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Gay marriage now legal in the US

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#31 Octorockoncrack


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 04:45 PM

Good to hear something that shouldn't have been a controversy at all is finally shaping up towards how it should be. Seriously, whatever happened to the church and the state being separate? None-the-less, Im sure there are already people trying to pick apart the new ruling to try and bring the controversy back to where it was.


I don't have my beer yet, but here's a toast to all the LGBT people out there and those that support them! I'm sure you're all celebrating in your own way

Edited by Octorockoncrack, 26 June 2015 - 04:46 PM.

#32 KingPridenia


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 07:30 PM

I am happy that gay marriage is finally fully legal. Congratulations to everyone in the LGBT community. I never had any objection to the matter. If that's how you're happy, more power to you.

#33 peteandwally



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Posted 26 June 2015 - 10:07 PM

I was a flower boy in a Gay marriage back in November. That was fun, and now everyone else can get that chance.

#34 Jared



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Posted 26 June 2015 - 10:18 PM

Doesn't really affect me much, as I'm living in Massachusetts, the first state to legalize it. Still glad to see I can get married wherever I choose to move to. :)

#35 Shane



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Posted 26 June 2015 - 10:29 PM

I am disappointed it took this long, but I'm glad it happened. I'm not from the United States or a homosexual, etc. myself, but I for one am still very glad. As others said, we've still got a long way to go. Laws sadly can't stop stupidity, hatred, bigotry, etc. against the LGBT community. But I believe we're going in the right direction for sure and the best we can do right now is just ignore the negativity and don't give it the time and thought. It's all ridiculous reasoning that doesn't touch reality.

Also to clarify, being an alcoholic is a choice as far as I am aware. Being gay isn't much of a choice as far as I am also aware. It's a shame we went there in here.
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#36 RocketGrunt


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 10:45 PM

Actually Shane there is a sort of ALCOHOLIC GENE although I do not much know about science. However I think it is PRETTY DUMB to try and draw COMPARISONS with being a homosexual with being an alcoholic. I do not understand how the two are related to each other.


I do not think that CHRISTIANS and other 'CONSERVATIVE' groups need to worry about being attacked and I think that is odd way of looking at this happening. Now I do hope that the MIDDLE EAST countries and other nations will end their OPPRESSION on homosexuals soon.

#37 Logos


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 10:50 PM

This is such wonderful news! Hurray for marriage equality and hurray for a step in the right direction!


Unfortunately, like others have mentioned, same-sex marriage being legal does not equal homosexuals being accepted. Oh well.

At least people have the law on their side now! :toast:


And to people worried about things like Beastiality and Polygamy being legalized:
Slippery-slope fallacy is fallacy :whap:

Edited by Logos, 26 June 2015 - 11:19 PM.

#38 Old-Skool


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Posted 26 June 2015 - 11:24 PM

Because of the rules, and I don't want to risk getting a warning, I'm not going to go hardcore Christian on you all. But I want to say that I personally believe all of it is wrong. I don't care if you all think I'm the most judgmental now, but God does say in the Bible that it is wrong. As a very strong believer, I go on his side. Though everyone is equal, this is wrong. I'm on the side of truth, and that is where I belong. Gay and lesbians should not be able to have the right because America has a Christian related start (Says it some where...I know it).

    This law was listed under a series of Levitican laws which also prohibited the wearing of cloth of mixed materials (mixed materials describing the clothes of most people who attend Sunday worship) and demanded that any woman who is divorced be beaten to death with rocks, or if raped sold to the rapist. The point behind these laws was to protect sacrifices of forgiveness in the old testament. without upholding them, any animal offered up would be worthless. 

    The crucifixion of Yeshua was the event which changed that. He himself kept pure to these Levitican laws and made himself the final perfect sacrifice for all from that point onward. Most people don't understand this part though, or the point behind the Levitican laws in the first place. Most of conservative right-wing America operates as if it needed to offer up its best livestock, actively rejecting the crucifixion. :/

Edited by King Aquamentus, 26 June 2015 - 11:27 PM.

