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PureZC 2023 Year in Review

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#1 Taco Chopper

Taco Chopper

    protector of the darn forum

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Posted 05 February 2024 - 09:45 PM

PureZC 2023 Year in Review

Hi everyone! Welcome to the PureZC 2023 Year in Review - a new and refreshed take on looking back on the year that was. The Year in Review replaces the Superlatives, placing focus on what the community thought were cool, important or just interesting contributions to the PureZC community.
2023 was a unique year for many people in the community, and we want to use this new format to reflect and celebrate the work everyone did throughout 2023. As such, we are shifting away from a yearly contest format, and recognising everyone's work in and around the PureZC community instead. 
We welcome everyone to participate!

Similarly to how the Superlatives worked, the first part of the Year in Review is the nomination phase. If you are interested in submitting nominations, please read the following instructions carefully!
To submit a nomination, please see the nomination descriptions at the bottom of this post, below the dividing line, to see the instructions for creating acceptable nominations for each category. Please read these category descriptions carefully!
Copy and paste the given categories into a new topic in the Dropbox subforum using the nomination template topic pinned in the Dropbox subforum. Your nominations are meant to go into their own topic in the Dropbox subforum, not as a reply to this specific topic.  Alternatively, you may use the events dropbox on the PureZC Discord server if you wish.
Write your nominations to the right of all the categories, or type N/A if you do not have a nomination for a certain category (though please try to fill in as many categories as possible!). If you have nominations, please ensure you include a reason as to why you've nominated them.
Once you have compiled and reviewed all your nominations, post your topic. Upon posting, the topic itself will disappear from your view for staff evaluation. If there is a problem with your nominations, such as not following the instructions for each category, you will be contacted through PM by the staff member reviewing your nominations.

Year in Review Nomination Guidelines

  • You are welcome to make multiple nominations per category.
  • Make sure your nomination topic is legible and understandable. If this is not the case, you will be asked to resubmit your nominations.
  • When making nominations, please include a brief reason as to why you've nominated that content, as this will be included in that nomination's thread! This can be anywhere from a sentence to a paragraph. If you make multiple nominations per category, please include reasons for all of them.
  • Members that do not have accounts on PureZC or that are not part of the PureZC Discord Server cannot have their content nominated. Please default to using a member's PureZC username when making nominations. If they only have an account on the PureZC Discord Server, use the username from Discord. This guideline makes it much easier for us to not confuse people that are nominated for these categories.
  • Banned members' content cannot be nominated. If you nominate a banned member's content, the nomination will be ignored.
  • Please do not nominate your content for any of the categories. If you do not know who/what to nominate, just N/A that category.
  • Naturally, only content from 2023 is allowed to be nominated. For example, quests, scripts, etc. that were released prior to 2023 will not be counted.
  • For tilesets, you may nominate a work-in-progress tileset as long as it is in a mostly usable state.
  • For quests, all completed quests can be nominated, not necessarily just those submitted on the PureZC database. This allows for quests submitted in other venues to be nominated.
  • Quest demos can only be nominated for "Demos of the Year". Like quests, all demos can be nominated and not just those on the PureZC project database. 

If you have any questions or concerns about how the nominations will work, please post in this topic or contact me and I will help you out. Once the deadline noted below has been reached, any new nominations will be declined. Threads for each nomination will be posted in their respective category's sub-forum, and will open at the date posted below.

Nomination Submission Deadline: Sunday February 25th 2024 at 11:59 EST
PureZC Year in Review 2023 Opening: Wednesday February 28th 2024

(Note: EST stands for Eastern Standard Time. If you are unsure what time that correlates to in your timezone, simply Google "11:59pm EST" and Google will automatically convert the time to your specific timezone based on your location, if enabled.)

Be sure to have fun and we hope you all will enjoy the Year in Review! We look forward to receiving your nominations and getting this event going!

Zelda Classic

Quests of the Year - Your favorite quest released in 2023. For your nomination, please include the name of the quest and their author(s).

Demos of the Year - Your favorite quest demo released in 2023. For your nomination, please include the name of the quest and their author(s).

Most Anticipated Projects of the Year - Vote for your favorite active ZC project of 2023. For your nomination, please include the name of the quest project and its author(s).

Non-Quest Submissions of the Year - Your favorite non-quest resource(s) released in 2023 that could be used in a quest. This can include scripts, custom tiles, tilesets, music, sound effects, or other resources that can help improve a quest. For your nomination, please include the name of the resource and its author(s).

Overworlds of the Year - Your favorite overworld of 2023. For your nomination, please include the name of the quest and its author(s).
Dungeons of the Year - Your favorite quest dungeon of 2023. For your nomination, please include the name of the dungeon itself and the name of the quest the dungeon is from.
Storylines of the Year - Your favorite storyline of 2023. For your nomination, please include the name of the quest and its author(s).

Custom Enemies of the Year - Your favorite custom enemy or custom boss created in 2023. For your nomination, please include the name of the enemy or boss itself, its author(s), and the name of the quest the enemy or boss is from, if it is from one.

Forum Topics of the Year - Your favorite forum topics posted during 2023. For your nominations, please post links to the topics themselves.

Community Events of the Year - Your favorite events that took place in the PureZC community during 2023 - both official and unofficial.

Broadcasters of the Year - Your favorite broadcasters of the community during 2023, whether through livestreams or through let's plays. This includes Discord as well as the usual streaming platforms like YouTube and Twitch.

Most Helpful Members of the Year - Members who you found to be overall most helpful on the forums or in chat in 2023, be it for Zelda Classic, navigating the community, or for general advice.

Most Artistic Members of the Year - Your favorite artists, graphical or fine, based on their work in 2023.

Most Ambitious Members of the Year - The members who seemed most driven to get projects or other tasks done during 2023.

Newcomers of the Year - The most promising members who joined PureZC during 2023. Please check nominated members' profiles to see the specific date that they joined.

  • Anthus, Jenny, Joelmacool and 2 others like this

#2 Taco Chopper

Taco Chopper

    protector of the darn forum

  • Administrators
  • Pronouns:He / Him
  • Location:South Australia

Posted 22 February 2024 - 08:58 PM

Hi everyone, just bumping this to say that we will be extending the nomination period for the Year in Review to March 4, 2024. We currently have very few submissions for this and would love to see more come through over the next week and a half!

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