but several possible branches where the doorways could lie in front of. It's like the room right before Phantom Ganon in the Forest Temple in OoT except that Link can't rotate it with his strength.

#15 trudatman


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Posted 28 January 2011 - 11:17 PM

give the whistle early and have it access bonus areas with optional items and cash. you could do that from the Triforce room, as well.

this thread rules.
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