#39 Russ


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 01:13 AM

And to people worried about things like Beastiality and Polygamy being legalized:
Slippery-slope fallacy is fallacy :whap:

Eh, polygamy I can honestly see happening. There's no real argument for homosexuality but against polygamy, other than polygamy being abusable for benefits and whatnot. Beastiality is a whole different beast though; the animal can't consent, so it's not on the same grounds as homosexuality or polygamy.
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#40 Fabbrizio



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Posted 27 June 2015 - 01:50 AM

This is very, very good news. I thought Scalia was going to keep the supreme court in the stone age for the rest of his appointment, but at the end of the day, one man can only do so much to hold back eight.

Edited by Fabbrizio, 27 June 2015 - 01:50 AM.

#41 Moonbread


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 09:05 AM

The reason people have a problem with polygamy is because in history, it's always been one guy owning a bunch of women.  But, I know people who are in polygamous relationships who do just fine, because it's built on the foundation of trust and equality, and we've kinda moved on from the barbaric idea that women are property (okay some people still believe this but you know, you can't fix everyone).  In their case, it's not one person owning a bunch of others, but a few people who all just really love each other.  I think a lot of people have a hard time believing that, especially when there's people out there who struggle with having just one partner, especially regarding jealousy and such.


Anyway, I'm actually starting to kinda wish marriage equality had waited until other things had passed in the country.  The LGBT movement here was largely started by trans people, and yet we get the short end of the stick, considering that most LGBT hate crimes are committed against trans women, and marriage doesn't fix that for us.  In most states, you can still be fired, dropped from your lease, etc. for being gay or trans, and well, when a country gets marriage equality, typically steam for LGBT rights goes way down.  In Canada, for example, LGBT organizations started only getting about 2% of the donations that they used to since marriage equality passed, which sucks because it doesn't end at marriage, despite what a lot of people think.  There's still so much more to do that wasn't affected by it passing.  I'm still happy for the people who can get married anywhere they go, it's just like... it's gonna suck if you go out and get married, and the next day, your employer fires you for it!  That's a problem.

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#42 Sheik



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Posted 27 June 2015 - 09:18 AM

There is no alcoholic gene. That is just misinterpretation of research. There might be a gene expression that is correlated with alcoholism, but this gene will also be related to other kinds of externalizing/impulsive patterns of behavior.

There is no gay gene either. And even though you are in all likelihood not 'born' gay it is not a choice of lifestyle either. Desire is a socially influenced variable, but it is beyond your conscious control. We do not know why we desire, that is part of the reason why we are so preoccupied with it and why we experience desire as such a puzzling thing.

(That being said I have no clue how alcoholism and homosexuality are related. Like, at all.)

Also, that Christian America whatever argument is factually wrong, as pointed out above.

Since I don't really find any much value in the institution of marriage I am sort of indifferent even. It's great for those who care about marriage, but the first thing that popped to my mind when I read the news was: biopolitics (Michel Foucault). The institution of marriage is a tool of control and assimlating the LGB community into the governing system is going to cut down their revoluationary potential and it might hurt their alliances with the Trans-community. Dialectically, there is no inculsion without exclusion, sadly.

We will have to see where this takes us.

Edited by Sheik, 27 June 2015 - 09:22 AM.

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#43 Astromeow



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Posted 27 June 2015 - 12:14 PM

It's a step forward to robosexual marriage

I have my views but I don't care. There are bigger social debates going on.

Take Donald Trump visits the white house VS. People of the USA, for example

Edited by Astromeow, 27 June 2015 - 12:15 PM.

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#44 Maleboocado


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Posted 13 July 2015 - 06:15 AM

I'm late for the party here.
It's "marriage equality", not "gay marriage". Everyone from a legal sex can marry anyone from the same sex, regardless of their internal gender or sexual orientation.

>and we've kinda moved on from the barbaric idea that women are property (okay some people still believe this but you know, you can't fix everyone)
No, we didn't, maybe we react against misogynistic comments, but our whole worldwide system is designed against women.

#45 Deedee


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Posted 08 October 2023 - 08:09 PM

No Scoot, don't! I felt ripples in the fabric of my heterosexual relationship at just the mention of your possible gay marriage. Please, you have the power to rip apart the very nature of relationships and marriage! Use this power responsibly!

Host, I'll take "comments that aged like wine" for 200!

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