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Map of the Month 18

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Poll: Map of the Month 18 (34 member(s) have cast votes)

Vote for your favorite map!

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#1 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 18 March 2010 - 08:02 PM

Welcome to Map of the Month 18!

Hello everybody! It's been a while, I know. I'm sorry for this slight delay (slight lol), but I think we're back on track now. I won't bother you much longer, but before we get to the actual maps, I've got to inform you that since this map is posted now, in the middle of the month, there's not much time til MotM 19, which will be posted on the first day of the next month if everything works out. This means that if you already have a map lying around, feel free to submit it just for the heck of it. After that we will be back to the normal cycle.

Anyways, let's move on. We have some great maps this month!

Any red caves are just indications that I haven't finished the interiors to the caves, so please dis-regard them. Furthermore, 20 points if you can find the tile-error(s).

Salow Cut's field area. (Not the full overworld)

Molten Onyx
Don't get too excited, this map is over half a year old.

You've probably seen this before, but I had to submit something to get MotM going again. Oh, and ignore the tile error on the island; I'm going to fix it.

Formerly STZC's Mabe Village, now just an useless map, for Mabe Village has been removed from STZC again.

So that's it folks. Get to voting! icon_biggrin.gif

#2 Zemious


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Posted 18 March 2010 - 08:06 PM

I like the graphics best in Molton Onyx's map, but it's like four screens long..
Still, my vote goes to him.

#3 Adem



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Posted 18 March 2010 - 08:53 PM

Voted for Sheik. The rest are great too. Nice haul this month (and a half?) guys! icon_thumbsup.gif

#4 Jupiter



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Posted 18 March 2010 - 08:55 PM

Blaman: It's a nice, complete overworld, I like it, but there isn't anything particularly striking about it. I like the multi-tiered waterfall and the transitions between areas...but it doesn't get me terribly interested.

Migolike: In most of your shots that I have seen you do a really good job of not repeating patterns, and so it is in this map. You use the mountains consistently throughout the whole map, and manage to make the mountain formations feel naturally varied throughout. Really nicely done. It looks like there is some mismatch from screen to screen on a couple trees up in the mountains...but other than that there is nothing I would change about this map. The transitions from area to area look really pleasing, and the variation of trees and objects throughout is tastefully done.

Molten Onyx: A very interesting looking tileset. I particularly like the sideways stairs and the braided looking tree trunks. The colors aren't perfect to my eye (I think the cliff edges are bit too orange and am not keen on the grayish dirt), but it's very impressive looking nonetheless. That said, there isn't much going on on this map except for a demonstration of the tileset/palette...except for the big cave in the northeast, which is pretty sweet.

Russ: I like the water centric set-up of this map and think that the island hopping is a good place to start from. One think that I think you might consider is having some rafts instead of bridges though, some of them are a bit long, which isn't necessarily bad, but with so many it just feels like too many straight-aways.

Sheik: *Vote Winner* Mostly, that tileset is great. It's distractingly sexy. There is nothing particularly special about that map, but everything in it looks so good. The houses are especially comely. All of the terrain looks really, really good though. What tileset is that?...BTW, I also quite like the transitions from brick to rock to dirt. The only think I'm not wild about is that lake in the northwest...the shape seems a little awkward to me with that cowlick think coming of the top corner, but that's pretty minor. Well done.

#5 Russ


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Posted 18 March 2010 - 09:07 PM

Nulled, of course.

Blaman: Screams old school. Nice.

Migo: I'm not exactly sure I'd call it a field. Nonetheless, great work!

Molten Onyx: Reminds me of Japan for some reason. Nice work.

Sheik: Looks great, though a little more tree variety would be nice. icon_razz.gif

#6 Geoffrey


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Posted 18 March 2010 - 09:39 PM

Migo: TREES I HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE!! I really like it, it probably would've gotten my vote...if I hadn't nulled. 9/10

Me: It's the SD3 tileset, if anyone's wondering. I also got 2x2 Link working with this, and it looks good. icon_razz.gif Meh

Russ: Although kinda' blank in the way of detail, I really like how it reminds me of aLttP. 7/10

Sheik: I REALLY REALLY REALLY like this. icon_biggrin.gif 7.5/10

Blaman: To be perfectly honest...I HATE that tileset. But it's not overly complicated and is kinda going back to the awesome more simplisticness that ZC started out as...and I like that. 6.5/10

#7 Soarin


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Posted 18 March 2010 - 10:11 PM

Null my vote. for this time.

#8 Christian



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Posted 18 March 2010 - 10:33 PM

I nulled.

#9 Old-Skool


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Posted 19 March 2010 - 12:07 AM

really hate to say this, but nothing really jumped out at me. graphically, there was some great work, and with great earthy tones, but layoutwise... ...I'm just not feeling it. Sorry guys. icon_frown.gif

#10 Sheik



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Posted 19 March 2010 - 03:28 AM

QUOTE(Jupiter @ Mar 19 2010, 02:55 AM) View Post

What tileset is that?
It's a WIP-version of Evile's MZC-tileset with one ot two additions. Evile was so kind to give us a copy of the tileset for Spirit Track ZC; I must honestly say that his tileset is currently the one I like most. That'd be no wonder, since I never was too much of a fan of DoR to begin with (DoR just SCREAMS style-clash if used wrong icon_frown.gif), but Evile actually managed to make the tileset extremly Minish-Cap-ish, which just blows me away for I am sucker for the tMC-style. However, like the caption says, Mabe Village won't be a hidden village in STZC anymore, thus I thought I'll submit the map for MotM to get it running once again (eventhough I feel sort of bad posting a map made in Evile's unreleased tileset).

#11 Jupiter



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Posted 19 March 2010 - 09:51 AM

QUOTE(Sheik @ Mar 19 2010, 03:28 AM) View Post

It's a WIP-version of Evile's MZC-tileset with one ot two additions. Evile was so kind to give us a copy of the tileset for Spirit Track ZC; I must honestly say that his tileset is currently the one I like most. That'd be no wonder, since I never was too much of a fan of DoR to begin with (DoR just SCREAMS style-clash if used wrong icon_frown.gif), but Evile actually managed to make the tileset extremly Minish-Cap-ish, which just blows me away for I am sucker for the tMC-style. However, like the caption says, Mabe Village won't be a hidden village in STZC anymore, thus I thought I'll submit the map for MotM to get it running once again (eventhough I feel sort of bad posting a map made in Evile's unreleased tileset).

Well, I hope it get's released, I like it a lot. Evile, if you're out there, release that set soon! ...please.

#12 Titanium Justice

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Posted 20 March 2010 - 09:59 PM

I voted for Sheik. I really like the overall design of the map.

#13 octorok


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Posted 21 March 2010 - 06:40 AM

Sheik, holy crap.

#14 Mani Kanina

Mani Kanina


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Posted 21 March 2010 - 07:38 PM

Do you do this for all of your maps Sheik?

Compare this,
With this.

I'm not sure what you intended to do with this, but I prefer new content.

#15 Geoffrey


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Posted 21 March 2010 - 08:50 PM

QUOTE(green-kirby @ Mar 21 2010, 07:38 PM) View Post

Do you do this for all of your maps Sheik?

Compare this,
With this.

I'm not sure what you intended to do with this, but I prefer new content.

He meant to make it look the same as Mabe Village, if you didn't realize that.

EDIT: Yay, 502 posts...I am now 502/1000s of the way to getting my third HC, if I am correct.

Edited by Molten Onyx, 21 March 2010 - 09:08 PM.

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